To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

10 Weeks to Go! (10 Things I Hate About You) + TrainerRoad High Volume Full Triathlon Plan Week 18/28 + 80 Day Obsession - Phase 1/Week 4

10/28/19 - M - OFF
10/29/19 - T - 80DO-AAA + Mt Hale+3 (90 min; 110 TSS)
10/30/19 - W - 5 x 3 min @ 3k pace (Run)
10/31/19 - R - Picket Guard (90 min; 117 TSS) + 35 min @ LT to HM Tempo (Run)
11/1/19 - F - 80DO-Total Body Core + Pettit (60 min; 39 TSS)
11/2/19 - Sa - Ochoco (150 min; 119 TSS) + 60 min Brick Run at M Tempo w/ FF
11/3/19 - Su - 90 min Easy (Run) + 80DO-CF

Total Run Miles - 32.5 miles
Total Run Time - 4:20 hours
Total Run TSS - 274 TSS

Total Biking Time - 6:30 hours
Total Biking TSS - 385 TSS

Total 80DO Time - 2:17 hours
Total 80DO TSS - 26 TSS

Total Training Time - 13:07 hours
Total TSS - 685 TSS


Off day.


80DO-AAA in 2 sets of 15 through each series before moving to the next.

1 - Upright Row, Bent over Fly, Frog Sliders, Glute Bridge w/Loop
2 - Push-up, Skull Crusher, Weighted ab sit-up, Quad Ped Heel Press
3 - Bent Over Row, Hammer Curl, Knee Tuck, Fire Hydrant

Cycling: Mt Hale +3 is 4x9-minute intervals at 105% FTP with equal-time, 9-minute recoveries. RPM at 91. Another suprathreshold workout. Able to hold on and feel good.


Evening Run:
Conditions - 🌨 Flurries, Wind 10mph to 19mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 33°F + 21°F; FL - 25°F
End: Temp+Dew = 32°F + 22°F; FL - 25°F

A 5 x 3 min at 3k pace workout. The goal was 5:53-5:59 pace. Although honestly, 3k pace feels like a near all out effort.

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GAP was 5:58, 6:03, 5:56, 6:06, and 6:00. I really tried to attack these intervals as much as I could. Started to snow a bit (LIKE WHAT?!?!?) at the tail end of the run but it didn't impact the run at all. I wore a tank and shorts which this might have been a bit too cold for that. Overall the GAP average was 6:00 which is a tad slow, but I believe is the 3rd fastest I paced run I've ever done. So no complaints here.


Another early morning. I was up at 3:40am and the workout started at 4:09am.

Cycling: Picket Guard consists of 5x12-minute over-under intervals alternating between 2 minutes at 90% FTP and 2 minutes at 105% FTP with 4-minute recoveries between intervals. RPM at 89. Holy moly! This was another tough one. These over/unders are just no joke! I was able to get through the first two sets without stopping. Set 3 I had one very small break. Set 4/5 both had 4 breaks within each set, but never had to adjust the workout intensity down. The workout was difficult because of the evening run the day prior about 9 hours earlier and because it's just an early morning workout.

Evening Run:
Conditions - 🌨 Flurries, Wind 5mph to 5mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 27°F + 19°F; FL - 21°F
End: Temp+Dew = 25°F + 19°F; FL - 21°F

Hung out with T-Swift most of the afternoon, so I didn't get started on the run until 6:30pm.

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There's no skirting around it. I was tired from the morning cycling workout. It felt like I would after the HM in the Dopey Challenge weekend. Just drained and just able to keep moving throughout the day. I was feeling better by the time the run came, but no where close to 100%. So my expectations weren't high from a pace standpoint, but from an effort standpoint I was looking for consistency. The goal HR was 151-157 and pace was 6:38-6:52.

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As soon as the warmup was done, I felt spent. But I just grinded it out and tried to give a consistent effort. The trick or treating was still happening so I had to be really cautious of the kiddos and stressed out parents in cars. I got quite a few call-outs including a group of girls which we crossed paths about 5-6 times. "You can do it!" "I believe in you!" I really really really wanted to take a break. I was so so tired. But once each split came in and I saw I was still maintaining I kept the foot on the pedal. It really felt like a race simulation effort. The overall GAP average was a 6:51 min/mile. So not quite LT pace, but honestly I'm ecstatic with the result. I was able to hold a consistent pace of 6:50s for 5 miles even though my body was absolutely spent. And 35 min continuous at LT to HM Tempo pace is no joke.


80DO-Total Body Core. It was a 2 x 15 through each series before moving to the next.

Shoulders: Squat Rotating Press, Lateral Bear Crawl with RL, Spider Loops with RL
Back: Bent over Row, One Hand Renegade Row with RL, Boat Pose Lat Pull with RL
Chest: Push-up Leg lift with RL, Chest Fly with Leg Lift with RL, Side V Loop Kicks with RL
Biceps: Staggered Stance Bicep Curl, C-Curve Crunch w/ weights at 90d, Side Knee Plank Pull with RL
Triceps: Tricep Kickbacks, Single-Arm Extension Loop, Tricep push up

Cycling: Pettit is an hour of aerobic Endurance work spent between 60-70% FTP. RPM at x


Slept for 10 hours and it was glorious!

Cycling: Ochoco is 2 hours 30 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent between 65-75% FTP. RPM at 86. A good cycling workout at Ironman Bike leg pacing.

Brick Run:
Conditions - ⛅ Mostly Cloudy, Wind 12mph to 19mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 38°F + 29°F; FL - 30°F
End: Temp+Dew = 39°F + 28°F; FL - 30°F

Transition = 8 min

Game time! After a good hard 2.5 hrs on the bike, it was time to see what I could manage for 60 min at M Tempo pace. The goal pace was 7:02-7:09 and HR goal of 146-148.

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The consistency of the GAP was strong through the first 7 miles. That 4th mile is always one of the hardest. I was really tired after that one and truly questioned whether I could keep holding on. But that downhill 5th mile is always helpful for a reset. Ran back towards the fast finish loop and really started to imagine the race finish line. The first loop was very good at 2:59. And then I exploded for the 2nd loop. I attacked both the downhill and then really really attacked the uphill portion. I was able to get a 2:54 loop and 6:36 GAP.

A strong run overall. A 7:07 average pace (7:02 GAP) for 8.25 miles and HR of 147. This is a very good run for me. Normally a 10 mile M Tempo run is about the best I can handle. So to do 8.25 miles after 2.5 hrs of cycling just goes to show how much the training is paying off. Additionally, things just feel different late in training runs. I can hold and maintain paces better even though it feels like I can't.

After this run my Garmin VO2max was upgraded back up to 59 again. The first time I've gotten this value without the Nike Next% shoes. Just need to gain one more point in 10 weeks in order to be at the bare minimum for sub-3 based on things I've accomplished in the past.


Slept for 9.5 hours and it was glorious again!

Conditions - ☁ Overcast, Wind 5mph to 5mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 32°F + 27°F; FL - 27°F
End: Temp+Dew = 36°F + 30°F; FL - 27°F

After a very hard week of runs (I pace, LT/HM Tempo, and M Tempo Brick), I decided to take it easy today. So an easy 10.3 miles in 90 min at 8:45 pace for a HR of 126. Goes down as the lowest average HR for a double digit run.

80DO-Cardio Flow to close out the week!

Solid week overall. Happy with the results when the legs were clearly tired for many of the runs. Next week was suppose to be another peak week. But since the Madison HM is on Sunday, I swapped the next week and the following one. So the focus will be on recovery and putting myself in a position to succeed in the HM. I'll worry about Disney prep after this next week is over.
Madison HM Weather: 7 days to go!

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Start at 7am and end at 9am
11/1/19 - WC of 19-22, 76% cloudy, 15% chance of snow, 8mph W wind
11/2/19 - WC of 21-23, 79% cloudy, 17% chance of snow, 11mph W wind
11/3/19 - WC of 25-27, 68% cloudy, 15% chance of snow, 6mph W wind
11/4/19 - WC of 17-19, 50% cloudy, 6% chance of snow, 8mph N wind

Wind chill dropped quite a bit again. Hoping that snow/rain doesn't happen Saturday night otherwise it could be slippery.
When's the last day to guess? I'm too wiped from yesterday's race and work today to do math, but I also want to make sure to get a good guess in because I have some ground to make up.
Madison HM Weather: 6 days to go!

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Start at 7am and end at 9am
11/1/19 - WC of 19-22, 76% cloudy, 15% chance of snow, 8mph W wind
11/2/19 - WC of 21-23, 79% cloudy, 17% chance of snow, 11mph W wind
11/3/19 - WC of 25-27, 68% cloudy, 15% chance of snow, 6mph W wind
11/4/19 - WC of 17-19, 50% cloudy, 6% chance of snow, 8mph N wind
11/5/19 - WC of 13-14, 73% cloudy, 22% chance of snow, 13mph N wind

Conditions are getting worse. Fairly cold. Chance of snow the evening prior. And a steady sustained wind from the N. If there are snow remnants, then it means I probably won't wear the Next%. Because those shoes don't have a ton of grip.
Madison HM Weather: 5 days to go!

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Start at 7am and end at 9am
11/1/19 - WC of 19-22, 76% cloudy, 15% chance of snow, 8mph W wind
11/2/19 - WC of 21-23, 79% cloudy, 17% chance of snow, 11mph W wind
11/3/19 - WC of 25-27, 68% cloudy, 15% chance of snow, 6mph W wind
11/4/19 - WC of 17-19, 50% cloudy, 6% chance of snow, 8mph N wind
11/5/19 - WC of 13-14, 73% cloudy, 22% chance of snow, 13mph N wind
11/6/19 - WC of 23-25, 90% cloudy, 24% chance of precipitation, 9mph NW wind

I always track weather before races, and I'm not sure I've ever seen one jump around as much as this one has thus far (maybe January Disney races?). Could be a WC of 13 or 27. Could be low wind or relatively high sustained wind. Might snow before, after, during, or not at all. It's certainly leading to some mental gymnastics for trying to figure out the plan. Maybe it's just good Disney weather prediction prep since Disney always seems to be so unpredictable.


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