Too Much Help


Jan 27, 2004
Once upon a time , a family of six went to see the Mouse. They stayed for the first time at their new home of SSR. They left the villa early to catch the bus with the two yr old lagging a little behind sturdily carrying the backpack. The family arrived at the Magic Kingdom and approached the guards requesting entrance.
The first guard searched their belongings but stopped to pay special attention to the lovely two yr. old princess. He examined the backpack, then looked at the rest of the family and asked what we were trying to do.
I looked in the backpack and was very confused for there sat one of the telephones from our villa. She had been determined to carry the backpack all by herself and had mumbled something about helping us out by bringing a phone. She was afraid that we might miss an important call. I thought that she meant a toy one.
The first guard accused us of stealing insisted that we take the phone back immediately before entering the park.
The second guard couldn't stop laughing and rolling around on the table.
Eventually, we took the phone to the gift shop and asked them to deliver it to SSR. (To the amusement of the staffs at both gift shops.

Much shorter story number two. Six months later:
Upon returning to SSR after a rousing dinner at Whispering Canyon Cafe, we found out that the same child, now three, decided to help us out by sneaking three place settings of silverware into our bags while at the restaurant. She said that she didn't think that we had enough at home.

On both occasions we laughed and laughed. I think that was worth the adoption fees alone.

Very cute story!

Can't wait to hear about what other things she will bring back from WDW ;)
Much shorter story number two. Six months later: Upon returning to SSR after a rousing dinner at Whispering Canyon Cafe, we found out that the same child, now three, decided to help us out by sneaking three place settings of silverware into our bags while at the restaurant. She said that she didn't think that we had enough at home.

I hope you buy her a lot of outfits with vertical stripes. She may have to get used to the pattern some day! :rotfl2:
Too cute!!! :goodvibes

Make sure you type that one up and add it to her baby book! Then, when she is older and dragging her boyfriends to the house to meet mom and dad, you can say "remember the time you took the phone from SSR?" :rotfl2:
Those are hilarious stories! Thanks- I needed a smile today as I am feeling a little blue as my kids headed back to school this morning:goodvibes
Reminds me of a story my parents tell about my older brother. When he was 3 years old They took him on vacation to 5 national park lodges all over the west. On the last night of the trip, they opened his bag and found a large amount of money. When they asked him about it he said "Well you just left it on the table" He had picked up the tip money from every place they ate!
Wait until she hides a new baby brother or sister in her bag . That will be a good one to try and explain.
Oh my goodness! That's great! My little one isn't quite one yet, but he already has me in stitches~I love stories like this, thanks for sharing!!!!:rotfl2:
ok, those stories HAVE to go in your photo album for her to read later.:lmao:
I wonder what the angry guard thought, we were trying to sneak our resort phone into the MK so that we could get an edge on the other guests making dining reservations or what? Where would you even plug it in? I thought that we would take it home so that we would always have a direct line into SSR. The guard wouldn't let us keep it in a locker until we left for the day; he insisted that we take the stolen property back immediately.:confused3

We will laugh about this for many trips to come and I don't think that our daughter will ever live it down.:laughing:

Oh, my goodness, I may p-- my pants! What cute stories. I have a feeling you will truly be blessed with decades of mouse tales with that one around! Hmm, let's see...what could be next?


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