Trading Pages.....


<font color=deeppink>Masquerading as a normal pers
Jan 30, 2003
How's everyone doing? Has everyone mailed out their photos?

Keep us all posted on your progress!

Swan - I mailed mine to you Sunday. It was later than I wanted, but we had some family stuff pop up last week that involved some travel.
I just checked my mail and got your pictures. I was excited to see that your pictures were from Epcot. Did I mention Epcot is my favorite place in the world. I hope you like my pages since I am new at this. I am having problems with my pictures. They are on my hubbys lap top and it will not hold a charge long enough to get the pictures off, since they are new we do not have them on the back up. If we do not get this problem fixed I will choose something else.....................Gail
I mailed my pictures to Wish*Up*On*A*Star (I think, that is her screen name) yesterday 3/2 Tuesday....

I am behind too. Am going to mail out today with my birthday swap borders. Been too busy getting ready for our trip to do anything else other than getting ready for DS's birthday, Girl Scouts, working, keeping the house up, exercises, church things going on this week, and the list goes on....
You should have mine already poohbear
and I have recieved and started my pages! :)

I don't know HOW I missed the butterfly conservatory when I went to Niagra Falls!
Gives me a good reason to go back now! (DH was not with us and wants to but - Ive been like augh been there done that!)
Originally posted by pattyT
You should have mine already poohbear
and I have recieved and started my pages! :)

I don't know HOW I missed the butterfly conservatory when I went to Niagra Falls!
Gives me a good reason to go back now! (DH was not with us and wants to but - Ive been like augh been there done that!)

Patty - Yes, I should have posted. I received them this past weekend, I believe, if not before! They are great and I am already cooking up some ideas!
I'll let you know as soon as I get them, Deb. Just so you all are in awe, PigletsPal finished my photos already and they should be off in the mail back to me - all together now....

I will attempt to scan in the pages PigletsPal did for me as soon as I can and get them up on two peas to show off. I sent her photos of my son's first haircut at WDW.
Unfortunately I'm way behind and haven't sent out my photos yet. I was focusing on CKU but I'm home now so I'll get them out in the next day or so. (Sorry.)
Hey Robin -

Don't sweat it on getting them in the mail. I am into the final two weeks of a show at our high school. This week we do costume parade and attend to all the final details. Next week we have dress runs on Monday & Tuesday with productions Thur, Fri & Sat (2!). So I won't even begin to THINK about these until at least the 22nd.

Unlike piglet's pal....

I am glad you are running behind, so am I. I was not able to get the lap top fixed so that I could send you the ones I wanted. They were from my trip to Dallas on valentines day.
Oh well, I sent some in to club photo and I am having them send them to you. The only problem is.......... I think I sent you to many. I think I need to send you some money for S&H.....
I'm done and mailed the finished pages out today so Castlegazer should get them in the next 2-3 days the mail clerk told me. This was alot of fun and Thanks PoohBear1029 for putting this together.
OOOO, OOO - I am so excited :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

You're an :angel: Thanks so much! Now - onto my homework for FantasticDisFamily............
Dairyou, I've got your pages done -- your pix were great and I really hope you like what I did with them. I have been toerrorized with self doubt over this!!

I am trying to figure out the best way to mail them. Any advice from the experts?

WDWMom - Did you get my pix ok?

BTW - does anyone else's DH think they're weird for scrapping other people's pictures when you can't find the time to scrap your own? :D


Last time I shipped out 12 x 12 pages I used one of those boxes you can get that look sort of like a pizza box. Found it at Staples. This time I just received an order from Creative Cropping ina similar box so I saved it to send out Robin's pages when they are done. Ok, I guess that means I need her pictures but we aren't stressing since she was at CKU and also knew I wouldn't be able to get to them until after the 21st.

As for DH thinking I'm weird...well he doesn't pay a whole lot of attention to what I'm doing except when I give him new pages to look at. And it is a trade - I do 2 for someone else, but they are doing 2 for me at the same time! :p


Received your pictures. We were at WDW last week so I just got them yesterday. Will start on them this week.

I forgot who I sent my pics to. Did anyone get them????


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