Tuesday's Too Early for Turkey Riddle

LOL, there ya go!

I knew someone had to be hiding out there :teeth:

Loubon said:
Hey Duck, stop thumbing your sidekick.

L107ANGEL said:
Whos his sidekick?

Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
This is OT, but this is my first post on the DIS on my T-Mobile sidekick. My wife says we're cool now like the kids on the MTV.

Now I can be annoying from anywhere in the USA!

I don't see a spell check and I'm typing with just my thumbs, so some of my posts at times might seem to not make sense. I don't think that will be an issue on this thread.

At least pretend like you're keeping up.......
Late, but I'm in.

Missed it yesterday entirely, so this is better!
Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
I think she needs a recap on the top of every page. And then maybe some coming attractions to real her into the next one.
Recap?!? I would love to read a recap of this thread!!

PM sent and I believe I am in. Or not.

Congrats to Dyan on 8000! I can only dream...
Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
I think she needs a recap on the top of every page. And then maybe some coming attractions to real her into the next one.
I think I am fairly easy to understand & to get along with. If you are volunteering, I appreciate this, but I feel bad asking you to do this in light of your current medical condition :grouphug:
Good afternoon, you weirdos! I do believe I am IN earlier than usual.
Mnementh said:
Good afternoon, you weirdos! I do believe I am IN earlier than usual.

Geez....don't speak to my uhmmmmmmmm errrrrrr....uhmmmmmm...yeah ok...weirdos works! :thumbsup2 :teeth: :rotfl:

ATTENTION: Tomorrow we will be having our Thanksgiving Riddle since everyone will be off with family on Thursday. I expect everyone to show up! :teeth: :banana:
firstmickey said:
ATTENTION: Tomorrow we will be having our Thanksgiving Riddle since everyone will be off with family on Thursday. I expect everyone to show up! :teeth: :banana:

do we need to bring a dish?


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