TR w/4000+ Pics/Disney on Ice w/184 Pics!!

I decided while we were waiting around Space Mtn that I should go out the gates & activate my AP for the day. If you recall I had to buy a 3 day PH so I could do MM with my that was the ticket I used to get in. I got some pics as I went back up Main Street:




The absolute wrong time of day to try & get these Emporium windows in can see a little bit...but mostly you see the reflection & glare on the glass:








Decided after I came back thru the gates, I would ride the Omnibus back up to the castle.







Ty got a picture of the horse & the firetruck & then himself as they waited to meet me at the Plaza Inn:




We had a 9:40 Minnie & Friends breakfast at the Plaza Inn. Betty had rejoined us & was glad she had slept longer...she was feeling better!





Next post will have more Plaza Inn & the start of the characters!
A look around inside the Plaza & the buffet:














We were seated outside, but by the fence where there is a good sized gap in the thru-out our meal we had people looking over our shoulders at the characters. We actually had families sneaking in thru the exit & following characters to get autographs & pics. I've never seen that before. I also noticed that a number of the families weren't waiting for the characters to come to their table. I finally asked the family that was hanging out over my kids as they were getting pics done to please return to their tables & the characters would come to them. About 15 mins before we left, they seemed to get control over all of this. I saw them ask 4 different groups of people to leave since they weren't having breakfast......crazy!

The first character to come to our table was fitting to be greeted by the hostess first!!:





Goofy's son Max was next:






Remember Shy's love for watermelon? This plate was totally covered in cut up watermelon pieces & she had eaten every last one of them & was looking for more!! lol


More characters!
Photobucket is messed up today.....had a ton of pics organized & ready to go......but it is running painfully slow & coming up with errors. The last set of 25 thru 11 of them total in I don't know if I'll be posting anymore to the TR today!! Hope they get whatever the problem is fixed!!!!!!
So is Pink's known for more of a chili dog or hot dog's in general? From a pic it looks similar to a Chicago style hot dog, and being a Chicago (suburb) girl, I love my Chicago style hot dogs!! :lovestruc

Very good question. I realize, when I think back about Pink's and how I used to eat their chili burgers and dogs as a young teenager, it seemed like the chili was the main thing that was being hyped more than the hot dogs in general, and most people either preferred the burgers or the hot dogs - but all with the chili on them.

But, in the last decade and a half or so, Pink's has begun to promote its hot dogs in general a lot more than it used to - more than just promoting the chili. For example, they recently added a "naked" dog or some such thing (called the Betty White Naked Dog or a similar variation), which, I presume, has nothing on it, at their Universal CityWalk location!! As Laurie said, they do have all kinds of crazy toppings and they have several items on the menu that are named after celebrities (there's even a Huell Howser hot dog!! I don't know how many of you know who Huell is...). So it almost seems more like Pink's is trying to promote their different varieties of hot dogs and other things instead of just the chili - even though the chili is the main attraction, I think.

If given a choice and Tail o' the Pup were still open, I would have chosen a Tail o' the Pup chili dog over a Pink's chili dog, BUT I would choose a Pink's chili burger over a Tail o' the Pup chili burger. And the Carney's chili burger falls somewhere in the middle there.

And now I am making myself hungry!!:rotfl2:
Love it.

Well, for all the bs with this at Kaiser I cannot fault them. If it were not for DR Rojas my surgeon in 2007 I would be dead. If it weren't for their physical therapy I would still be in a wheelchair.
Laurie, I am loving your trip report!! The pics are amazing, so much detail. And it's seriously making me miss DL!!
Can't wait for more...... :)
Very good question. I realize, when I think back about Pink's and how I used to eat their chili burgers and dogs as a young teenager, it seemed like the chili was the main thing that was being hyped more than the hot dogs in general, and most people either preferred the burgers or the hot dogs - but all with the chili on them.

But, in the last decade and a half or so, Pink's has begun to promote its hot dogs in general a lot more than it used to - more than just promoting the chili. For example, they recently added a "naked" dog or some such thing (called the Betty White Naked Dog or a similar variation), which, I presume, has nothing on it, at their Universal CityWalk location!! As Laurie said, they do have all kinds of crazy toppings and they have several items on the menu that are named after celebrities (there's even a Huell Howser hot dog!! I don't know how many of you know who Huell is...). So it almost seems more like Pink's is trying to promote their different varieties of hot dogs and other things instead of just the chili - even though the chili is the main attraction, I think.

If given a choice and Tail o' the Pup were still open, I would have chosen a Tail o' the Pup chili dog over a Pink's chili dog, BUT I would choose a Pink's chili burger over a Tail o' the Pup chili burger. And the Carney's chili burger falls somewhere in the middle there.

And now I am making myself hungry!!:rotfl2: made me hungry now too!! Craving some chili!! :rotfl2:

Love it.

Well, for all the bs with this at Kaiser I cannot fault them. If it were not for DR Rojas my surgeon in 2007 I would be dead. If it weren't for their physical therapy I would still be in a wheelchair.

I'm so glad they did right by you!! I have never had the privledge or unfortunate need to be treated thru Kaiser...but have heard some real nightmare stories. Dr Rojas is my hero now!! :flower3:

Laurie, I am loving your trip report!! The pics are amazing, so much detail. And it's seriously making me miss DL!!
Can't wait for more...... :)

Thanx Beth.....I'm so frustrated with photobucket....I've tried off & on to load 5 pics at a time & they keep coming up with errors & still running like molasses up hill!!! Might have to go flikr the next set but it takes so much longer to transfer them to the DIS.....what to do, what to do??!!
I know - suddenly I have a huge craving for chili too - and for various foods slathered in chili! But, after viewing all of your photos, I am craving peppermint ice cream (which I have always loved anyway), Goofy's Kitchen food, Bob's Big Boy food, Knott's chicken dinner, Carnation Cafe food, and whatever that chicken dish was at Ariel's Grotto!!!

Welcome to my Photobucket nightmare - it is always slow as molasses for me, even on a good day!! I love Photobucket and I hate Photobucket all at the same time.:rotfl2:
I know - suddenly I have a huge craving for chili too - and for various foods slathered in chili! But, after viewing all of your photos, I am craving peppermint ice cream (which I have always loved anyway), Goofy's Kitchen food, Bob's Big Boy food, Knott's chicken dinner, Carnation Cafe food, and whatever that chicken dish was at Ariel's Grotto!!!

Welcome to my Photobucket nightmare - it is always slow as molasses for me, even on a good day!! I love Photobucket and I hate Photobucket all at the same time.:rotfl2:

We did get some good food on this trip....that is for sure!!

I can't get anything to upload (that's what I get for paying for the Pro account....grrrrr @&5#*$<----bad words) every picture when it shows it complete turns to red!!! Which means it didn't upload. So I'm not sure what the problem is!!

It was going good until today. I could upload the pics for the post, while they were uploading....go & write the post, come back & get the pic codes & go on to the next one. I had quite the system going.....but this has me totally stopped!! If it's doing it in the morning I'll email tech support to find out the problem.
Hey Laurie...I am subscribed to this thread and have been watching it. You are just coming to the point where we joined you!!! Whoo hoo! I haven't been able to post...having computer issues again. But, I have been watching! I have to find the cord so I can send you the pics I took, too!
As always loved your last installment but BOOO for the photobucket mess. This is why I give you so much credit. Just trying to post a FEW pics using reg photobucket drives me nuts that's why I am so impressed and amazed that you have the fortitude to do this! I SO don't have the patience and I am so glad that you DO cuz this has been SO fun. All the trip reports I have done in the past have just been written and I have never included pics but the pics make it SO much more fun and you have SO many and it is REALLY neat to see. You have some AWESOME pics esp of inside the rides that I never thought were even possible to get!

You are going to be so glad you have these! It will be like being there having so many!

I hope you have better luck today and I know we are all waiting with baited breath as they say for your next installment. Gee look how popular you are. Maybe you SHOULD do a blog. We are all like pavlov's dog standing around drooling ;)
Hey Laurie...I am subscribed to this thread and have been watching it. You are just coming to the point where we joined you!!! Whoo hoo! I haven't been able to post...having computer issues again. But, I have been watching! I have to find the cord so I can send you the pics I took, too!

I'm glad you've been reading along!!! Been thinking about you....especially as you & Zoe are coming up!!! Hey I've mis-placed you address. I think I will just burn you a CD with the pics on it......will take less time & effort then if I were to email them.....just too many!! You can either text or private message it to me when you can!!

As always loved your last installment but BOOO for the photobucket mess. This is why I give you so much credit. Just trying to post a FEW pics using reg photobucket drives me nuts that's why I am so impressed and amazed that you have the fortitude to do this! I SO don't have the patience and I am so glad that you DO cuz this has been SO fun. All the trip reports I have done in the past have just been written and I have never included pics but the pics make it SO much more fun and you have SO many and it is REALLY neat to see. You have some AWESOME pics esp of inside the rides that I never thought were even possible to get!

You are going to be so glad you have these! It will be like being there having so many!

I hope you have better luck today and I know we are all waiting with baited breath as they say for your next installment. Gee look how popular you are. Maybe you SHOULD do a blog. We are all like pavlov's dog standing around drooling ;)

I'm trying the bulk uploader on photobucket this morning to see if it is working.....still can't get things to load on the normal upload......GRRRRRRRR!!

Tyler this trip was so funny with his camera on the rides......point & real "framing" what he His camera was good for that.....mine on the other hand didn't work as great on the rides as I was hoping...but did get a few on POTC & HM.

I should look into doing blog.....I always have random thoughts & maybe some of my life experiences would be helpful to someone......have a lot of "been there, done thats" in my life. Would be fun to run an online journal!!!
Well this would have been useful information YESTERDAY......I just needed to open a new album.....there is a picture limit to them. So I'm uploading now!!!! :cheer2:
Laurie, I just gave your Trip Report a big, fat plug on the main DL forum. Someone started a thread about Disney Withdrawals, so I posted a link and some commentary about your TR. Expect a few more people viewing the TR!

I was going to say this yesterday but forgot (or I was having too much trouble with the pages loading) - I usually keep a list on my PC of links for pertinent threads and TR's, so that when someone asks questions I can whip out the links really quickly for referral (it's part of being a good, helpful mod and it may even be part of what got me the invitation to be a mod, because I was compiling this info before I got asked to join the mod team!;)). I have a list of mega-TR's that I think are great for referring people to for various reasons - I have plugged Mariezp's TR's many times, as well as Molly's (Bumbershoot's), and I have Jazz's old TR (the original) on the list as well. There's quite a few I collected links for. So I am going to definitely add your TR to the list for referral because it covers such a broad range of things and the photos are so detailed and intensive.

Also, I was thinking of heading over to the Farmers Market this weekend. I have to try to do it in the morning before it gets too busy, though. If I do, I'm going to take lots of photos to show you since you didn't make it there during your trip. They'd be good to have anyway, just because questions do come up on this board about FM and The Grove periodically. I'll post them in my TR if I can handle Photobucket.:mad:
When we left off....oh so long ago.......we were at the Minnie & Friends breakfast & had just seen Minnie & Max. Next to visit us was Captain of the boys commented when the kids asked him to sign the autograph book that "He'll need a hand......" So funny....Capt Hook reacted....good times!!




Next up was Eeyore:








Chip came next:











Rafiki was next.....this is the start of those pics:






Next up....more of the Rafiki pics & let's dance!!
Laurie, I just gave your Trip Report a big, fat plug on the main DL forum. Someone started a thread about Disney Withdrawals, so I posted a link and some commentary about your TR. Expect a few more people viewing the TR!

I was going to say this yesterday but forgot (or I was having too much trouble with the pages loading) - I usually keep a list on my PC of links for pertinent threads and TR's, so that when someone asks questions I can whip out the links really quickly for referral (it's part of being a good, helpful mod and it may even be part of what got me the invitation to be a mod, because I was compiling this info before I got asked to join the mod team!;)). I have a list of mega-TR's that I think are great for referring people to for various reasons - I have plugged Mariezp's TR's many times, as well as Molly's (Bumbershoot's), and I have Jazz's old TR (the original) on the list as well. There's quite a few I collected links for. So I am going to definitely add your TR to the list for referral because it covers such a broad range of things and the photos are so detailed and intensive.

Also, I was thinking of heading over to the Farmers Market this weekend. I have to try to do it in the morning before it gets too busy, though. If I do, I'm going to take lots of photos to show you since you didn't make it there during your trip. They'd be good to have anyway, just because questions do come up on this board about FM and The Grove periodically. I'll post them in my TR if I can handle Photobucket.:mad:

Thanx Sherry!! Was wondering how I could get people over here to look. Occassionally I will answer some ones post with a link & page # for them to get pics & reviews for what they're asking about....but don't have time to do that with all of

Have fun at the Farmer's Market....I would love to see some pics of it!!
Thanx Sherry!! Was wondering how I could get people over here to look. Occassionally I will answer some ones post with a link & page # for them to get pics & reviews for what they're asking about....but don't have time to do that with all of

Have fun at the Farmer's Market....I would love to see some pics of it!!

I probably have a lot of stuff on my reference list that you haven't even seen, because it's all faded into the archives, as well as some of the expected threads. I've had the list for more than a couple of years. It's more of what I think is noteworthy to look at - which may not be what someone else thinks is noteworthy.

Don't worry - you have plenty of people viewing your TR. People are seeing it and you have many people posting regularly in the TR too. I only have the number of views I have on my TR because it's been around since 2008. You have a whole bunch of views and posts from this year! So that shows there are lots of people tuning in regularly!
More Rafiki:









The lamppost....I think I take a picture of this every time we


Chip & Rafiki dancing....they grab the kids to come join them:





Dale came out to dance too (he never made it to our table):







Betty & Michayla:




The family:



Next post more Minnie, Pooh & Eeyore together & my review of this meal.


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