Tink's Tinkerings * Up and running again. Please request*

tinkerbell 766

<font color=purple>If I can't fly, let me sing. Or
Sep 12, 2007
My dear Friends
You will notice as you look through my thread now that many of the images appear to have disappeared!!! This is simply because I have organized my photobucket, which was badly in need of doing, and I have moved most of the images within it. I feel my photobucket is more easily navigated now and I apologise for any inconvienience.
All images which were in this thread are still in my photobucket(INCLUDING ALL PERSONALIZED DISIGNS) and are contained in the various catagorized albums listed on the left hand side of the page. If you click on the title of the album you wish to browse, it will take you to that album. If you then make note of the album name and the title of the DISign and post these, along with your requests, on this thread. I will be only too pleased to oblige. Of course, if you want a completely new DISign produced please don't hesitate to post your request for this also on this thread. You can also PM with requests if you wish
I will of course, continue to post any new DISigns I do on this thread as usual so PLEASE keep your eyes on the most recent pages. All completed requests will also be posted in the thread as normal.
I am sorry for all the hassle but really felt I had to organize my photobucket as it was getting way too messy!!!
Any problems or questions just give me a shout via this thread or by PM
Thank you for your patience and tolerence.
Hugs as always



Here is an autograph book cover

And here is a colouring (or coloring for my friends from the US) book cover which could be made into a journal cover or activity book cover. The colours and character could also be changed

Aww you are very kind. Thank you both

Just to bore you futher, here is a t-shirt disign

I love your DISigns, especially look for the magic one. I downloaded it for a future trip. :goodvibes
thanks, Penny:hippie:
I am honoured that all you talented disigners even look at my disigns much less say nice things about them:worship:
Thank you all so much. I warn you I could be encouraged to do more!!!!
You were warned!!
Here is a label useful for attaching to covers of autograph books etc. Of course the name and resort can be changed and it could be adapted for Epcot passports, journals etc


Colour can also be changed
I disigned this for myself to wear on my son's 9th birthday (when we will be at the World). Hope you like it!!


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