Tipping in 2008 - Dining plan and buffets

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What is so hard to understand about this?

At a traditional TS meal, the server provides more services to the diner. Therefore, it is perfectly logical to start those servers out at a higher tip percentage. That tip can go up or down depending on how things go, but they're going to start at 15-20%. It could drop to 10%, or 5%, or nothing if the server is particularly inattentive or otherwise provides poor service. It could rise to 25% or more if the server is particularly good or outstanding.

At a buffet, the server starts lower - say, 10%. That tip can go up or down depending on how things go, but it's not going to start at the same point that the tip in a non-buffet starts. Because all else (attentiveness, promptness, etc) being equal, the server in the traditional TS restaurant does things for the diners that the servers in a buffet do not.

Nobody is trying to make you sad or mad. But you should at least try to recognize the logic of the situation.


It's all good. I adore my dis friends and I'm just not gonna agree so on with the show. Tip what u like who am I to say how to tip with your money. I hope everyone has a great day!:hug:
Let me just reiterate what another poster mentioned above. Minimum wage for servers is SIGNIFICANTLY LESS than min. wage in other fields. I don't know the exact rate, but I think it's about HALF of what reg. min. wage is. They DO NOT make a living wage from their pay. It is expected that they will make enough from tips to pay rent, buy groceries, make car payments, etc. That's just the way it is in this country. I never worked in the food industry, but my DH did when he was in high school. He always leaves 20% tip. If the service is not as good, he'll leave 15%. This is what these people have to live off of. It's just really sad that people are trying to find ways to keep them from earning a decent living - both Disney and guests are guilty in this. Heck, even out in the real world - people just don't get it that these servers live off of their TIPS NOT THEIR WAGES!

I have never met a server who didn't make *way, WAY* over minimum wage. In fact, every server I know made than the kitchen staff at thier hourly wage. I am not sure what point is trying to be made here, but yes, this is how the world is - people work, then make money, and then use that money to pay bills.

AFAIK there is no way a server can make less than minimum wage because if they report thier tips to be less than that the restaurant has to cover the difference.

10% is industry standard for buffet servers. The servers know this. Most people know this.
My daughter is a server at a local chain restaurant and has to claim tips based on her total bills for the night. She cannot close out her bills until she includes the tips. Taxes are taken out based on the tips that are claimed for the 2 week period. Her paychecks are very low ($50 - $70 for 2 weeks - 25 hrs. per week) because her tips are taxed and her hourly wage is very low $4.00 per hr.

federal tax estimates the tip amount at 8% of receipts - if you are a server making less than 8%, quite frankly, you should look into another line of work.
Again, employees can report differently, in that case the restaurant has to pay the difference and they would get a tax refund.
Her paycheck is also being deducted for soc. security, state tax, health insurance, etc, so yes, it is low. Overall though, I bet she is making a decent average hourly wage.
Help me understand. I'm an accountant so I understand the money, but I've never worked in or for a restaurant. Do I understand correctly that when waitstaff finishes a shift they have to "close out" by recording their tips somehow with their employer. When they receive a paycheck it is for their hourly wage x hours worked - taxes on both that wage and the tips they claimed (but already took home)? So to a certain extent it is an honor system in that if I had a $50 total bill at a table and they tipped me 20% ($10) I would have to be honest and list the $10, otherwise only 8% of that bill would be listed as a tip as far as my taxes and the IRS are concerned?

Which would, of course, lead a person to say that even if someone got stiffed at one table, there's a good chance that they make more than the 8% on other tables and it then becomes something between them and their conscience what they actually claim to have made in tips?

Just trying to follow.....

Yup, you got it. Working at Apple Bees, I often times got pay check for $0.00 because I claimed most my tips.

Buffet servers still do not provide the same level of service as TS servers. Nobody is putting them down, but to expect the same level of gratuity (unless the party falls into the mandatory tipping % for party size) is both unrealistic and unnecessary.

Its all a matter of opinion. Knowing several severs myself, I can tell you they work just as hard, if not harder. I know a fine dining server or two that openly admit their job is horrible boring. Once the order is in, they will disappear for 5-10 minutes, go talk on their cell phone, etc. Buffet servers are walking passed their tables every 2 minutes it seems.

This is something that I have been itching to post, because it's something that we do too. I feel bad for people who are struggling and work in lower end restaurants. Often they work just as hard, if not harder, than those in the high end restaurants. Yet those in the high end restaurants are 'guaranteed' more money based on the tipping by percentage.

Because of this we throw the tipping books away and tip up to 50% for an amazing waiter at a lower priced restaurant. We still tip 15-20% in a high end restaurant, but try to give the same dollar amount for equal service in a lower end restaurant.

Well stupid is as stupid does. Take a look at the servers at waffle house, golden corral, denny's etc. I'm sure you can picture them in your head. Lets lay the fact out. if they were smarter, they wouldn't be waiting tables for their career. It's ok to pay the bills in college and so, but when you are passed 30 and still doing it, somethings wrong. Second, if they were classier/smarter, they would work at nicer restaurants. Whats the different between the server at waffle house and the steak house across the street? Well the server at the steak house has to come to work clean cut, nicely groomed, no tattoos or piercings, have very good customer service, etc. On top of that, they have to work harder, be reliable, not want smoke breaks every 30 minutes, etc. Its all in personal choice.
Yup, you got it. Working at Apple Bees, I often times got pay check for $0.00 because I claimed most my tips.

Its all a matter of opinion. Knowing several severs myself, I can tell you they work just as hard, if not harder. I know a fine dining server or two that openly admit their job is horrible boring. Once the order is in, they will disappear for 5-10 minutes, go talk on their cell phone, etc. Buffet servers are walking passed their tables every 2 minutes it seems.

Well stupid is as stupid does. Take a look at the servers at waffle house, golden corral, denny's etc. I'm sure you can picture them in your head. Lets lay the fact out. if they were smarter, they wouldn't be waiting tables for their career. It's ok to pay the bills in college and so, but when you are passed 30 and still doing it, somethings wrong. Second, if they were classier/smarter, they would work at nicer restaurants. Whats the different between the server at waffle house and the steak house across the street? Well the server at the steak house has to come to work clean cut, nicely groomed, no tattoos or piercings, have very good customer service, etc. On top of that, they have to work harder, be reliable, not want smoke breaks every 30 minutes, etc. Its all in personal choice.

I have seen you post things before, and I think its very rude. Heck I work at a pancake joint and I don't have tattoos,piercings and I am very well groomed THANK YOU!!! Don't assume because you work at a high class steak house you are classier or smarter. That is stereotyping plus I am a 34 year old mother with a college education serving tables, WHY DO YOU ASK? It works around my kids schedule, they are flexible and yeah the money's good. Also on a busy day, I don't get one break, I don't smoke and I don't miss a day of work. I am sure there are are bad types of employees in every job not just Denny's, Waffle House. Maybe you don't mean to come across like this but you do and I find it very offending to the working mother..:sad2: Sorry but I have to get off my soap box, get my children up and ready for school, get myself ready for work and go vote for mayor.
Wouldnt it be nice if waitresses/waitors got paid Min wage and didnt have to depend on tips? Then they would know exactly how much they would get paid (like most people) and be able to budget their life accordingly.
However how many wait staff would vote that in? They typically make alot more then min wage even with the 8% they have to total out at the end of the night.
For the person who said her daughter is a waitress and makes less the $70 a pay check.... does she count all those 1's and 5's she brings home each night toward that "paycheck".
My SIL was a waitress and a friend of mine is still one and both did much better then i did when working at Walmart with min wage! My husband says i need to go work as a waitress becuase I would make more money then working a normal min wage job..

I have ADR's for all buffet's... not a single menu order while at Disney. I am on the 2008 DDP. I will alot some money for tips but not the same as i would if i was doing all menu order TS meals.
Well stupid is as stupid does. Take a look at the servers at waffle house, golden corral, denny's etc. I'm sure you can picture them in your head. Lets lay the fact out. if they were smarter, they wouldn't be waiting tables for their career. It's ok to pay the bills in college and so, but when you are passed 30 and still doing it, somethings wrong. Second, if they were classier/smarter, they would work at nicer restaurants. Whats the different between the server at waffle house and the steak house across the street? Well the server at the steak house has to come to work clean cut, nicely groomed, no tattoos or piercings, have very good customer service, etc. On top of that, they have to work harder, be reliable, not want smoke breaks every 30 minutes, etc. Its all in personal choice.

Oh my...popcorn::
I have never met a server who didn't make *way, WAY* over minimum wage. In fact, every server I know made than the kitchen staff at thier hourly wage. I am not sure what point is trying to be made here, but yes, this is how the world is - people work, then make money, and then use that money to pay bills.

AFAIK there is no way a server can make less than minimum wage because if they report thier tips to be less than that the restaurant has to cover the difference.

10% is industry standard. The servers know this. Most people know this.
I used to own a restaurant/bar....I disagree with 10% being the industry STANDARD.....I believe that is more the AVERAGE. Many people don't tip. They think the price of their food is what they should pay for and no "extra". They don't understand if employees were paid at least a minimum wage, their food/beverages would cost more. In most establishments you are not just tipping the server....they pool their tips....splitting them also with others that are instumental in getting your food out and table cleaned.
I disagree with 10% being the industry STANDARD.....I believe that is more the AVERAGE.
Hipchickie was referring to the standard tip at a buffet restaurant, not a standard tip for any restaurant.
Many people don't tip. They think the price of their food is what they should pay for and no "extra". They don't understand if employees were paid at least a minimum wage, their food/beverages would cost more. In most establishments you are not just tipping the server....they pool their tips....splitting them also with others that are instumental in getting your food out and table cleaned.
All this has been thoroughly covered earlier in the thread.

It is not about what someone can "afford" - it is about the custom of tipping. Why do you *only* tip a measly 18 - 20%? Maybe you should tip 30 or 40%? Or maybe 50-60%? Surely you can afford it, if you are vacationing at WDW. And after all, they are creating a "magical vacation." What is a "magical vacation" worth anyway? Only 18-20%?

BTW - this should be repeated, it made me :lmao:
Hipchickie was referring to the standard tip at a buffet restaurant, not a standard tip for any restaurant. All this has been thoroughly covered earlier in the thread.

Okay, I'm guilty of misreading the post. I am truly sorry. I have to control a rant when it comes to this issue. I would have celebrities come in...not pay for food or drinks...and not tip their servers. So many times the people that can most afford to be generous tip ZERO...while many average folks "get it" and are appreciative.

10% of their overall receipts, is what servers average in tips.
Socialism is alive and well! :rotfl:

The whole point here is tipping and what I, as a consumer, am 'required' to do. I'm required to do nothing. A tip is earned. It is earned by service. It is not earned based upon what a customer perceives their waiter is earning per hour. It is not based on my income level or what I paid for the vacation I'm on. It's not even based on whether my steak is coming from Disney or from Applebee's. Tips aren't legislated (yet) and as such are at the discretion of the individual.

Now whether Disney is coming out further ahead with the DDP changes in 2008 (and I dare say, they are) - I appreciate the fact that I have now been given back the power to tip what I determine to be proper. Doesn't mean I'll use the DDP, but I think it's actually a good change in terms of logic and the spirit of our un-socialist economy. In terms of my wallet - we shall see.
Well stupid is as stupid does. Take a look at the servers at Waffle House, Golden Corral, Denny's etc. I'm sure you can picture them in your head. Let's lay the facts out. If they were smarter, they wouldn't be waiting tables for their career. It's ok to pay the bills in college and so, but when you are passed 30 and still doing it, somethings wrong. Second, if they were classier/smarter, they would work at nicer restaurants. What's the different (difference) between the server at Waffle House and the steak house across the street? Well the server at the steak house has to come to work clean cut, nicely groomed, no tattoos or piercings, have very good customer service, etc. On top of that, they have to work harder, be reliable, not want smoke breaks every 30 minutes, etc. It's all in personal choice.

Well you just proved yourself for what you are. Do you bring this attitude to work with you? Who are you to judge how classy or smart every person working at one of these restaurants is?

If you read my post, you will see that I said that I tip exceptional servers exceptionally, especially at a lower end restaurant because they struggle more.

To quote you - why should I tip this guy...

... I know a fine dining server or two that openly admit their job is horrible boring. Once the order is in, they will disappear for 5-10 minutes, go talk on their cell phone, etc. ...

More money than the guy or girl who is busting their butt at a lower priced restaurant? Since it is up to the restaurant patron to pay the servers wages, I think the person who busts their butt for me should make decent money. It's my money and I'll do with it what I want. That doesn't make me stupid, just like your opinions don't make you a nice person.

Further, you contradict yourself. You state that the server or two you know at the fine dining restaurant constantly disappear to talk on their cell phones. In the post where you call me stupid you state that the server at the steak house can't want smoke breaks every 30 minutes. Which is the case?
I have seen you post things before, and I think its very rude. Heck I work at a pancake joint and I don't have tattoos,piercings and I am very well groomed THANK YOU!!! Don't assume because you work at a high class steak house you are classier or smarter. That is stereotyping plus I am a 34 year old mother with a college education serving tables, WHY DO YOU ASK? It works around my kids schedule, they are flexible and yeah the money's good. Also on a busy day, I don't get one break, I don't smoke and I don't miss a day of work. I am sure there are are bad types of employees in every job not just Denny's, Waffle House. Maybe you don't mean to come across like this but you do and I find it very offending to the working mother..:sad2: Sorry but I have to get off my soap box, get my children up and ready for school, get myself ready for work and go vote for mayor.

Congrats, you're an exception. Last time I went to Waffle House, almost every one of my stereotypes was dead on. In fact, most times I go to Waffle House, at least a couple of my stereotypes are correct. You might want to google "stereotype"

Stereotypes are generalizations about groups and individual members thereof, based primarily on membership in that group. They may be positive or negative, they may be accurate or inaccurate regarding average characteristics of a group, and may be used to justify certain discriminatory behaviors.

Stereotypes are not just made, they exist for a reason. See it as wrong or right, they still stand. You can't for one single minute tell me everyone you work with has a college degree. The same stereotypes can be drawn up for line cooks. I've worked MANY chain restaurants, and most of the times, you wouldn't want to see who is cooking your food.

More money than the guy or girl who is busting their butt at a lower priced restaurant? Since it is up to the restaurant patron to pay the servers wages, I think the person who busts their butt for me should make decent money. It's my money and I'll do with it what I want. That doesn't make me stupid, just like your opinions don't make you a nice person.

You know what opinions are like....everyone has one, and no one thinks theirs stinks. Yes, you should in theory get paid for harder work, but in serving, thats not the case. You think a sever in NYC deserves 100K a year? Not a chance! How about a door man at a nice hotel in Chicago? They sure don't deserve the outrageous amounts they make. Simply put, location is EVERYTHING!

Further, you contradict yourself. You state that the server or two you know at the fine dining restaurant constantly disappear to talk on their cell phones. In the post where you call me stupid you state that the server at the steak house can't want smoke breaks every 30 minutes. Which is the case?

Grasping at straws now are we? There is a huge difference between being a hard worker and having free time available, and being lazy. The lazy person won't be working at a fine dining restaurant. A hard worker will, and if they have free time, I see no problem is using it how they see fit.
Just another guy should think about finding just another discussion board. I see a thread closure in the near future.

I find it unfortunate that some people can't voice their opinion witout being rude, condescending, arrogant, offensive....................
Just another guy should think about finding just another discussion board. I see a thread closure in the near future.

I find it unfortunate that some people can't voice their opinion witout being rude, condescending, arrogant, offensive....................

Over a comment about a stereotype? :lmao: I tell blond jokes in the office without upsetting others. Some just have thin skin. This PC world is pathetic.

Fine, you explain to my why people work at Waffle House and not Ruths Chris Stakehouse.
Over a comment about a stereotype? :lmao: I tell blond jokes in the office without upsetting others. Some just have thin skin. This PC world is pathetic.

Fine, you explain to my why people work at Waffle House and not Ruths Chris Stakehouse.

Maybe because we don't have a Ruths Chris Steakhouse where I live (never heard of it anyway). Heck we don't have a Waffle House either..:sad2:
Over a comment about a stereotype? :lmao: I tell blond jokes in the office without upsetting others. Some just have thin skin. This PC world is pathetic.

Fine, you explain to my why people work at Waffle House and not Ruths Chris Stakehouse.

There is a difference between being PC and crude.
Maybe because we don't have a Ruths Chris Steakhouse where I live (never heard of it anyway). Heck we don't have a Waffle House either..:sad2:

At Ruths Chris Steakhouse, you order your steak for $30ish, any side dishes for about $8 a piece, plus any drinks/wine plus desert, and you are looking at $50 a head easy. One server with 3 tables, 3 people at each table would be $450, 15% of that is about $70. Thats for one turn of their tables. I'm sure 2 is common, and 3 turns is more around average for a night. I knew a girl way back in high school who MIGHT make that on a double at Denny's, if it was a good day.

You've said your the exception, and thats fine. Try to explain to me why someone who only makes $50 a night wouldn't want a shot at making $130 a night? Its pretty simply, they(the MAJORITY, but not 100%) are either lazy, or they can't. Many fall into the lazy category. They know their menu, the rules, what they can get away with, and don't want to risk losing that at a shot at more money. The rest can't. They won't get hired based on appearance for whatever reason, or possibly due to a criminal background. I don't think I've EVER worked in a restaurant where at least one line cook had a DUI. In fact, I once worked at a small restaurant, where the head chef was on work release from jail for DUIs. A second cook got a DUI in the same week a 3rd line cook wrecked his car while drunk, leaving him with a DUI, and a 4th line cook who was in the car in a head brace for months. :lmao: BUT, I'm just being crude according to some to draw any assumptions from this fact. If you want more details, I can easily go into more stories about line cooks and criminal records(mostly DUIs). I've never seen ankle bracelets on respected members of society, but I've seen it twice with kitchen staff employees.

If you want, you can try the whole "money doesn't buy happiness" excuse at me, but it sure was nicer being in college making $150 a night at a nice restaurant, than it was making $40 a night at chain restaurants.
You've said your the exception, and thats fine. Try to explain to me why someone who only makes $50 a night wouldn't want a shot at making $130 a night? Its pretty simply, they(the MAJORITY, but not 100%) are either lazy, or they can't. Many fall into the lazy category. They know their menu, the rules, what they can get away with, and don't want to risk losing that at a shot at more money. The rest can't. They won't get hired based on appearance for whatever reason, or possibly due to a criminal background. I don't think I've EVER worked in a restaurant where at least one line cook had a DUI. In fact, I once worked at a small restaurant, where the head chef was on work release from jail for DUIs. A second cook got a DUI in the same week a 3rd line cook wrecked his car while drunk, leaving him with a DUI, and a 4th line cook who was in the car in a head brace for months. :lmao: BUT, I'm just being crude according to some to draw any assumptions from this fact. If you want more details, I can easily go into more stories about line cooks and criminal records(mostly DUIs). I've never seen ankle bracelets on respected members of society, but I've seen it twice with kitchen staff employees.

I am assuming we are suppossed to infer that you are the exception to the stereotype rule? Why weren't you working at better places than these glorious establishments? Lazy, or you can't? :rotfl:
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