Tracey's wedding weight loss attempt (comments welcome & needed!!)

Wow, what restraint choosing strawberries instead of cheesecake! I can never pass up cheesecake. Ever. :rolleyes1

Just because you CAN eat everything and anything on your cruise doesn't mean you SHOULD. Pick a couple things you want to try and just have a taste of them. You can eat lots of stuff as long as it is only 1-2 bites of each. You can make good choices! :cheer2:

Yes, there is a heat wave here in the US, nationwide. I live in Arizona, so it is hot here every summer, but other places where it is usually not hot have really been sweltering the last couple weeks.
WTG resisting the cheesecake :woohoo: . So sorry it is still hot there. Yes, we are also having a bad heatwave pretty much everywhere in the country - not good. Usually heatwaves in CA only last for a few days, but this one has been going on for almost two weeks.

Have a wonderful time at your cruise! Just ask yourself if the bite your about to eat is worth the calories. If it is not super yummy, then don't eat it. If it is scrumptuous, then portion control.
Well i'm back! Had a great time, but kept comparing it to DCL!!!! Which is the only other cruise i've done...I;ve been spoilt!!
Feel like i've put 14 lb on!!!
Was pretty good to start with for lunch i had chk/mushrooms in a sauce with a bit of rice & some cheese, salami & beef (strange combo i know!!!) NO DESSERT - only because i didnt really like any of them :)
BUT then later in the afternoon i had some fries & a couple of pieces of pizza!! This was of course after the alcohol had kicked in!
Evening meal - ceaser salad, beef & sorry guys...cheesecake BUT it was only a small piece.
THEN after more alcohol we went to the midnight buffet & i had chk curry, fries & a slice of pizza!!
Breakfast today - couple of slices of bacon with tomatoes & lots of fruit juice & tea!!!
Lunch - very small baked potato.
Now the alcohol - if i type it fast perhaps it wont sound so bad!!
3 bottles of wine (shared) 1 mai tai, 1 singapore sling, 3 strawberry daquiris & 4 'celebration' cocktails!!! & i have a horrible feeling there may have been more cocktails that i cant remember!!!
Major detox this week!!! That is after i've caught up on the sleep i never got!!!
Hope everyone has had a good weekend :)
Hi Tracey,

I'm glad to hear that you had a great time! :sunny: I hope you have a great week ahead! :thumbsup2 Take care! :hug:
traceycooper said:
Now the alcohol - if i type it fast perhaps it wont sound so bad!!
3 bottles of wine (shared) 1 mai tai, 1 singapore sling, 3 strawberry daquiris & 4 'celebration' cocktails!!! & i have a horrible feeling there may have been more cocktails that i cant remember!!!

You're my kind of party animal! party:

Sounds like a fun time, you can get back into your healthy eating habits this week!
I'm feeling a little depressed today, about our trip/wedding
My parents have never been to WDW or the US for that matter, & i'm sooo looking forward to showing them everything
Then i here that the castle at MK will be boarded off as they are taking the decorations down :(
Now i've been told that ASMo (where we stay week 1) fantasia pool is going to be closed :( DD will be upset & i was looking forward to seeing mum & dads face when they walked through the doors outside to the pool!!
They say you can use quite pools or other pool at ASMu, but i'm so dissapointed!
We booked through a TA & my parents booked through a different company so if we try to change our hotel & mum trys one of us may get it but not the other & i know the TA will charge us for wanting to change the booking :(
Spoke to mum this morning i think we will wait till we arrive at ASMo & ask to change then, just worried they wont have any room left anywhere!!!
Hi Tracey~

I have a suggestion for you.... Why don't you go to the Disney World website and check availability for the resort that you want... If it shows availability, then you and your mom should be able to switch resorts with no problem. Or you could call Disney directly and tell them what the problem is. I'm sure they'll be able to transfer both reservations for you. The only thing is that if you have connecting rooms at ASMo, you may not be able to get connecting rooms at the other resort. Does your travel agent charge you for changing resorts? My agency doesn't charge any fees.

I hope that everything works out Tracey. :hug: The good thing is that you do have some time to get everything straightened out.

Have a great day! :sunny:
I know it's disappointing when things aren't going to be absolutely perfect for your trip, but try to focus on the positive. If this is your parents' first time to WDW, I bet they will be WOWed with everything and the little things won't matter. Try to see if you can change resorts if the pool thing is a big deal for you. If not, just enjoy all the other things ASMo has to offer! You'll have a blast no matter what happens. :wizard:
All that alcohol!!! Yum! It sounds like you and I would have fun hanging out together! ;) Glad you had a great time.

Have you tried to see if there's availability at another resort during your trip? Even if you can't switch, as lovinaz said, your parents will be amazed by WDW as a whole. Try not to worry about it and just think of all the magic you'll all get to enjoy together! :wizard:
Wow didnt realise i'd been away this long, where has the week gone??
Weighed in on Friday & no gain so i'm happy with that after my cruise binge!!!
Been hard last couple of days though ate out Thurday with the intention of eating healthy but the menu was rubbish DF sent his back (a rare thing for him - us brits dont like to complain!!) DSIL got upset stomach!!
Anyway ended up with burger & fries, ate all the burger & some fries, poor Gary had my left overs as he refused to have anything else!!
Friday night i ended up taking my neighbour out as her Dh has decided to leave her!!
It is the week before their 1st wedding!
So i drank lots of cider & had chips (fries) for supper!
Saturday i went to an evening wedding reception & had a cob (bread!!..must get the lingo right :)) 1 small sausage roll & a 'nibble' of chocolate wedding cake..& it was a nibble. Didnt drink though - 3 diet cokes & a water
Another friend was supposed to get married on Saturday too, but i was told at my card making class on Tuesday that she has called the wedding off, with only a week to go!! What with that & my neighbour I am getting seriously worried about my up coming wedding!!
Went back to the gym last week after a 2 wek break took it steady on Monday, went swimming Wednesday, walking Thursday, & then went mad at the gym Friday...i am suffering, my legs are really aching!
Well thats a quick round up of my week,
Hope everyone is well
Tracey xxx
Wow, what a week! Your friend and neighbour are very fortunate to have you in their lives. Don't worry about your wedding. These are rare occurrences. I've been married nearly 8yrs and we're doing great. We have little quabbles, but nothing even remotely serious.

Your food made me hungry! LOL Congrats on not gaining weight. Are you watching your portions? Congrats on the exercising too. Did it feel good getting back into it (until you were sore! LOL). Thanks for the update and keep up the great work this week!!!
Hi there,

First off, i know I am a little late, but congrats on the loss of 6 pounds!!! That is awesome. Even better that you didn't gain while you were on your cruise!!! Way to go!!! Keep up the good are doing great!!

Next, don't worry about the wedding, yours will be fine. I just know it! And don't worry about WDW....with everything going on I am sure that you are going to have a wonderful time. Your parents are going to have a great time as well....

Keep up the good work!
Hi Tracey~

Don't wory too much about your wedding, sweetie. Everything will be fine. :grouphug: I'm sorry that your friend and your neighbor have to go through this difficult time. They are very blessed to have a friend like you to support them and help them get through this. That is very nice of you, Tracey. ::yes::

I hope you have a wonderful week! :sunny:

P.S. Any updates on switching your WDW resort?
Good news neighbours DH is coming home tonight :) He sent her a big bunch of flowers & apologised for putting her through a hard time!
Went to the gym yesterday afternoon, Had omlette for lunch but didnt have a proper dinner so ended up snacking sugar free cola bottles & sugar free/low carb chocolate!! Only thing is that stuff gives me very bad wind!!
Went to the Doc yesterday as ithought i had a lump in my breast, given the all clear & we had a good talk about my period problems i told him about the horrible time i had at the hospital & he was not impressed, he said i have lots of options & we discussed a few, i am going back in 4 weeks :)
breakfast - atkins bar,earl grey
lunch - mexican chk salad
Dinner - small baked potato with chk & bacon
Need to remember to drink more water!!!

CJK - yes i'm trying to watch my portion sizes that is my downfall!! Think i'm doing ok :)
toystoryduo - we have decided to wait till we check in at ASMo's & see if we can get pop or upgrade to a moderate, hoefully something will be available
eeyore25 - Thanks for your kind words, the 6lb loss was a great feeling, it seems i dont budge for weeks then some will come off, i'm happy if that continues :)
Was going to go to the gym today but DB asked me to go out with my DH & his DH, so we went for a walk & then ended up going out for lunch, EVEN though i had already had my lunch (3 bran crispbreads) i ended up having cajun chk, salad & fries although i gave him most of the fries!! Not going to have any dinner, i will have a bowl of strawberries later :)
Made my transportation reservations today with sunray (recommended on here!!) they are picking us up from the airport & taking us to ASMo's & also taking us to Clearwater for the week i get married i have requested a 'just married' sign for our return journey to the airport :) not going to tell DF!
Did go to gym on Monday (forgot to add that on last post)
Sounds like you have been very busy! Great job getting to the gym on Monday and doing all that working out last week!

Don't let everyone else's relationship drama affect how you feel about your own wedding. I'm sure you wouldn't be flying all the way to WDW to get married if you weren't positive he's the one! :groom: :bride:
Hi Tracey~

I'm glad to hear that your neighbor's DH is coming home! :goodvibes I'm also glad to hear that your doctor's appointment went well. :thumbsup2 Way to go on getting to the gym! :Pinkbounc

Have a great day tomorrow! :sunny:
Congrats on making the transportation bookings!! Are you enjoying the planning part? Your dh will be so surprised over the sign. Keep up the great work!! :cool1:
Dont know whether this has made the news 'over there' proberbly, Every airport in the UK is facing major delays & disruption due to a major bomb threat being discovered!
Apparently terroists where going to use liquid explosives disguised as a drink in hand baggage to blow up 6 planes above US & UK cities!!!
I feel sick, hate flying at best of times without this! I know its still 2 months away but i think i'd sooner be flying whilst security is so tight! People in airports have took it very well they understand why there is delays etc, much more important to be safe!
Apparently they have arrested 18 people but 2 are missing.
Well off to watch the news again!
Weighed in change...again!!!
I have been a bit up & down with my eating but nothing i'm not really allowed, i'm snacking in the evenings but its things like low carb chocolate & sugar free cola bottles, but i still feel quilty!
Breakfast - decaf earl grey, atkins bar
lunch - 2 slices of low carb bread with cheese,onion & mayo, 2 more cups of earl grey
dinner - low carb pasta with tuna & tomatos & cheese
evening snacks - low carb chocolate & sugar free cola bottles

It looks like i lose only every 4 weeks after my period, but feeling guilty about the low carb, choc, cola bottles, bread & pasta as i only like to have them occasionaly,but feel i am having too much!
I have decided not to get any more cola bottles as they give me terrible wind!!
Got to go for my first wedding dress fitting next Friday, so am gonna try & go back on induction for the week, wish me luck!!! :)


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