tkd lisa's new years resolution (comments welcome)

tkd lisa

An old school dis boarder
Feb 1, 2002
Okay, it's New Years, and I can't put it off longer (my promise to me!).

I'm 154 now and want to be 129 before our Dec 18th cruise. Should be pretty easy, but if I don't start, I won't get there! Size wise now 8s are tight and I'd like to be in a comfortable 6.

Got the WATP video for Christmas. It's a 2 mile walk with interval training. Have done it the 28, 29, 30, 31st of December, then walked around St. Mary's City (probably 2 1/2 miles) with DH and DD on the 1st.

Diet plan is basically following a diabetic diet (60 g carbs per meal max, minimal sugar)

Journal for the 1st:

Cereal w/ skim milk (30g carbs)
1 banana

1/2 c cottage cheese
snack size pineapple
1 piece bread
Green beans

1/2 piece cake (Knew I shouldn't do it when DS asked to make one!)

Dinner: Traditional New Years dinner in our family
1 1/2 slice corned beef
2 small red potatos
3/4 c cabbage
1 small biscuite
small piece carrot cake

Other than the cake, it was a good day. I also got that 2 1/2 mile walk in there.
Welcome to the WISH Journal board, Lisa!! Your goal is very reachable! I don't know much about the plan you're doing, so I won't be much help with that, but I wish you luck! :sunny:
Doreen: Thanks for the note. I've noticed that you are very good at offering encouragement. That's really nice!

On the 1/2:

Overall, not too bad a day.

Cereal w skim milk (30g carbs)
1/2 banana

1/2 banana
12 mini carrots

Lunch: (need to find something crunchy to replace my normal pretzels!)
1/2 c Low fat cottage cheese
Snack size pineapple

Pouch of albacore tuna
hardboiled egg
squeeze of mayo

Walked with DD who was selling GS cookies (about 1 mile, but not sustained pace, she rode her bike, and I power walked house to house)

Now it went a little south. We came home and I pulled on my workout clothes while dinner was finishing in the oven. As I headed up to do my WATP tape, the family decided to see Master and Commander at the base theater. There wouldn't be time to wait for dinner, so we went to McD's on the way.

McChicken sandwich (little mayo)

I don't know how bad the McChicken was for me, but I know that not getting my exercise combined with a fried sandwich wasn't a smart idea.

I did get on the scale this morning and was down .8 pounds. I really plan on a weekly weigh in. I think that given my weight and how I lose, daily weigh in's will drive me nuts. My goal is 2 pounds a week.

After I finish here, I'm putting in that tape! 2 miles this am, then more cookie sales (probably will get in about 2 miles with that since we'll hit more houses today)

The weather today is supposed to hit 70 degrees with lots of sun!! Great walking weather!
1/3 Update

AM: Hard boiled egg
Cereal w skim milk
1/2 banana

Did the 2 mile WATP tape

Lunch: 1/2 c cottage cheese (low fat)
1/2 c juice packed peaches
1 oz pepper jack cheese
Walked about 1 1/2 miles selling Girl Scout cookies in the beautiful 70 + degree weather! Yoo Hoo

Took the kids bowling and snacked on 2 chips from Kaylie's nachos (no cheese!), and ate the crusts from part of Casey's mini pizza. After eating the 2nd one, I slapped myself down. I wasn't hungry, just cleaning his plate for him!

Dinner: 2 ribs from the dinner I had made for last night
1 small red potato
3/4 C cabbage (NY dinner leftovers)

Not a bad day. On to tomorrow!
looks like you are getting better everyday with your lifestyle change.........keep it up........maybe you should join us in our cheat free challenge? can do this!!!!!! and make sure you get that walking in everyday.......oh and drink as much water as you really makes a difference! look forward to seeing your progress.
You are doing great, I do have to second the part about drinking your water. I haven't been as dedicated to that as I should be and I can really tell a difference. I can tell you one thing that helps me is that I will keep the amount of water that I want to drink in one day in a container and that amount has to be gone before bedtime.
Thanks Deb and Tammy! I appreciate the encouragement. I am drinking water too, but probably not enough. I took my Brita pitcher to work with me, and I'll try to drink it (one reservoir, not the WHOLE pitcher!) during the time at work. I usually get about 2-3 glasses of water in the evening without any trouble.

I checked out a diabetic cookbook from the library and got more guidance on the ADA recommendations. It's kind of tough because they tend to not put the meal plans down to force diabetics to consult a nutritionist. For me, it wouldn't be worth the money. Being off-plan isn't going to kill me! But talking to diabetics I know, I think my goal is going to be primarily carb counting to start with. I'm setting 3 C per meal (15 g of carbs = 1 carb on the ADA plan) as my plan, with no allowance for snacks. My good friend has 2-4 carbs per meal as his allowance, but he's a fair bit bigger than me. I figure I can probably keep w/ 2 carbs per meal since I don't do sandwiches often, and have one as a snack, and consistently stay around 8 a day.

Anyway, reviewing my journal with the official guidelines, I've actually stayed on goal since the new year! I think that probably will get me a cheat free clippie! Even the day I had cake! Of course, I was probably way high on fat that day, but I'm counting carbs right now. If the weight doesn't come off, I'll start looking at fat, then add calories, but I'm trying for simple here!

Thanks again to all!
1/4 entry: On plan again!

am- cereal w/ skim milk (2Carbs)
1/2 banana (1/2 carb)
1 small pancake w/ light syrup (1/2 carb)

6 tortilla chips (1 Carb) I laid out 6 on a napkin, and when they were gone, I was done! That's the way to limit them!
taco salad (1 carb) Didn't eat the shell, but the beans gave me a carb

2 mile WATP

1/2 of a crab stuffed chicken breast (1 carb from stuffing)
1/2 c Cottage cheese (1 Carb)

Total intake 7 carbs. I was way too busy today for any snacks! And other great news for today, DD accepted Christ at Awanas! Overall a red letter day!
1/5 entry:

AM: Cereal w/ skim milk (2 c)
1/2 banana (1/2 C)

snack: 1/2 banana (1/2 C)

1/2 C cottage cheese (forgot the fruit, so no carbs here!)
yellow pepper
nectarine (1 C)
1/2 Clementine (1/2 C)
Hardboiled egg

Taco Salad w/ Beans (1 C) - didn't eat the shell

No exercise except walking the stairs at work. Had scouts and couldn't fit it in.

Water intake, most of a Brita reservoir at work, 25 oz at home.

And I didn't clean up the leftover pizza on Casey's plate at dinner!!
1/6 journal (I left it at home, so I'm doing it from memory!)

Cereal w skim milk (2 Carbs)

Low Fat Yogurt (1 Carb)

1/2 C cottage cheese
1/2 C juice packed peaches (1 C)
1 oz cheddar cheese

1/2 breast of chicken stuffed w/ crab meat (1 C)
1/2 C clam chowder (1 C)

2 mile WATP tape

2 oz. wheat nuts (1 C)

7 carbs total, another cheat free day!
You are doing great with your plan and really sticking to it. Way to go on getting your water in as well. That truly does help. I know you are going to see a loss at your WI time. Keep up the hard work.

Also wanted to I'm excited for your DD in accepting Christ. Our DS just accepted right before Thanksgiving here at home with us one night. It is the most exciting thing as a parent because we know how important it is.

Have a wonderful day.:D
Thanks Tammy! And praise God again for my daughter. It is giving her inner peace which is something she definitely needs! The middle school years are so hard, and she has problems with peers anyway. God does answer prayers doesn't He?

Anyway, back to my journal. I'm pasting my check in post as well. I didn't post that yesterday was a really tough day! I forgot to bring my "lunch" (it includes my snacks) yesterday, and we had a potluck at church which had LOTS of carbs (think macaroni, potatoes, etc.) But DH came through with a low carb shake and packet of tuna he had in his desk (he works in the same building, different floor), and I just didn't eat much at the potluck! So I made it! I have to admit that knowing that I was weighing in the next morning helped me not cheat!

Thursday is going to be my check in day, since I officially started New Year's Day.

I weighed in at 151.4 pounds, 2.6 pounds less that last week! My goal is 2 pounds a week, so I'm happy with that. I know that's a lot less than many people, but my diet plan (follow diabetic diet, with 45g c per meal max) doesn't give drastic losses (since that would be bad for diabetics!)

I think I've now defined my "exercise plan" as well. Plan is workout "rest" days on Monday and Wednesday. We have scouts (cub and girl) on those days, so fitting in a workout would be difficult. I'll count myself on plan if I work out Tuesday, Thursday and 2 of the 3 other days (Fri-Sun). Plan is WATP at least T, Th, and one of the weekend days with outdoor exercise as a possible exchange on the other weekend day(s).

So I'm one week cheat free, and one week exercise on plan! And 2 1/2 pounds lighter! Woo Hoo!

1/7 Journal:
am: cereal w/ skim milk (2C)
snack: Low carb shake (1g, doesn't count as a carb for me!)
lunch: cottage cheese w/ 1/2 c juice packed peaches (1C)
nectarine (1C)
Dinner: Meat loaf
chicken wings
mac & Cheese (1C)

Snack: 2 oz wheat nuts (1C)

Total for the day:6 carbs on plan
No exercise since we did church.

Off to add my new clippie for exercise

Journal for 1/8
Breakfast: cereal w/ skim milk (2C)
snack: low-fat yogurt (1C)
lunch: Cottage cheese
1/2 c juice packed peaches (1C)
nectarine (1C)
2 oz wheat nuts (1C)

Dinner: 4 fish sticks (1C)
1/3 C rice (1C)
green beans
2 mile WATP tape

Snack: Cheese stick
Journal for 1/9

am: 2 eggs, 1 slice toast (1C)
snack: yogurt (1C)
Lunch: Tuna
1 oz cheese
wheat nuts (1C)
WATP 2 miles
steamed shrimp
garlic bread (1C)

I looked again at the label on my wheat nuts, and figured out that I could eat the entire jar (supposedly 7 servings), and it would only be 2 carb counts (35g total). It takes 1 Cup to make 15g of carbs. Since I haven't finished the jar yet, and I've counted 4 carbs against them, I'm definitely counting more carbs than I'm taking in. The wheat nuts seem to fill my need for something salty and crunchy, so I'll probably get more of them.

I enjoyed cruise chat last night. KathyTx stopped by, so I got to say hi.
Journal for 1/10:

am: two eggs, 1 slice toast (1C)

We went to Taco Bell for lunch since DS got to pick. Note to self, taco bell is a BAD place to go! Next time, must get the taco salad! Looking at the menu, I thought that the quesidilla would be 1c and the taco 1c. When it came out, there was no way that quesidilla was only 15g, so I called it 2 carbs. Still managed to keep in at 3 C though!

Lunch: chicken quesidilla (2C)
soft taco (1C)

WATPs two miles

Dinner: steak
garlic bread (1C)

Just as a reminder for the days events, the kids had their AWANA grand prix (kind of like a pinewood derby), and DD won 3rd in design, and first overall for speed! Both kids cars were extraordinarily fast! DS actually won all 4 of his heats, but ended up in 4th. The difference between 3rd and 5th over 4 heats was .07seconds! DS had a tough time with this at first. In scouts, the winning is figured out by what place they come in each race. If they have to, they will run the "ties" off against each other. So he just couldn't understand why he didn't win anything since he had never lost! But he came through like a trooper once we explained how they figured it out, and how close it was. He helped take down the track and got to pick where we had lunch. We also explained that Pinewood derby was in 2 weeks, and that his car would probably do really well there.

I also stepped on the scale just to see how it was going, and I was down to 150 (another 1.5 pounds!) Might just be on track for the 5 pound clippie this week. I'm not checking again until Thursday though.
1/11 Journal

am: 2 eggs, 1 slice toast (1C0
Lunch: Sausage (went to red hot and blue after church, yum!)
pulled pork
baked beans (1C)
Dinner: Taco Salad w/ beans (1C)

Went to Waldorf after church to exchange my duplicate set of WATPs videos. I got the 3 mile one separately, but they only had DVD, which limits my locations. I've been meaning to move the playstation upstairs anyway, so this might make that happen sooner! No exercise today, since we went from church to Waldorf, dropped DH at home and took the kids back for Awanas and me for evening service/choir practice. It was a long day, but I did get my weekend goal covered with 2 exercise days out of 3.
Wow, I'm on my 2nd page! That just means I'm long-winded!

1/12 journal
am: Cereal w/ skim milk (1C)
snack: yogurt (1C)
Lunch: cottage cheese w/ juice packed pineapple (1C)
hard boiled egg
snack: grape tomatos
Dinner: Grilled chicken breast
cottage cheese
2 breaded cheese sticks (the ones DD didn't eat) - 1 C

Cub Scouts tonight, so planned exercise rest day.

Okay, writing this down is confirming what I always knew. I eat LOTS more when I'm at work. On the weekends, I'm usually too busy for snacks, and I've never been much of an evening muncher. I brought the little package of grape tomatos in just to cover that snacking need, and I think it's probably a good solution. Please someone tell me if there are a lot of carbs in them. I'm assuming that they're less than 5 grams.
Journal for 1/13

am: cereal w/ skim milk (2C)

snack: Yogurt (1C)

lunch: cottage cheese w/ juice packed pineapple (1C)
sliced cheese
grape tomatos

2 mile WATP
Dinner: shrimp, etc. left over from Saturday
green beans
mac and cheese (about 1/2 - 2/3 c) (1C)

Total for the day, 5 Carbs and fit exercise in before dinner!
Journal for 1/14:

am: 2 eggs with 1 slice toast (1C)
snack: yogurt (1C)
Lunch: Cottage cheese w/ pineapple (1C)
cheese, red pepper
cashews (1C)

Dinner: Hamburger patty
dinner roll (1C)
2 breaded cheese sticks (1C)

Total 6 carbs. No exercise (planned rest day for Girl Scouts). Weighed in am of 1/15 at 150 pounds (1.5 lost this week, 4 pounds total). But stayed on exercise and diet plan for another week.
Journal for 1/15
am: 2 eggs, slice of toast (1C)
snack: Yogurt (1C)
lunch: cottage cheese w/ pineapple (1C)
cheese, red pepper
cashews (1C)
Dinner: mini sandwich (1 slice bread, cut in half) (1C)
cup chicken noodle soup (1C)

walked 2 miles on treadmill, did weight work at gym

Total: 6 Carbs


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