To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

I’ll add one for your matrix if you want it. First Endurance EFS. Per ounce of water- carbs 2g, Calcium 8.3mg, magnesium 12.5mg, chloride 37.5mg, sodium 25mg, potassium 13.4mg. Cost per ounce of water $.08.

I think I did the maths correct.

I’m only using it since it is what is being used on the trail series here this summer and had to buy it online since weirdly no one around here seems to stock it.

Thanks for the tip. Here's how it compared:

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-EFS is very comparable to Tailwind. A potential extra advantage of EFS is it's increase in Mg, Ca, and coming from a dual carb complex and simple carb source. Tailwind is slightly cheaper.
-EFS Pro is the highest Na/K content on a per g carb basis. It's slightly more expensive at 12 cents per oz.
-EFS Liquid is interesting. It's more 2x more concentrated than the theoretical Tailwind gel on a per g carb basis. Which means instead of carrying 4x 5oz bottles, you could carry 2x bottles and get the same carb content. It's slightly more expensive though at 94 cents per 20g carb vs 66 cents per 20 g carb. Potassium is comparable on a per g carb basis, Mg/Ca is higher for EFS and Na is far far higher for Tailwind. The Tailwind + Caffeine version is enticing because of the removal of RunGum. But the EFS Liquid is a known liquid solution. There are definite advantages in both directions. EFS means carry less. Tailwind has caffeine. That's a tough one.

Quick question: what do you recommend for maintaining fitness when not training?

Funny you ask. Someone asked this exact same question the other day.

I'd say try to keep the duration/mileage to at least 50% of your most recent peak. Just hover around there. Try and adhere to the same principles that got you here. Most everything is easy. The weekend LR is not massive compared to the rest of running. Every so often, mix in one day of hard. Something like a Daniels I, Daniels T, HM Tempo, or M Tempo workout. Nothing too rigorous. But something to say, hey remember this. And mostly, forget the time or distance goals on the day. Just go out and run for a set duration. And then come home when you're done. Look to possibly add in other disciplines like strength training, yoga, cycling, etc. The amount of time between the last event and when you start retraining for the next event in earnest would probably dictate how well you'll actually maintain. But without training in earnest, you probably won't be able to do this routine for 10 weeks, roll out of bed, and run a HM at the same pace as you could have 10 weeks ago fully trained in peak condition. So fitness is there and will come back, but not "mantained" per se.
63 Days to Go! (Speed Racer) + Short Power Build - Mid-Vol - Week 8 (Recovery) + 80 Day Obsession - Week 3

4/8/19 - M - OFF
4/9/19 - T - 80DO-D15-Total Body Core + 60 min Run @ Easy
4/10/19 - W - 80DO-D16-Booty + Fletcher (90 min; 66 TSS)
4/11/19 - R - 80DO-D17-Cardio Core + Collins (75 min; 58 TSS)
4/12/19 - F - 80DO-D18-AAA + 60 min Run @ Easy
4/13/19 - Sa - One Mile Time Trial + Cheaha+1 (90 min; 73 TSS) + 80DO-D19-Legs
4/14/19 - Su - Boarstone-1 (120 min; 85 TSS) + 80DO-D20-Cardio Flow

Total Run Miles - 19.2 miles
Total Run Time - 2:48 hours
Total Run TSS - 174 TSS

Total Biking Time - 6:15 hours
Total Biking TSS - 282 TSS

Total 80DO Time - 5:03 hours
Total 80DO TSS - 55 TSS

Total Training Time - 14:06 hours
Total TSS - 511 TSS


One of my last days off between now and the June 15th Hot2Trot. I think there's only one Monday off between now and then.


Total Body Core

So 3 x 10 of each series, then back move to the next series:
Shoulders: Squat Rotating Press, Lateral Bear Crawl with RL, Spider Loops with RL
Back: Bent over Row, One Hand Renegade Row with RL, Boat Pose Lat Pull with RL
Chest: Push-up Leg lift with RL, Chest Fly with Leg Lift with RL, Side V Loop Kicks with RL
Biceps: Staggered Stance Bicep Curl, C-Curve Crunch w/ weights at 90d, Side Knee Plank Pull with RL
Triceps: Tricep Kickbacks, Single-Arm Extension Loop, Tricep push up

Moved the run to Tuesday because the weather on Wed/Thurs was not looking great. An easy run of 60 minutes. 58 min at 8:31 min/mile with HR of 140bpm.


Booty day. Phase 1 Booty day is rather easy from a technical standpoint, but some of the moves can sneak up on you.

3x10 of each series, then back move to the next series:
Glute Bridge: Glute Bridge, Bridge to Clam, 1st position Bridge
Quad Ped: Straight Leg Lift, Toe Tap across and side, Circles
Side Lying: Toe Tap, Clams, Press Backs
Standing: Standing Hinge, Leg Press Side, Bend Over Press Back
Moving: Squat Side to Side, Duck Walk, Side Lunges

Cycling workout: Fletcher consists of nearly 90 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent between 60-75% FTP.


Cardio Core! A mixture of jump rope moves, HIT moves, and core moves.

Cycling workout: Collins is 75 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent somewhere between 65-75% FTP.


My favorite 80DO day - AAA!

3x10 of each series, then back move to the next series:
1 - Upright Row, Bent over Fly, Frog Sliders, Glute Bridge w/Loop
2 - Push-up, Skull Crusher, Weighted ab sit-up, Quad Ped Heel Press
3 - Bent Over Row, Hammer Curl, Knee Tuck, Fire Hydrant

An easy run of 60 minutes. Still super windy (21 to 31 mph).

Conditions - ️ Breezy and Overcast, Wind 21mph to 31mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 39°F + 27°F
End: Temp+Dew = 38°F + 26°F - by

58 min at 9 min/mile with HR of 133bpm.


One Mile Time Trial Day! Up at 6am and out the door around 6:50am. It was cold:

Conditions - ⛅ Partly Cloudy, Wind 10mph to 10mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 32°F + 27°F; FL - 24°F
End: Temp+Dew = 33°F + 28°F; FL - 24°F - by

I decided to run in my Nike Gy shorts, a singlet, and a long sleeve over the singlet. So after my WU, I'd run in the singlet alone. The WU felt fine. I did some strides and felt ready to go. Turned up the tunes and really focused hard. I pushed hard, ran past some neighbors and got a good rush of adrenaline. But eventually, my breathing gave up on me. My lungs burned and my nose was completely stuffed. Never have been able to figure out the whole runny nose while running thing. But on a short distance run like the mile, it really does make things tough. I definitely could feel the difference from the moment I was in the groove to when the throttle started to slip (went from 5:20s to 6:00s pretty quickly). Ended up with a 6:19, which is slower than I hoped, but the data is still promising for a starting point.

1/4 mile splits (per Garmin evaluation):

1/4 - 1:16 (5:04 min/mile)
2/4 - 1:34 (6:16 min/mile)
3/4 - 1:42 (6:48 min/mile)
4/4 - 1:44 (6:56 min/mile)

1/2 mile splits (per Garmin evaluation)

1/2 - 2:50 (5:40 min/mile)
2/2 - 3:26 (6:52 min/mile)

Current Season Long Blaser 2019 standings

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@lhermiston has taken the early lead. But because of how the game is designed, it's still anyone's game! Next up is the Brat Fest 5k in May!

Cycling workout: Cheaha +1 is 90 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding mostly spent at 70% FTP and includes 3x20-second sprints.

I jumped off the bike, ran upstairs, threw on my 80DO clothes, grabbed Steph, and ran down to get in the 80DO Legs workout.

3x10 of each series, then back move to the next series:
1 - Reverse Lunge, Squats, Curtsy Lunge
2 - Sumo Squat, Front Diagonal Lunge, Twisted Bank Angle Lunge
3 - Single-Leg Good Morning, Hip Hinge, Buddha Squats


Cycling workout: Boarstone -1 is 2 hours of steady, aerobic Endurance spent between 60-70% FTP.

Then finished off the week with 80DO Cardio Flow, which again was just like a nice little stretch compared to everything else I've been doing lately.

Now, I move into Phase 3 of the comeback. Time to detail the next phase of the training cycle.
Winter/Spring 2019 Training: Phase 3

Let's keep this ball rolling! Thus far, the training has been progressing in the following manner:

10/7/18 - Chicago Marathon (last run)
10/10/18 through 11/24/18 - Indoor Biking on simple bike trainer
11/17/18 - Start 21 Day Fix

Phase 1 (Indoor Cycling (Sweet Spot Base) + 80DO):
11/25/18 - Indoor Biking on Wahoo Kickr Core and began structured cycling workouts/training plan
12/18/18 - Start 80 Day Obsession

The goal was to rebuild lost fitness from the Chicago marathon. Get fit without running. The cycling was focused on Lactate Threshold pacing.

Phase 2 (Indoor Cycling (Short Power Build) + 80DO + Easy Running):
2/18/19 - Short Power Build Cycling + 80DO + Easy Running added back into the routine

The goal was to work on high level VO2max cycling and anaerobic power. The purpose was to build this power in cycling while simultaneously working on just some very easy running to make sure everything was going to be ok there.

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I feel like I did a decent job emulating the Phase 1 training of indoor cycling as planned.

Which brings us to Phase 3:

Phase 3 (Indoor Cycling (Olympic Distance Triathlon) + 80DO + Speed centric running):

The goal is to invert the training. The majority of the cycling training will now be easy with a few workouts of LT mixed in. The running will now be focused on the faster end of the pace spectrum to improve my running VO2max (R pace, I pace, and T pace). The tail end of the plan will include a sustained HM Tempo work for just a touch of specificity.

So let's see what I came up with!

First off, pacing. The intent of the mile test was to aid in determining appropriate pacing for Phase 3. Between a combination of HR data, Garmin VO2max, and race equivalency conversions of the time trial and associated splits, I've decided that I'm probably somewhere around this pace scheme:

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The majority of the pacing in this Phase 3 plan will be effort based. My goal is to have even splits across the workout. And hopefully finish each workout adhering to the principle of "one more".

The plan is very short, only 9 weeks. So I highly doubt I'm going to be in any type of peak running shape come the 5k and HM. But this continues to be a process of rebuilding and hopefully a successful run-in into Phase 4.

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As mentioned prior, the plan will invert from the last 8 weeks. It was 4/5 days cycling, 6 days 80DO, and 3 days running. Phase 3 will be 3/4/5 days cycling, 6 days 80DO, and 4 days running. The first three weeks will move into a new training duration peak in the 15.5 hour range. On a duration basis, running will be around 4.5-4.75 hours with two hard workouts per week on Tues/Sun. Both Thurs/Sat will remain completely easy. 80DO will occur on Tues through Sunday. Cycling will normally occur on Wed, Fri, Sat. Sometimes on Mondays and rarely on Sundays.

The run workouts will start with R pace (5:57). The plan is to be consistent. 200m should be easy (45 sec). 300m a bit harder (67 sec). 400m usually is when things start to become crazy hard (90 sec). I'll also be building the T paced workouts from 4x1 mile to 8x1 mile with an extended 2 min rest break between them (the resting interval for 7 min T should be closer to 1:20-1:25 instead of 2 min).

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The next three weeks represent a smattering of workouts. The end of the R cycle at 6x400m. A somewhat down week with mid-week 40 min runs. Two I paced workouts. And the new Over/Under workout that I've been rolling out in new training plans. It's still a work in progress. It comes from a TrainerRoad workout that I'm trying to best find an analog in the running world. It's easily the hardest cycling workout I've done. So I thought, why should us runners miss out on this brutal workout. Consistency and remember there is a pace window will be important for this. Then the training load will drop just enough to allow me to be somewhat fresh entering the Brat Fest 5k on 5/26. The plan was written assuming I should be around a 20:12 5k.

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Then comes the finishing kick of the training plan. Another I paced workout, a fast finish HM Tempo workout, and then a brutal 3x20 min T pace workout. Then the floor drops out from underneath the training plan and I come in SUPER fresh for the HM race. You can see the training load drops WAY down there at the end with almost no 80DO, very easy cycling, and light running. The peak week is estimated at 892 TSS and almost 17 hours. If I can handle this, then I feel more confident I can handle Phase 4.

Because I'll be transitioning from Spring to Summer during this plan, and because I know the temps are likely to be warmer come 5k and HM, I'm planning on doing some Heat Acclimation Training leading into those race days. Something in the 7-10 days range. I feel like the cycling workouts will help there because I absolutely sweat buckets on those.

So that's the plan. Above all else, the goal of Phase 3 is to reintroduce hard running without causing injury, prove I can handle this type of training load leading into Phase 4, and if I can continue to make running pace gains then that's the cherry on top.

That's the plan on paper, now I'm excited to make it reality!
In a quick cursory search I'm not seeing anything. But I'll keep doing some digging to see if there were any timed/sourced electrolyte studies.
My hypothesis is that it may be more beneficial to pre-load the electrolytes as much as possible. If your body has the electrolytes, it can handle more water before you’re out of balance. During the race it’s all about absorption imo, hence my love for Maurten.
Winter/Spring 2019 Training: Phase 3

Let's keep this ball rolling! Thus far, the training has been progressing in the following manner:

10/7/18 - Chicago Marathon (last run)
10/10/18 through 11/24/18 - Indoor Biking on simple bike trainer
11/17/18 - Start 21 Day Fix

Phase 1 (Indoor Cycling (Sweet Spot Base) + 80DO):
11/25/18 - Indoor Biking on Wahoo Kickr Core and began structured cycling workouts/training plan
12/18/18 - Start 80 Day Obsession

The goal was to rebuild lost fitness from the Chicago marathon. Get fit without running. The cycling was focused on Lactate Threshold pacing.

Phase 2 (Indoor Cycling (Short Power Build) + 80DO + Easy Running):
2/18/19 - Short Power Build Cycling + 80DO + Easy Running added back into the routine

The goal was to work on high level VO2max cycling and anaerobic power. The purpose was to build this power in cycling while simultaneously working on just some very easy running to make sure everything was going to be ok there.

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I feel like I did a decent job emulating the Phase 1 training of indoor cycling as planned.

Which brings us to Phase 3:

Phase 3 (Indoor Cycling (Olympic Distance Triathlon) + 80DO + Speed centric running):

The goal is to invert the training. The majority of the cycling training will now be easy with a few workouts of LT mixed in. The running will now be focused on the faster end of the pace spectrum to improve my running VO2max (R pace, I pace, and T pace). The tail end of the plan will include a sustained HM Tempo work for just a touch of specificity.

So let's see what I came up with!

First off, pacing. The intent of the mile test was to aid in determining appropriate pacing for Phase 3. Between a combination of HR data, Garmin VO2max, and race equivalency conversions of the time trial and associated splits, I've decided that I'm probably somewhere around this pace scheme:

View attachment 394514

The majority of the pacing in this Phase 3 plan will be effort based. My goal is to have even splits across the workout. And hopefully finish each workout adhering to the principle of "one more".

The plan is very short, only 9 weeks. So I highly doubt I'm going to be in any type of peak running shape come the 5k and HM. But this continues to be a process of rebuilding and hopefully a successful run-in into Phase 4.

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As mentioned prior, the plan will invert from the last 8 weeks. It was 4/5 days cycling, 6 days 80DO, and 3 days running. Phase 3 will be 3/4/5 days cycling, 6 days 80DO, and 4 days running. The first three weeks will move into a new training duration peak in the 15.5 hour range. On a duration basis, running will be around 4.5-4.75 hours with two hard workouts per week on Tues/Sun. Both Thurs/Sat will remain completely easy. 80DO will occur on Tues through Sunday. Cycling will normally occur on Wed, Fri, Sat. Sometimes on Mondays and rarely on Sundays.

The run workouts will start with R pace (5:57). The plan is to be consistent. 200m should be easy (45 sec). 300m a bit harder (67 sec). 400m usually is when things start to become crazy hard (90 sec). I'll also be building the T paced workouts from 4x1 mile to 8x1 mile with an extended 2 min rest break between them (the resting interval for 7 min T should be closer to 1:20-1:25 instead of 2 min).

View attachment 394512

The next three weeks represent a smattering of workouts. The end of the R cycle at 6x400m. A somewhat down week with mid-week 40 min runs. Two I paced workouts. And the new Over/Under workout that I've been rolling out in new training plans. It's still a work in progress. It comes from a TrainerRoad workout that I'm trying to best find an analog in the running world. It's easily the hardest cycling workout I've done. So I thought, why should us runners miss out on this brutal workout. Consistency and remember there is a pace window will be important for this. Then the training load will drop just enough to allow me to be somewhat fresh entering the Brat Fest 5k on 5/26. The plan was written assuming I should be around a 20:12 5k.

View attachment 394511

Then comes the finishing kick of the training plan. Another I paced workout, a fast finish HM Tempo workout, and then a brutal 3x20 min T pace workout. Then the floor drops out from underneath the training plan and I come in SUPER fresh for the HM race. You can see the training load drops WAY down there at the end with almost no 80DO, very easy cycling, and light running. The peak week is estimated at 892 TSS and almost 17 hours. If I can handle this, then I feel more confident I can handle Phase 4.

Because I'll be transitioning from Spring to Summer during this plan, and because I know the temps are likely to be warmer come 5k and HM, I'm planning on doing some Heat Acclimation Training leading into those race days. Something in the 7-10 days range. I feel like the cycling workouts will help there because I absolutely sweat buckets on those.

So that's the plan. Above all else, the goal of Phase 3 is to reintroduce hard running without causing injury, prove I can handle this type of training load leading into Phase 4, and if I can continue to make running pace gains then that's the cherry on top.

That's the plan on paper, now I'm excited to make it reality!
Love the plan!
My hypothesis is that it may be more beneficial to pre-load the electrolytes as much as possible. If your body has the electrolytes, it can handle more water before you’re out of balance. During the race it’s all about absorption imo, hence my love for Maurten.

An interesting article along those same lines with a few cited articles (link). Of interest is their value of 1500mg/L as a preloading. That would equate to 44.4mg Sodium per ounce consumed or roughly the same as EFS Pro (41.7 mg/oz).

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*on a per oz basis PH1500 is 11 cents (so roughly the same as EFS Pro).

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When I carb loaded with Maurten prior to Chicago, I took in about 3800mg of Sodium. This was done a few days in advance though and not the day prior.


Love the plan!

An interesting article along those same lines with a few cited articles (link). Of interest is their value of 1500mg/L as a preloading. That would equate to 44.4mg Sodium per ounce consumed or roughly the same as EFS Pro (41.7 mg/oz).

View attachment 394863
*on a per oz basis PH1500 is 11 cents (so roughly the same as EFS Pro).

View attachment 394864

When I carb loaded with Maurten prior to Chicago, I took in about 3800mg of Sodium. This was done a few days in advance though and not the day prior.


@canglim52, For this consideration, Steph suggested Pedialyte Advanced Plus:

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The Na/K content per ounce is much higher than either EFS Pro or PH1500. But no Mg/Ca.
So, I'm just now getting caught up after my long trip and rough reentry to real life, and so I have a few thoughts:
  • G continues to be absolutely adorable, and I can't wait to see her next round of training!
  • That thing with Steph's eye is super scary, and I'm so glad that she caught it in time. I think today was your consult with a surgeon, so fingers crossed that all went well!
  • Phase 2 seemed to have served you well - your mile pace is honestly faster than I can imagine running so wow!
  • Can't wait to see how Phase 3 goes!
G continues to be absolutely adorable, and I can't wait to see her next round of training!

Thanks! We were just talking about it last night. Hoping the weather improves so we can get back to it. Signed her up for the Disney One Mile in January. We've got her goal "A" race now.

That thing with Steph's eye is super scary, and I'm so glad that she caught it in time. I think today was your consult with a surgeon, so fingers crossed that all went well!

Consultation went well. Everyone agrees that the surgery is a necessity given how the last few months have played out. It'll be scheduled in the next week or so likely to occur in the summer. It'll be a one hour surgery while under anesthesia, and then she'll be down for about a week. Her face will be bruised for a month. And she may or may not have a life long scar under her eye just based on how she reacts.

Phase 2 seemed to have served you well - your mile pace is honestly faster than I can imagine running so wow!

Thanks! Continuing to move in the right direction and working my way back to where I was.

Can't wait to see how Phase 3 goes!

Me too. Need to see how I handle Phase 3 in the build-up to the true test in Phase 4.
Ended up deciding on Tailwind Orange for a trial run. Hard to beat the cost. And someone online mentioned making a 2:1 (scoop:ounce) mixture at 200 calories/ounce. So if I can get away with a 1:1, I could carry 200g carbs in only 8 oz. And with the caffeine version that would be 280mg which is comparable to what I was doing with RunGum. Interested to see how it goes.

As for pre-race (pre-race night) electrolyte jump starting, I'm leaning towards EFS Pro. But I haven't made the move on that quite yet.
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Ended up deciding on Tailwind Orange for a trial run. Hard to beat the cost. And someone online mentioned making a 2:1 (scoop:ounce) mixture at 200 calories/ounce. So if I can get away with a 1:1, I could carry 200g carbs in only 8 oz. And with the caffeine version that would be 280mg which is comparable to what I was doing with RunGum. Interested to see how it goes.

As for pre-race (pre-race night) electrolyte jump starting, I'm leaning towards EFS Pro. But I haven't made the move on that quite yet.

I've been following along with this conversation and have a question. Do you recommend the pre-race electrolyte jump starting for everyone? Is this something even us slow runners should be thinking about?
I've been following along with this conversation and have a question. Do you recommend the pre-race electrolyte jump starting for everyone? Is this something even us slow runners should be thinking about?

I don't have a recommendation on this at this point for any runners. Because there's a lot of data out there. There seems to be a contingent who believe you can get the necessary Na/K dietarily and any electrolyte supplementation is unnecessary, those who believe the jump start is the key (night prior and prior to race), and those who believe that consuming during the event is advantageous. So at this moment, this is looking more and more like a "find what works best for you" situation.
Consultation went well. Everyone agrees that the surgery is a necessity given how the last few months have played out. It'll be scheduled in the next week or so likely to occur in the summer. It'll be a one hour surgery while under anesthesia, and then she'll be down for about a week. Her face will be bruised for a month. And she may or may not have a life long scar under her eye just based on how she reacts.

So glad to hear that things are moving forward -- and I will keep you all in my thoughts for a quick and painless recovery.
56 Days to Go! (Chasing Unicorns) + Olympic Distance Triathlon - Mid-Vol - Week 1 (Intro) + 80 Day Obsession - Week 4 (End of Phase 1)

4/15/19 - M - Beech (60 min; 47 TSS)
4/16/19 - T - 80DO-D21-Total Body Core + 10 x 200 m @ R w/ 200 m RI (Run)
4/17/19 - W - 80DO-D22-Booty + Virginia+3 (105 min; 113 TSS)
4/18/19 - R - 80DO-D23-Cardio Core + 60 min Run @ Easy
4/19/19 - F - 80DO-D24-AAA + Ramp Test (25 min; 32 TSS) + Beech (60 min; 47 TSS)
4/20/19 - Sa - Fletcher (90 min; 66 TSS) + 80DO-D25-Legs + 60 min Run @ Easy
4/21/19 - Su - 4 x 1 mile @ T w/ 2 min RI (Run) + Beech (60 min; 47 TSS) + 80DO-D26-Cardio Flow

Total Run Miles - 32.0 miles
Total Run Time - 4:36 hours
Total Run TSS - 197 TSS

Total Biking Time - 6:39 hours
Total Biking TSS - 352 TSS

Total 80DO Time - 4:49 hours
Total 80DO TSS - 55 TSS

Total Training Time - 16:04 hours (PR)
Total TSS - 698 TSS


Cycling workout: Beech is 60 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent somewhere between 65-75% FTP.


Total Body Core

So 3 x 10 of each series, then back move to the next series:
Shoulders: Squat Rotating Press, Lateral Bear Crawl with RL, Spider Loops with RL
Back: Bent over Row, One Hand Renegade Row with RL, Boat Pose Lat Pull with RL
Chest: Push-up Leg lift with RL, Chest Fly with Leg Lift with RL, Side V Loop Kicks with RL
Biceps: Staggered Stance Bicep Curl, C-Curve Crunch w/ weights at 90d, Side Knee Plank Pull with RL
Triceps: Tricep Kickbacks, Single-Arm Extension Loop, Tricep push up

Time to get back to run training!

Conditions - ⛅ Partly Cloudy, Wind 9mph to 11mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 64°F + 50°F; FL - 64°F
End: Temp+Dew = 61°F + 48°F; FL - 64°F

I decided to go with a 12x200m R to test where that repeatable raw power is. So the run was a 4 mile WU + 12 x 200m @ R w/ 200m RI + 1 mile CD. The goal split of the 200m was 45.0 seconds (44.0-46.9) or a pace of a 5:57 min/mile. I was wearing my Nike Gs as I intend to have these as my race shorts. I measured out a flat street route using Google Maps and off I went.

R splits - 41.0, 40.4, 40.0, 40.7, 40.1, 38.5, 39.0, 40.0, 41.3, 41.7

Well, not quite that goal pace of 45 seconds was it.... Decided to go with felt right, and this felt right. I did them in sets of 3, and then drank water after the 3rd interval of each set. When I wrapped up number 7 or 8, I could tell my left hamstring was tightening up. So I decided if the quality of the intervals was slipping, then I would end early. During interval #10, I could tell the quality had gone down regardless of the split pace. So I decided to end early and called it a run since my body had given me the signs. No reason to push too hard too soon.

After I got home, I reviewed past 200m R intervals to see where this one lined up. On an average basis, it was about the 2nd fastest, including the 2nd fastest split of 38.5. So clearly raw speed is where it needs to be to pull off catching this unicorn. So because of that, I've decided to pivot the Tuesday workouts moving forward from R pace (raw speed and neurological gains) to I pace (VO2max and real lung busters).


Booty day. Phase 1 Booty day is rather easy from a technical standpoint, but some of the moves can sneak up on you.

3x10 of each series, then back move to the next series:
Glute Bridge: Glute Bridge, Bridge to Clam, 1st position Bridge
Quad Ped: Straight Leg Lift, Toe Tap across and side, Circles
Side Lying: Toe Tap, Clams, Press Backs
Standing: Standing Hinge, Leg Press Side, Bend Over Press Back
Moving: Squat Side to Side, Duck Walk, Side Lunges

Cycling Workout: Virgina +3 consists of 1.75 hours of Tempo work spent between 80-85% FTP. This was a hard workout to shoe-horn into the week. I didn't want it too close to the ramp test, or too close to Sunday's T run. So it ended up on Tuesday. Never done a sustained tempo ride like this, but I managed.


Cardio Core! A mixture of jump rope moves, HIT moves, and core moves.

An easy run day.

Conditions - ☁️ Overcast, Wind 11mph to 20mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 45°F + 39°F; FL - 39°F
End: Temp+Dew = 46°F + 39°F; FL - 39°F

I took it nice and easy. 6.8 miles, 62 min, 9:06 min/mile and HR avg at 132. I was trying not to add too much fatigue before Friday's Ramp Test.


My favorite 80DO day - AAA!

3x10 of each series, then back move to the next series:
1 - Upright Row, Bent over Fly, Frog Sliders, Glute Bridge w/Loop
2 - Push-up, Skull Crusher, Weighted ab sit-up, Quad Ped Heel Press
3 - Bent Over Row, Hammer Curl, Knee Tuck, Fire Hydrant

Cycling workout: Doubling up on the cycling workouts. First up was the ramp test. Just like Virginia+3 on Wed, it was hard to figure where this should end up for the week. I wanted to put my best foot forward, but also not interfere with the R and T run workouts on Tues/Sun. So I was willing to give up a touch on the results of the FTP test for the run workouts which are now the primary. I could tell I wasn't at 100% coming into it. But I ended up matching my previous FTP. But since I've dropped weight since the last one, my watts/kg continued to rise.

Screen Shot 2019-04-21 at 12.57.51 PM.png

Afterwards, I moved right into Beech, which is 60 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent somewhere between 65-75% FTP. I also tried the Tailwind orange on a cycling ride. Mixed at 2 scoops per 17 oz and sipped throughout the ride. Much more noticeable taste then I was expecting since it was stated it's rather light. But I don't mind bright flavors. So it didn't bother me.


Cycling workout: Fletcher consists of nearly 90 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent between 60-75% FTP. This workout's form drills include Form Sprints, Endurance Spinning, and Pistons/Kick & Pull pedaling drills.

I jumped off the bike, ran upstairs, threw on my 80DO clothes, grabbed Steph, and ran down to get in the 80DO Legs workout.

3x10 of each series, then back move to the next series:
1 - Reverse Lunge, Squats, Curtsy Lunge
2 - Sumo Squat, Front Diagonal Lunge, Twisted Bank Angle Lunge
3 - Single-Leg Good Morning, Hip Hinge, Buddha Squats

That evening was the run.

Conditions - ☀️ Clear, Wind 5mph to 6mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 66°F + 19°F; FL - 66°F
End: Temp+Dew = 66°F + 21°F; FL - 66°F

Another easy one, although I didn't take it completely easy. A total of 61 min, 7.1 miles, 8:13 pace, and HR avg of 138. I decided to give the Orange Tailwind a trial run on an easy run. I mixed 2 scoops with 17oz water (so 50g carbs total). I did my first lap and then came back to my house. I chugged the Tailwind over the next 5 min of the run, and then started back off again. My stomach was like, umm, yea, was that really a good idea? I survived, but maybe 50g carbs in 5 min isn't a sustainable strategy.


Excited to see what I could do on this second hard run of the week. Coming off about 3.25 hours of exercise the day before, I was feeling relatively good.

Conditions - ☀️ Clear, Wind 3mph to 9mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 50°F + 31°F; FL - 50°F
End: Temp+Dew = 57°F + 35°F; FL - 50°F

4 mile WU + 4 x 1 mile @ T w/ 2 min RI + 1 mile CD

The first 4 miles were uneventful. Felt nice and easy with a pace of 8:15 and HR around 137. Then I started the T pace intervals with the goal pace of 6:57 per mile.

T pace intervals - 6:57, 6:59, 6:54, and 6:57

Essentially right where it needed to be, and with little pace input from my watch as this was mostly from effort and trying to lock onto what I thought was 6:57 pace. Upon review, the splits were very even during the mile, but everything seems to even out. HR wise it was 152, 151, 150, and 150. Normally T pace is 157. So not a half bad sign to see historical M Tempo pace (148-152) for an average 6:57 pace. Although I know in the moment that this pace didn't necessarily feel sustainable. So still got to keep building that endurance to make that pace attainable. Wrapped up the workout with a cool down. Solid all around and happy with how it turned out. But the day wasn't done. I rushed inside, threw on my cycling clothes, and was grinding the gears again.

Cycling workout: Beech is 60 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent somewhere between 65-75% FTP.

Then finished off the week with 80DO Cardio Flow, which again was just like a nice little stretch compared to everything else I've been doing lately.

Great start to Phase 3 of training. Best part is not even a hint of ankle pain! On to the next week!
Mrs PADC here:

You don't have to answer this question today!

I hope I word this question so it is understandable.

I think you may have written about this in the past but I was unable to find it.

Assuming someone has appropriate cardiovascular and muscular fitness and maintains good running form, is it possible that running faster (within ability) is a neurological adaptation and it takes time to "teach" the body and mind to run faster?

I was thinking about this today. Between May 2018 and February 2019 I was running sporadically. Recently when I get to a part of my workout that I'm doing 5k pace I've found that I need to "tell" my body to go faster. Breathing is fine and no physical fatigue or pains. I'm making sure I keep good form and don't over stride. The workout was challenging today but right now I don't feel like a lifeless blob, which makes me wonder about this theory. I don't remember needing to do this in the past, when I maintained my running

I also think back to when I did the Girls on the Run 5k as a Run Buddy in December. I was barely running back then but my cardiovascular fitness was decent. We did walk/run but my girl ran fast in the beginning and I felt like I was sprinting to keep up. I made sure I maintained good form while I was running and it did not feel impossible. It actually felt... fun(?)

What do you think?



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