To dress up or not to dress up.......


There's no such thing as too much Disney! :)<br><
Apr 2, 2004
that is the question!! DD is all set, but DH and I are wavering about wearing costumes to MNSSHP. What's the consensus?
Me and my DD's dressed up last year. My DS's costume was too hot that night, so he wore a halloween t shirt and shorts. My parents made jack-o-lantern face shirts out of orange t shirts and wore those. If we ever do the halloween party again, I would probably just do the halloween shirt. It was really hot that night and I was wearing this cheap one piece 50's girl dress with itchy tulle under the skirt and against my legs. It was hot, itchy and getting on my nerves big time! lol
We were there on the 3rd. My husband and I decided not to dress up( had a car accident a few weeks before our trip - sore back, decided not to mess with finding a costume) My darling daughter was Tinker Bell. There were adults that were dressed up and there was a lot that didn't dress up. I would say do what you feel like. I really didn't feel out of place with no costume. My husband and I got a lot of candy even though we didn't dress up. If you hang around until the end of the night, they literally were pouring candy into our bags around 11:00p.m. We had a great time! Enjoy your trip!
I worried about this myself! We ended up dressing up and had a blast we both agreed we wouldn't have had as much fun if we hadn't. Click on my October trip report link in the bottom of my sig. i have pics of us on there in costume.


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