Toystoryduo's Journal....Moving Forward From Here

great bargains Tracy :)
Hope the change jar is full ;)
i hope February goes quicker than January!!!!
Thanks ladies. :grouphug:

Not too much going on here.... Had some great shopping trips this weekend and did some de-cluttering as well. I'm hoping to continue de-cluttering right through the month of February so the house will be ready for spring cleaning in March.

Speaking of spring cleaning, we had temps in the 40's here the other day. It was downright balmy! :beach:

Still working on the work at home thing....Hopefully, the right job will come up soon!pixiedust:

That's about all from here...Hope everyone has a great evening!:grouphug:
Good morning friends,

It has been quite a busy morning already!:faint: I've gotten 2 hours worth of work done for my DH and chili is in the crockpot for dinner. I've also checked e-mails and done some rewards programs as well.

Plans for the rest of the day:

* Homeschooling

* Library

* Laundry

* Quick run to Target

* Work from home research

* De-clutter some more stuff!:cheer2:

That's about all from here...Hope everyone has a great day!:grouphug:
Wow, busy day! Hope you get some time to take a deep breath somewhere along the way. Chili sounds very yummy.

40 degrees, you need to whip out the bathing suits!:beach:
You sound on top of everything Tracy :)
can you send some of that warm sun over here :(
Mmm, I love chili in the crockpot! :thumbsup2

My DH has a bad habit of throwing all his change on his nightstand. You can't even see the surface there is so much change! And the other day DD9 wanted 50 cents for something and she asked if she could get it from DH's "junk change" pile! :rotfl2: Hopefully your "junk change" adds up to lots of WDW goodies!
Good afternoon ladies,

It snowed...AGAIN. :( Ugh! This has been such a long winter already. My girls have cabin fever big time and are taking it out on each other. The weather is supposed to improve this weekend and I'm hoping they can get outside to play for awhile.

I'm getting frustrated too. They both have seem to hit a wall where reading is concerned. :( We're trying to work through it, but it's kind of tough at the moment.

Today's Plan:

* Homeschooling (in progress)

* Finish laundry

* Run errands

* Library

I did a Power 90 workout yesterday. It felt good to get my body moving again! I think my goal for February will be 3 workouts per week. This week, it will be Cardio/Weights/Cardio with one done and two to go!:cheer2:

Still working on the work at home thing...I have several ideas, but time is a bit limited at the moment. I'm hoping to spend some time over the weekend doing more research into possibilities.

That's about all from here...Have a great Wednesday! :hug:

P.S. I forgot to mention...We canceled our annual WDW trip in December this year.:sad: We decided that two trips this year would be way too much and we need to focus on savings and debt reduction. We still plan on going in September with the free dining and the $75 birthday gift card. I have been doing Sunshine Rewards, Swag Bucks, and My Points to earn for that. I might add in some eBaying eventually too. :goodvibes
Oh man, I am sorry about the December trip. But it sounds like you probably made the right choice. Tough times make for tough decisions that aren't fun to make!

Maybe your girls will suddenly just start clicking with the reading again. My kids have always done that, they grow in spurts and learn in spurts!

Good job setting a workout goal! And very well done doing that Power 90 workout!!:thumbsup2
Thanks Amy. :hug:

Yesterday was a tough day here. I think that everyone has cabin fever and is fed up with winter. :( I think if we can swing it financially, we'll look at taking a trip to Florida next February to break up the winter blahs. Ugh. :( Did I mention the temperature was -8 this morning? :cold:

Today's Plan:

* Homeschooling

* Weight Workout

* Library

* Research

That's about all from here...Hope everyone has a great day!:grouphug:
Yuck, I don't envy your cold weather!

Great job getting that workout accomplished! Keep it up!!! :cool1:
I think Florida next February is a fine idea! We used to do that back when my kids were in year round school and it was so nice. I really miss that!

Hang in there with the cabin fever thing, hopefully you'll get an early spring. Your region has just been pounded this winter, you need to move to Colorado, we are 65 today.:confused3

Great job with those workouts.

And thanks for the pm, it brightened my day.:goodvibes
Thanks Amy and Amy.:goodvibes

Quick post....I will try and get to journals tomorrow.

Three great things about today:

1. My DH won a ticket to Universal Studios!!! It was part of their promotion during the Super Bowl. The first 100,000 people to sign up won a 7 day/2 park ticket. DH was one of the winners. This may change our plans for Disney this year. :)

2. My DH got 3 checks in the mail today! It would be nice if we could get 3 checks in the mail everyday. ;)

3. I got my second workout of the week in...Power 90 weights. :cool1:

My DH and I are going to have a finance meeting tonight. Just an update type thing...Hoping it goes smoothly....

Have a great evening! :grouphug:
That's great your dh won that Universal ticket! I just bought the 7 day tickets for $99 each for our June trip. We've never been and I want to try it out. So are you thinking switch from Disney to Universal or are you thinking you might do both? Details, details, I want them!

Have a good weekend, well done getting that workout in.

I hope your financial sit down went well, nothing gets me and my dh off kilter with each other like talking about money!:scared: :rotfl:

Keep up the good work with that exercising!:cheer2:
Try taking the girls to pick out a 'new' book to read & one for you to read to them. Sometimes that worked for me..... then never know!

I got in on the free universal ticket, too! My kids fav is universal...which is why we have only ever been to Disney twice :guilty: :sad2: :sad: Since my DNieces are teachers in FL they usually get in part of the year free to Universal & Sea World, so I'm hoping I can use it if I'm down there when they can get in free with their little ones.

Good job on the rewards stuff. It does add up. Do you do inbox dollars? PM me if you want the link. I manage to get a couple checks a year from them just reading emails & once you get your first check it adds up twice as fast.

Hope the weekend goes well & spring HURRIES!!!
Congrats on the free ticket! That will be a fun new thing to try next time you are in FL.
Just trying to catch up with you again. Looks like you are busy as always. Winning tickets sure does help stretch the vacations dollar.

Sorry, that you have to deal with all the snow again this winter. As for the reading, maybe you sould just encourage the girls to read the boxes of cereal when they eat or read a recipe that you are making. Also, let them just read comics. My older DD's had a teacher that told the class they could read whatever they wanted during free time even if it was a comic or a box of cereal. This at first didn't make sense to me, but he said that it at least keeps them reading and continues the enjoyment since you are not pushing them to just read a certain book. DD21 has always enjoyed reading, but DD19 really turned around in his class because she felt less pressure on what she should be reading. Of course, now she now reads the back of cereal (her favorite food) boxes over and over, but....... :confused3 ;) .

Have a wonderful weekend. ::MickeyMo::MickeyMo
Hope you are having a nice weekend Tracy. And that its not snowing in Ohio!
Thanks ladies!:grouphug:

As far as Disney plans go, I'm not sure what we are going to do at this point. We haven't been to Universal since we got married in 1996 and we'd like to check it out. The only thing is that going to Universal instead of Disney, will complicate the Free Dining thing a bit. Then again, it will allow us to save our tickets for another trip. Hmmmm....Lots of thinking to do! :scratchin:

Thanks for the reading suggestions! :goodvibes I'm going to try and implement some of them and see what happens.

My DH is working today. When he gets home, it's off to CVS, Walgreens, the grocery store, and the mall. Since we weren't able to get to church today, we'll do a family devotional later on in the evening. We'll also have a Disney meeting with the girls tonight. Talk about US and IOA and see what we plan on doing. Also, I received a $50 Disney gift card and $30 in Disney Dollars from Sunshine rewards yesterday, and a $10 rebate. I need to update our Disney savings stats. Right now, we have 19% of the money we need saved up for the trip. That's pretty good considering that my DH hasn't started deejaying yet!:thumbsup2 I'll have a new percentage tomorrow.:goodvibes

I weighed myself yesterday and was at 235. I weighed myself this morning and the scale read 233.4. :cheer2:

Hope everyone has a great day ahead!:grouphug:
Hi Tracy,
Just catching up on your new journal.I have seen you on here before but never posted on yours.
First I want to say that my favorite ages of my DDs were 6 and 8- now 14 and 17.At 6 and 8 we took our first WDW trip maybe that's why.

I too am so sick of this weather but I have to say I think we are having a "Feb."thaw today- right now it is 40+ degrees already.

I get in an exercise funk this time of year too.I think I tend to hibernate!

I hope everyone is feeling better in your house.There have been so many sick people this year probably because we are all forced inside for so long.

Stop by my journal.It is fun to keep each other motivated around here.I too am trying to lose a few lbs but that darn scale must be broken-;)

Great job on the loss! :cool1:

You are very dedicated and organized when it comes to budgeting out your trips. That is a great trait to have! :)


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