Thread for allergy foods updates

The EnerG -> Udi's affected us. We're not gluten free, but DS usually can't eat the regular buns/rolls due to either nut x-cont or dairy, so he gets the EnerG ones. He won't be able to eat the Udi's if they contain dairy and/or milk. But I figured, you win some you lose some. Now Divvies!!?!?!? This makes me sad and scared for our January trip.

I'm nervous what options will exist for DS. I got an email back from Special Diets a while ago saying they were making some exciting improvements and that I should check back closer to our trip to see if a new reference sheet would be ready by then.

Maybe I need to start arranging some Babycakes deliveries.
I just saw on another message board that they've completely done away with Divvies cookies. So basically, get rid of the milk and egg free cookies because you've got a new gluten free cookie even though those cookies contain milk and eggs. Yeah, that makes sense.

Over the next couple of days I'm going to put together an email to both Special Diets and Guest Communications to basically ask *** is going on and voice my concerns about the direction they're taking with allergy options for those of us with multiple allergies.

Everybody, PLEASE contact Disney if you're unhappy about this. They only way they'll know that this was a poor decision is if people let them know. My guess is that the people who were making the decisions have never actually spoken with a single person dealing with anything other than gluten issues and they just didn't consider the ramifications of this decision so we HAVE to let them know. Disney does seem to respond when enough people contact them so we have to make sure our voices are heard loudly.

Divies cookies are gone, but the popcorn and jellybeans are still available.:confused3 (SW has started selling divies cookies so my dd was THRILLED).

I spoke to two more resort chefs last week. They are not happy with the change at all. Once chef refuses to serve some of the Udi's stuff (and the items he will serve he "doctors" up and the other was telling me how much food is being sent back.
Just sent the following email. I'll share any response I get beyond the generic automated response.

Subject: Food Allergy options
I'm writing about recent reports I'm hearing of food options for people with multiple allergies at WDW. Previously, there were lots of options for foods around WDW for my family where 3 of us have long lists of allergies. Recent reports from other guests though are indicating that the breads and buns are all Udis which contain milk and that the cookies and brownies around WDW are OMG.... It's Gluten Free which also contain milk. I don't understand this move which alienates a large number of people with allergies. While yes gluten free guests are coming to WDW in large numbers because of how wonderful you've been in handling gluten intollerance problems, there is also a large community of guests who have other allergies. My family is certainly been alienated. We have a trip coming up in February and rather than my usual excitement I'm now very nervous about what options my kids will have. We also have an August trip planned and now I'm second guessing it. Yes, this decision regarding allergy foods is that big of a deal to my family and I would guess to others as well. We choose to travel to WDW because we know that our kids will have lots of options for dining with their allergies and will get to feel "normal" even if only for a short time. You've just undone this feeling in one quick decision to change vendors. I'm really hoping that these changes are not final and that you will rethink this decision to completely alienate an entire customer base that has been extremely loyal.

Thank you for your time.
Divies cookies are gone, but the popcorn and jellybeans are still available.:confused3 (SW has started selling divies cookies so my dd was THRILLED).

I spoke to two more resort chefs last week. They are not happy with the change at all. Once chef refuses to serve some of the Udi's stuff (and the items he will serve he "doctors" up and the other was telling me how much food is being sent back.

Well that makes no sense about the Divvies stuff.

So what kinds of things is the chef doctoring up? Are there other products that have changed? PLEASE tell me that the chicken tenders haven't changed.
Well that makes no sense about the Divvies stuff.

So what kinds of things is the chef doctoring up? Are there other products that have changed? PLEASE tell me that the chicken tenders haven't changed.

I won't tell you that the chicken tenders have changed, but I will tell you we could not find them at 2 locations we had been able to get them at.

When I say "doctoring up" what I mean is warming up the "brick" like OMG brownies and adding chocolate sauce to make them moist.
OK, that has me really nervous. If the chicken tenders aren't available at as many locations then it's even worse than I thought. Have you tried getting pizzas anywhere? If yes, what brand of crust did they use?
OK, that has me really nervous. If the chicken tenders aren't available at as many locations then it's even worse than I thought. Have you tried getting pizzas anywhere? If yes, what brand of crust did they use?

I have not, but (don't panic yet) after the holidays I plan to poke around the world and find out what is available where.

I do know-
WL Udi products, no divies at WCC, OMG brownies. Chef offers fruit for allergies. Grilled chicken instead of chicken tenders.

Pop Century-Divies popcorn and jellybeans, OMG brownies, rice milk and rice dream ice cream. No chicken tenders. Unclear on bread products since the Chef did not really seem to understand "gluten free" and served burger on regular bun.

Sunshine Seasons-OMG brownies, baked chicken was offered when I asked about the allergy safe tenders. Piece of fruit offered for "allergy safe" dessert.

I have not been told the tenders are gone, but on two occasions when I asked about them I was offered chicken. I think right now allergy food is "fluid" at WDW. I think we will see more changes before this spring.
I've never tried to get tenders at Sunshine Seasons as we've always gotten either the rotisserie chicken or seared tuna there because they're different options from everywhere else so we like to take advantage of that. We've never eaten at WL including WCC so I don't know what was there before. I'm feeling a little bit better about that.

I'm shocked about the chef at Pop. We've always had such great experiences there with chefs going above and beyond. I'm assuming you only mentioned the rice milk and ice cream because you can't do soy so didn't check on those, correct?

I'm not in a panic YET but that's also partly because for our February trip these items weren't as important based on the types of plans we have but for our August trip it will be VERY important, enough so that I'm questioning the trip (that wasn't an idle threat in my email to WDW; I really am questioning the trip based on the type of plans we have for that one).
Ugh!!! You guys are scaring me. We leave Jan 15th. My DS likes fruit just fine, but when we are on vacation, he does NOT consider it dessert. Especially when the remaining 8 members of his family are eating extravagant desserts.

I don't give a hoot about the jelly beans and popcorn. I can get safe jelly beans all over the place and my DS can eat the regular popcorn in the parks, but I NEED a baked good! Maybe I'll pack some Divvies. I think I definitely will be carrying a safe treat everywhere for DS just in case.

LivnDisney- Do you know anything about the availability of soy/rice ice cream and/or Itsakadoozie popsicles. My DS often got ice cream on his last trip and loves it. Those would at least be better than fruit.

Does Babycakes deliver anything off their menu or only cakes? Do guys know how much notice is required? If I get there and find things are bad, can I quickly sign up for stuff for the remainder of the week?

I will keep you guys posted when I contact Special Diets. I will definitely let them know how disappointing the changes are. We bought into DVC BECAUSE they have provided us with such a magical experience wrt food allergies, something we don't get on other vacations.
I've never tried to get tenders at Sunshine Seasons as we've always gotten either the rotisserie chicken or seared tuna there because they're different options from everywhere else so we like to take advantage of that. We've never eaten at WL including WCC so I don't know what was there before. I'm feeling a little bit better about that.

I'm shocked about the chef at Pop. We've always had such great experiences there with chefs going above and beyond. I'm assuming you only mentioned the rice milk and ice cream because you can't do soy so didn't check on those, correct?

I'm not in a panic YET but that's also partly because for our February trip these items weren't as important based on the types of plans we have but for our August trip it will be VERY important, enough so that I'm questioning the trip (that wasn't an idle threat in my email to WDW; I really am questioning the trip based on the type of plans we have for that one).

We "usually" have great service at Pop. This chef just did not seem to get it. I asked about the rice milk/ice cream because we can't do soy. They did still have silk (I think it was silk) single serves in the grab and go area.
Ugh!!! You guys are scaring me. We leave Jan 15th. My DS likes fruit just fine, but when we are on vacation, he does NOT consider it dessert. Especially when the remaining 8 members of his family are eating extravagant desserts.

I don't give a hoot about the jelly beans and popcorn. I can get safe jelly beans all over the place and my DS can eat the regular popcorn in the parks, but I NEED a baked good! Maybe I'll pack some Divvies. I think I definitely will be carrying a safe treat everywhere for DS just in case.

LivnDisney- Do you know anything about the availability of soy/rice ice cream and/or Itsakadoozie popsicles. My DS often got ice cream on his last trip and loves it. Those would at least be better than fruit.

Does Babycakes deliver anything off their menu or only cakes? Do guys know how much notice is required? If I get there and find things are bad, can I quickly sign up for stuff for the remainder of the week?

I will keep you guys posted when I contact Special Diets. I will definitely let them know how disappointing the changes are. We bought into DVC BECAUSE they have provided us with such a magical experience wrt food allergies, something we don't get on other vacations.

DD agrees fruit is not dessert LOL.
Rice milk and ice cream is still available in the places we checked. I did not see Itsakadoozie at the carts, but I was not looking as most of the carts feature the milk based ice creams.

I "think" Babycakes only delivers cakes. I have suggested SEVERAL times they have products at CS (What a dream!), but I know that is not really practical.:guilty:
I can't imagine them doing away with the Itzkadoozies since they're one of many products from the same company so as long as they have their Nestle contract I would think that these would stay (says the woman who's confused as to why they'd get rid of Divvies cookies and keep the caramel corn and jelly beans). My kids can't Itzkadoozies due to other allergies but I'm hoping they keep the frozen pineapple bars they added this year because they're yummy. I figure the Dole contract will stay around for a long time as well so I'm crossing my fingers for the pineapple bars.

I'll be scouring the special diets info for confirmation when I request my lists in a few weeks. Hopefully they'll have the info up to date by then.

My kids also agree that fruit is NOT a dessert. DD13 does enjoy some berries with a berry sorbet if that's what's offered at a restaurant but not just fruit on its own.
This is scary for me too. DS has life threatening food allergies to dairy, soy, egg, tree nuts and peanut. WDW is THE ONLY place that DS eats restaurant food--meaning, THE ONLY TIME I get a break from cooking! We are staying off site so I can cook most of his food, but while we are in the parks, I was HOPING to be able to let him eat there.

We have an ADR for Tusker House breakfast and I will not be happy if I pay $18 for him to eat fruit for breakfast!

I agree that so many companies cater to gluten free and leave so many other allergies out. Anytime I mention food allergies, people say "oh, he can't have gluten?" Drives me crazy....
Sigh. Luckily we don't have a milk allergy in our family, but I can't have soy in addition to gluten, so I end up bringing, oh, 95% of our food in with us. ANNOYING.
Hi Everyone! We just got back from Disney on Monday. Disney is the ONLY place that I get to feel "normal" as I have a milk allergy. Please bare in mind that my allergy is NOT life threatening.

Tuesday, we ate at Captain Cooks in the Polynesian and I got a turkey club on multigrain. Apparently, this was the only bread that I could have. All the other ones they had contained milk. (Also, I did not like the digital ordering system. But that's another topic!) That night I had chips from the UK in Epcot and a Cinnamon Sugar Soft Preztel from a stand near Canada.

Wednesday, we ate at Kona Cafe and I was able to have the Tonga Toast! Apparently, it's only an egg wash that it's coated in and contains no dairy. I just had to request no strawberry componte. We ate at the Plaza Restaurant on Main Street before MVMCP. I received the allergy book when I sat down and was able to look at it before the chef came out. This was super exciting because normally I would not ask about certain items and just assume they had milk in it. Because I had the book, I read through everything and found some stuff I could eat! (Like those chocolate Mickey ears on the kids ice cream cone! :) I wish they did this everywhere. I had a vanilla Rice Dream (non milk) milk shake! I asked for a chocolate one because the chocolate sauce didn't have milk in it but I guess she didn't here me. It was my first (non milk) milk shake! :) I also had a hamburger on a kaiser roll which was good and a salad. The salad was amazing! At MVMCP, I couldn't have any of the cookies or hot chocolate. They had sugar free cookies and hot chocolate and the allergy cookies were gluten free only. sad :(

Thursday, I ate at Whispering Caynon and had a ham omlette. I was looking forward to a Mickey waffle but the Chef discouraged me from getting it. He asked if I knew about the Bob's Red Mill mix and I said no. I had the allergy friendly waffles before but I had no idea it was Bob's mix. He pretty much said it tasted badly and I shouldn't get it. Bummed me out the whole day. For dinner I had a grilled chicken sandwich at Pollo Campero which ended up coming out on a potato roll :( I made a wrap with the tortillas from DF's meal. and I had a brownie cupcake with chocolate icing from BabyCakes! It was so good! When I got a cupcake there in Feb it was HORRIBLE. I was so sad. Especially because we have such an amazing vegan bakery where I live. But I was so happy to see that it was a fluke! I ended up getting a donut and red velvet cupcake. Everything was superb!

Friday, I had the Bob's Red Mill mix waffles at the Captain's Grille at the Yacht Club. Totally what I ate before and still they were good to me! I also had bacon and the potatoes (OMG best potatoes EVER!) I got the allergy friendly chicken fingers at the BackLot Express in Hollywood Studios with fries. I got Rice Dream on a cone at Hollywood Scoops. That was a disaster. No one knew what I was talking about and I had to tell the manager/chef three times what I wanted. :confused: That night we ate at the Luau at the Polynesian. I was able to eat everything except the bread and dessert. I never really liked the Ener-G rolls but I got some little brown roll instead. It was actually pretty good. I'm not sure what brand it was. My dad even tried it and liked it. The salad was awesome. I kept getting lots of refills on that. We also had a BabyCakes dessert ordered (blondie cake - Vanilla cake w/chocolate chips and choco icing) It was really good! Everyone in our party ate some and enjoyed it. (Fruit was the main meal allergy dessert so I'm glad I got the cake!)

Saturday I had the allergy friendly Mickey waffles at Captain Cooks. We also ate at Teppan Edo and the only thing I couldn't have was two of the dipping sauces and dessert. The dessert was a fruit cup. I'm talking Dole fruit filled with sugary syrup fruit cup that you buy in a grocery store. I was bummed. Also got the allergy friendly chicken fingers at Columbia Harbour House for dinner.

Sunday was allergy friendly Mickey waffles at Captain Cooks. Allergy friendly chicken tenders and fries at Electric Umbrella. Rice Dream root beer float at Fountain View.

Monday was allergy friendly Mickey waffles at Captain Cooks and allergy friendly chicken tenders at Columbia Harbour House. I also got a Mickey shaped soft preztel in Frontierland! :)

I did not see any Divvies cookies which I normally get. Only the caramel corn and jelly beans. I did get an OMG it's gluten free choco chip cookie that was milk free but I did not try it yet.
Thanks for all that information. I don't have any food intolerances, but I find the Bob's Red Mill waffles to be perfectly good.

Are you sure the OMG brownie you got is dairy free? The ones listed on OMG's website say they contain dairy, but perhaps the Disney ones are different.

The Divvies thing is really bugging me. I understand it's hard to meet everyone's needs, but it seems they have nothing now for the dairy and egg allergic. They should have switched to Dr Lucy's cookies. They are milk, egg, nut, and gluten free. A crunchy cookie, but very good IMO.

Don't they realize that a lot of GF people are also DF????
Thanks for all that information. I don't have any food intolerances, but I find the Bob's Red Mill waffles to be perfectly good.

Are you sure the OMG brownie you got is dairy free? The ones listed on OMG's website say they contain dairy, but perhaps the Disney ones are different.

The Divvies thing is really bugging me. I understand it's hard to meet everyone's needs, but it seems they have nothing now for the dairy and egg allergic. They should have switched to Dr Lucy's cookies. They are milk, egg, nut, and gluten free. A crunchy cookie, but very good IMO.

Don't they realize that a lot of GF people are also DF????

I am pretty sure the OMG brownies we saw were dairy and gluten free.
When I looked at the OMG It's Gluten Free website, all of the brownies had milk but there was a chocolate chip cookie that was milk free. I assumed that since somebody had reported getting a milk free one that this was the cookie that was being served. If you're allergic to milk, look again at the brownies since the website doesn't show any without milk.
When I looked at the OMG It's Gluten Free website, all of the brownies had milk but there was a chocolate chip cookie that was milk free. I assumed that since somebody had reported getting a milk free one that this was the cookie that was being served. If you're allergic to milk, look again at the brownies since the website doesn't show any without milk.

I saw that on the website, but I "think" the ones we saw at WDW had a similar label, but said "dairy and gluten free". We did not try them. I will make sure and take a pic next time I am over there.

Just checked the OMG pdf. It looks like what I saw was the cookie that was dairy and gluten free.

In "related" news OMG also has pizza-anyone want to take bets to see if WDW switches? Won't work for us due to other allergies.
I personally did not see any OMG brownies. I just saw the OMG chocolate chip cookie that was gluten and milk free.

I feel like it should be easier for Disney to supply allergy friendly things that are at least free of the 8 most common allergies? Instead of serving one thing that's ONLY gluten free, another that's ONLY milk free, another that's ONLY egg free, etc, they'd have one thing across the board? Hm.. very interesting to see the outcome!!


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