To Go or Not To Go

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Just for consideration - if you are a senior over 60 and / or have a compromised condition, and are within say a month or so of your booster, do not be shy. Ask your pharmacist if you can get the booster now. In many places, they have the vaccines just waiting to be used. They no longer have the hordes of people like they did last year begging to get the shots. In fact, in many places now it is unfortunately the complete opposite.
Just for consideration - if you are a senior over 60 and / or have a compromised condition, and are within say a month or so of your booster, do not be shy. Ask your pharmacist if you can get the booster now. In many places, they have the vaccines just waiting to be used. They no longer have the hordes of people like they did last year begging to get the shots. In fact, in many places now it is unfortunately the complete opposite.
THIS! I have many family and friends across all areas of the medical field, and my one cousin who is a lab tech in a hospital was told some people would be told to get it earlier if they are immunocompromised.
THIS! I have many family and friends across all areas of the medical field, and my one cousin who is a lab tech in a hospital was told some people would be told to get it earlier if they are immunocompromised.
We were at our pharmacist for another item to pick up, mentioned our upcoming trip to Florida and our concern because our booster was not due until Sept/Oct. Because we were seniors, he gave the booster to us right then and there. Just ask. Better to use the vaccines than let them expire.
Well… we cancelled our Aug trip, and I have a fully refundable trip for Dec (over Christmas) we are hoping to take…
DH just got his booster. I will have my booster by then. DS is vax’d, so key questions are…
1. can DD be fully vax’d by then… if Pfizer gets data in bed Sept, FDA approves in Oct, then OK
2. Are hospitals still full?

so… there is hope. It would not be risk free, but then, there is high transmission everyone so at least if we are all well vax’d, and back home a week before school starts in case we need to quarantine, I won’t stress about it.
I have a question for this thread but not sure if it's allowed,or too O/T.... I've seen a number of posters debating between going to WDW or on a cruise...what makes one different than the other in the context we're discussing here? (Mod I apologize if this isn't on the correct topic) I'm curious b/c like the rest of you,I have been considering various trip options lately and this catches my attention.
I think because the cruises have much more stringent safety protocols and vaccines are required to dock at the Bahamas. DCL is requiring 12+ be fully vaccinated to board if going to Castaway Cay. Of course on a cruise you are in a more confined space with the same people for a long time, but that’s another story
I don't think anyone should be expecting Disney to be accountable for protecting them. Its up to visitors to make smart choices and assess the risk.

The problem with that is that most people do not know how to make smart choices. Either they see a sign or everyone else doing it and they do it or they don't see a sign and see others not wearing a mask so they assume it is safe not to wear one. Our area had a very low vaccination rate when everyone stopped wearing masks because they assumed it was safe since stores took down their signs. It was not because of some political or ideological belief as our area overwhelmingly voted for Obama and Biden. Heck, my own husband came home and declared that Walmart now had a "no-mask mandate" because they took down their sign and believed that Walmart did not want people to wear masks. Really, many people are not as smart as you give them credit for and rely on things like warning signs to direct them on what they need to do to stay safe. This is why we have seat belt laws, but when someone doesn't abide by those, they are only hurting themselves. Not the same with a pandemic.
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Well, in an amazing and shocking (to me) turn of events... my mom called and said they are getting vaccinated today! I guess me saying I would cancel going with them on the trip was the final straw that made them make the decision. I didn't even know they were wavering and felt that they were hell bent on refusing to be vaccinated. So... a note to anyone in the same position with family members - never give up!
The problem with that is that most people do not know how to make smart choices. Either they see a sign or everyone else doing it and they do it or they don't see a sign and see others not wearing a mask so they assume it is safe not to wear one. Our area was around 30% vaccinated when everyone stopped wearing masks because they assumed it was safe since stores took down their signs. It was not because of some political or ideological belief as our area overwhelmingly voted for Obama and Biden. Heck, my own husband came home and declared that Walmart now had a "no-mask mandate" because they took down their sign and believed that Walmart did not want people to wear masks. Really, many people are not as smart as you give them credit for and rely on things like warning signs to direct them on what they need to do to stay safe. This is why we have seat belt laws, but when someone doesn't abide by those, they are only hurting themselves. Not the same with a pandemic.

Oh so true. I am extra careful and Hubby WAS extra careful. Ever since we were told in June we no longer had to wear masks, he is very lax. He will put it on if required and mumbles when I ask if he has his mask when we leave the house. I worry for our safety, but he is clueless to where things stand now - or just so sick of it he no longer cares. Church seems to be the same way. As things are heating up in our area again, hoping church and other places go back to requiring masks.
I was diagnosed with COVID on Monday. I’m a health care worker and was fully vaccinated (Pfizer) in early January. I actually got my booster last Friday - but it was too late to protect me as I was exposed around the same time.

Thankfully, my symptoms have been mild. I had the monoclonal antibody infusion yesterday, and I believe that’s helping. My husband, who has MS, actually got his booster about three weeks ago (before it was technically authorized), and we’re so thankful, as he’s tested negative thus far - even though we literally ate ice cream with the same spoon the night before I was diagnosed (had zero idea I was sick).

All of this to say - we have a nine-day trip booked from Sept. 24-Oct. 3 for the 50th. We had planned to cancel. But now that I’ll have natural immunity and a booster and my husband has his booster, we’re on the fence about whether to go. Our biggest concern at this point isn’t COVID exposure. It’s what would happen if we needed a hospital for some other reason. My husband gets kidney stones - what if he needed ER care? That’s my biggest concern at this point.

I’m honestly not sure what we’ll do. We’re just going to let it play out for a few more weeks and then decide.
We are going regardless. There’s an outbreak at my elementary school, 32 kids and climbing plus 6 vaccinated teachers. 159 (of 600ish) kids quarantined last Friday. So I feel like we’ll probably get it before December anyway.
I have a question for this thread but not sure if it's allowed,or too O/T.... I've seen a number of posters debating between going to WDW or on a cruise...what makes one different than the other in the context we're discussing here? (Mod I apologize if this isn't on the correct topic) I'm curious b/c like the rest of you,I have been considering various trip options lately and this catches my attention.

We are ones that cancelled Disney (should have arrived today) and will be leaving on a cruise on Saturday (assuming our tests tomorrow are negative). We're sailing Celebrity which will have all passengers >12 fully vaccinated and all crew fully vaccinated. As mentioned, they also require all passengers to have a negative test within 3 days of departure. And all <12 have to have a negative test at port, too. So, that controls about every variable you can right now. It's less risky than Target or Church right now, IMO.
Just wondering where you look to track rates. We’re just about 2 weeks out from our trip & still so undecided. We’re mid 60’s; I’m an RN. My 2nd vaccine was January 26, my DH had his 2nd dose 2/14. So we’re both right at that 8 month mark. I haven’t seen rates in a few days so I’d be interested to see them. Also heard Florida isn’t always the best at reporting their numbers. Do you find them to be accurate?

From Threehearts-
The major metropolitan newspaper in New York City has a truly excellent and comprehensive state by state daily Covid fact listing. It is interactive and so informative. I am not sure if you need to be a subscriber but I don't think so. It also has daily world statistics, country by country. I usually check the site once in the morning for the world and at day's end for individual states. The newspaper name, interactive and Covid should be the key words when searching.
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I have a question for this thread but not sure if it's allowed,or too O/T.... I've seen a number of posters debating between going to WDW or on a cruise...what makes one different than the other in the context we're discussing here? (Mod I apologize if this isn't on the correct topic) I'm curious b/c like the rest of you,I have been considering various trip options lately and this catches my attention.

disney requires vaccination for over 12, and 2 PCR tests for children. One up to 5 days prior, one at the port.Capacity has been anywhere between 920-1100 passengers.
For me, this seems safer than wandering a park where there is no information on who you may cross paths with. It does not mean there isnt risk, but the risk for me seems lower. We have been on many cruises and tend to be, find a spot and read, dip in the pool/ocean, with my son playing independently in the sand within a 3' radius of us. We arent excursion adventure people anymore on bahamas/caribbean itinerarys, so it seemed within the realm of possibilities for us.
When I get complaints about why the mask rules (or any rules) are what they are at my PT customer facing gig, my reply is "Because that's what the rules are. I don't get to make them. I just have to follow them." It's the truth. Full stop. Then I offer them the manager's email because I am literally powerless to do anything else other than nod sympathetically while "Sailing" by Christopher Cross plays over the sound of their complaints in my head.

Back on track...DH and I have been discussing contingency plans for December. Everything from straight up cancellation, to dining off-site/take out, to double masking. A lot will hinge on the third booster as well and of course the way the numbers are at that time. But since we are DVC, we would have to pull the trigger one way or another to avoid our points going into holding.

I'm headed down late November/early December. So long as numbers are still declining and I have had my booster shot, I think I'm still going. Solo trip, so I don't have to worry about anyone else on the trip, but DH will be home and I do worry about bringing something home. If I do go, I plan on getting tested at the airport when I arrive home. I am also considering bringing a couple of self tests with me, I don't want to get something and get someone else sick, or get on a plane if I am either not feeling well or am asymptomatic.

So long as both of us have had our booster shots, I feel much better about going so long as FL is no longer a Covid hotbed.
Just for consideration - if you are a senior over 60 and / or have a compromised condition, and are within say a month or so of your booster, do not be shy. Ask your pharmacist if you can get the booster now. In many places, they have the vaccines just waiting to be used. They no longer have the hordes of people like they did last year begging to get the shots. In fact, in many places now it is unfortunately the complete opposite.

They're also talking about 6 months versus 8 months now. I plan on getting my booster two weeks before I go (if I go) at the end of November, I'll be 2 weeks shy of 8 months but I don't think they would have a problem with that.
disney requires vaccination for over 12, and 2 PCR tests for children. One up to 5 days prior, one at the port.Capacity has been anywhere between 920-1100 passengers.
For me, this seems safer than wandering a park where there is no information on who you may cross paths with. It does not mean there isnt risk, but the risk for me seems lower. We have been on many cruises and tend to be, find a spot and read, dip in the pool/ocean, with my son playing independently in the sand within a 3' radius of us. We arent excursion adventure people anymore on bahamas/caribbean itinerarys, so it seemed within the realm of possibilities for us.
thanks you for all the replies to my cruise/parks question. I think for myself,I feel more "in the soup" on a boat in general than on land,where I can move around/away from crowds if I feel the need but I understand a bit more now on the subject....
They're also talking about 6 months versus 8 months now. I plan on getting my booster two weeks before I go (if I go) at the end of November, I'll be 2 weeks shy of 8 months but I don't think they would have a problem with that.
There was one study (done by the Zoe project in the UK) that shows vaccine efficacy dips starting around 6 months, it's a small dip but enough for more vulnerable populations to need to be aware of. For most people the 8 month mark is more of a target (those that aren't immune compromised or 65+), I also think at this point most healthcare workers should be running to get their boosters since a majority of the ones who got them when they were first available are at or past that mark now. I'm only at the 4 month mark this week, I'm in healthcare but in administration and was working from home so I didn't rush out, I'll probably get mine in November which is the 7 month mark. My husband asked if he could go ahead and get his, I told him to save it since he probably still has pretty good immunity at 4 months, he's driving me nuts. I would think if you're just 2 weeks shy of the 8 month mark you'll be perfectly fine to get it, from what I've seen they aren't being that strict with the 8 month "rule".
)It’s what would happen if we needed a hospital for some other reason. My husband gets kidney stones - what if he needed ER care? That’s my biggest concern at this point.

That concern should be on everyone's mind that comes to FL (or any other hot spot).

The National Guard was sent to Brunswick GA to help. (Brunswick is about 3 hours north of Orlando, if you take I-95) In Duval, they had an entire middle school shut down and go to online classes until Sept 2nd.

Some insurance companies are starting to stop waiving the OOP cost for Covid (uh, that was a horrible sentence. So they are going to start allowing the OOP cost to come back to the subscriber. Does that make more sense?)
For me, as a vaccinated person who lives in Florida, I am willing to go to Disney World during Covid times, but I'm not willing to go on a cruise. I've been to Disney hundreds of times, maybe thousands, and I've been on nearly 30 cruises, so I'm very familiar with and comfortable with both. I have been back to Disney in the past few months, but have not been back on a cruise yet.
My biggest hesitation with cruising now isn't a fear of it being unsafe or unclean - with their vaccine requirements, testing, and cleaning I'm confident in the safety. But if they decide to enact severe restrictions or lockdowns after positive cases onboard, there's nowhere you can go and you can't get off - it can become too prison-like for me. Locked down in your room, not allowed out to any common area, food being left at your door to eat in your room, skipping all ports, and even being told to stay onboard days or weeks after the ship returns to port (or not being allowed back to port) happened to many ships at the beginning of the Covid outbreak, and I'd be too worried that if they got a certain number of positive cases onboard, even with everyone vaccinated, they could go back into that lockdown mode, keeping everyone in their cabins and skipping all the ports. With Disney World, if things are tracking bad, outbreaks becoming too frequent, you don't like new restrictions introduced, etc - you can always just leave...and if you stay, you can avoid the parks, still have plenty of space around the various resorts to get out and breathe air and avoid other people. Just another perspective to consider on the Disney World vs Cruise discussion.
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