Twice As Nice & Double the Fun: an offsite October PTR where “2” is the magic number

Yay for getting some fast passes. Keep looking, maybe at the 30 day mark, better ones will pop up.

I am in the teens now, and yet it seems close and far away at the same time.

Hehe, Violet is such a naughty cat. Told ya, a girl. Enough said. LOL

I agree, like Kolby is going to spend some of her vacation house hunting, I think scoping out neighborhoods is a great idea. Since most likely Steve will have a rental, check out commute times on a week day and weekend. Are stores and places you need near where you want to live? Quiet or not so quiet. Talk with workers there, I am sure some of them grew up local, and can tell you were is not so good, and more of the lay of the land. I have a unit of where I work in Detriot. I do not think I would like living there, as have done some travel there. If you would like some local from there, I can ask if they have any info I can share with ya.

Hugs. I always believe things work out for a reason. Enjoy the weekend! TGIF.
One other thing to get some advice on might be your government pension. Sure you don't really want to be thinking about retirement yet, but it would be good to know if a few years out of the Canadian workforce would impact on your CPP in the future. It's those things that you don't think of that might have impacts further down the road.

You know it doesn't look like much more than an average Toronto commute from Windsor to Plymouth. Maybe you could keep a foot on both sides? Of course wait times at the border might increase once The Donald builds the wall...
Wow, Gina! You guys have a lot to think about and process. Sending a :hug: and prayers your way as you guys make your decision. I'll add a little pixiedust: too. It can't hurt, right? ;)
In trip planning news.....I made our fastpasses for the first party night this morning. The pickin's were slim, but I got Haunted Mansion, Peter Pans Flight, and Jungle Cruise in that order. Better than nothing. Those pesky kitten walked all over my computer as I did so :headache: (how Violet manages to step on the power button EVERY SINGLE TIME is beyond me! :confused3) but eventually I got it done.
You did better than me and I had the 60 day advantage. I didn't do my research and didn't realize I should book the first fastpass for 3:30 to 4:30 to get three fastpasses on a party night. I grabbed a SDMT because it was important to ds, and then fiddled around with it for awhile. By the time I realized what I needed to do to book three, I couldn't get a SDMT if I moved it around. We missed it completely on our May trip as we couldn't get 30 day fastpasses and it was down for over an hour on the day we did rope drop and we got out of line after awhile. So it was pretty important to get it for ds. It just means we only have two fastpasses.

I'm getting a little concerned about how busy our party will be. October 31st just sold out, so I'm guessing our party on October 30th will be next. I know I just need a good plan, but I hate planning down to the minute. We will focus on entertainment and magic shots and trick or treating I think. I might as well make a party plan tonight since I am out of bed and wide awake for some reason. :headache:
Bankr63 has some interesting points. It looks like its about 45 mins from Windsor to Plymouth.

Also, don't lose sleep over the thought of driving through Toronto. You'll be fine. Pick a lane that you can just sit in the entire way through. It might take you a bit longer than those who constantly switch lanes 'to get ahead!', but it will be less stressful and with any luck before you know it you'll be past the big city!
Just a funny for ya on this rainy day. 2 weeks to go........
Well, when the cats away the mice will play. Seems fitting for more than one reason.
Sheesh, I go away to do a little work and you all add, IDK, maybe 6 or 8 pages. I guess that means I should sell my business and hang out here all day, every day. Actually, that would be preferred to the chaos that is my life. LOL.

Hmm, so G might be moving south of the border???? Well, I love cross border shopping so count me in. I will happily drive you through TO if needed. If you're moving I better hurry up and make that road trip for chocolate and donuts.
Yay for getting some fast passes. Keep looking, maybe at the 30 day mark, better ones will pop up.

I am in the teens now, and yet it seems close and far away at the same time.

Hehe, Violet is such a naughty cat. Told ya, a girl. Enough said. LOL

I agree, like Kolby is going to spend some of her vacation house hunting, I think scoping out neighborhoods is a great idea. Since most likely Steve will have a rental, check out commute times on a week day and weekend. Are stores and places you need near where you want to live? Quiet or not so quiet. Talk with workers there, I am sure some of them grew up local, and can tell you were is not so good, and more of the lay of the land. I have a unit of where I work in Detriot. I do not think I would like living there, as have done some travel there. If you would like some local from there, I can ask if they have any info I can share with ya.

Hugs. I always believe things work out for a reason. Enjoy the weekend! TGIF.

I have a tentative trip planned to visit Plymouth over the first few days of October. I booked off the Monday and Tuesday and am hoping to drive up with Steve on the Sunday (we can leave first thing in the morning) and then take the train home a few days later. Not a lot of time, unfortunately, but there are kittens to be cared for and my job here at home. I am already putting them in a bind with a 2.5 week vacation (the perils of being the only admin staff) so this is just adding insult to injury on an already difficult month. LOL, its a good thing they love me :teeth:.

We're officially at 23 days today. With so much going on, I'm not even sure I'm really "excited" anymore. Just weary.

One other thing to get some advice on might be your government pension. Sure you don't really want to be thinking about retirement yet, but it would be good to know if a few years out of the Canadian workforce would impact on your CPP in the future. It's those things that you don't think of that might have impacts further down the road.

You know it doesn't look like much more than an average Toronto commute from Windsor to Plymouth. Maybe you could keep a foot on both sides? Of course wait times at the border might increase once The Donald builds the wall...

I think that commute would be a killer in the wintertime. I despise my 4 km drive from home to the office....40 minutes would do me in :crazy2:.

Wow, Gina! You guys have a lot to think about and process. Sending a :hug: and prayers your way as you guys make your decision. I'll add a little pixiedust: too. It can't hurt, right? ;)

Thank you, my friend :goodvibes. I'm never one to turn down prayers or pixie dust!

You did better than me and I had the 60 day advantage. I didn't do my research and didn't realize I should book the first fastpass for 3:30 to 4:30 to get three fastpasses on a party night. I grabbed a SDMT because it was important to ds, and then fiddled around with it for awhile. By the time I realized what I needed to do to book three, I couldn't get a SDMT if I moved it around. We missed it completely on our May trip as we couldn't get 30 day fastpasses and it was down for over an hour on the day we did rope drop and we got out of line after awhile. So it was pretty important to get it for ds. It just means we only have two fastpasses.

I'm getting a little concerned about how busy our party will be. October 31st just sold out, so I'm guessing our party on October 30th will be next. I know I just need a good plan, but I hate planning down to the minute. We will focus on entertainment and magic shots and trick or treating I think. I might as well make a party plan tonight since I am out of bed and wide awake for some reason. :headache:

Honestly, even on a sold out party, you should still have a great time.....especially when your DS is old enough to be able to stay all the way to the end. We found that last hour of the party was especially golden, especially for rides (Splash Mountain, Big Thunder, Pirates....all a walk-on).

I'm still a little bummed that BTMRR will be closed for refurb for the Halloween parties :sad1:. I love that ride, and it was especially fun after dark.

Bankr63 has some interesting points. It looks like its about 45 mins from Windsor to Plymouth.

Also, don't lose sleep over the thought of driving through Toronto. You'll be fine. Pick a lane that you can just sit in the entire way through. It might take you a bit longer than those who constantly switch lanes 'to get ahead!', but it will be less stressful and with any luck before you know it you'll be past the big city!

You give some great advice. I know the thought of it is probably worse than actually DOING it, but it still strikes a chord of fear in my heart. My small-town-girl-ness is showing :o.

Just a funny for ya on this rainy day. 2 weeks to go........

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I love it!

Well, when the cats away the mice will play. Seems fitting for more than one reason.
Sheesh, I go away to do a little work and you all add, IDK, maybe 6 or 8 pages. I guess that means I should sell my business and hang out here all day, every day. Actually, that would be preferred to the chaos that is my life. LOL.

Hmm, so G might be moving south of the border???? Well, I love cross border shopping so count me in. I will happily drive you through TO if needed. If you're moving I better hurry up and make that road trip for chocolate and donuts.

Okay, I'm sorely tempted to take you up on that offer, just for the entertainment value alone. I'll provide all the Dooher's donuts and World's Finest Chocolate you can eat just to enjoy your company in the car for a few hours. Seriously :teeth:.

I have been rather worried about you this last little while.....I have been grateful to have you as a Facebook friend so I least know you're still alive when I don't see you here. I hope the chaos you are experiencing is of the positive variety. I was hoping that once you returned from the sunny south, life would slip back into a more comfortable (and less stressful) existence for you all.

As for cross border shopping....we would be only about a half hour from the Tanger Outlets in Howell. I am smelling a Dismeet brewing!
We're officially at 23 days today. With so much going on, I'm not even sure I'm really "excited" anymore. Just weary.

Hang in there friend. Major life decisions will be made when it is the right time. If the move is the right thing to do, you'll know it. And once the two of you are in your rental vehicle and the blazing Florida sun is hitting your face, you'll get excited again.
Ah Gina, I know there is a lot on your mind right now, but time will pass, decisions will get easier, and well, lady, you will be on vacation before ya sneeze. And, what an awesome time the two of you will have to relax and recharge in the Florida sun. It is okay to not be as excited now, but when you have the car heading over the border to hitch a ride on an airplane, excitement will be warranted. Hugs.
Hang in there friend. Major life decisions will be made when it is the right time. If the move is the right thing to do, you'll know it. And once the two of you are in your rental vehicle and the blazing Florida sun is hitting your face, you'll get excited again.

I think its particularly hard because we usually spend the last month before we leave talking endlessly together about all the fun things we want to do on our trip. This time, he's 7 hours away and our nightly chats are filled with serious life discussions instead of happy pre-vacation chatter. It's like the air has been let out of the excitement balloon. But you're right, I'm sure once we're heading down the highway en route to the Buffalo airport, we'll find that excitement together again. It's so close.....tomorrow is our 3-week mark....but in many ways, it still feels far off.

Ah Gina, I know there is a lot on your mind right now, but time will pass, decisions will get easier, and well, lady, you will be on vacation before ya sneeze. And, what an awesome time the two of you will have to relax and recharge in the Florida sun. It is okay to not be as excited now, but when you have the car heading over the border to hitch a ride on an airplane, excitement will be warranted. Hugs.

I can't thank you guys enough for being so kind and so supportive. Your posts really lift me up when I'm feeling discouraged (which is a lot these days.....this living apart is for the birds). I guess it doesn't help that I'm generally an immediate gratification kind of gal :rolleyes: .... I'm not so good at waiting, and there's a lot of patience required while everything sorts itself out. Patience is a virtue I haven't yet quite perfected :rolleyes1.
Hi Gina, Just caught up on your thread. Wow, lots of big decisions to make! Exciting stuff and I'm sure very stressful too in its own way. Sorry it's putting a drag on your trip chats with Steve, but I'm sure all of the excitement will bounce back. Congrats on the new kitties, I'm sure they are good company.
I think its particularly hard because we usually spend the last month before we leave talking endlessly together about all the fun things we want to do on our trip. This time, he's 7 hours away and our nightly chats are filled with serious life discussions instead of happy pre-vacation chatter. It's like the air has been let out of the excitement balloon. But you're right, I'm sure once we're heading down the highway en route to the Buffalo airport, we'll find that excitement together again. It's so close.....tomorrow is our 3-week mark....but in many ways, it still feels far off.

How about setting aside 15 min at the end of each nightly conversation to talk about just the trip? That way you can end on a high note before bed? My husband used to travel for a different job, and we would have many nightly chats, too! It's a drag.
Hi Gina, Just caught up on your thread. Wow, lots of big decisions to make! Exciting stuff and I'm sure very stressful too in its own way. Sorry it's putting a drag on your trip chats with Steve, but I'm sure all of the excitement will bounce back. Congrats on the new kitties, I'm sure they are good company.

Thanks, my friend! Oddly enough, you have been on my mind a lot over the last several days. I was wondering how you were doing so it truly made my day that you dropped in here to say hello. Not to pick a scab of an old wound, but have you maybe been able to reschedule your trip yet?

How about setting aside 15 min at the end of each nightly conversation to talk about just the trip? That way you can end on a high note before bed? My husband used to travel for a different job, and we would have many nightly chats, too! It's a drag.

That sounds like a marvelous idea......unfortunately for us, he's been putting in some ridiculously long days this week and we haven't even managed a 15 minute talk on any evening since last week. Most of our chats are quite late and painfully brief (and often interrupted by a call on his work phone), which has admittedly put me in a foul mood. And he'll only be home for 36 hours this weekend, at most :sad2:. We are officially at 20 days until departure, which sounds close but seems eons away in my heart.
Confession time: I have become a terrible trip reporter, and I know it.


I can give you a whole laundry list of excuses (tops of which is that my mind has gone to mush, partly from the ever-constant swirl of thoughts and worries that whirl around my brain like a cranial hurricane) but the truth is, my biggest issue is the funk into which I have slipped.

I hate being away from Steve for days on end. I hate it, hate it, HATE IT. The kittens, God bless their little hearts, are the most lovable company but they are no replacement for my best friend.

I hate the unknowns that hang in the air right now. I despise the indecision, the what-if's, the inability to plan and the stresses it causes to the people I care about most. I am second guessing every decision and feeling obliged to justify every choice we make (boy, do some people ever feel entitled to share their opinions!!).

Probably worst of all is that I'm disappointed in myself as a person: I would have liked to have thought I was strong enough and resilient enough to handle it all with a brave face. Turns out I am weaker and more emotional than I ever gave myself credit for, and that makes me sad. I wanted to believe my carefully structured and predictable life was an unsinkable ship and now feel more like a dinghy in a thunderstorm. I find myself mind-weary more often than not.

That said.....we trundle onward toward this trip. In my discouraged moments I think we should just cancel the darn thing, take the financial hit on the non-refundable aspects that we've already pre-purchased and use the time to figure out the answers to all the big questions that are staring us in the face. At other points, I am thanking God that we have that oasis of togetherness on the horizon to cling to. Let me tell you, I have become a master of indecision these last two weeks.

Today we are at the 30-day point for the second Halloween party, so I made our FP+ selections once I arrived at work and had ingested a few mouthfuls of my morning double-double (necessary for the clear thinking required when using MDE). We have our Crystal Palace reservation at 4:45 pm on that second party day, so I only made two FP selections for that evening: Buzz Lightyear before dinner and Meeting Mickey at Town Square afterward. Hopefully our timing (both arriving and getting seated for our ADR) works as it should and we don't end up missing one of those Fastpass opportunities. While I was at it, I was also able to modify our FP's slightly for the first party, swapping out Peter Pan's Flight (which was definitely not a priority) for Pirates of the Caribbean (which was not available when I booked our first party FP's a week ago). So now our Fastpasses look like this:

Party 1: Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Cruise
Party 2: Buzz Lightyear & Mickey at Town Square

While I would have of course preferred 7DMT to be in that mix, I'm happy with those. We missed meeting Mickey completely at last year's two parties, so it was important for us to know that we will have that chance with a FP this time around.

On a personal note, those rascally kittens continue to both keep me busy and make me smile. I know a few of you get to see my (way-too-frequent) photo updates of their cuteness on Facebook, but for those who don't, here are a few recent shots of them:

Miss Violet, striking a ladylike pose


Mr. Dash, in his favourite sleeping spot:


And the two of them together, enjoying the comfort and companionship of a satisfying snooze. That's Dash on the bottom, and little Violet draped over top:


I took them to the veterinarian for their shots on Wednesday afternoon, and Violet weighed in at 4.1 pounds while Dash tipped the scale at 5.1 pounds. That's pretty big considering they were only 3 months old on the 8th of September. The poor babies will be spayed and neutered on November 15th, two weeks after we return from our October trip and one month before we leave on our December adventures.

So, we trundle onward as the days slowly get x'd off the calendar. Next week, at the official "two weeks go go" mark, I will start getting busier (sending in our villa special requests, confirming details for the kittens' care, etc.) which should make those last days pass a little more quickly.

I will try to be a little more diligent on updates over the next 20 days. Know how much I appreciate you all sticking with me, even when I have those kinds of days where I can't find enough inspiration to compose a long-overdue entry.

@dancin Disney style may have to restart her daily posts of strange and unusual facts. In fact, I think I'll kick us off with one:

In Colorado, state laws stipulate that any pet cat who is loose outside must have a tail-light .
Sweet kitties! Love Dash's sleeping spot! Tried to capture my bedraggled molting chicken in a photo so you could have good laugh but she is a bit skittish right now. Poor girl looks like someone tried to pluck her neck but missed and gave her a mullet hair (feather?) cut. They are getting extra treats (protein) right now as growing feathers is a serious business. At least it is still warm this year during molting-thought I was gonna have to get a chicken sweater for her last year.

Gina-I love your updates -but this should be fun for you not a source of dread/pressure. It takes more strength to want to consider all aspects/impacts of such a big decision vs just going with what only you want & discounting the impact the decision will have on others. It is really OK to be upset/stressed about all that is going on. When you are able to make that trip to see the potential new job area in person things may be clearer then too.

I forgot to mention we usually fly Allegiant to Florida (and Las vegas :D)-they do have extra legroom seats, but they fly into Sanford-~1 hour away from Orlando. Personally I don't mind as we always rent a car anyway, and the Sanford airport is soooo much easier to navigate!

:hug: this weekend/upcoming week with pending decisions
Having the blues is always okay. Missing someone you love is always hard. While you may not feel like getting away right now, it will be better once you are on vacation. In fact, I think you need vacation to clear your head, think happy thoughts, and relax. Stress does no good to a body.

With that, no excuse or sorry is necessary. Your posts are always informative, fun, and well, cute too. HeHe, maybe those fur babies will be as big as my long gone now, Smokie. He was a cinder gray tiger striped boy, that was 26 pounds. Was such a lover too. Bad thing, he got to be real heavy when he sat on you too long. I actually like big cats. I don't remember how much my cousin's main coon weighed. I'll have to ask her one of these days. He was a big boy though. Very pretty, and had longer hair than Violet and Dash.

So, a funny for this Friday:

I'm sorry you're missing Steve so badly. My husband has traveled for work about 60 nights a year (across 25 trips a year, so about two weeks a month get wrecked) He's had to do this since we've been married (so about 15 years). From my perspective, it has never gotten better. Sorry, probably not what you wanted to hear right now! It makes sense to me though, people get married to BE together, so we should pine for each other when we are apart. I do wish I was better at controlling the blues too, but now I just accept them. Things have gotten better now that the kids are older. Anyway, I have no advice but I wouldn't be too hard on yourself for feeling sad. :hug:

We have maybe possibly sort-of set a date in January to make it down to Orlando (and use up those Disney tickets). But I'm not getting my hopes up until I am on the darn plane. Especially during cold and flu season! I guess I don't want to jinx anything lol
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Don't worry about a PTR and try not to worry about the little things. You guys had a huge change and potential change thrown at you and if I'm remembering and reading right it was unexpected. I know you were as used to the occasional time Steve had to work in MI as you could be but this is quite the life change and then to throw in a possible promotion and move. And for this to most likely be the only way for him to move up without changing companies. You are both allowed to feel what you feel and react how you react.

You know what they say about opinions and everyone having them, but I know it can get annoying. It's also why I process things and talk with maybe 1 or 2 people while I'm making the decision and then I tell people. Then I deal with the, but don't leave we'll miss you blah blah, but I know the decision I've made is the best for me. To put my two cents in ;) there's really only 2-4 people that should have any opinion on this, you and Steve obviously and Jake and your mom. I know there are other family members you see and visit but that's your core 4 and the only one's that need to be taken into account. Oh and Dash and Violet of course, but they can easily adapt.

I also think that's the great thing about you being comfortable sharing things here is since it's not Florida no one is telling you to pack your bags and go running but have brought up information, things to consider and support.

I enjoy the group on your reports because you kind of get to know everyone a little which is so different from everywhere else on the boards. I recognize names in threads I read a lot but I don't know anything other than they go to disney really. Thank you all for that.

To end, I think I'm under 40 days or close to it. I haven't looked. And I'm supposed to run 11 miles tomorrow morning if my left foot/ankle muscles cooperate. I'm ready to stop running so far and for my trip. This will definitely be one and done for a half marathon anywhere, 10k is much easier.
Hugs to you Gina. My husband is away overnight almost two weeks every month and I am home with our DD 5 and a herd of cows and my own career and volunteering activities. . I think we are getting better at dealing with it over the past year. some days it feels totally insane. Right now we are in the process of building a house and getting ready to tear down a house so our weekend time together is even somewhat limited. I think you need to really look forward to your trip. Two uninterrupted weeks together sounds wonderful and I can only imagine what it will be like to recharge like that. You deserve it so keep repeating that!

I am sure you guys will be able to make the decision that works best for you.

Have the kitties bothered the minions at all?

Again hugs, I know we did some major soul searching when my DH got offered this job. While we didn't have to move, it required some other major changes in our life, but even in the rough days, it is worth it for our family.


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