Traveling alone with the boys...


Earning My Ears
Jan 14, 2005
Hi everyone. I just joined the board today & I'm not really sure where to put this post, but I saw the "Single parent meet" thread here so thats why I decided to post my question here.

Anyway, I am a single mother of 3 sons ages 10, 6 & almost 4. Our WDW vacation is set for April 28-May 2, 2005 & I am extremely excited! We live in Michigan and we have traveled a few of places before with just us but it was always drive-able or just a short flight like to Chicago so anyway this will be our first big trip together and although I'm excited - I have to admit I'm getting a little nervous because I will be taking the boys to Disney World all alone. :earseek:

The original plan was for my parents & the boys dad to come along with us because their dad and I actually have a pretty ok relationship now that we're no longer together :rolleyes:

Well anyway, my parents told me a few months back that they decided since they were moving soon they didn't want to take the trip & spend money but they wanted to go another time, and then the beginning of the year something came up with my EX so he just recently cancelled his reservation so now it's just us... I've already told the boys we were going to Disney and like I said we travel alone sometimes anyway so we're still going, but I've been hearing about how crowded WDW can get and all of that so I'm just worried that I won't be able to handle all of the boys although they are really good kids I don't know if the excitement will get them going & by myself that might stress me out, LOL because I'm sure the place is huge! Anyway, another thing I wanted to know are there alot of rides that we all can go on together?

And for anyone who has traveled alone with kiddies I would like to know what has your experience been like, was it tiring & you wouldn't recommend it or did you actually enjoy yourself and would do it again?... And also if you have any tips for me about anything so that the boys & I can make this a special trip to remember I would really appreciate it. :flower1:

btw, sorry so long :blush:
Welcome to the boards - this is a great place for information! A good place to check frequently would be the Meets Forum - there you can find others who might be down there at the same time and that might be a good start for you and your boys. There are quite a few rides that don't have height requirements and those you would all be able to ride together. Enjoy your trip!
I a single mom too. DD (8) and ds(5). We were away for 2 weeks in dec. we did universal (my parents were there w us) the wonder cruise(just us) and then WDw (again just us).
This was the ast time we were in wdw alone. Before the trip I was concerned, but it was fine. We are going again in oct for MNNSHP. I can't wait.
Maybe in the future it would be great if the single parents on this board planned a trip together.
Have fun
Valerie :grouphug:
One nice thing is, the parks shouldn't be all that crowded when you are down there. Just take your time and enjoy! You don't have to see it all. In fact, with little ones, it's a mistake to try to do everything. Let them explore and go at their own pace.

Most kids behave quite well at Disney on their own, unless you tire them out too much. If they get cranky take a mid-day break, or come early and leave after the parade, then come back for fireworks, popcorn and ice cream. The littlest things are special to little ones at Disney World... let the magic do it's thing.
they won't like this - but their names, your names and the hotel where you are staying - plus your cell phone (get one) number - in their shoes.

the 10 year old will be fine - make sure that the 4 and 6 know that they are not to leave you....
Hey everyone thanks for all of the helpful replies!! @Spiceycat, I never thought about that, but that is a great idea incase we get split up - which I hope and pray won't happen but better safe than sorry...

@Razon Roman... where do the parades and fireworks usually take place? because that is something that I really want the boys to see... Is it just all over the parks? or only in certain destinations.

@ValDisney, thanks so much for your reply... So comforting to hear that everything worked out great with you and your kids! Now I'm getting excited, I may get nervous again but I'm sure everything will be ok. Have fun in Oct!
in the MK partially along mainstreet - then along frontierland - I like the place at the Splash mountain (on the other side)

for MK fireworks - I use to recommend behind the castle - in Fantasyland - this is where the fireworks are going off. but on my last trip - you would not believe the people.

same in the other place I use to recommend - the restuarant between the main street and tomorrowland - they have seats - but get here early and I mean early -this place is now completely taken 45 minutes before the firework start. You can see some of the parade from here - so it is okay for that too. this is the MK.

the fireworks at EPcot - I like between Norway and Mexico - again this place use to be empty - now it is down right packed....

one day I will learn not tell everyone.

I like Norway and Mexico better - because most of the time the wind is blowing the other way - the reason I don't like Canada/Great britian or France - or the big area where alot of people stand.

this area is harder to get out of - it is almost at the back of the parks - so most of the time it is better to just sit and wait for everyone to leave - then go.

the studios have a play for their fireworks get there early at least an hour. ifyou want a seat.
Also, check your guide maps for parade times....

3:00 in Magic Kingdom, 4:00 in MGM, not sure about Animal Kingdom and I don't know if Epcot still does the Tapestry of... parade or not

Also, it is helpful to know where the characters they want to see are. Since they are boys, they probably don't care about the Princesses, and the older one probably doesn't care about Pooh either. :-) They will most definately want to meet the Pixar characters...

Monsters Inc, Toy Story, and The Incredibles characters are all only at the Disney MGM Studios... and a Bug's Life characters are in Animal Kingdom. I think Finding Nemo's characters are only in Epcot (I dont know if they have walk-arounds, but if they liked the movie you HAVE to take them to see The Living Seas pavillion & talk to Crush the turtle!)
I think the AK parade is at 3:00. There is no current parade at EPCOT. I do miss the Tapestry parade though. All of the parades are good to see at least once. I wouldn't spend hours trying to get a good spot or anything though. I would definitely stake a spot for Wishes though. I cried like a baby during this show last May. It truly was magical.

I am sure you will have a wonderful time. You're going to WDW!
I think it's great, a trip with 3 boys. I took my 2 granddaughters, ages 5 & 8 and we had a blast. I will admit to one time I lost my view of one of them, but that was in July and the parks were very full. One suggestion is to have the same color shirts on the boys, maybe something very bright. It will be hard not to stop and view something of interest, since it's your first visit, and that will be the time for one of them to wander. Just stress to them how important it is not to wander. Your 10 year old will be a great help holding on to one of the younger ones, while you have the other.

I know after my trip with the grands, I had to go back on my own to really see the magic for myself. It was a wonderful trip seeing it through their eyes, and some day I hope to do it again with them.

Also, I recommend getting the Passporter. It is a wealth of info on the resorts, the parks, rides etc. If you are staying onsite, you will have plenty of info on the parks and times of the shows and fireworks.
Four more suggestions -

1. Each morning take a digital pic of the boys in what they are wearing that day. That way if one does wander off, you have a pic to show CM's.

2. Maybe have a set of special rules for the kids for WDW. Things like, "Help each other," "No fighting," "Try one new food each day," "Carry your own snacks in your fanny pack," "quiet voices and stay in your seat at meals." Whatever you think might be an issue with the kids. Write them down and have the kids sign them, and keep a copy in your purse. let them add to the list of rules if they want. Feel free to add a rule while you are there if necessary.

3. Figure out spending money in advance. maybe a ceratin amount each day, which can be saved from day to day for bigger purchases, or maybe one flat amount for the trip. That will help eliminate the "Can I haves . . ." If they say "Can I have . .?" you say, "How much money do you have left?"

4. Carry a small water bottle (have the boys carry them, actually) that can be refilled at water fountains. Frequently a couple of sips of water will help you avoid buying soda/ice cream, etc.

Have fun! It will be a trip of a lifetime for the four of you!


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