Travelmum’s Orlando Holiday Trip Report

Thanks for sharing. DH and I enjoyed WWoHP and IoA very much. We can't wait to take DS there...he LOVES getting wet.

Enjoying your Taco Bells. :thumbsup2
Saturday 15 October – Kennedy Space Center

As much as I was looking forward to our cruise, it hit me when I woke up this morning that we were beginning the last third of our holiday so were on the homeward bound side of things. :sad1:

We loaded up the car (and that was a mission with our growth in bags :rotfl2:) and drove to the Wyndham I’Drive to meet up with the extended family. In convoy of 3 cars, we drove to the Kennedy Space Center which was an easy drive as long as you know you need money for the toll booths. We got to KSS soon after it opened and began our day of touring.


We started with the bus tour and found it very interesting – in fact it felt pretty amazing to actually be there and it was a trip highlight for DH. :thumbsup2




Once back at the main complex, we had lunch and then toured around that area.




I felt very emotional at the astronaut memorial especially as I was explaining to my girls about Christa McAuliffe. I was living in the 1986 and was at high school watching the live T.V. footage of the shuttle launch with first teacher to go into space aboard. I will never forget watching the Challenger blow up as long as I live.

The girls were very good during this visit as, after so many theme parks, it was a bit of a change for them! :lmao: We did take them on the Shuttle launch simulation ride though although we thought Mission Space at Epcot was better! At about 4pm, we were ready to leave. DH could probably have stayed on longer to see more, and BIL and GF did, but the girls and I were ready to leave so he was happy to go. So the rest of us got back in our convoy, just two cars now, and drove to Port Canaveral and to our hotel, The Country Inn & Suites.

I didn’t take any photos of the hotel sorry but it was good and extremely close to the Port. We had a Kids Suite which had a queen bed for DH and I and a portioned off kid’s area with a set of bunks and a single bed plus their own little T.V. The rest of the family were over the hall in a One-Bedroom Suite which had two queen beds in the bedroom and a sleeper sofa in the living area.

Here's a photo I got off the internet:

The hotel had a pool so the girls had a swim and then later on that night we all went to dinner at Rusty’s which is on the waterfront at Port Canaveral and a very short drive from the hotel. As it was Saturday night, it was very busy but had a great atmosphere and we enjoyed our meal. Then it was back to the hotel for our last sleep on land for a while. :cheer2:
Hi there:wave2:

Have just finished reading your TR from start to finish and have thoroughly enjoyed the journey! I do certainly think that doing a TR is a great way of reliving all the wonderful ( and sometimes not so wonderfu:confused3l!!!) experiences from Disney holidays.

Have been to DL twice and have been thinking of doing WDW and your pics and advice are certainly making me think I should get there at some point! I just have this thing about DL and that is where my heart is:lovestruc

I too never thought I would get back to DL but after 13 years we finally did and are off again next year so never lose hope!!!

Looking forward to more!
Sunday 16 October – Freedom of the Seas

(Well Disboarders, as some of you seem interested in the non-WDW park parts, here we go with the cruise!)

Well this exciting day finally dawned! Leading up to our holiday, I could never work out what part of trip I was most looking forward to – WDW or Freedom of the Seas. The two of them satisfy two of my greatest travel passions – Disney and Cruising so I was really sitting on the fence and was equally excited. I would go through weeks of being addicted to “living” on the Disboards and then would disappear from the Disboards as I’d be hanging out on Cruise Critic! So, basically you can imagine how excited I was when this day arrived. :cool1:

Our hotel room did not look out to the port but, after having breakfast (it was included), I went into the rest of the family’s room across the hall. Even though they were up and dressed, they had not even looked out the window yet! So I drew open the curtains and there she was – the massive Freedom of the Seas!

Admitedly got this photo from the internet, but you can see the three ships, Carnival, Disney and RCCL

I had deliberately booked a Hertz car because I had figured out the Hertz depot was right next door to the Country Inn & Suites. DH went to return the car and then we made our way down to the lobby to wait for our transfer to the port (also included in our rate). I had booked us on one of the first shuttle times and, once our extended family of 11 was on it, there was only room for one other couple!

We drove to the port and I was excited to drive past the Disney boat that looked lovely. We were dropped off and had to get bag tags as we didn’t get them from booking in N.Z. Finally we tagged all of our luggage and then we got in line to go into the terminal. The check-in process took a very long time and, by the end, was very frustrating! :sad2: Eventually, we were allowed to board and, after having our welcome aboard photo, we were finally aboard!

All the family looked to me for direction as SIL, DN13, BIL and GF had never cruised before and MIL and FIL had only cruised on much smaller ships (plus I’m the cruise addict and the one who had been living on Cruise Critic!). So, after having a quick look at the massive Royal Promenade (I couldn’t help but nip up the stairs one level after we boarded to see it), I found the way for us to go to the Windjammer for lunch.


Of course practically everyone else does this too and it was very busy but we managed to get two tables next to each other. We had a nice lunch (so much selection) and I enjoyed see the smiles of joy on my extended family’s faces as they sat there realising what an incredible week they were about to have.

You normally can’t get into your cabins until 1pm but, as we were just finishing lunch, they announced that the cabins were ready. Yippee, I was going to get to see my first balcony cabin! :cheer2: Our cabin was the most forward balcony cabin of Deck 9 on the port side. MIL and FIL were in the interconnecting Deluxe Oceanview cabin and they had one of our children with them (the cabins took a maximum of 4) which worked perfectly. SIL and DN13 were in the inside cabin across the hall and BIL and GF were in the balcony cabin next to us. We went into our cabins and agreed to do our own thing until we met up at dinner time.

So, we relaxed in our cabin for a while and I loved standing on the balcony watching the Disney ship next to us and the Carnival ship across from us.



Plus, as I knew I would, I loved, loved, loved the position of our balcony as, by being the most far forward, it meant we got the view outwards as all balconies do but also a view forwards because we had a clear glass round screen to see through. Being so far forward did mean we had quite a bit of walking to do on such a large ship but it was certainly worth it to me.

The family were pretty relaxed in our comfortable cabin but I wanted to go and explore so up we got and explored the ship from top to bottom. This included checking out our dining room table assignment (an awesome table for 11 next to the window on Deck 3) and visiting the kids clubs to register the children plus DD13 checking out the teen club. From memory, I’m pretty sure that is the first day we helped ourselves to soft serve ice-creams on the Pool Deck and they were the first of many throughout the week!




At about 4pm, we had to go to the Emergency Drill and our station was on Deck 5 at the Pharaoh’s Lounge. You no longer have to take your life jackets with you to this on RCCL so that makes it a bit easier. After that, we went up on deck for the Sail-away party. We watched the Carnival ship go out first and then it was us next. The band was playing, the Dreamworks characters were dancing, we were waving to the people on shore and we had Sailaway drinks so all was good! :rotfl2:

FIL and me at Sailaway

When we had left our cabin, our luggage had still not been delivered so I began to wonder if we’d be going to our 6pm dinner in the clothes we had all day. But luckily, when we got back to our cabin 2 had arrived and soon the other 3 did. Tonight was casual in the dining room so we changed clothes and made our way to the dining room at 6pm.

At dinner, we met our lovely serving staff (who look after you the whole week) and had a great dinner. I won’t go on about each meal but I’ll just say that we enjoyed the food on the whole cruise - some nights were better than others but it was all good.

It's hard to see this photo because of the light but you can see the great location of our table!:


Later at night, happy cousins:


I had pre-booked all the shows but knew that we wouldn’t make the show this night as there was only one and it was at 7.30pm. So after dinner, DD13 and DN13 went to the teen club get together as we had read it was important to attend this on the first night. I had seen there was a free skate session at the Studio B so I asked the younger two if they would like to go. Of course they did so we went back to the cabin for them to change into long pants and get socks (mandatory to skate) and then made our way to Studio B Ice-Rink. Now, none of my girls have ever ice-skated before so this was always pretty amazing that their first ice-skating experience would be on a ship in the middle of the Caribbean! They got their skates and helmets and then went on the ice. Of course they needed to clutch to the side and, although DD10 was doing pretty well, DD6 was struggling. Next thing I know, a lovely young couple who had been enjoying their skate, took hold of her hands and helped her around the ice. That was so nice of them but I soon realised I hadn’t thought this through properly and had to ask DH very nicely if he, because I had a skirt on and he had long pants) would mind getting some skates and going on the ice himself to help her. :flower3: Well ice-skating had never been on his cruise agenda but, good on him, he did. However, suffice to say, the skating did not go on for much longer and, once they were off, I went and booked them into a children’s ice-skating lesson for the afternoon of Day 3 (all included in the cruise fare) which is the way I should have done it to start with! :rotfl:

Back to the cabin and into our lovely comfortable beds. As he would do every night, Jose, our cabin steward, had been in to the two cabins while we were at dinner and made out the sleeper sofas into very comfortable and large beds. DD13 came back from the teen’s club and was gushing about how much fun she and DN13 had had so we knew it was going to be a good week for all.
Hi there:wave2:

Have just finished reading your TR from start to finish and have thoroughly enjoyed the journey! I do certainly think that doing a TR is a great way of reliving all the wonderful ( and sometimes not so wonderfu:confused3l!!!) experiences from Disney holidays.

Have been to DL twice and have been thinking of doing WDW and your pics and advice are certainly making me think I should get there at some point! I just have this thing about DL and that is where my heart is:lovestruc

I too never thought I would get back to DL but after 13 years we finally did and are off again next year so never lose hope!!!

Looking forward to more!

I'm so pleased that you are enjoying it as all this effort is worth it if it is helping other people. :thumbsup2

However Minnie Sue Oz, I have something to tell you that you might not believe. Before this trip, I loved DL and had luckily been heaps as I used to live in L.A. It held a special place in my heart and I believed that, since it was the first one, nothing could come close to it being my favourite. However, I am shocked to come home and realise that WDW has ruined DL for me. I just loved WDW so much and I loved Orlando as a tourist destination much more than L.A. Maybe it was because I was ready for a change but I can't help but think that when, sometime in the future, we make it back to DL (much more realistic thought for us than getting all the way back to Orlando from N.Z.), I will now always be comparing DL to WDW and wishing I was at WDW. Very sad I know and quite hard for me to believe I feel this way :sad1:
It sounds like you had such an awesome time Travelmum, I'm so glad the trip lived up to /exceeded your expectations.
We will hopefully have 2 more trips to DL (2013 & 2014) before taking up the challenged of WDW in 2015.
I was meaning to ask you, do you recommend staying a night or two in LAX before travelling to Orlando? ( or is it best to get all the travelling out of the way in one go)
Well that is an interesting question Caroline because I was certainly so relieved to know we would be breaking our trip for a night in L.A. on the way home after doing the journey in one go on the way up.

To answer your question, if I had the luxury of time, I'd break it in both directions. I didn't feel that we did so I figured that, since we'd have the excitedness of being on our way to our holiday on our way over, we'd use our extra night for a break on the way home.

As it turned out, our first whole day in Orlando was quite a write off as we only woke up at 2pm so I do suspect that, if we'd instead overnighted in L.A. and had a good sleep, we would probably have been able to hit the early morning at Animal Kingdom just as we had by going straight through with a down day as our first day.
Ooh I cant wait to see more... Wasnt Freedom just awesome!!!

Thats interesting for you to say that going to DLR is a more economical option - I have seen it calculated, where WDW is actually cheaper, even factoring in the extra flight, especially if you get free dining - (maybe that didnt include going to all the other attractions in Orlando) :confused3

I havent been to DLR - so cant compare - (its on my bucket list though!)
Thats interesting for you to say that going to DLR is a more economical option - I have seen it calculated, where WDW is actually cheaper, even factoring in the extra flight, especially if you get free dining - (maybe that didnt include going to all the other attractions in Orlando) :confused3

I havent been to DLR - so cant compare - (its on my bucket list though!)

Battymum, my main reason for saying that is for the airfares. Unfortunately we just don't ever get anywhere near the specials you seem to get in Australia. :sad1:

Also, I would only want to stay onsite at WDW and therefore the accommodation cost is a lot more that at Ho Jo's where we normally stay in Anaheim. I personally don't see any need to stay at a Disney hotel and pay the big $$ in Anaheim.

Yes, Freedom was awesome and it was very interested to hear that AustralianKaren prefers Freedom to Disney :cheer2:
Freedom looks was your 13yr old in the Tween room? Did the kids have adult crew members looking after them? I ask because our eldest will be 13yrs when we go. Did your daughter just leave when she wanted and walk herself back to the room? How does it work?
I am so enjoying reading your trip report and loving the photos!!!!
Freedom looks was your 13yr old in the Tween room? Did the kids have adult crew members looking after them? I ask because our eldest will be 13yrs when we go. Did your daughter just leave when she wanted and walk herself back to the room? How does it work?
I am so enjoying reading your trip report and loving the photos!!!!

Yes Freedom was great and this was certainly a new cruising experience for DD13 as well for DH and I as her parents! In past cruises, she has been at the Kids club ages and therefore needed to be signed in and signed out by us whenever she went to or from the clubs. Similarly, younger kids aged up to 11 must wear a wristband the whole cruise (which identifys their emergency station) but no wristbands for the 12 year olds and up. They basically have total freedom on the ship until 1am (!!) which is the curfew for the 17 year olds and under. So knowing that she would have total independance (and we felt confidence in her to have that) and after reading some of the stories on Cruise Critics of what teens sometimes get up to on cruises, SIL and I sat down with DD13 and DN13 the day before the cruise and laid out some ground rules.

We told them that they needed to stay together and, if one wanted to leave the teen club, the other needed to go with her. They did not have to go to the teen club if they did not want to but needed to stick together. They were not to ride the elevators or be nuisances to other passengers etc. As everyone has their own room swipe card, she could get into the cabin whenever she wanted. As we all had bought the soda package, she had the soda package emblem on her card so could get a sofa whenever she wanted and that included at the bar in the teen club. That all worked really well and the girls loved their independence.:cheer2:

The teen club has various activities throughout the day and night which are run by teen club counselors but, if there is not enough interest, the activity will not go on. The teens can go into the teen club anytime and I think there are only teen club counselors there when there are set activities scheduled. It is basically a place where the tweens/teens can hang out and "chillax" (as my daughter would say) together. When they do activities, they are normally split into two groups 12-14 and 15-17 year olds which we were pleased about because we didn't really want our 13 year old girls mixing with 17 year old boys! :eek: As it turned out, they met a great group of 12-14 year olds and they all stuck together most of the time.

DD13 always had breakfast with us and then she and DN13 would go off together. Sometimes they'd go to the teen club and other times they'd lay out by the pool. They would have lunch either together or with other teens at the Windjammer and would hang out with the teens in the afternoon. They would always have dinner with us at our 6pm dining time, except for the night we had an adults-only dinner in Portofino. Of course this was only the ship days and, if we went off the ship in a port, DD13 came with us.

The biggest problem that we had was with the curfew. When we boarded and saw the 1am curfew, my SIL and I were shocked and wondered to each other what parents would let their 12 and 13 year olds out until 1am?! We initially told our girls they needed to back in our cabin by 9pm but soon relented to 10pm when we could see that they would be missing out on fun activities if we didn't let them stay that long. I felt we were being quite generous by giving them 10pm but they wanted later. It turns out that, ALL the other 12-14 year olds were allowed to stay out until the curfew (and I laughed reading Battymum's report and vowed to make sure my DD13 did not read it!) :scared1: When our girls would go to the teen club the next day, they felt left out when everyone would be reminiscing about the fun they had had the night before (after our girls had left). So we could see where they were coming from but we didn't budge and basically suggested that, if it was too hard to hear the others talk about the night before, they should just not go to the teen club. Needless to say, they still went. :lmao:
Monday 17 October – Sea Day

Today is the first of two scheduled sea days during the 7-night cruise and also the first of two formal dinner nights in the main dining room.

I really can’t remember much of exactly what we did on this Sea Day but I do know it was super relaxing. :lmao:

I can see from my photos that I took a few photos of our balcony and cabin:

DD6 and I showing off our balcony. Here is DD6:

You can see the port side of the bridge behind me and some days the captain used that side to maneuver the boat so he'd wave to us:

Through the glass side, we could see MIL and FIL's window and here is MIL waving to me on the balcony:

Looking back the other way:

Our cabin:

I know DD13 and DN13 went off together on their first day of independence and also started hanging out at the teen club. I remember DH and I took DD10 and DD6 to swim in the H20 zone in the morning and, in the afternoon, DD10 went into her Kids Club. I took DD6 to hers too but she didn’t want to stay. They won’t let adults in so I couldn’t go in and settle her in like you can at a kindy. It didn’t matter and she just hung out with me. I think DH went to a movie in the theatre that afternoon.

At 5pm, we all went to Studio B and watched the Ice-Skating show which was fantastic considering the rink is so small. Here DD10 and I are waiting for the show to begin:

After that, we met a few characters on our way to dinner:

After dinner, we went to the 9pm show and then back to our cabin to bed.
Battymum, my main reason for saying that is for the airfares. Unfortunately we just don't ever get anywhere near the specials you seem to get in Australia. :sad1:

Also, I would only want to stay onsite at WDW and therefore the accommodation cost is a lot more that at Ho Jo's where we normally stay in Anaheim. I personally don't see any need to stay at a Disney hotel and pay the big $$ in Anaheim.

Yes, Freedom was awesome and it was very interested to hear that AustralianKaren prefers Freedom to Disney :cheer2:

reading your trip report, fantastic details & photos..awesome...makes me smile

yep, gotta admit, I do love freedom....both DH and myself just loved the size, the activities and the people...on Disney their are alot more families with smaller kids, on freedom their were more empty nesters or with more in common with us.
Also the food seemed better quality on freedom, and I didnt get sea sick due to it being a bigger boat :thumbsup2

I love disney, but will sail RCCL again.....I'll get my disney fix at WDW:cloud9:
Thats great that the girls had each other :thumbsup2. They would of had such a great time together and being 13yrs old they will never forget it! I have to admit it does concern me that bit as my DD13 is quite shy and I am a little concerned about if she will have someone to play with......I guess it will be a case of wait and see!:confused3 The other two don't worry me as I know they will have adult supervison but the whole tween thing walking about the boat by herself that kinda worries me...alright it scares me :scared1: Worse case situation is she will just have to hang out with her parents now that scares me more :scared1:
Yes Kyl, it will really depend on what other girls are on ship when you are on so will be luck of the draw I guess. It will be imperative that she go to the Teen Meet and Mingle on the first night. My SIL took our two girls with the intention to stay in the background but, after a few minutes, they (the girls) asked her, very nicely, to leave! :lmao: However, unlike on other times on the cruise, on that night, parents can be in there so I'd suggest you go with your daughter and just check out who else is there.
Tuesday 18 October – Labadee, Haiti

Today was our first port day and it was at Labadee Beach, Haiti which is Royal Caribbean’s private little peninsula in Haiti.


Here DH and I did the Dragon’s Breath Zipline with FIL and SIL while MIL took the girls to relax on the beach. It was fun but I didn’t go as fast as I thought I would.

The training zipline:

View from the start of the main zipline:

When we had finished the zipline, we made our way over to the beach that they had gone to and joined them. Soon after, it was time for the children’s booking for the children’s session in the Arawak Water Park that I had booked. It is a sectioned off part of water that has huge floating blow up icebergs, slide, seesaws, trampolines etc. I knew that either DH or I would need to go to help DD6 as, although she is a confident swimmer, she’d need help to climb up on the equipment. At the last moment, we both decided to go so we all got lifejackets on and in we went. The girls had lots of fun and even DH and I went on a few of the slides! :lmao:


You can partly see the Arawak Water Park in the background of this photo:

Our wonderful ship:

Buffet lunch is served by the beach so we all had lunch and then decided to go back to the ship – we really loved the ship and were happy to spend time on it! Later it was time for DD10 and DD6’s ice-skating lesson. It turns out that it is the professional skaters that we had seen performing the night before that taught the lesson.


That night it was another lovely dinner and before another enjoyable show, we all had a go in one of the karaoke booths which was funny.
Wednesday 19 October – Falmouth, Jamaica

Today we were in port at Falmouth which is a new port that RCCL has built exclusively for its ships. We had decided not to get off the ship in Jamaica as most of the activities were an hour’s drive away plus we were happy to have a day on the shop when many of the passengers were in port. Also, Jamaica is not always that safe and that was evidenced when my in-laws took a little trolley tour of Falmouth (run by RCCL) and the trolley had a police escort at the front and the back! :eek:


We decided we would get off to look around the immediate and secure port area which we did and I bought the girls a sundress each. However, it was sooo hot, that we were soon back on the ship. DD13 went off to the teen club and DD10 and DD6 had yet another ice-cream! :woohoo:


We had a very relaxing afternoon spending time by the pool, playing shuffleboard on the deck and relaxing in our cabin- lying on my balcony reading my book was bliss. :love:

That nigt we had booked a dinner in one of the alternative restaurants called Portofino for the adults of our family. DD13 and DN13 went to The Windjammer for dinner and then to the teen club. I had booked DD10 and DD6 into the kids club dinner at Johnny Rockets so it was great because, when we took them to the kids club to check in, both age groups were to meet in the Voyager room (DD10’s group) so DD6 went happily as she could be with DD10. Yay!! :cool1:

So the 7 adults went and had dinner in Portofino which is a much more intimate experience than the main dining room. And I even have some food porn for you!:

My seafood skewer:

DH's lobster:

My tasting plate dessert:

DH's dessert that I think was Tiramisu:

This dinner takes about 2 hours so after that we went to the kids clubs to pick up the girls and went back to our cabin to bed.
:eek:Thursday 20 October – Scheduled to be Grand Cayman Island

Today we were scheduled to visit Grand Cayman Island and I had booked a Dolphin Swim for us as a surprise for our girls. :cheer2:

We got up as normal in the morning and could see land as we were approaching Grand Cayman. We went to The Windjammer for breakfast as usual and, as we got there, DH pointed out that the ship was turning around. MIL and FIL were there having breakfast and told us that the captain had just come on the loud speaker and explained that they were very sorry but our Grand Cayman had been cancelled! :scared1: This is a tender port and apparently it was too rough (or perhaps would be too rough because to us it did not look rough at that point) to tender safely.

I was disappointed but so relieved that I had not yet told our girls about the Dolphin Swim and so grateful that I had booked the excursion through RCCL. On past cruises, we have normally done out own thing in port and saved $$ by doing that. However, I had read that Grand Cayman sometimes gets cancelled so I knew not to risk book the Dolphin Swim direct (I’d have got no refund if I had have) and booked with RCCL. Even though I knew that it sometimes gets cancelled, I was still quite shocked that it had happened to us.

So it left us with an un-scheduled sea day which of course is fine on a ship like Freedom of the Seas. As it turned out, we did sail through a bit of stormy weather and there was a bit of rain that surprised SIL who was lying out by the pool! DD13 was at the teen club of course and DH, me and our other two explored the ship some more and also played some shuffleboard in some stormy weather:


In the afternoon, DD10 and DD6 both went into their respective kids clubs – DD6 now fine to go after meeting children the night before – and DH and I had a lovely relaxing afternoon. In fact I think that was the afternoon we were able to watch the All Blacks beat the Wallabies on the Rugby World Cup Semi-final replay! :woohoo:

That night was the second of the two formal nights in the dining room. Here is MIL with 3 of her granddaughters:


I hope to goodness none of my family ever sees this trip report because they would probably freak that I posted photos of them on the internet. However, I’ve started now so I may as well go all the way and here we are: :rotfl2:

Friday 21 October – Cozumel

Today our port stop was at Cozumel, Mexico. We woke up to see that we were approaching the port and it was great excitement for me (cruise addict remember!) as there were about 4 other massive cruise ships surrounding near us as they too waited to berth. I was happily out on our balcony with my binoculars watching all the activity!

Watching the ships:

Today all 11 of us went on an excursion to the Tulum Mayan Ruins. This was the main reason we booked a Western Caribbean cruise as DH and MIL have a particular interest in this type of thing. The excursion was a whole day one and involved us travelling 45 minutes by fast ferry over to Playa del Cayman on the mainland.

I took this photo later in the day but this is the ferry we took:

We then boarded a bus and travelled an hour down to Tulum. The ruins were good and our tour guide was a wealth of knowledge. It was very hot though and a bit too much information for me!


The children were fascinated by the many iquanas at the ruins:

The beautiful beach below the ruins:

Thankfully I had booked us on the Tulum Ruins and Beach Break so, after the ruins, we were driven to a nearby hotel where we had a delicious authentic Mexican lunch and time to swim in the gorgeous beach.



Of course we then needed to drive back to Playa del Carmen and then ferry back to the ship so we didn’t get back to after 6pm, just before the ship left.

When we got back, we could see an NCL ship was berthed next to us:

We missed our dining room reservation and so all went to The Windjammer for dinner which worked out pretty good as we were all quite exhausted!


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