This thread has become an Engineer bashing Thread we'll that's just wrong we rule!

Judith!! You are giving me a bad rap! I'm not a "lock"er I'm more of an "EDit"ing type of mod - right Raul????:smooth: :smooth:
Next time you flush the toilet thank an Engineer

So three engineers are sitting in a bar.

Chas, Raul, and Judith's Husband who makes the rules.

Raul says if God was and engineer what kind would he be?

Chas says he is most likely an Electrical Engineer…. Why's that ask the others?

Look at the human body, all those nerves and the brain with all those electrical impulses…. Most definitely God is an Electrical Engineer.

Judith's hubby says…. No way he is most likely a Mechanical Engineer… Why ask the others?

Look again at the body, all those joints and pressure point and the way it all moves… Most definitely God is a Mechanical Engineer.

Raul says…. No your both wrong God is a Civil Engineer…. A Civil Engineer why is that ask the others.

Well look at the human body again… Who else would run a waste pipe through a recreational area…. Yes God is a Civil Engineer.

Thank you folks I'm here all week…..
Excellent Raul! We Engineers are soo witty!

Hey Red, thank a woman?? Do I thank the clay pot too?? Both of them are just containers to grow something!

Lord of the Witty Mind
Well now all our questions have been answered!!

We all now know where Chas came from...

Do I thank the clay pot too?

Nuff Said!!!

Lady Donna
I'll thank a woman right now.

Lauri, thanks for getting Ed and Chuckles all riled up 3 days before I fly down to WDW and have to deal with -- er, see them in person. :) Now there's no telling what kind of a warped twisted individual I'll be when I come home. :jester:
Just think of the adventure you have facing you..(by the way you do have Your spritzer bottle packed, don't you??) just in case of course..

I'm sure when this is all over, you will be thanking Lauri..I mean if she can't come, she is just making sure that you have the "best" time possible... err..that is what you were doing wasn't it Lauri???

I see that this thread has been retitled as follows:

"This thread has become an Engineer bashing Thread we'll that's just wrong we rule!"

Might I suggest that to gain some more respect you remove the apostrophe from "we'll"? ;)

(Yes, I'm married to an Electrical Engineer)
Enginers to not mispell anything look again you're misstakeen.

Thank goodness your not married to a Civil Engineer they're pretty ticked off over the God joke.
I admit it, Im still so confused about the whole 'thank a clay pot' thing.

princess of the confused
Well, I hate to admit it but my Dad is an electrical engineer. This explains why I can put a whole stereo system together, but ChefManny can't. He CAN cook a mean Prime Rib and clean circles around me among other things. He is a "Culinary Engineer", and he definitely makes the rules. (Ladies, I'm not stupid! He COOKS, I let him think he's the boss.) I think the "clay pot" reference was a little below the belt, even for me.
See you all Friday night!

PS. GREAT comeback Mean Laureen!
Thanks for the laughs, everyone!

"He might be an engineer but he isn't always civil."
Poor Raul is under the weather the "flu" thing..poor guy.. achy and painy all over

Goes to show you,that these "engineers" just CAN'T
take the pressure.. just kidding honey..

and Judith...for your weather report, we had some early rain, but apparently it isn't going to stop there..we will be having more this afternoon, looks like a soggy day, ..more live updates later..

Alert! Alert!
That wench (Donna) must have posioned Raul's mind!

She asked him to fix the "thing-a-ma-jig" with the "whatch-a-ma-call-it" that is the kiss of death for us technical guys!

Dude, grab the Radio Shack catalog and concentrate, tap your tools together and say 3 times, "there is no place like my workbench", and put some industrial strength Vics in your pocket protector and breath deaply.

Lord of the Never Leave a Engineer Behind
:Thank goodness your not married to a Civil Engineer they're pretty ticked off over the God joke.:

Nah, I think we pretty much agree.

Figure this one out.. my husband is married to a civil engineer. And you THOUGHT men ruled the world.... ;)

Dar :bounce:
Sorry Mame,
But there is NO SUCH THING as a "woman" Engineer!

Lord of the Point Blank and Pesonal
:Sorry Mame,
:But there is NO SUCH THING as a "woman" Engineer!

Wow, I don't know who "Mame" is, but I thought this was a good natured thread and my response was in fun. However, that was just plain insulting.

Donna, thanks for the weather update! We visited friends earlier this evening who are leaving tomorrow for WDW. They know it will be rainy, but they've done WDW in the rain - their theory is a day at WDW in the rain is better than a day at home at work :).

Seriously, hope Raul feels better soon. No fun being sick ...

And Charles, I think you're in trouble (& it isn't Red this time :) )!


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