Three days at All-Star Movies, with DDP too! (The end of adventure)


DIS Veteran
Mar 7, 2015
Howdy everybody! I'm back, with another trip report. As of today (Sunday, September 20th), it's currently in progress. I figured I may as well start the Trip Report now while it's all still fresh and to expand upon a few things from my Live Trip Report that's also in progress.

So, some intros:

Who: Corey. 36. Taurus. Employed in a moderately high stress job. Annual Passholder for the past year. First year of actually going to Disney World. Pictures of my ugly mug are in all of my trip reports and pre-trip reports, so I'll spare you all the further indignities.

What: Three nights at WDW with Disney Dining Plan

Where: All-Star Movies

When: September 20th - September 23rd, 2015

Why: Why not?

Previous stays have taken place at Poly, AKL, POR, and CBR. This is my first time staying in a value resort and it's been... interesting so far.

So, that's the introductions.

Here's the stuff to play catchup:
The Pre-Trip Report
The Live Trip Report
This is how we roll

I woke up at just after 6am this morning. Since I'm about a two hour drive from Disney, there's no huge impetus to stick to a certain schedule. My only hard deadline was an ADR at Chef's de France booked at 4:30pm. I had a few FP+ selections starting at 12:30 to keep in mind, but I've never been a stickler about sticking to them religiously. They're plans that are easy to break. Still, my plan was to get to ASMo around 10:30am to get checked in and square away any potential problems. Getting on the road by 8:30 would easily get me there in time. My alarm was actually set for 7:45. I had my car loaded up the night before. The only thing to really do was shower and go. So, at 6:30am, I hopped in the shower and tried to drag it out for a while, but failed. Instead of waking up at 7:45, I was on the road to Disney.

First stop is breakfast. Nothing big, nothing heavy, just quick and kind of massively unhealthy.


That's right, two Green Apple Gatorades and a Cheesburger Bite from 7-11. Cheeseburger bites are god awful unhealthy and probably made from questionable meats and cheeses. Ok, they're DEFINITELY made from questionable meats and cheeses. I don't care. I'm addicted to them and I don't know why. They're not super great. They're kinda weird in texture. I just love them though.

So, with my car on full and fuel for my belly, I departed for Disney.


Interesting. No rain, but tons of fog. This held up for about 40 minutes of driving until finally clearing up for the rest of the way. That would be the "worst" of the weather that I'd see so far on this trip, though it's only day one, and this is Florida. Still, that's a good omen.


After a bit of uneventful driving, the first signs showing me that I'm close to Disney started popping up. These are the fun ones. I'd be getting off at Osceola Pkwy, so the 3 miles is just a bit of a tease.


A little more driving and the real exciting sign comes into view. I've arrived at Disney! Now, time to hunt down ASMo. Thankfully, my phone knows the way. I'm a big fan of the Google Maps app. It's easy to use and does an excellent job of giving you the best route plus options. I've used the Apple Maps equivalent and it's trash. I've been misdirected twice. Once is too much, twice is unacceptable.

I don't have pictures of ASMo at the moment, aside from basic room shots. Here's my first impression: Not good. It looks like a tarted up Bus Station with Disney knockoff stuff bought from China and tack welded onto the walls. I'm apparently spoiled by the higher quality hotels that have beautiful lobbies and clean looking buildings.


Whatever, it's just a lobby. I am helped by Nicholas, a very nice CM from France with a very heavy French accent. He does a great job of communicating clearly and we only have one miscommunication when it comes to verifying my phone number. I habitually recite my number as "Area code 123" due to having a number that is not inside the county that I live in. Verbally saying "area code" was throwing Nicholas off. My mistake. I caught myself on the third go and got it squared away. Check-in goes smoothly otherwise. My room is not available.


I'm spoiled. At every other resort, save CBR, my room has either been ready, or I've been moved into a room that's ready. My luck couldn't hold up forever. No worries. I've taken care of the basics, my magic band works, and I've got FP+ selections to attend to. Time to head to DHS!
So, this is DHS

I've said it before, and I'll reiterate it here: I don't care for DHS. It's boring. There's not a lot to do there and it seems as if half the stuff I might be interested in is closed up. Still, I'm trying to give it a fair shake. I'm attempting to spend as much time there as possible in order to see if there's something I'm missing. Sometimes, the way to my heart is through my stomach, so I approached it in a food type manner.

At MK is a food place called Friar's Nook that most people seem to be in the dark about. It sits relatively close to 7DMT, and you'd think that would give it proper exposure, but it's still a mystery to people. It just doesn't stand out. That's really too bad. Friar's Nook has one of my absolute favorite meals of any park, anywhere: Pot Roast Mac and Cheese. It's rich, creamy, and amazingly tasty. I've eaten it on multiple occasions, including multiple times in one day. I love it. Seriously. It's one of the things I'm really looking forward to when I hit up MK.

What does that have to do with DHS though? Well, it turns out that there are two spots in DHS that serve a similar style of Mac and Cheese, and my goal is to hit them both. I started at Min and Bill's and picked up a Pulled Pork Mac and Cheese.


Let's break it down:
Mac and Cheese
Pulled Pork
Fried Onion Straws
BBQ Sauce

Seems promising enough. I enjoy all of those elements. I know their flavors well. But how do they work together? How do they compare to the gold standard set by the Pot Roast Mac and Cheese?

Well, it falls a little short. The pork has a very similar taste and texture to the kind that you can buy in a tub and microwave at home. There's a little odd taste to it, and it's a little watery. The flavor's not terrible, but it's nowhere near the taste of proper pulled pork. Still, not terrible. The Fried Onion Straws tasted a little old. Maybe I got the end of the bag. The BBQ sauce was a little too sweet. If it had a little more tang and smokey flavor to it, I think it would really improve the overall taste, but the sweetness is a little cloying. It definitely stands out in a strange way in a savory dish such as this. And the Mac and Cheese? It's close, but it's not as creamy as the Friar's Nook variety and has a very slight grit to it that may be from the fat rendered out of the pulled pork.

So, while a valiant effort, I probably won't be trying it again. Fairfax Fare has a bacon and truffle oil mac and cheese that sounds more my speed. I was hoping to try it today, but I never got back to it. I believe that may be on the menu for an early lunch tomorrow. I will literally be going to DHS for the sole purpose of eating mac and cheese.

With food in my belly, it was time to tackle some fast passes.

Fast Pass number one was Tower of Terror, but I was still early. The best way to kill some time? Single rider line for RNRC. I've never been on this before. I've made two prior attempts to ride it, but it's been broken down both times. This time, though, it was up and running and I was going to ride it. Finally. The single rider line was very quick, which got me on the ride fairly soon.

I've got a confession: I don't like Aerosmith. Their music sucks. Standing in the line listening to their collection of "hits" was painful. Watching them ham-handedly attempt to act their way through their goofy skit didn't make things any better. Dragging the lovely Illeana Douglas into their schtick is unacceptable. I have a strange and unexplainable love for Illeana Douglas. It hurts my heart to see her slumming it with Aerosmith.

Having said all that, the ride is just pure fun. It's like grown up Space Mountain. The initial acceleration is fantastic, almost knocking the wind out of you. The loops and turns a a total blast, and the fact that it's dark only adds to the experience. I've seen people mention that it's a little short, but I liked the length of the ride. It's just enough. It doesn't beat you up and it doesn't drag out. It's just the right amount of time.

So, with that out of the way, I still had some time to kill. Time to window shop. I didn't buy anything though. I came close, but I wasn't ready to buy anything just to lug it around.

An odd thing happened while I was window shopping and walking around. There was a CM in the open area in front of the theater holding a crying child's hand. They were staying in a wide open area so that the parents could find their kid. Look, I know that Disney can be hectic and that there's a lot going on, but how in the living hell do you lose your child? Seriously? How do you allow your spawn to just wander off? How do you pay so little attention that, not only does he wander off, but somebody else finds him, somebody else watches over him, and you're still not around. What is so GD important that paying attention to your kid becomes secondary? At what point do you realize that, hey, that thing that we created that we're responsible for is no longer within spitting distance of us. I'm speechless. I don't know how to process such things. I'll give you that I'm not a parent and I don't have kids and there may be something that I just flat out don't understand, but there's nothing that I can even begin to fathom.

With my brain in a weird pretzel of confusion, I head to ToT.


The standby line was 20 minutes. I thought about cancelling my fast pass, hopping on the standby line, and getting something else to go on, but the selection of rides at DHS just doesn't interest me. Luckily, ToT is the best ride at Disney, hands down. This ride was no exception. We got dropped a good distance, tossed around a fair bit, and ended up getting some excellent air time. Everytime I ride ToT, I end up laughing like a crazy person. I have such a great time on the ride.

With ToT out of the way, I had just about two hours to burn before Toy Story Midway Mania. So, I began to meander around the park, looking for things to do to kill the time.

I failed.

After just over 20 minutes, I was done. Toy Story Midway Mania? Cancelled. Star Tours? Cancelled. It's not even 1 and i'm done with DHS. I don't know how people who don't have park hopper deal with that park. It's just dull. There's nothing there. I tried to give it a fair shake, but it's just not for me. Maybe I'll give it a shot after all of the expansions are done. Until then, I'm pretty ok with hitting up ToT and RNRC and then bailing on the park. We'll see if the bacon and truffle oil mac and cheese will be another draw.

I leave the park and head for the boat to Epcot. Time to sail away from DHS.
Can't believe that was your RnR cherry ride. I personally know someone who rode it eleven times in a row using the single rider line ;-)

The Studios serve a niche audience. Star Wars Weekends kind of keep it stumbling into summer, and the lights during the holidays....but wait, it's the last year for those....I digress.

What's tomorrow's plan?
Ahoy Epcot! Twice even!

After a peaceful jaunt down the waterway to Epcot, I hopped off the boat and entered the park. Now, I didn't have much of a plan. It wasn't quite 2pm, and I had a bit of time before my ADR for Chefs de France, and I still didn't have a room. It was hot. Blistering hot. I was sweating and feeling gross, so I decided to get a drink of water. When it's that hot out, it's hard to drink anything soda-y. It feels strange, if that make sense. Water it is.

And what's this?


A croissant donut! Now, these are hit or miss. After the initial craze wore off, most of the knock offs of the original cronut seemed to have tapered off. There was something else that bothered me about this one. It was too big. I know I know, how can you have a donut that's too big? That's like having too much happiness, right? On things like this, especially things considered snacks or treats, there always seems to be a tradeoff between quality and quantity. The larger an item, the less tasty it seems to be. This was a fair sized donut. I had my doubts. Fortunately, they were all for nothing. This thing is amazing. It's soft, fluffy, airy, light, and delicious. It's covered in cinnamon and sugar and has amazing flavor and texture. I devoured it, leaving a sugary mess all over my hands. The more I tried to wipe off the sugar, the worse it got. The sweat was mixing with the sugar and forming a glaze all over my hands. I couldn't deal with that for long, so I hoofed it to a bathroom to clean off.

By the time I was sugar free, I received a text: my room was ready. Finally. It was still just before two, so I could get back to the room, get my things settled, get a refreshing shower, and still make it back in time to make my ADR. I've got myself a plan, and it's a fairly good one. Time to bail on Epcot, if only for a little while. There's a cold shower with my name on it, and I was ready. The bus ride back was full, but everybody got a seat. It would be the one time, as of this moment at least, that I'd be able to sit for the ride. Every other time has been standing and packed in like sardines.

So, what cards did the dealer hand me?
Might Ducks building, Second Floor, Pool Side. Wah wah. It's too early to tell, but I may have crapped out. There's a potential for noise above me and from the pool. Lame. On to the room.


I'm going to be blunt. It's disappointing. I mean, yes, it's a place to sleep, and no I don't plan on spending a majority of my time here, but still. Where do I start? It's small. I knew it would be, but it's still kind of surprising. It feels more scrunched in than I thought. But ok, it's just me, so no big deal. It's not dirty, but it's "dirty". The carpet is warn. There's a fairly sizeable gap between the door and the door frame. It's enough that I can see light almost all around the door. There's a smell to it. It's musty. I've cranked down the A/C, which has taken care of most of that smell, but it's still here. It just smells old and warn out. There's rust all around the fire sprinklers in the bathroom. There's rust around a fair amount of the metal fixtures around the bathroom. The bathroom is tiny. The decorations are gaudy.

Yes, I know it's a value, but for all of the Disney stuff stuck on the walls and railings and whatever, it doesn't feel like Disney. It just feels like a cheap motel with tacky decorations that's in need of a huge remodel or to be torn down. It's disappointing. I don't know what, exactly, I was expecting, but it wasn't this. Does this ruin my vacation? God no. Does it dampen it? A little. It feels like the living representation of a picture of me in front of the castle that's ever so slightly out of focus. It's not bad enough that I'd toss the photo, but it'll always annoy me slightly when I look at it. That's what this feels like. It's day one and I'm completely turned off to any value hotels in the future. I'd rather stay off property. Compounding the situation is the miserable buses. They've just been packed. It's a miserable experience.

So, having said all of that, I took a cool shower which cleared my head and brightened my mood. I felt refreshed. Back on the misery bus to Epcot to make my 4:30 ADR at Chefs de France. A little wait and a bunch of staring at a line for a princess that I have no real knowledge of (pink dress, blonde hair, big chin), and it was finally dinner time. Just in time. That mac and cheese had long since worn off.
Chefs de France. I'm under-dressed.

There's a line of waiters and hostesses pulling in people. They're calling off names until there's nobody left but me. Then they call for 'Greg'. No Greg. Greg again? Still no Greg. The girl then comes up to me and asks if I'm Greg. No, I'm Corey. 'Oh, that's you.' It is?

Greg. That's a first. I'm seated next to a window with a lovely view and am served by Coralie. Right off the bat, I'd like to say that Coralie is fantastic. She's sharp, attentive, and quick. She's also very nice. I'm very happy with her service. I let her know that I'm on the Dining Plan and she shows me what I can order and gives me a quick run down of how it works. Excellent, I'm ready. I was ready before we began. Meat please, close to mooing. I sip on the water and the Coca Cola and she brings out a warm baguette in a paper bag with two things of butter. Bread is a good start. It's warm and the inside is delicious. The crust is really difficult to cut, so I resort to being a typical savage and just tear it apart. Whatever. The crust is tough. It's not cutting and it's a bear to chew, so I pull the insides out like an animal. I'm in a fancy French place eating like a scavenger. I'm on a roll.


Still, the insides are good, and butter is always delicious. I eat half of it and leave the rest for a later time that never actually comes. Before long, my food is spirited out.


What this picture doesn't tell you is that the plate is 5,000 degrees and the food is still cooking on it. Did it have to sit under a heat lamp? Why? The steak was ordered medium rare (and it was spot on!), so was it the potatoes or green beans that sat on the plate longer than the rest? No matter. The meat turned out to be pretty tasty, if a little lower quality than expected. I cut it open to check the temperature and there's no red. I thought it was well done, but it's just lower quality meat that's a little on the grey side. It's been sitting in a fridge or freezer for a while. It tastes fine though and I'm not in a mood to start arguing semantics over meat quality. My feeling is that I would just get another steak from the same batch. If it tasted off, it would be a different story. It was fine. The potatoes and green beans, however, were the epitome of bland food. They had texture, and not much else. A liberal coating of salt and pepper saved the green beans. The flavor may not have been there, but they had a nice snap to them. The salt and pepper added the missing element. I wonder if they just weren't seasoned while cooking. The potatoes were just naturally bland, even after experimentation. Nothing great, nothing terrible, just forgettable.

So, now I've got to pick a dessert. After a slightly underwhelming dinner, I'm not exactly stoked about eating more bland food. I stare at the menu. Two things stand out: Creme Brulee and Chocolate Mousse. The brulee is always a favorite. I love a good custard. The mousse stands out because the toner on the printer must have coughed while printing the Mousse. It's covered in a dark toner line, just covering that dessert. I decide to take that as a sign that I should try that. Why not? If it sucks, I'll take two bites and get something in the World Showcase. That's what I would do if I wasn't on the dining plan anyway.


It's fantastic! It's in the top three mousses that I've had anywhere. The texture and taste are spot on. I devour the whole thing and spend ten minutes staring at the cup trying to figure out a way to lick out the rest of the contents without looking like a complete rabid animal. It was so good. The pound cake was dry and awful. Luckily, I didn't care at that point.

With dinner done, I walk. I need to work off some of this lead weight sitting in my stomach. I head to the Test Track and hop on the single rider line just to do something. It's alright. It does what it needs to do, which is entertain me. Then, I decide I'm done. The heat and the food have done me in. But first, a stop at a few stores to take in some cool A/C and window shop.

That's when I make a purchase I had been mulling over since DHS:

Haunted Mansion Magic Band? Yes please! I have them set it up, only to find out later that it's not unlocking my door. Good thing I had my other band for that. I'll try to sort it out tonight.

I get to the bus and see a big line, but it's manageable. There doesn't seem to be more butts than seats. Oh, never mind. The bus pulls up and a squad of people descend from the benches and meet up with their friend who's holding their place. Loading up on the bus, it's obvious that there are more people than seats. There are also more people than room on the bus. We pull away and there's about a bus and a half left of people still waiting for the next ride to come along. This is only adding to my distaste for the All-Star Resorts. Getting off the bus is a small cluster-f as there are more people getting on than getting off at the first two stops. I hop off at Music and just walk. By the time I reach my room, the bus is just pulling away from Music. Absurd.

That, eventually, leads me to now. I'm watching football and relaxing on the bed. The A/C is still not down to where I like it, but it's finally cool enough that I'm not sweating. My drinks aren't cold because the fridge sucks too. I walked to the food court and picked up my rapid refill mug that came with the DDP. That got me through until the drinks were a little cooler.

It's been an interesting day so far. It's been great except for a bunch of small things. Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll be ready to rock and roll again. I may even venture back to DHS first, just to try some mac and cheese and get a ride in on RNRRC.

My Official Trip Mascot (tm) approves.
Hi Corey, so far really enjoying your trip report. That pulled pork Mac and cheese looks AMAZING, I'm not sure how I haven't heard of it until now but it is now firmly on my must eat list :-) my plan (or as much of a plan as I can have since I just found out about it 5 mins ago :-)) is to try the pulled pork Mac and cheese before tring the pot roast so it won't have anything to live up to. I hope you get the chance to try the bacon Mac and cheese so you can let me know how it is.
I agree that There is not a lot to do at DHS. The only attraction I really love there are:
Toy story mania
American Idol - gone
One Mans dream- closing
Great Movie Ride
Animation Studios - gone
I'm really glad I will be going for christmas this year so I can see Osborne lights before they are gone too
That being said it is a Disney park and I do love all things Disney, but usually don't spend the whole day. I usually come in the late afternoon and stay for fantasmic. I love love love Fantasmic :-)
Hi Corey, so far really enjoying your trip report. That pulled pork Mac and cheese looks AMAZING, I'm not sure how I haven't heard of it until now but it is now firmly on my must eat list :-) my plan (or as much of a plan as I can have since I just found out about it 5 mins ago :-)) is to try the pulled pork Mac and cheese before tring the pot roast so it won't have anything to live up to. I hope you get the chance to try the bacon Mac and cheese so you can let me know how it is.
I agree that There is not a lot to do at DHS. The only attraction I really love there are:
Toy story mania
American Idol - gone
One Mans dream- closing
Great Movie Ride
Animation Studios - gone
I'm really glad I will be going for christmas this year so I can see Osborne lights before they are gone too
That being said it is a Disney park and I do love all things Disney, but usually don't spend the whole day. I usually come in the late afternoon and stay for fantasmic. I love love love Fantasmic :-)
Thank you for following along! I think I might make DHS the first stop tomorrow to start the day with the bacon mac and cheese. I really was hoping to get back to try it today, but I stayed full from morning until now. I'd hate to only eat half of it. Seems a shame really.

I'm looking forward to the Star Wars stuff coming to DHS because I'm a big fan, but until then, I think my list is down to Rockin' Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror. I'd still like to give Toy Story a go, but it's so difficult to get a fast pass for, and I just would hate to burn a day of FP+ on DHS just to try out Toy Story. One of these days I'll get to it. I'll continue to get my Toy Story fix through the Buzz Lightyear ride at MK until then.
Looking good so far! Sorry to hear that the room isn't working for you. It is HARD to go from the Poly to a value. The silver lining is that they are SO much cheaper though and may make more frequent trips possible! Hopefully things will be easier with buses for the next couple of days since the weekend is over!

I'm super jealous of your new magic band! I convinced myself not to buy one on our last trip because we had a ton of free ones that they sent to us. I regret it!! I wish it was purple but it looks great with the grey background too!

Hope you have fun tomorrow!! :)
Good thing I am trying that pulled pork mac and cheese before the pot roast one so I do not have a a standard yet. I hope you got to try that mac & cheese hot dog today! My mouth is watering for you.

What a bummer about your hotel. It makes me really glad we did not get stuck as A.S.S. We were booked there for a hot minute and were able to get out of there. Phew!
Day 2, and things are different

My sleep last night was not all that great. These beds are a little on the hard side. It's not unbearable, but it's harder than what I prefer by a decent amount. Still, it was sleep.

I woke up early and watched a little tv before showering. My plan was to get food at DHS, do something, then eat dinner later. Simple enough, right? So, a shower and a breakfast of Gatorade and I was ready to go. I needed to stop by the front desk first. My awesome Haunted Mansion band was not opening my door and I did not want to be carrying around two magic bands all day (I still did). I walked in and saw nothing but lines. Pass. I'll try again later. Onwards, to DHS.

I think everyone else at the resort had the same idea. The line for the bus to DHS was ridiculous. There were probably two to two and a half busloads of people crammed into that queue. No thanks. I hopped over to the Epcot line. I have no problem hoofing it through Epcot and taking the boat over to DHS from Epcot. It may be longer, but it's much more relaxing. That plan turned out to be a good one. The Epcot bus line was considerably shorter. The bus arrived and we all loaded up. Everyone got a seat and there were a few left over. As we loaded up, I watched as two scooters pulled up to the DHS bus to be loaded on. I could see the visible frustration as people shuffled around and got delayed to allow the scooters to load up. Poor people.

The ride to Epcot was uneventful. I breezed through the entry and headed back towards the World Showcase. Once I got past the main Epcot stuff, the crowds really thinned out. It was excellent. World Showcase was practically barren, probably because nothing was really open yet. Still, it was serene. It was tempting to just wander around in peace, but I was on a mission. I hopped aboard the boat, sitting right under an A/C vent. It felt amazing. We picked up a few people at the Boardwalk and Yatch Club stops (none at Swan/Dolphin) then eventually arrived at DHS. The leisurely ride was perfect to wash away the frustration of the buses earlier on. My destination would be Fairfax Fare, and I managed to arrive just after 11. Turns out that Fairfax Fare isn't open until 11:30. Whoops. No worries, I walked over to RNRC and hit the single rider line. The standby time was listed at 70 minutes. Even the fast pass line was long. The single rider line appeared to be quite barren. Within a minute I was inside the building and waiting to load into the faux studio. After cringing through the dumb Aerosmith nonsense (featuring the fabulous Illeana Douglas), it was on to the line, where we waited. And waited. And waited. Of course, everyone in the regular line were evened up, making our single rider line just grind through. Half an hour later, and it was ride time. Just like yesterday, it was a ton of fun. The launch is the best part. I exited the ride and made my way towards Fairfax Fare to finally eat some food.


I've got a confession. I was completely under the impression that it was going to be a bowl of mac and cheese with toppings, just like everything else I've had. I did not expect it to be a hot dog, even though I had been told so a few times. Oh well. New and different is a good thing. I took the massive mess of mac and dog and scouted out a table in the shade. The seating area had been filling up fairly rapidly, so I was fortunate to find a place to sit and eat. My good fortune seemed to tick off a few people. I had two or three groups circling me while I ate, giving me snide looks because I was taking up a table with just myself. I loathe that feeling. If there was just one more person with me, nobody would even think twice, but because it's just me, I'm an ****** for taking up a table. Entitled idiots. Under normal circumstances, I would stretch out my meal as long as humanly possible just to annoy these people. It's Disney though, so I ate quickly and moved on, giving up my spot in about three or four minutes.

The food: So, it wasn't what I expected, and it was kind of ok. The hot dog was along the lines of an Oscar Meyer frank. The taste is a little blah. The mac and cheese was the stuff served in a quick service place. It was kind of a strange texture without much taste. The bacon was fine, just not very plentiful. I could not, for the life of me, taste any truffle oil. I'm not sure how much it would have improved (or worsened) the flavor, but I couldn't help but wonder where it was. Truffle oil is a strange thing. It takes very little for it to be too much. I wonder if Disney just went for the safe side and kept it intentionally light. I almost think too much would really turn off a lot of people.

With the food done and a relatively full park, I decided to make my way back to Epcot. I had no real solid plans, just a desire to get walking. The boat ride back was similar to the ride over: very peaceful and relaxing. I made my way back into Epcot in time to see the line forming to meet Alice. I was hoping to get my picture taken with her last trip, but my luck never seemed to pan out. This time, things would work out. I was fairly close to the front of the line, so I wouldn't be turned away like before. Yay!



Alice was fantastic and spent some time chit chatting with me. The photographer was excellent. I handed him my phone before hand and he took a few different shots and candids with my phone. I was just expecting a basic picture. I was very pleased to see the extras when I looked over the pictures. I've finally gotten my Alice picture, which I'm very stoked about.

By now, the heat and the dehydration were taking its toll on me. The hotdog from earlier was doing acrobatics in my stomach and I was not feeling too great. I walked through every shaded area and through any store that I could to cool off. It was time to take a break, re-hydrate, and regroup. I was burning up. I headed back to the bus stop to battle the inevitable massive crowds. There was no real alternative to the bus this time. I'd just have to deal with the mess of the crowds and hope to get a seat.


Nobody. Not a soul. The bus here set my expectations to terrible, but this was better than I could hope for. I sat and waited for the crowds to come around the corner. It felt inevitable.


Not a single person showed up. Maybe I was on the wrong bus. It had to be. How could a bus going to All-Stars be empty, save me? No, the driver assured me, I was headed to the right place. Amazing.

I arrive at my room and immediately drop the temperature down to 65 degrees. I left it at 68, but it didn't feel cool enough. I laid on the ground with a cold gatorade and just soaked up as much of the cold as I could. Half an hour later, I felt much better. Two bottles of water on top of that, and I felt ready to go again. I still had three hours until my ADR, so I decided to just relax and soak up the A/C for a while before heading back out. One brush with heat exhaustion is enough for me. There was really no need in overexerting myself with no real plans in place.

Rest it is.
Back to Epcot

The extra rest was well worth it. I felt fully refreshed. At just before 4pm, I headed to the bus stop at ASMu to hop back on the bus and was greeted by this beautiful sight:


Empty. Again. How did I manage to bus rides in a row with empty queues? It seems impossible. There were a handful of people on the bus when it arrived from All-Star Sports, but by the time we hit ASMo, most of them had departed. Another quiet bus ride. My luck was changing. All of a sudden the All-Star Resorts don't seem so bad. Hopefully my luck holds out for the rest of the trip.


We arrive at Epcot and I make my way to Nemo. I still have about an hour until my ADR and I just want to hop on something relaxing with a short wait. Nemo fits the bill. The 10 minute standby is a complete over estimation. I walk right on with zero wait.





Is it the greatest ride ever? Not at all, but I really enjoy it. It's relaxing and the view is nice. It's also easy to get on. After the ride, I head upstairs to the observation area to see the real fish.




With that done, I slowly make my way towards Beach Club in order to make my ADR. The walk is nice and the park isn't super crowded. There's a nice breeze blowing through the park which makes it a little more comfortable to be out in. Eventually, I arrive at Beach Club and check in for my dinner at Cape May Cafe. I've never been in Beach Club before. The lobby smells terrific. It's a clean scent with the very slightest hint of sun tan lotion. I love it. I want that scent. It's my favorite smell from all of the resorts I've been to so far, beating out the smell of the lobby at the Contemporary.

I'm given a pager for my reservation and make my way to one of the high back chairs in the lobby. It's so comfortable. It feels like it would belong in my home. From the lobby alone, I'm sold on Beach Club. A few minutes later and my pager is going off. It's time to eat. I'm taken to my seat by a very friendly hostess. She asks if I've eaten at Cape May before. I tell her that I haven't, so she gives me a mini tour of the restaurant. Everything smells tasty. I'm brought to my seat and await my server. Brenda shows up and takes my drink order, gives me a quick explanation of the buffet, and then I'm on my way.


Plate number one. I'm feeling out the buffet. The fried clam strips are tasty. The clams are pretty decent, if not a little bland. The mashed potatoes are awesome! So much flavor, excellent texture, and delicious. The beef is cooked how I like it and super tasty. There's a wonderful crust with spices that surround the beef, and it's so tasty. The paella is excessively salty. It's hard to eat. That's ok though, this is just a feeler. On to plate two.

There's no picture for plate two. It's a simple plate though. It's a heaping mound of peel and eat shrimp with cocktail sauce. I devour it quickly. I forget to take a picture until after I've stuffed my face. Whoops!


Plate 3: more shrimp, and more beef. This time I get two slices. It's good. Really, really good. I notice that there's a horseradish cream sauce sitting next to the carving station. I'm not sure how I missed it the first time, but I will not forget it again. It's got so much flavor and really adds another dimension to the beef. I contemplate getting an all beef plate. It wouldn't be a bad idea.


Plate four (!). I recreate my dinner from Chefs de France that I had yesterday. Beef, green beans, potatoes. Is it exact? No. Here's what really annoys me. This is vastly better. It's not even a fair comparison. By all accounts, this meal should be the bland one and Chefs de France should be the one that stands out. It is completely the opposite. As mentioned, the beef is spot on and wonderfully flavorful. The potatoes are spot on delicious, though the gravy I added this time wasn't all that good. I ended up scraping it off, but my Chefs meal had gravy so I was trying to keep apples to sort of apples. The true surprise, though, was the green beans. They were on the kids part of the buffet, next to the chicken and mac and cheese. I almost skipped them because I generally avoid veggies on a buffet. They're questionable more often than not. These were some excellent green beans. They had a wonderful snap to them. They were dressed in a light oil and something that had a hint of citrus. They were perfect. I was a fool for skipping them earlier. I added just a dash of salt and pepper to give them a touch more flavor. I could have eaten an entire plate of them on their own. How did a buffet get all of this right and a supposedly fancy French restaurant just manage to serve blandness? I'm pissed. I would have happily traded yesterdays ADR for another shot at Cape May. I cleaned the plate and contemplated another trip for more beef or just a dessert run. I chose desserts.


Dessert plate one: Clockwise, from top left - Boston creme cake, Caramel Flan, Pistachio Cheesecake, Red Velvet Cupcake, some kind of lemon cake. Everything tasted really good. The lemon cake was a little tart, and the red velvet cupcake a little dry, but they were all tasty. I had two favorites though. Care to guess which ones?


Dessert plate two: Pistachio cheesecake and caramel flan. Sooooooo good. The pistachio cheesecake was flawless. The oreo cookie type crust went amazingly with the pistachio cheesecake. The lady watching me load up was giving me odd looks. She just didn't know, man. The flan grew on me quickly. My first bite was nothing special, but it's a slow burn, and the taste just builds in layers. It was very good.

So, I essentially stuffed myself. I squared everything away and headed back towards Epcot. I'm hurting. I ate two metric tons of food and was just not feeling very mobile. I made a long lap around the World Showcase to walk off some of that food, but decided to call it a night. It was nearing 7pm and I was good. I didn't do all that much today, but it was a good day. The question now was if there was going to be a long line at the bus stop. Would my luck hold up?


It was empty again. I was the only one there when the bus pulled up. Charlie, the driver, was super nice and struck up a conversation while we waited a few minutes. We caught a group who loaded up and then headed back to the resort. This is how I was hoping it would be.

I made a stop into the lobby to see if I could get my Haunted Mansion magic band straightened out. I stopped for a moment and inhaled deeply. No scent. There's just no discerning smell in the ASMo lobby. How unfortunate. This place just doesn't have a soul. What it does have, though, is remarkably friendly staff. Katie assisted me in setting up my band so that it would unlock my door and I could carry just one magic band instead of two. I took off my band so that she could check it and scan it into the system and it was drenched in sweat. How embarrassing. I do a quick wipe down and hand it over. Two minutes later and everything is sorted. Thank you Katie!

And now, it's just me, a TV, and some football. Today was a very good day. I'm slowly warming to ASMo. All it took was for the crowds to disappear.
The busses were empty because you are off park crowd control schedule. The glory of solo adult travel!

With the F&W start this weekend and your foodie inclination, I am surprised you aren't stretching out your trip!
I'm so disappointed with the bacon Mac and cheese! How can you mess up such a wonderful combination of food? By adding a nasty hot dog, that's how :-) I'm glad you are warming up to ASMo we stayed there a few times and really enjoyed it. Each time we stayed in Mighty Ducks (we are all huge hockey fans) we found it quicker to use ASMu bus stop and food court. Cape mays is a must do of ours. We are going for 2 weeks at christmas and have 3 reservations for cape may. Have you tried Ohona's?
The busses were empty because you are off park crowd control schedule. The glory of solo adult travel!

With the F&W start this weekend and your foodie inclination, I am surprised you aren't stretching out your trip!
I thought about it, but I'm running out of vacation time and the crowds for F&W are more than I feel like dealing with. The food always looks good though.

I'm so disappointed with the bacon Mac and cheese! How can you mess up such a wonderful combination of food? By adding a nasty hot dog, that's how :-) I'm glad you are warming up to ASMo we stayed there a few times and really enjoyed it. Each time we stayed in Mighty Ducks (we are all huge hockey fans) we found it quicker to use ASMu bus stop and food court. Cape mays is a must do of ours. We are going for 2 weeks at christmas and have 3 reservations for cape may. Have you tried Ohona's?
I'm with you. That would have been a much better meal minus the hotdog. I think if they added the bacon and truffle oil to the mac and cheese at Friar's Nook, it'd be an entirely different experience. It may rival the pot roast stuff.

I've been hopping over to ASMu for my bus rides. I'm alllll the way at the end of the Mighty Ducks building, so it's literally right across the street from me. I wouldn't make it to the end other end of this building in the time it took me to cross the street to ASMu for the buses. I haven't tried the food court there, but I also haven't done much here either except get my rapid refill mug that I've used all of one time.

My sister stayed at Beach Club last year and took her family to eat breakfast at Cape May. She said it was the best meal they had on their 7 day stay. So far, it's easily the best thing I've had. I would not be opposed to eating there multiple times in a trip just to try out the different seafood options. Tonight was crab legs, but I skipped those. I'll have to come back when they do calamari. I'm a sucker for fried calamari.

I haven't tried Ohanas. I'm not really a fan of the food options. I don't really eat many asian flavors like teriyaki or szechuan. They are often too salty for my tastes and don't agree with my stomach. I'm not against it, I just feel like it would be a gamble. It's the same reason I've stayed away from the asian locations in the World Showcase. I love things like sushi, but I never use soy sauce. Not because of any custom or food rules, but it's like liquid salt. I'm also not a fan of character dining. I tried it with Tusker House, and it just kind of stressed me out having characters coming around while I'm eating. Strange, I know, especially since I'm a fan of Stitch, but it would annoy me too much. It's also so loud in that area. I ate at Kona on my last trip and that whole second floor is awash in excessive noise.

Edited to add: Go Rangers! Blue Shirts beat the Devils handily tonight! I had the app tuned in for the game.
Dang, I am really disappointed about the mac and cheese hot dog. Also, I did not know they did not open until 1130.. that changes things for me.

Your dinner looks amazing!!
Day Three: Magic Kingdom and all the fun that goes with it

Today was a Magic Kingdom day, though my day started quite a ways away from there. I had a 9:20 ADR at Boma for some breakfast. I loaded up in the car and took a quick spin over to Animal Kingdom Lodge, which was surprisingly close to ASMo. I arrived early, just shy of 9 am, but my preference will always be towards ridiculously early over even one minute late.

Punctuality... it's a thing!

There are some immediates that stand out. I stayed at AKL for my birthday, so I'm familiar with the resort. Still, the lobby really is expansive and beautiful. I like it quite a bit. The smell has a slight woodsy scent to it. It's clean, bright, and airy. I appreciate it far more now than last time due to my current resort. The smell coming from Boma as you approach the stairs is fantastic. The restaurant actually has a nice look to it as well. It's open without being mall food court kind of open.



Not a bad selection of items. I'll float this out there as a complete and total fact: Boma makes the best eggs anywhere in Disney, and comparable to many, many places. I could do a full rehash of the food, but I did that in a Brand New Dining Review Thread that I started last night because I was having difficulty sleeping. Yay insomnia!

After squaring away the bill, I took a ride back to ASMo with the intentions of blowing off most of the day and just relaxing. I had a brick of food sitting in my stomach and the beginnings of a little burnout. Also, the heat was starting to just wear me down. The thought of going back out and baking in the sun all day just had no appeal. I moved my FP+ selections to later in the day with the intent of just blowing them off completely at some point. That lasted about an hour. At just after 11am, I was chomping at the bit to get out of the room and go do something. As luck would have it, my first ADR (Peter Pan's Flight) was coming up at 12:30. So, it's off to the Magic Kingdom! I work my way over to ASMu and see a familiar sight: long bus lines. Not this again. The bus line to MK is ridiculously long. Thankfully, the Epcot line is minimal. I have no problem taking the Mono, so off to Epcot we go. Upon arrival, I make a b-line to the monorail. No park action for now. I'm on some kind of mission. The Monorail is practically empty, which I appreciate quite a bit. I'm in a car with two other people. We start underway and I've got the Monorail song from The Simpson's fully stuck in my head. I'm tapping my feet and singing the song in my brain, but it really wants to come out. So I'm humming it now. Relentlessly. Softly at first, but it gets a little louder, and then a little more volume is added. One of the girls looks up at me. It's still to low to be audible, but it's clear that I'm making some kind of noise. I think her brain was trying to process the song from the very few notes she may have heard. Thank god we arrived at MK, because I was bursting at the seams, just about ready to break out in a song. From the monorail, I make my way to the ferry. I could have just hopped aboard another mono, but sometimes I just enjoy the variety. I enter the park and start wandering around. Those three cups of coffee have me wired pretty good, so I'm needing to keep things moving so that I don't burst at the seems. The ferry is a smooth ride over, and in just a few minutes, I'm inside MK, ready to go. I peek over to my right and see that the Tinkerbell meet and greet has just a 10 minute wait. I think it always does. People just don't seem to be that into her. I hop right on in and get myself a picture with this Tink. I hand my camera over to the photo guy and have him take a picture. In and out in three minutes. Nice! When I get outside, I check my picture. It sucks. The guy didn't bother to zoom in and he took just one picture. It looks like we're standing on the opposite end of a football field. Booo. I learned a valuable lesson. Some of them just don't want to mess with the settings on your camera. Fair enough. From then on out, I give my phone to the photographers to take a picture. I've gotten multiple, clear, well framed shots out of my camera from them. Whatever. Good to know. After Tink, I head over to wear Alice usually is, and, like always, her and the white rabbit are in the spot taking pictures. The line is five people deep. I like those numbers. Unfortunately, as I walk up to get in line, the CM tells me that the line is closed and Alice would be leaving. Damn. I thought I'd be able to get my second shot with Alice, but it just didn't work out that way. I head over to Haunted Mansion next to see if I can just get on the ride quickly. No such luck. The standby wait is 45 minutes. Pass. Time to head back towards the castle. I have a 12:30 with Peter Pan's Flight to catch. I arrived to the area early, so I snuck over to Small World and gave that a go. I walked right on and relaxed for a bit. By the time the ride wrapped up, it was time for my Fast Pass, so I got in the FP+ line and took a flight over London. It was cute, if not a little cheesy. I walked back over to Haunted Mansion. Still 45 minutes. I make the decision to swap my Space Mountain selection for Haunted Mansion. It works out perfectly. New FP plus kicks in just a few minutes, so I wander around and kill time before jumping right on HM. Such a wonderful ride. I think it's my favorite ride. After HM, I head over to the people mover. I'm on a time killing schedule. I consider jumping on again, but I'm starting to get hungry and the thought of eating is kicking in hard. I angle myself towards the row of restaurants to try and figure out what I want. Nothing comes to mind. I decide to bail on the Magic Kingdom and go back to epcot. There's a bunch of food place, right? Seems like a good enough reason. When I arrive, I'm really dry and the dehydration is making me loopy. Food may be the solution. When I get to Epcot, I walk around the World Showcase, but don't find antyhing I'm hungry for. The more I walk around, the more dried out I get. I head to The Land and run into the same problem. I'm just not feeling hungry. So I pick up two powerades to get something in me, and everything finally feels much better because of it. I head to Refreshment port and order chicken nuggets and fries with a coke and a cronut. The chicken and fries are meh. The soda is soda. The cronut, though, is excellent again. After that meal, I head back to the buses and head back to the resort to shower and get my costume ready.
Last edited:

I'm not good at creating costumes. I lack that kind of talent. So, for MNSSHP, I went with what I had: work clothes. Scrubs are a costume, right? I've got plenty of those. I also have some scrub caps. So, the previous day, I picked up a pair of Mickey ears and cut holes in the scrub cap to fit the ears through. And just like that, I've got myself a costume! Turns out, I also have Mickey ears that will stay on my head without that annoying elastic band choking me all night. Score!

I walked over to ASMu to hit the bus to MK to get the party started. As expected, the bus was pretty full. There were quite a few of us crammed in tight and standing up. Whatever, it's temporary. Upon arrival, we're funneled into the event check in and given a bag for candy. Let the fun begin! I just start walking in no particular direction. I head towards POTC because that's where the crowd that I'm mixed in seems to be heading, and we hit our first candy stop. A nice handful of candy later and I've got myself a little snack. I then turn towards the castle and make my way to Haunted Mansion. With a 15 minute wait, we're loaded into the room for the ride to begin. As we approach the doombuggies, though, there's a problem. They're not moving, and there's a fair line of people who are all stationary. That's not good. How crappy would it be if Haunted Mansion is broken for this Halloween party? Five minutes later, things are moving again. Halloween is saved! I think Haunted Mansion is becoming my favorite ride. There's a real charm to it that I love. After the ride, I trek across to the tea cups. Mission: Alice. There are quite a few character stops for this Halloween Party, especially some characters that don't get out much, so my hope was that Alice was a quick stop. No such luck. There's a massive line for Alice and the White Rabbit. Odd. There's some relief though as I see Alice. She looks visibly annoyed. Not "I'm annoyed because it's part of my character" kind of annoyed, but closer to "some creepy weirdo said something completely inappropriate and now I need to push it down inside but it's still bubbling up to the surface" kind of annoyed. I think I'll let this Alice go. I got my previous Alice pic, so we're cool. With that done, I keep walking towards Tomorrowland for the next two candy stops. These lines are much longer, but they move fairly quickly. After the stop near Carousel of Progress I head straight for the Buzz Lightyear meet and greet. The line is fairly short and is moving pretty quickly. Why not get a picture? Sure, the face on the Buzz Lightyear mask looks horrendously creepy, but that's part of the fun, right? We start moving along and I'm talking to a very nice family in line next to me when we notice that the line isn't moving anymore. What's going on here? I peak around the heads in the line to see that Buzz isn't there anymore. He's stepped away for a break. That sucks. I like Buzz well enough, but have no pressing desire to get a picture if it's not convenient. So I bail on the line and head to the next candy stop by Stitch's. After the candy stop, I realize I'm pretty hungry for some actual food. Candy isn't going to cut it. There's only one place that I want to go: Friar's Nook. It's time for the best meal at Disney.

I pass by the tea cups again on the way to Friar's Nook and see, with some dismay, that the Alice line is only getting longer. Pass. Let's get some food in me. I'll need the energy for all of the walking. Friar's Nook has a small crowd, but the line moves fairly quickly. I order the Pot Roast Mac and Cheese, because there's nothing better anywhere else, when I notice something different. A large group had placed an order before me and the CMs were busy pounding out that order as quickly as they can. They're making a mac and cheese that I haven't seen before. I take a look at the menu to see if there's a change, and it pops right out at me: Barbecue Chicken Mac and Cheese. Interesting! But what did it replace? A quick once over of the menu gives me the answer. They've gotten rid of the Bacon Cheeseburger Mac. I'm ok with that. I've had that one before and it just did not work for me. Imagine taking mac and cheese and mixing in a salad and some strange tasting ground beef and two strips of bacon. Bleh. I guess others felt the same. I'm watching them make the new variety to see what goes into it and it seems pretty simple: Mac and Cheese, shredded (maybe?) BBQ chicken, and something that looks like it might be coleslaw. Yuck. If I got it, I'd probably omit that part. Eventually my order comes up and I manage to find an empty table to sit down at and dig in.


That's what perfection looks like. There aren't enough words to explain to you how perfect this stuff is. I'll be making a strained attempt to do so in my dining review thread, but it would behoove you to eat it yourself. It's just spot on perfect. Just looking at this picture is making me ravenously hungry.

I wolf down the entire bowl and clean everything up. My table happened to be right next to a modified entrance to the princess meet and greet. They've had to move the entrances because the area behind the castle has been blocked off. There aren't any posted wait times, just two CMs guiding people through. I ask one of them how long the waits are looking to be.

"Depends on which princesses you want to see. Anna and Elsa are 45 minutes right now. Cinderella and Rapunzel are 10 minutes."

Looks like I'm meeting Cinderella and Rapunzel. The wait was closer to 20 minutes, but that's a fair time. The Anna and Elsa line is not moving. I wonder if they're doing more interacting with people. I've never seen Frozen, so the thought of trying to interact with them without any frame of reference beyond "you're the cold one" doesn't sit well with me. Maybe in the future. A group of us are escorted into the room with Cinderella and Rapunzel and right away Rapunzel is interacting with everyone. Here is my uncomfortable confession. She had me blushing. Blushing! She was stunning. I don't mean the character of Rapunzel, though in character she was too, but the person playing the role of Rapunzel was just gorgeous. Her interactions with the people seemed incredibly natural as well. Most of the princesses have a thing that just stands out where I can see in my head the parts that are pounded into their heads during training to maintain the look and feel of the character. It's charming, sure, but it's stands out like neon and glitter on a black backdrop. It's the laughs, the slightly off gait and the exaggerated movements. Alice is spinny. Her turns are exaggerated so that the dress and hair spins with her movements in a flowing arc. Tink has quicker movements. They're almost bouncy. They emphasize the small stature of the person in the role and give them a flighty look. Cinderella's movements are drawn out. There's a floaty flow to them that fall in line with the animations. If glitter flowed from under her arms, I wouldn't be surprised. But Rapunzel is so natural. There weren't any tells. It was easier to interact with her because it didn't feel like an act.

Anyway, enough with the gushing. On with the pics.


Cinderella was very nice. She approved of my choice of color. The interaction was short, but cute. No worries, really.


Rapunzel was fantastic. High energy, fun, and just fantastic and beautiful. We talked about the candy that's being given out in the park and how she likes Dots, but hasn't seen them this year, and how Pascal had sour candy and it makes his face squeeze up, so if I have any, please don't feed him the sour stuff. Adorable.

With that taken care of, I make my way back towards Dumbo for a few of the candy stops. At this point, I have a small layer of candy at the bottom of my bag. There's a stop on the way to Dumbo that has a quick line, so I breeze through it. At the circus tend, there's a fair line for candy, so I take my place and we're moved through. Turns out there are two stops in there, and they're not being stingy with the candy. Two handfuls in and I've gone from nearly empty to half full. Sweet! I head towards the next glowing pumpkin on the path leading back to Tomorrowland. This turns out to be a candy gold mine. There are multiple stops set up along the path. By the time I hit the last of the candy checkpoints, I have one full bag and the start of a second. Jackpot! With that successful haul, I start to head towards the Emporium. There's something that I want.




Look at this awesome Magic Band! As soon as I saw it in the literature, I knew I wanted it. I purchased it and had it immediately activated. The lighting in the room is kind of dull, but that orange is much brighter than the pictures make it appear. I love this thing!

After my purchase, I head across and see that Tinkerbell is a 10 minute wait. Tinkerbell is always a 10 minute wait, and that's ok with me. At some point I'm going to have a collection of pictures with me and Tink, and that's also ok with me.

There's an adorable kid in front of me having a great time. She's singing her Halloween songs to me, and then sings a doctor song because I'm in my scrubs. Just adorable. When she gets to Tinkerbell, she's silent. She's up with Tink and then runs away. Her parents get her back and she finally loosens up as Tinkerbell gets her talking, but it was cute.

I get to Tinkerbell and she asks me if I'm a pirate (nope) and if I can sword fight. I actually sort of can. I took stage combat in college way back when and learned very basic fencing, so yes, actually, I can sort of kind of sword fight. Tinkerbell was great, as usual.


Add another Tinkerbell picture to the collection.


It's hot and I've been sweating out, so it's time to get a drink. I pop into the candy shop and grab two bottles of water. I'm just dry and starting to feel it. As I step out, I notice the time. It's almost time for Wishes and Fireworks. I get about half way up Main Street and end up just plopping down in the middle of the road by a few other groups. This seems as good a spot as any to watch the show.



The Wishes part has small alterations to account for the Halloween theme. It's a nice change. There's a small intermission and then it's time for fireworks.
Hallowishes was AWESOME! Pictures coming. They will NOT do this justice. It's just impossible. Still, here they come.





Fantastic! The music and synced up fireworks was spectacular. I would love to see that show again.

Following the fireworks, I head back into the park to do one last lap of the candy stops. I clean up nicely, coming away with two full bags and some spillover into my shopping bag. Success! I make my way towards the entrance just as they're roping things off for the parade or next show. One of the two. By the time I reach the bus, I'm more than ready to hit the sack. The bus is half full (yes!) and I sit down and nearly nod off. Another successful day!


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