TUT TUT...It Looks Like RAIN! A Nikki and Tom August Adventure! BABY PIC pg. 23!!! :)

oh no ,that sucks about the weather,I am excited to see your pics from Le Cellier though I'm going there for the first time very soon

Yeah that was only storm one of many many rainy times. :(

Le Cellier pics coming up soon! Maybe tonight!

haha, I have a picture of that storm coming too!!! We hid in Norway and rode Maelstrom while it passed.

So funny! We were so close to each other again!

Looks like it was a great morning in Epcot so far :goodvibes

I didn't manage to have a margerita in Epcot this trip :confused: - so it's on my 'to do list' for October!

Btw I tried to buy those silver Minnie ears while we were there, and they don't make them anymore! So I bought the black/red sequined ones instead :goodvibes

Looking forward to reading more,

Emma x

How could you NOT get a margarita?! The trip doesn't start until the first margarita is in my hand!

I actually did see the silver ears but they are ALL different from the ones I got. They used to be flat and the headband was thin and the bow was just lace. Now the ears are poofy, the bow is different and the headband is much thicker. They are not nearly as nice as the older ones!


LOL! This picture cracks me up!
And those storm clouds are cool! My DH & I are always taking pictures of clouds and storms - it makes our DD crazy.

Your EPCOT morning reminded me of our EPCOT routine...we get Soarin' FPs...get in the standby line for Soarin'.....eat breakfast at Sunshine Seasons...run and grab FPs for Test Track and then use our Soarin' FPs...and so on and so on! :thumbsup2

Thanks for writing another trip report - they are always so much fun to read. And I am super excited 'cause we just booked a trip for F&WF this year! It was totally unexpected.....I've never planned a trip so close to the actual trip before!

I have an even better storm picture later in the trip. I think that is everyone's routine for Epcot! Or at least those of us "in the know!" ;)

Glad you are enjoying the TR. How cool about going for Food and Wine!! Love that time of year! :thumbsup2
Yay Epcot! :cool1:

Haha, that croissant does look like it's flipping you off! :rotfl2: The Land pavilion is so pretty!

Aww Disney ducklings! They seriously do have the best life! :thumbsup2 I want to come back as one in my next life too!

Yay, margaritas! I'm glad your throat wasn't bothering you! I always forget about that pomegranate shot you can put in those margaritas at the stand, that looks sooo good! I just always go to La Cava, but I really need to try one of the ones from the stand, those rainbow 'ritas are so pretty!
Yay Epcot! :cool1:

Haha, that croissant does look like it's flipping you off! :rotfl2: The Land pavilion is so pretty!

Aww Disney ducklings! They seriously do have the best life! :thumbsup2 I want to come back as one in my next life too!

Yay, margaritas! I'm glad your throat wasn't bothering you! I always forget about that pomegranate shot you can put in those margaritas at the stand, that looks sooo good! I just always go to La Cava, but I really need to try one of the ones from the stand, those rainbow 'ritas are so pretty!

No, you have to get the ones from this magical stand!
Day 2 - Friday August 17

It was still lightly raining but we had an ADR at Le Cellier to get to! There was a bit of a wait, even though we had a reservation but pretty soon, we were seated.


To drink, I ordered a beer flight. Two were fairly light and one was dark. Normally, I prefer light but once I've already had a few, I'm into the dark. So I always drink them from light to dark.


Tom ordered a full glass of the dark beer.

He really liked it and we actually ended up ordering another and splitting it. We kept saying it tasted like Christmas. We had the waitress write down the name for us so hopefully we can get it somewhere around here.

Anyway, Bri ordered a smoothie.


We munched on our bread while we waited for our food!


It was only about a year ago that I first tried the broccoli and cheddar soup from Panera and I must have had it a hundred times since! It's just so good. So now that I know I enjoy cheese soup, I couldn't wait to try the FAMOUS cheese soup from Le Cellier.


Well...it was quite a disappointment. It was really just blah. And very heavy on the bacon flavor.

For my entree, I ordered the filet.

Wild Mushroom Filet Mignon - Le Cellier signature dish served with wild mushroom risotto and white truffle butter sauce $27.99


Well obviously that picture isn't exactly what's in the description. All it took was a simple, "Can I have it without the mushrooms and instead of the risotto, can I have the cream cheese mashed potatoes?" And it was done!

Oh. My. GOSH! That filet was sooooo good and the mashed potatoes are unbelievable!!

Tom got a pork chop.

Grilled Pork Chop - baked cheddar cheese pasta, tomato chutney and boubon-chipotle glaze $23.99


Here is a pic with his fork to see how thick it was.


It came with this cheese pasta that was amazing!!

And Bri got the burger.

Le Cellier House Burger - roasted mushrooms, smoked bacon, maple barbecue, Black Diamond Cheddar, and crispy onions, and french fries $14.99


She said it was the best burger she ever had in her life.

And she ended her meal with a little creme brulee.


So all in all, pretty amazing meal! We left very satisfied and happy.

We left Canada and headed counter-clockwise to the countries we didn't get to see previously.

Passing Off Kilter on the way....


Tom stopped to get a Grey Goose Slushie and we watched the show going on for a few minutes.





They had signs up advertising the Food and Wine Festival. There were even some walls up that, I assumed, they were building some stands to get ready.


Then Morocco.




Day 2 - Friday August 17

Naturally, Japan was next. Brianne was really excited about this pavilion so as soon as we walked in the store, she was off!

At this point, I was feeling the drinks and imagine my surprise, when there was hardly anyone around the pick-a-pearl. I never, ever had a desire to do it but there were a few factors that came into play. Like I said, no line combined with alcohol combined with the fact that I do like to gamble and I just knew I could pick a big one! So before I could think twice, I was over to the counter, handing over 20-something dollars and was handed a Number 2 ticket.

My number was called in just a minute or two and I was ready.

"I'll take.....that one."


Now obviously, my strategic thinking was not top notch at this moment and I know I had read on the Disboards about which ones give the best pearls but the only thing I could remember was uglier/dirtier equals better.






They measured it and it was 7cm. (The ONLY reason I remember that is because they wrote it on the bag they put it in!)


They beat the drum for me but I didn't think 7 was great. I would've liked bigger. And now I have a loose pearl that I have nothing to do with. Tom said I should do it every time we go and then in a few years, I can make a necklace. :lmao:


Then came the next "Where in the World am I?" picture and it was guessed very quickly!


After Japan came one of my favorite pavilions - America! I really wanted to see the show and it was starting in just a few minutes. So I grabbed Bri and we went in.


Meanwhile, Tom sat this one out and continued drinking. He got the Red Stagg Lemonade from AA.


Sitting in a theater for 25 minutes might not have been the best idea after all those drinks. I wasn't feeling so great so when we passed Italy, I opted for a coffee.


As we passed Germany, we saw a photopass photographer that we chatted up a lot in October. My sister-in-law saw her when they went again in December so I had to take her pic to send to her to show she was still there!


We stopped in Mexico again for a spin on the Gran Fiesta Tour. After that, a quick stop in MouseGear and then we headed out. We were all pretty tired.

We were back at CBR by 8pm. I thought, great - I tired myself out today and I'm going to fall asleep with no problem. Well Tom and Bri were asleep by like 9:30 and there I am, heart pounding, unable to fall asleep. I was cursing the cup of coffee, even though I knew that wasn't it. I often drink coffee before bed and never have a problem.

When I'm still awake at 10:30 I decide it's time to bust out the Xanax. When my doctor prescribed it to me, I made sure to ask him a ton of question. Is it okay if I'd been drinking that day? Will I be able to wake up without a problem in the morning? Etc, etc. He assured me all was fine and to start with a half. So I bit off half a xanax and went back to bed. I googled how long it takes to kick in and most people said 15 mins. So at 11 (1/2 hour later) when I'm still wide awake, I get up and take the other half.

Eventually I did fall asleep so I GUESS it worked. Maybe it was just to ease my mind. I still woke up without the alarm at like 7am so I was happy it had no effect on me the next morning.

So that was Day 2!
You should get one of those pearl cages off ebay...they are really cheap. 7 is big btw. Many got in the 6 range when Claire and I were there.
After reading your report of day 2 I can't wait to drink around the world, or attempt to at least, in November when we go without the kids. Reading all your FB posts were so much fun. I liked the play be play.

Sorry you had trouble sleeping that night. I hate that feeling. It just makes you feel like you are never going to fall asleep. I got that way before the first day of school this year. I knew everything would be fine, but it still made me so anxious.

Love the picture of Tom in front of the storm clouds. :thumbsup2
Is that drink in your hand on the downtown disney day 1 update a Mango Margarita? That looks sooo delectable! I want to order that at the Art of Animation Bar!

We are traveling with 3 for the first time ever this November!! The first time I have ever bought a friend with me, I am worried about the picture taking too. I like to take a lot of pictures and now I have a DSLR so I want to take even more so I will feel bad when I keep stopping. Oh well, I gotta have my pics!

Was the riding situation bad at all? With three people someone will really always have to sit alone. Did you alternate?
I'm afraid I will be feeling the buzz with being there for the F&W festival! Hopefully having some food with the drinks will help! I'm kinda a lightweight when it comes to drinking!

I love the pics you guys take. You all are such characters! And I mean that in a good way!

Your Le Cellier review DID not help me in any way to decide where to have dinner on our Epcot night. I am still torn between there and Via Nappoli...
Sorry about the whole room mishap! I can't help thinking how lucky those people in that room were that it was you who got that room key and not someone else who might have taken advantage of the situation! :eek:

Sorry to hear your burgers weren't good :worried: they look delicious and I was thrilled to bits to see white buns! :banana:

Can't wait to get back to Le Cellier! Maybe the soup was a little off that day? I love that stuff but can't stand the barf they sell outside for the F & W festival! :crazy2:

The filet is tops on our list and I like it just like you do... No mushrooms and potatoes instead! I've always wanted to try that burger though :rolleyes2

Glad you finally got some sleep! ::yes::
You should get one of those pearl cages off ebay...they are really cheap. 7 is big btw. Many got in the 6 range when Claire and I were there.

Oh yeah? I'll have to look into that. Good to know it was actually a big on. :)

After reading your report of day 2 I can't wait to drink around the world, or attempt to at least, in November when we go without the kids. Reading all your FB posts were so much fun. I liked the play be play.

Sorry you had trouble sleeping that night. I hate that feeling. It just makes you feel like you are never going to fall asleep. I got that way before the first day of school this year. I knew everything would be fine, but it still made me so anxious.

Love the picture of Tom in front of the storm clouds. :thumbsup2

Yes you have to! It's so much fun. We don't technically do the "one drink in every country" thing. We just drink casually around the world! We did see a few groups of people with tshirts or cards hanging around their necks where they were checking off every country. It was pretty cool!

Ugh, I just KNOW I'm going to have that problem the night before first day of school this year too.

Is that drink in your hand on the downtown disney day 1 update a Mango Margarita? That looks sooo delectable! I want to order that at the Art of Animation Bar!

We are traveling with 3 for the first time ever this November!! The first time I have ever bought a friend with me, I am worried about the picture taking too. I like to take a lot of pictures and now I have a DSLR so I want to take even more so I will feel bad when I keep stopping. Oh well, I gotta have my pics!

Was the riding situation bad at all? With three people someone will really always have to sit alone. Did you alternate?

That was at the CBR pool bar and yes, mango margarita. That is also the kind of margaritas I get in Epcot. Soooo good!!!

The picture taking thing is weird so you just have to do it! Just start snapping away.

The riding situation was totally fine. We all took turns going solo when necessary.

I'm afraid I will be feeling the buzz with being there for the F&W festival! Hopefully having some food with the drinks will help! I'm kinda a lightweight when it comes to drinking!

I love the pics you guys take. You all are such characters! And I mean that in a good way!

Your Le Cellier review DID not help me in any way to decide where to have dinner on our Epcot night. I am still torn between there and Via Nappoli...

Sorry about the whole room mishap! I can't help thinking how lucky those people in that room were that it was you who got that room key and not someone else who might have taken advantage of the situation! :eek:

Sorry to hear your burgers weren't good :worried: they look delicious and I was thrilled to bits to see white buns! :banana:

Can't wait to get back to Le Cellier! Maybe the soup was a little off that day? I love that stuff but can't stand the barf they sell outside for the F & W festival! :crazy2:

The filet is tops on our list and I like it just like you do... No mushrooms and potatoes instead! I've always wanted to try that burger though :rolleyes2

Glad you finally got some sleep! ::yes::
Now I have Listen to the Land STUCK IN MY HEAD. Awesome.

I tried the cheddar cheese soup at Le Cellier and it was good but too much bacon for me too.

I’ve done pick a pearl twice, let’s just say because the first time I lost my pearl, but that’s another story. So I just did it again on my past trip and I got an 8 and ¼! It wouldn’t fit into the ring I wanted because it was so big.
Nikki, I've always wanted to do the Pick-a-Pearl thing! I may have to drink more next time we go to Epcot!!!:rotfl2:
Lovely day in Epcot.. I don't think I could ever spend enough time in World Showcase! :goodvibes

I got one of the pearls in Japan last year, and this trip all the other ladies in the family got them too... I bought the necklaces with pearl cages from ebay seller "kzgc08" - they are really reasonable, only a few dollars :thumbsup2 It was interesting to see four pick-a-pearls happen at once too, one was gold & one was pink! All were 7mm or 7.5mm.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Emma x
I'm amazed at how much you can drink...I'd have been loopy after the 2nd drink!

Glad I saw the pics of your food at Le Cellier.. I won't be going there. Too complicated. Anything with bacon on it it is out..and any beef with a dairy product on it..like cheese or a white sauce is out..not kosher. Ah well, if I ate at Le Cellier I'd be stepping out on some of my favorite restaurants like Chefs De France, Restaurant Marrakesh or Rose & Crown.

What time did you get for your Fast pass? Seems like hours and hours went by..did you go back and ride it?

I never considered the pearl thing..I have a pearl in a cage necklace that I got when I was 8 or 9 years old..and I still have it. I guess I'm in the downsizing time of life. I look at things at WDW gift shops and think.."boy isn't that nice...but I have no idea what I'd do with it":faint: I guess when I buy my retirement home in Florida, I can decorate the whole place in Disney souvenirs! :rotfl2:

If I was walking around Disney with just Henry...I'd feel someone was missing. I can't think of a time I didn't have either children or a whole crowd of family with me. I have no idea what that's like... I think its time to find out.

Last trip, I forgot to have a grey goose... but I did have my Yak Attack and my Fiesta Margarita. I haven't sampled the coffee IN the parks.

I just noticed that the text at the bottom of my cruise countdown is not showing up...but when I go to User CP..its there!! ????:confused:
Storms suck, but those storm clouds look awesome!

What was the name of the beer that you liked at Le Cellier? I'm curious since Unibroue is a brand from around here. :)

You can have the filet without the mushroom? That's good, because I like filet, but not mushroom. But what is it on the meat, if not mushroom? As for cream cheese mashed potatoes, that sounds heavenly!
ronnmel said:
Storms suck, but those storm clouds look awesome!

What was the name of the beer that you liked at Le Cellier? I'm curious since Unibroue is a brand from around here. :)

You can have the filet without the mushroom? That's good, because I like filet, but not mushroom. But what is it on the meat, if not mushroom? As for cream cheese mashed potatoes, that sounds heavenly!

Yes that's what it was!! She wrote it down "unibroue trois pisto"

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
Yes that's what it was!! She wrote it down "unibroue trois pisto"

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

I think you mean Trois-Pistoles. Haven't tried that one, but I do like "La Maudite". :)

I'm confused about the phrase in bold. Were you commenting on the fact that I mentioned Unibroue, or about the mushroom filet? I'd like to know if those were mushrooms on your filet or something else, as it's one of the reason I don't have much interest in Le Cellier. If I can get the filet without those, I'd be so happy!
ronnmel said:
I think you mean Trois-Pistoles. Haven't tried that one, but I do like "La Maudite". :)

I'm confused about the phrase in bold. Were you commenting on the fact that I mentioned Unibroue, or about the mushroom filet? I'd like to know if those were mushrooms on your filet or something else, as it's one of the reason I don't have much interest in Le Cellier. If I can get the filet without those, I'd be so happy!

I meant that is what the beer was. I typed exactly what she wrote down.

I asked for no mushrooms. It looked like there are mushrooms but I'm almost positive there weren't. I was pretty tipsy but I wouldn't have eaten mushrooms.

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards


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