Triple D's February Challenge - The Wait is Finally Over!!


Disney is not only a place but a state of mind. Th
Feb 21, 2005
Triple D's The teams are set and ready to go. We have an incredibly strong team and I, for one, am very excited and motivated for the potential that this team is going to have for this year. We have quite a diverse group on our team. Players from all over the nation. Bikers, runners, walkers, triathletes and a couple of nutty people who think that they are athletes. (That's me!!)

Here is a list of the team as we stand right now.

Bubba73 - Captain (Bryan)
Ironz - Co-Captain (Betsy)
Big Vic - Vic
SamSam - Sharon
Twotoohappy - Liz
GoofyGuy1958 - Mike
Ahoff - Augie
Ryley26 - Rich
Hey Mickey - Erica
TnTsParty - Tricia
KiraG - Kira
Disneygirlinnj - Jenn
Ronda93 - Ronda
MrsPotts - Lisa
Jennthemom22 - Jenn
cohoe - Beth
Blizzard - Carol
UGAFan0829 - Missy
Lugnut - Mike (Missy's Husband)

We have several members from the old team from last season and then we have several that are new with us this season. So I think it would be great if we could take the next couple of days to introduce ourselves to each other.

Here is the website for the spreadsheet so you can see how you are doing. Feel free to put your totals into your signature. I will put the totals for the whole team into mine.

Please answer as many of the following questions as you feel comfortable answering.

Races that you have competed in:
Races planned for 2009 thru Marathon Weekend '10
Goals for 2009:
Some secret that no one knows about you that you don't mind sharing:

This is going to be a fun year. I am very happy that we are all on the same team and I look forward to the rest of the year!!

Triple D February Miles and Hours: 1158.02 Miles 169.23 Hours

Thanks everyone!!
Bryan:cheer2: :thumbsup2
(psst... I think SamSam is Sharon.....) :wave2:

slinking away.....
I will go ahead and start of this little game.

Name: Bryan Weldon
Location: Chelsea, AL (Central Alabama if you look at a map)
Races that you have competed in: Greystone 5k, Circle of Life 5k and the Donald Half Marathon
Races planned for 2009 thru Marathon Weekend '10: Mercedes Half Marathon (February 15th), Paws for the cause 5k in September, Greystone 5k (August), Circle of Life 5k and the Half again at WDW
Goals for 2009: To try and take my health and physique to a new level and reach heights that I never thought possible
Some secret that no one knows about you that you don't mind sharing:A lot of you know that I am deaf in one ear (left) but most of you don't know that as a child (teenager) I actually tried to commit suicide because I thought I didn't fit in and wasn't worthy of calling anyone "friend". It was a tough time period for me but luckily, that was one time I failed.

Who is next??
Mileage and hours postings will follow the months. So that would be 1-7, 8-14, 15-21 and 22- the end of the month. Mileage can consist biking, running, walking, jogging, swimming. Just about anything that is of a cardiovascular nature is something that you can count. Races do count double. (At least, I haven't heard any change to that one yet.) We will start a new thread every month to try to keep the site manageable. I will also encourage you to post successes, failures or anything. I would also encourage you to visit the other teams (as Erica has already done).

On a side note, I talked with Liz briefly today and she is doing ok. She is wiped out but in good spirits. According to her, she should be able to come home from the hospital on Monday. She has already told me how much she misses all of you and would much rather be out there doing her runs than going thru this ordeal. Let's keep her in our thoughts.

Ok team!! The time is now upon us. SamSam, if I am wrong on your name, I will change it, I promise. Let's get out there, have a lot of fun, work hard and enjoy the spirit of the competition that lies ahead.

Bryan, I am SamSam on these boards, but my name is Sharon. Years and years ago when setting up my first e-mail account, my name Sharon Weaver was quite common so I went through many different names trying to find something that wasn't already USED. I ended up using a teen nickname 'SAM', which turned into SamSam, because naturally just Sam was already taken. Anyway, I am SamSam as my user name on the boards but my real name is Sharon.
I will post an introduction, maybe even a pic, sometime this week.
Love this team!!!
SamSam I am sooo sorry for having your name wrong. It is fixed now and I promise, I won't forget.

(We love having you on the team!!)

Let's go Duckies!!
Hey Triple Ds! Let the fun begin!

Liz - Get well!

My info:

Name: Vic
Location: Niceville, FL (FL panhandle)
Races that you have competed in: 2007 and 2009 WDW ½ Marathon, 2008 WDW Marathon, 2007 ToT 13K, 2007 Timberlake ½ Marathon, numerous 5 and 10Ks.
Races planned for 2009 thru Marathon Weekend '10: Seaside ½ Marathon, ToT 13K, Timberlake ½ marathon, numerous 5 and 10Ks, 2010 Goofy.
Goals for 2009: Loose some weight. Get stronger.
Some secret that no one knows about you that you don't mind sharing: Classified. :rolleyes1

Hello everyone

Name RicH
location North Royalton Ohio (Southeast of Cleveland)
Races I competed in 2006,2007,2008 Riteaid Cleveland 1/2 Marathon, 2006 Tow path Marathon, Plenty of 5 and 10 k's around Cleveland.
Races planned for 2009 thru marathon weekend in 2010 Nashville or Flying Pig 1/2 Akron 1/2 and if the scheudule work I want to run WDW 1/2 this year.
Goal for 2009 I'd like to maintain my current fitness level and cut 3 minutes off my PB in the 1/2 marathon .
Some secret know one no about you I was the fat kid that everyone picked on in High School. I started my training in 2003 to try not to finish last in a family race at Animal Kingdom. I weighed 290 lbs at the time. Now six years later I'm down to 160lbs and I'm an running addict.
Name: Ronda
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Races that you have competed in: None yet
Races planned for 2009 thru Marathon Weekend '10: April 26, Trolley Run 5K (KC), WDW half marathon
Goals for 2009: Build enough miles for the Disney half marathon and get in better shape along the way.
Some secret that no one knows about you that you don't mind sharing: While on vacation I look under park benches and rocks (geocaching).
Hey there Bryan: The answer to your quesiton is.......21st. Aries with a bit of Pisces - If you believe in such things. When's yours?

Have a great day Bryan.

Hi everyone I am new to the group and to running. I was an athlete in high school and college where running was just a necessary evil to play basketball and volleyball but then I got married, had kids, lost myself, blah blah blah, got divorced, kids are almost raised blah blah get the picture!

My info

Name: Lisa
Location: Eureka KS. I just moved here in July 08 for a job opportunity. Go ahead and google that I had to!
Races that I have competed in: None!
Races planned for 2009 thru Marathon Weekend '10: Possibly the OKC 1/2 marathon in April 09 (I'll know more in mid-March), Disney 2010 Mickey Marathon (with my son!!) and looking for another 1/2 somewhere in the midwest in the fall and I will try to find some local 5Ks to fill in spots and keep me from losing focus.
Goals for 2009: Lose these last few lingering pounds, get into better shape physically and emotionally, learn to put myself first sometimes and not have that horrible mother's guilt thing going on! I'm worth it and I deserve it!
Some secret that no one knows about you that you don't mind sharing: I wouldn't even know where to start!!!!

Everyone have a great day and I look forward to getting to know all of you.
Yay!! It's the 1st!! Time to get moving!! :) So why is it 36 degrees and raining out. ugh. I am supposed to run today. Will at least bundle up and go for a walk if it kills me. I was a dumb-a$$ and didn't bring good winter running clothes on this business trip.
Hey, can we just all assume if I ever use the initials DA you know what that means (see above) happens a lot to me. :rotfl: and I don't want my potty mouth fouling up the boards. :flower3:

Name: Betsy
Location: Austin, TX (though I travel for work--currently in Ketchikan, Alaska)

Races I have competed in: a LOT. Been running/doing triathlon since 1999. First marathon in 1999. WDW 1/2 four times, and full and 5K once each. TOT 13K the first year. About 40ish triathlons, including 6 Ironmans (started 7, but only finished 6--had a stress fracture in my foot, so didn't finish one), Austin marathon twice, 3M half marathon in Austin two or three times.

Races planned for 2009 up to WDW weekend 2010:
Enchanted Duathlon 3/28
Lone Star sprint triathlon 4/4
Rookie Tri 5/10 (which means I can't do the Disney Danskin--darn)
maybe CapTex Tri Memorial Day weekend
Kansas 70.3 tri (1/2 ironman) 6/15
other stuff to have fun.... be determined...
WDW 5K, 1/2 and full --the "Dopey" January 2010. (I hope!)

Goals for 2009: I have one goal that has been the same for the last couple of years, and I haven't quite hit it a race of at leat 5K, I want an overall pace of less than 9:00 miles, even if it's 8:59/mile. Closest so far is 9:06, but I have had some injuries along the way. Staying healthy this year is a huge part of this goal. Otherwise...have a lot of fun at all my events!

Secret: I'm kindof an open book...hmmm...ok...this is dorky, but I was born with an extra nipple. (it occurs in 25/1000 births) Had it removed, though. Please don't harass me about it! haha!

OK.....and I want to add one more question:

What is the coolest/strangest/most remarkable event you have done, and why?
I'll be pondering my answer to that and post later.

Yay!! I'm so fired up.....think I'm going to hit the trail!
Name: Kim

Location: Ontario, Canada

Races that you have competed in: Hummmmmm. a few 10k's, ToT in 2007, Minnie Marathon 2007, Scotia Waterfront Marathon 2007 and 2008, Disney 1/2 marathon 2008 & 2009. I think that is about it.

Races planned for 2009 thru Marathon Weekend '10: I am doing the Princess 1/2 marathon in March, Womens, 1/2 marathon in Toronto in May, Scotia Waterfront Marathon Full Sept 2009 and Goofy in 2010

Goals for 2009: Get in better physical shape, lose 40 - 50 pds.

Some secret that no one knows about you that you don't mind sharing: I don't think I have any secrets, I pretty much tell it like it is and say what is on my mind....sometimes before I think:crazy2:

Look forward to my new team and getting us all to our 2009 goals!!!!
Hey Everyone,

According to the draft thread, I've been placed on this team. I didn't see my name in the first post, so I hope I'm still invited! I'm going to assume I am, so here's my story...

Name: Jen
Location: Baldwinsville, NY (outside Syracuse)
Races Completed: None yet!
Races Planned: 2010 Disney Half and some local 5Ks and a 10K to get ready
Goals for 2009: Build my running endurance
Secret: I love playing Rock Band with my kids. But they don't let me play when their friends come over.

I also enjoy geocaching. :)
WOW!!! I just got back from the gym and started checking messages. You people have been busy this morning! I want to echo a common statement that has been made this morning. I am very excited about this year and I am even more excited to be able to take time to get to know everyone. This is incredible!!

Rich You have lost 130 pounds??!!! That is phenominal! I can't imagine what a difference that has made. I lost 60 pounds several years ago and it changed my life. I don't know what to say.

Betsy There is nothing "dumb" about you. You are an encourager and a motivator. We are going to have a great year!!

Vic I think we share some of the same goals. I too would like to loose and gain. If you find the secret, please let me know. :confused3 :rotfl:

Jenn22 This is going to be fun. We have 2 Jenn's on the team so, if it is ok, I will go by your moniker. Love playing Rock Band, huh?? I love pretending that I am the Rock Band. Not musically but vocally. (Too bad I can't sing worth a flip.:crazy2: )

Kim I wish I had your endurance to be able to do all of the races that you have. I am new to the scene so I am still trying to get my legs about me. How is everything in Canada?

Lisa You are correct. You do deserve to be the best you you can be. I hope you find a happy home and a bunch of friends here.

Ronda Geocaching?? Uneducated, naive little me ask for elaboration? That is a term I haven't heard as of yet. Please enlighten me.

Tracy Take your same numbers and turn them around. My birthday is on the 12th. So let's see, we were born in the same month, love WDW, enjoy our exercising, and both have red hair. Are you my long lost twin??:lmao:

I do hope everyone is doing great. I can't say enough how excited I am about this year. I did register for the Mercedes Half last night so that is set. I will be doing that 2 weeks from today. I am really looking forward to it as it is supposed to be a good race. It won't be as fun as Disney but it still will be a great time.

February is here and it is the shortest month of the year but it is also very special. This is the month of Valentine's Day and it is when we celebrate our President's from the past. Disney is running their own promotion about what are you going to celebrate. Well, let's celebrate our health, our fitness and our challenges.

Let's go get 'em Triple D's!!!
Bryan:cheer2: :cool1: :cheer2:
Lisa - I know exactly where Eureka, KS. is, in fact I've driven through it many times on my way to visit relatives in Ft. Scott and in Missouri.

Name: Sharon
Location: Salina, Kansasa ....that's pronounced Sa - line - a
Races Completed: The Princess 15K last May and Race for the Taste 10K
Races planned for 2009 thru Marathon Weekend '10: Expedition Everest in Sept. and 1/2 Marathon Jan. 2010. I'm not sure about Race for the Taste.
Goals for 2009: Build up my walking speed.
Secret: It wouldn't be a secret if I told. ;)
Hello 3D's! I guess I am a semi newbie here, Liz recruited me near the end of last summer, I think. Never did a formal intro like this, great idea, Bryan! Like Betsy, I also traveled a lot for work though in the last year that kind of ended. But I am here again right now. A little place in Switzerland called CERN. I am not much of a runner, but an avid cyclist. Maybe more than avid. Anyway....

name Augie
Location The east end of Long Island
Races Completed several 5K's, and also several duathlons (run 2, bike 10, run 2)
Races Planned The same 5K's and duathlons, and last night I was on the half marathon registration page, but didn't have my dvc # so decided to wait until I got home next week. (hope it will not be too late)
Goals for 2009 Commute to work as much as I can
Secret Still a Deadhead! (but not much of a secret, right, Liz?)
Bryan and all, geocaching is a GPS guided treasure hunt. Check out It became feasible to find things left by others when the govt enhanced the public GPS signal in the late 90s.

I try to find caches while on vacation. It gets me off the beaten tourist path. We ended up walking a wooden street in Philadelphia last year! There are some virtual caches (just means there's no physical container to find) around WDW.

A cool thing in the caching community is the travel bug. It's a dog tag attached to an object to track it through a series of caches. I picked up One Eye Teddy Boo at a caching meet and took it on vacation. Disney fans who scroll through the pics at this link will recognize the sights.

Caches can be super easy and devilishly hard.

It can be addictive :)
February is here and it is the shortest month of the year but it is also very special. This is the month of Valentine's Day and it is when we celebrate our President's from the past. Disney is running their own promotion about what are you going to celebrate. Well, let's celebrate our health, our fitness and our challenges.

. . . and, um, Erica's birthday on the 9th, right?party:

So, welcome (or welcome back) to all of us. I'll start with the intro stuff, I guess.

Name: Erica
Location: a bit west of Augie
Races Completed: Dinseyland 1/2 (all three times, but I am skipping this year, really, no matter what medal they dangle in front of me as enticement), Disney World Half, Disney World Full, the 2008 Goofy (and going Goofy again in 2010), the Long Island half and full, and assorted local 5ks, 10ks, etc.

Races Planned: Uh, did i mention I am going Goofy again in 2010? :cool1: Contemplating the Dopey, but we usually don;t get down to disney early enough. I'll have to think about it some more . . .
Additionally, I have committed myself to doing 9 races through the New York Road Runners Club during 2009 so that I can get guaranteed entry for the New York City Marathon in 2010 and not have to wait on the lottery system they use.
I have also been looking over some sites and am cautiously thinking about trying a duathalon. I'd love to do a tri some day, but unless they hold the swimming portion in a kiddie pool, I couldn't pull off the swim part at all. But i am sure i will be looking to Bryan, Betsy, Augie and the rest of you for some advice on the bike stuff, and everything else!

Goals for 2009: To lose my slacker (self-)image and actually keep up with the Dis threads and the Triple Ds this year.

Secret: I cried earlier this week over a news story showing the remnants of Shea Stadium.

and now, a few comments/responses, in no particular order:

Augie: Deadhead by marriage, here, married to a tie-dyed in the wool deadhead. In fact, he's still mad that I refused to let him take our then 10-day old son with him to a show at the Meadowlands in 1995 because it was his only chance to "experience" Jerry live and in person.

Samsam: We are contemplating Expedition Everest this year, too. Gotta get the most out of those APs, yanno.

Rich: That is amazing! WTG!!

Bryan: Your enthusiasm is contagious. Oh, and I totally stand by my prior comment and its time to start listening to the people on this board and not the voices in your head.

Jen: Welcome to the party!

Kim: Welcome, again. Hey, I was emptying my PM inbox yesterday and came across some from you. So . . . did you ever read Deathly Hallows? Or are you just gonna wait for the movie?

Betsy: I'll know what you mean by DA . . .its a common enough utterance in my household, usually directed by me at me.

Lisa: Welcome! How old are your kids (I want to know when I can consider mine "almost raised" considering my 45 year old spouse still seriously needs to grow up!).

Ronda: We geocache too! Have you ever done letterboxing?

Vic: Yeah, its nice to see you but my big question is . . . how are the dogs doing?

Sorry if I missed anyone. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone better and motivating each other to a healthier 2009!
Erica said:
Vic: Yeah, its nice to see you but my big question is . . . how are the dogs doing?

You tell me. ;) :rotfl:







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