Twice As Nice & Double the Fun: an offsite October PTR where “2” is the magic number

I was thinking today (yes I do that every once in a while and it doesn't hurt much) that it's so funny how every decade of your life is either an up or a down. Your twenties are all up. Life is one big party and you're too stupid to see it any other way. All good though as your twenties should be fun and care free. Then the thirties, very serious. You've gotten your act together and your life plans are in full, home, relationships all being built. The forties are more mellow. Things have been ticking along nicely for a while and you're enjoying life. Then the fifties....DRAMA. Big career issues, child issues and just issues, issues, issues.

It never rains but it pours.

I am so sincerely sorry to hear about the job concerns for your DH :(. There are few things more unsettling than employment uncertainty: we can totally appreciate all the worry and stress that accompanies it (Steve works for a manufacturing facility that supplies parts for the Big 3, and when the auto industry crisis hit in 2008, our future hung in the balance). We are saying lots of prayers for you that brighter and more secure things are ahead for your family. And of course, here's a hug from me too:


(for the record, as a non-touchy-feely person by nature, for the most part I much prefer the virtual internet hugs to the more physical ones.......I'm a bit of a hands-off kind of girl, you could say. But for you, I would make an exception :goodvibes)

A family trip to Cuba might be the best thing you could have done. With so many stresses on your shoulders, I'm guessing you are all well overdue for some uninterrupted, relaxing family time together. And with an all-inclusive, you won't need to worry about any unplanned extra expenses while you are there. Go, and have a GREAT time. You guys deserve that.

Oh.....and I love the Krispy Kreme Puff title :blush:. I've always wanted to be someone's cream puff :teeth:.

You can keep your chopped cheesecake. I would rather eat chopped liver. And as to the origin of that phrase:
Thanks for the cyber hug. Funny you should use that old photo of us. We hardly look like that anymore and I look dreadful in green. For the record I only hug live humans that I like.

You are now officially and forever my little KKP. :lovestruc You always wanted to be someone's cream puff and I always wanted to have a cream puff.

Cuba is's non refundable and I didn't buy the insurance. So unless there's blood, I'm going.

I'm going to email you because we are also an auto industry family. How did I not know that's what Steve did.

I'm sorry about your DH's work situation, dancin! My DH has had a really rough year work wise too. It's so hard sometimes! Sending many :hug:, :hug:, :hug: and prayers for you and your family. :grouphug:
You always feel like everything ONLY happens to you. It's nice to be able to vent a little to friends that understand. :thanks:


The chauffeur is strictly prohibited from hugging the passengers, but I will say a prayer for you and DH. Our organization is going through similar turmoil; but most of the pain won't hit until April - everyone here is on tenterhooks (my word of the day).

I was going to start a hug collection but now you've ruined that for me. However, I am glad that you actually read the memo about the new no touching policy. There is zero tolerance when it comes to the staff and inappropriate touching of the management.

I do enjoy the word tenterhooks and have used it but what the he$$ is a tenterhook anyway? The education value of this thread has been elevated to a new level. We've learned about many things including Hippos, space urine receptacles, Egyptian priests, chopped liver and now(hopefully) tenterhooks.
It never rains but it pours

I'm late in posting, but here's mine to add :hug: Maybe it's an epidemic, but DH's company is merging and worries all around on what could happen!

I agree about 50's and turmoil. Kids in college, aging parents, and trying to take care of and pay for it all! I'm 50- it's going to be a long decade! Need to plan a few more trips to chill out!::yes::
@dancin Disney style - hope things work out for your DH. We went through something similar 6 years ago. Things have definitely turned out for the better but it is nerve wracking going through it!
And please don't say 50's are turmoil! I am not quite there yet but I finally feel like I've got a semi, kinda, maybe grip on my life in my later 40's:rotfl2:
I cannot handle the drama and turmoil that were the 20's (nor the student always broke, then new parents always broke/no money situation) again!

Gina hope the December trip works out for you! IF we have any money leftover and IF we ever get the house remodel done I'd like to see Disneyland at Halloween or Christmas. Cheaper for us to go west than south too...
I was thinking today (yes I do that every once in a while and it doesn't hurt much) that it's so funny how every decade of your life is either an up or a down. Your twenties are all up. Life is one big party and you're too stupid to see it any other way. All good though as your twenties should be fun and care free. Then the thirties, very serious. You've gotten your act together and your life plans are in full, home, relationships all being built. The forties are more mellow. Things have been ticking along nicely for a while and you're enjoying life. Then the fifties....DRAMA. Big career issues, child issues and just issues, issues, issues.

How would you know at only 42?

And what happens in the 60's??? :scared1:

I do enjoy the word tenterhooks and have used it but what the he$$ is a tenterhook anyway? The education value of this thread has been elevated to a new level. We've learned about many things including Hippos, space urine receptacles, Egyptian priests, chopped liver and now(hopefully) tenterhooks.

From our friends at the Wicked Pedia:
Tenterhooks are hooks in a device called a tenter. Tenters were originally large wooden frames which were used as far back as the 14th century in the process of making woollen cloth. After a piece of cloth was woven, it still contained oil from the fleece and some dirt. A craftsman called a fuller (also called a tucker or walker) cleaned the woollen cloth in a fulling mill, and then had to dry it carefully or the woollen fabric would shrink. To prevent this shrinkage, the fuller would place the wet cloth on a tenter, and leave it to dry outdoors. The lengths of wet cloth were stretched on the tenter (from Latin tendere, meaning "to stretch") using tenterhooks (hooked nails driven through the wood) all around the perimeter of the frame to which the cloth's edges (selvedges) were fixed, so that as it dried the cloth would retain its shape and size.[1] In some manufacturing areas, entire tenter-fields, larger open spaces full of tenters, were once common.

By the mid-18th century, the phrase "on tenterhooks" came to mean being in a state of tension, uneasiness, anxiety, or suspense, i.e. figuratively stretched like the cloth on the tenter.
A bit long winded, but fascinating no?
You are like an Orlando commercial! If you stayed another week I bet you could find even more things to do! Two days at DC sound heavenly. When we went we did not do the dolphin swim, but we really did not feel like our day was lacking. It was so relaxing to just go from the Oasis, to the Lagoon, to the snacks, to.....ahhhhhh. Your pirate costumes are so awesome that wearing them twice would not be a bad thing!
I'm late in posting, but here's mine to add :hug: Maybe it's an epidemic, but DH's company is merging and worries all around on what could happen!

I agree about 50's and turmoil. Kids in college, aging parents, and trying to take care of and pay for it all! I'm 50- it's going to be a long decade! Need to plan a few more trips to chill out!::yes::
OK, the hug collection is back on.

Uggg, mergers and acquisitions this stuff stinks. Well, here's hoping that it all works out for us all.

@dancin Disney style - hope things work out for your DH. We went through something similar 6 years ago. Things have definitely turned out for the better but it is nerve wracking going through it!
And please don't say 50's are turmoil! I am not quite there yet but I finally feel like I've got a semi, kinda, maybe grip on my life in my later 40's:rotfl2:
I cannot handle the drama and turmoil that were the 20's (nor the student always broke, then new parents always broke/no money situation) again!

You know I hadn't really considered that somehow things could work out for the better. Thanks.

Just enjoy the rest of your mellow 40's.

How would you know at only 42?
And what happens in the 60's??? :scared1:

A bit long winded, but fascinating no?
42....:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: While not yet 50, I'm close and the hubs has passed the 50 mark so that's where I get the inside info. My prediction for the 60's is much smoother. Hence my up down theory.

Yes, most fascinating. I think that was somewhere back in the cobwebbed recesses of my brain. It sounded familiar. Todays' word is???
I'm going to email you because we are also an auto industry family. How did I not know that's what Steve did.

I'm not sure that I've ever specifically mentioned what kind of industry Steve worked in. He has been at this company 22+ years now and has seen A LOT of changes during that time. When he started there in the early 90's, the company was privately owned. It was eventually sold to Decoma and then purchased by Magna International. Each time there was a change of command we held our breath and prayed he would survive the transition. 2008-2009 was the worst two years of the entire two decades, though: I never, EVER want to live through that kind of economic uncertainty again. It was beyond horrible, particularly when Steve is by far the primary breadwinner for our family.

You always feel like everything ONLY happens to you. It's nice to be able to vent a little to friends that understand. :thanks:

I have to say, the people that post on my threads are simply the nicest, most considerate, friendliest and most entertaining posters on the Dis. I love that I can feel comfortable to come here and vent my frustrations, host a pity party, announce milestones and celebrations, or just crab about the weather if I feel I need to get some annoyances of my chest. No judgement, no condemnation, and no admonitions. Just hugs, support, and love. If I haven't told ya'll in a while, you really are the best :grouphug:.

The education value of this thread has been elevated to a new level. We've learned about many things including Hippos, space urine receptacles, Egyptian priests, chopped liver and now(hopefully) tenterhooks.

I do feel like I get a little smarter hanging around all you fascinating folks :teacher:. You're helping to fill that hollow hole left behind from my tumour all those years ago :rotfl:.

I'm late in posting, but here's mine to add :hug: Maybe it's an epidemic, but DH's company is merging and worries all around on what could happen!

I agree about 50's and turmoil. Kids in college, aging parents, and trying to take care of and pay for it all! I'm 50- it's going to be a long decade! Need to plan a few more trips to chill out!::yes::

Oh pattyw, I am sorry to hear about your concerns too :(. Sending some prayers your way that it all turns out well in the end. I do think its a sign of the times......if misery loves company, there sure are a lot of folks who certainly can seem to relate in some capacity. It just sucks all around.

I think the fact that we were young parents (I was 22 when Jake was born, Steve was 24) but we are hitting everyone else's 50's milestones in our 40's. Can that mean that by my 50's we are starting to plan for an early retirement in the south? :rolleyes:

@dancin Disney style - hope things work out for your DH. We went through something similar 6 years ago. Things have definitely turned out for the better but it is nerve wracking going through it!
And please don't say 50's are turmoil! I am not quite there yet but I finally feel like I've got a semi, kinda, maybe grip on my life in my later 40's:rotfl2:
I cannot handle the drama and turmoil that were the 20's (nor the student always broke, then new parents always broke/no money situation) again!

Gina hope the December trip works out for you! IF we have any money leftover and IF we ever get the house remodel done I'd like to see Disneyland at Halloween or Christmas. Cheaper for us to go west than south too...

I love your plans for Disneyland around one of the seasonal events! That's on my bucket list, too.....Disneyland and the other Cali theme parks (in any season other than summer). It's a long flight, though, and you know how much I enjoy flying :crazy2:. Someday I'll just have to resolve to put on my big girl panties, suck up the journey, and know that it will all be worth the discomfort when I step out into that famous California sun. Jetblue just started flying non-stop from BUF to LAX earlier this year, and they were offering flights for $99 each way as a promotion. I would have loved to have taken advantage of those prices because I'm guessing we'll never see anything like those rates ever again.

Loving the itinerary! It sounds like an awesome trip

Thank you! :goodvibes

SeaWorld must know I'm considering a December trip, too, because I got a passmember email this morning offering us 30% off Santa's Fireside Feast tickets as a Christmas in July promo :santa:. Oh, how I wish I had dates confirmed so I could have taken advantage of that offer!!

You are like an Orlando commercial! If you stayed another week I bet you could find even more things to do! Two days at DC sound heavenly. When we went we did not do the dolphin swim, but we really did not feel like our day was lacking. It was so relaxing to just go from the Oasis, to the Lagoon, to the snacks, to.....ahhhhhh. Your pirate costumes are so awesome that wearing them twice would not be a bad thing!

I swear I could stay a month and never run out of new and fun activities :goodvibes. I still want to go tubing in Rock Springs at Kelly Park someday, ride the swan boats at Lake Eola, see the manatees at Blue Springs State Park, visit Busch Gardens in Tampa, tour Bok Gardens.....oh, its still such a long to-do list!

Todays' word is???

Apparently, its "megillah":
So I bit the bullet today and reserved the Country Inn & Suites in Niagara Falls for the day we return home (October 28th). Steve and I were chatting about our October trip one night earlier this week, and he asked where I had decided to book us for the evening we fly back to Buffalo. I told him I hadn't arranged anything.....I had assumed he might want to forego that additional expense when an originally unplanned December trip was looking like it may materialize into more than just wishful thinking. He assured me that he absolutely DID want to stay the night in Niagara and drive home well-rested the following day, and indicated that I should get my buns in gear and set something up for that date. While I had mulled over the possibility of a Fallsview room in a swankier hotel, I thought the Country Inn & Suites was a good middle ground. It's very close to Clifton Hill so we can easily walk down to the Falls in the evening to catch the fireworks if we so desire. The price was right (under $100 before tax, and it includes a great breakfast) and we've had excellent stays there before (its super clean, great staff, a buffet breakfast is included, and there's an indoor pool and hot tub) so we're returning to no surprises....which means no stress. I had $45 in Visa points to use, so our king room with taxes and fees, less the Visa credit, ended up being $67.92.

I have also been somewhat successful in picking up some new clothes for the trip. Steve tends to buy a lot of clothing while he's in Orlando (he actually has better luck shopping stateside than in Canada, simply because the US offers a much, MUCH greater selection of big man sizes than we can get here at home) but I generally don't buy many clothes when we vacation. I don't really enjoy clothes shopping at the best of times: it brings out my insecurities and often makes me feel old, lumpy and frumpy :guilty:. So I try not to mar my enjoyment of the sunny south by trying on something I like and realizing it looks way better on the rack than it does on my body. It zaps my vacation fun.

I happened to drop into Mark's Work Warehouse on the weekend and was happily surprised with a few little gems that I found, though. (To the men who join us here on this thread, you may want to stop reading now before you have a TMI moment :rolleyes1).

I discovered the Butt-lifter Capri, and I think I'm IN LOVE :love:.

Now, I have no idea whether it actually lifts my butt to any noticeable degree (or if I'm beyond help in that regard :rolleyes2) but I *can* say that these pants FEEL GOOD. Really, really good ::yes:: ... apparently my butt must enjoy being lifted? :confused3 I have to say, I liked them enough that I ordered a second pair in a different colour (which they didn't have in my size in our local store) online this morning, along with a couple of other items (because it didn't seem right to pay a shipping charge for just one little thing......that's my rationale, anyway ;)). While at Mark's, I also found a couple of really light, feminine blouses that hide all my imperfections pretty well and go perfectly with my new butt-enhancing capris. Add those to the other items I have been picking up at random places along the way and I think I'm pretty set for pre-trip clothing, with the exception of the ceremonial new socks and undies that are mandatory purchases before each getaway. I haven't broke from that tradition in 10 trips and I don't plan to start now :rotfl:.

I also realized this morning that I have to start working on someone to look after our house while we are gone. My wonderful neighbour from across the street who has always kept tabs on our home moved a short time ago, so I need to see if another person might be willing to help out for that two-week period. Our next door neighbours to the south are both blind and he has been just recently diagnosed with ALS, so they are out for obvious reasons. Our other next-door neighbours leave for Winnpeg after Thanksgiving (to spend a few months with family there) so they are not an option either. There is a delightful single mom just across and a couple doors down from us that might be a possibility, so I think I will stop over and see her within the next few weeks to see if she's for hire. With no pets to worry about its basically just a quick drop in from time to time to ensure all is well, so hopefully she won't mind lending a hand while we're gone. Fingers crossed!
Please share the details!! If it can lift my butt while sucking in my mid section it would be a miracle capri!:rotfl2:

They hold EVERYTHING in place. I kid you not.

And....I forgot to mention, they are ON SALE right now! :cheer2: Regular price $44.99, on for $24.99. But I like them enough I'd pay full price without batting an eye.[color]=MEDIND

Oh, and one final gold star for these pants: I took a full size smaller in these than I do in other bottoms. So my butt felt lifted and so did my spirits :rotfl2:.

Here's one of the shirts I bought:[color]=IMPPUR

The fabric is light as air, the colour is gorgeous (I adore purple, though) and the ruffles cleverly disguise all the things that make me self-conscious. Paired with those capris, I feel like a Super Star! :teeth:
Only one pair? lol

You must have a huge underwear drawer buying new undies before every trip. ;) Or do you just throw them way when the trip is over?
I could have written parts of your post today Gina! Dh and ds and sometimes Dd like to shop when we are in Orlando. I do not, for the same reasons as you. It's not my favourite past time and I get all grumpy about it. Who wants to do that on vacation? Also.. I bought ALL my stuff from Mark's the last two times we went away. I love their stuff!! I don't have those particular capri's but I wish I did. :)
Ugh I have to shop for trip pants (well in my case shorts because it'll be reslly hot when we go). I tried buying some in my normal size online from where I bought work pants and I either get a pair that's too big or too small :rotfl: Womens pants sizes are just awful, why can't they just be the same everyone?

I'm glad you found a pair of pants though and that their comfy (and butt lifting)! I clothes shop so much for trips, that I don't buy clothes on trips either.
Ugh I have to shop for trip pants (well in my case shorts because it'll be reslly hot when we go). I tried buying some in my normal size online from where I bought work pants and I either get a pair that's too big or too small :rotfl: Womens pants sizes are just awful, why can't they just be the same everyone?

I'm glad you found a pair of pants though and that their comfy (and butt lifting)! I clothes shop so much for trips, that I don't buy clothes on trips either.
I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I can't buy any clothes online. I'm too particular, and like you said, it's never consistent. I always end up taking it back. It's even too hard to guess sizes for my dd19 or ds12 anymore, nevermind not being sure what they will like.
I'm not sure that I've ever specifically mentioned what kind of industry Steve worked in. He has been at this company 22+ years now and has seen A LOT of changes during that time. When he started there in the early 90's, the company was privately owned. It was eventually sold to Decoma and then purchased by Magna International. Each time there was a change of command we held our breath and prayed he would survive the transition. 2008-2009 was the worst two years of the entire two decades, though: I never, EVER want to live through that kind of economic uncertainty again. It was beyond horrible, particularly when Steve is by far the primary breadwinner for our family.
OMG.....I can soooooo relate to all that. I will send you that email but there has been a whole new drama today. I just need to a little mindless entertainment for the moment. I'm still trying to medicate the knot out of my stomach with candy.

I do feel like I get a little smarter hanging around all you fascinating folks :teacher:. You're helping to fill that hollow hole left behind from my tumour all those years ago :rotfl:

Apparently, its "megillah":

I'm pretty sure that hole is filled with Minions.

Very appropriate word choice for my day today.
Here's one of the shirts I bought:[color]=IMPPUR

The fabric is light as air, the colour is gorgeous (I adore purple, though) and the ruffles cleverly disguise all the things that make me self-conscious. Paired with those capris, I feel like a Super Star! :teeth:
So do you wear a tank under that top or not? I like it, it's cute. I just bought a burn out t-shirt but haven't worn it yet because I can't decide if it needs a tank or not.

Everyone....opinions pls.


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