Trenchcoat Review


Displaying My Ears
Mar 25, 2009
Trenchcoat (1983)
A mystery writer finds herself in the middle of a real life detective story while on vacation in Malta. Margot Kidder of Superman fame and Robert Hayes from Airplane star in this odd comedy directed by Michael Tuchner. It was a strange time for the studio, as the company was trying to develop stories for more mature audiences while still trying to protect the family friendly brand. Disney produced the movie but didn't promote it as a Disney film. It's believed this was one of the movies that lead to the formation of Touchstone a year later. The Touchstone brand would allow the mouse to produce more adult themed films. They were works that would capture the interest of wider audiences than this one did. Bottom line, for having the action/comedy label, it's pretty boring. I found it challenging not to continuously look at the remaining time left. I didn't feel much for the characters or the story. I give it a 1/2 gumshoe out of 5.


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