Three Things...Gratitude Thread

Iā€™m also a fan of itā€™s a Small World. Even have a doll :)

Driving to WDW instead of flying: so many people say they could never do it, especially with a young child in the car. We love the freedom of what and how to pack and noticing when the trees change to palm trees and just the adventure and anticipation that goes along with it.

I bought a couple of the dolls during the 50th anniversary. I loved scaring DH with them since the ride really creeps him out.

I also love driving to WDW. DD17 was about 2 1/2 the first time we drove with them. DD17 was almost 5 and it was priceless to see how amazed she was that we could get there by car from home. Driving from gulf coast TX to FL, you don't really see as much of a change, but I remember it when we used to drive down from NJ.
I bought a couple of the dolls during the 50th anniversary. I loved scaring DH with them since the ride really creeps him out.

I also love driving to WDW. DD17 was about 2 1/2 the first time we drove with them. DD17 was almost 5 and it was priceless to see how amazed she was that we could get there by car from home. Driving from gulf coast TX to FL, you don't really see as much of a change, but I remember it when we used to drive down from NJ.
I bought myself and my 30 something daughter the Hawaiian dolls with the grass skirts since those were her favorite dolls growing up. (I have so many photos of them!)
My DGD now loves pushing the button and hearing her sing. I still have mine in the box, but my daughterā€™s has been played with. :)
I bought myself and my 30 something daughter the Hawaiian dolls with the grass skirts since those were her favorite dolls growing up. (I have so many photos of them!)
My DGD now loves pushing the button and hearing her sing. I still have mine in the box, but my daughterā€™s has been played with. :)

We have India and France. I have to check, but I think both were removed from their boxes, but not 100%. My kids weren't big into dolls. We bought them American Girl Dolls at one point and those things just sat. I do love that the IASW dolls sing.
2. Watching TV with subtitles - when people are at our house they think it's kind of odd, but when we started watching Ted Lasso, we turned them on because they talked so fast and I felt like I was missing half of the dialogue. We found that we really like it and picked up on a lot that we were missing and just didn't know it!
My wife and girls watch with subtitles and it drives me bonkers. I just find it annoying to see the constant subtitles popping up on the screen. That's when I head to the man cave....don't need the subtitles to tell me that whats happening in the movies like John Wick :D
I donā€™t care for subtitles- gives me anxiety trying to read and listen at same time - and if Iā€™m watching with someone they donā€™t keep up and everything is messed up !!
Funny story - I was messing with the remote once - not only turned on subtitles I made everything Spanish !!! I donā€™t speak or read Spanish and couldnā€™t for the life of me turn it back !!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ had to call the cable co to get that fixed !! šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ
No subtitles for me!!
Good Morning!

#1 - My Garden (in the past) - I used to have a big, beautiful garden in the past. I loved it and Iā€™m glad I had it. I filled it in when DD20ā€™s schedule became incredibly busy and I no longer had time to maintain it.

#2 - Flowers - In about a month Iā€™ll be planting flowers. Iā€™m looking forward to having beautiful colors around the house again.

#3 - Daylilies - I have several in my yard and I may plant some more this year.
Dsd has recently shared how God continues to grow anew His Christmas tree Evergreen. Dad shared Evergreen once again this Spring has all new green shoots. God willing sooner than later I will be able to go outside to see him. Dad meantime when it warms up will take a picture that I'll share.

In another few weeks, just before my birthday the Jacaranda trees on our street awake with new puple buds, so pretty. Picture of them to come, too.

Light pink carnations that are budding are my favorite flower. šŸŒøand hug to all with love.
Trees - šŸŒ² I always plant trees when I move somewhere - some favorites are Blue Spruce and burning bushes

Rose Bushes / Iā€™ve planted my share and everyone elseā€™s over the years ( thank those pesky deer)šŸ¦Œ I love rose bushes almost as much as deer do !!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Flowers - every Spring I plant a ton of flowers šŸŒø I do enjoy the look of flowers everywhere around the house and all gge birds they attract I guess you try to get flowers that attract hummingbirds

Gardens - had them when I was a kid nothing better than home grown tomatoes!!! And baking and canning pickles !!! End of season making tomatoe sauce with all those left over tomatoes and best one Fried Green Tomatoes!!! Yummy !!!
All that subtitles discussion seeped its way into my morning. Someone randomly turned them on for just SOME things and I had to dig to figure out where to turn them off. Although, there are some things like Wednesday where the subtitles add some comedy.

1. The garden at our old house- some years were better than others, but we always had a ton of basil and lots of yellow teardrop tomatoes.

2. AeroGarden- while I wasnā€™t able to make it work long term, itā€™s a fun little way to grow things. I could easily track progress, I got to harvest and use some, and a hydroponic garden felt like a little bit of Living with the Land in my kitchen.

3. Mimosa Tree- DH doesnā€™t like it, but we planted it after the passing of our last dog and itā€™s grown so beautifully. Itā€™s now 5 years old and large enough to put out a decent amount of blooms.

Honorable mention- while itā€™s on the side of the house, one of the previous owners planted shell ginger. I didnā€™t think much of it since it usually just looks like a basic green plant, but one year, I was doing some work over there and I found thisā€¦

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1. The herb garden I grow in my deck. Our winter was so mild this year many plants are coming back. Usually there are a few, but this year itā€™s more than half.
2. Peoniesā€”my favorite. I have them in several different beds at home and at work.
3. Lilacsā€”I have several, but the light isnā€™t quite right for a couple of them. I have one in the front though that produces a ton of blooms and the fragrance is fantastic. It also grows prolifically and I end up cutting it back about 25% each year.
1. I am grateful for every single plant source that is part of my pain relief cream that helps relieve my back pain.

2. Herbs, especially memories of my momā€™s herb garden; her homemade pesto and watching the cats enjoying the catnip.

3. I am grateful for all my neighbors who plant beautiful flowers and for all the large trees in my neighborhood. The trees were one of the main reasons we chose this neighborhood. At the very least, they keep down the electric bills during AC season, and on another level, they inspire me.


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