Third Wave is Here...

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We are all going stir crazy from this lockdown. I will rather guiltily confess that my family did have a little escape in February which is helping us make it through right now.

We are fortunate enough that none of us are working right now and we are managing fine financially. But after staring at our own four walls and being tightly locked down due to DH getting chemo, by the end of January we were all going nuts. We were getting particularly concerned about DS18.

On top of that, I was regularly driving an hour each way to the hospital where DH was getting chemo. Our routine was for me to drive him to chemo, then curl up in a makeshift bed in the back of my van for the 3-5 hrs his treatments would take. It got really cold as it got deeper into winter and the lockdown made bathroom breaks increasingly challenging.

So it was becoming an essential reason to get closer to the hospital. And yet, DH refused to be separated from the rest of the family (a few years ago, during a previous cancer battle, DH and I left our kids with my mom and spent 6 weeks renting a room close to the hospital for his radiation treatments). So I came up with a wild plan to splurge on an incredibly gorgeous beach house closer to the hospital. Even with the massive off-season discount, it was still really expensive to rent it for a whole month.

It was glorious and the escape our travel-loving family desperately needed. We didn't go anywhere other than the usual hospital, curbside pickup for groceries, for walks, and to a nearby creek to ice skate. But it was enough to quiet the itch for a different environment.

Just in time to save us lol - before this, we had been house hunting, even upping our budget an extra $100k since like everywhere, our housing market is nuts. And moving in the midst of a pandemic while DH is battling cancer + none of us have the energy we used to...well, it wouldn't have been too pretty. Although I still peek at house listings!

All to say - yeah. I totally understand how crazy all these lockdowns are making us. Even while I don't see any other way.

I look at other countries and their death rates and I am so thankful to live in Canada where our risk has been so much lower. I was very hopeful about Sweden last year since like they said, they are naturally reserved people who could be trusted to be voluntarily compliant.

But here are some current numbers (like many of us, their case load is rising again):

As of April 16, 2021, more than 13 700 people have died from COVID-19 in Sweden. The country has one of the highest infection rates in western Europe according to Our World in Data COVID-19 statistics, with 606 new infections per million per day, while its neighbours Denmark, Finland, and Norway reported 115, 62, and 112 new infections per million per day, respectively (April 15, 2021). New and more infective and deadly variants have taken over, and by April 15, 2021, the UK SARS-Cov-2 variant was supected to have caused 75–100% of all new cases in all regions. This indicates more rapid spread, more deaths, and that more young people will be affected, with intensive care units already at full capacity in some regions.
The double mutant has been in North America for about a month now. It was first reported in the San Francisco area of California. It was only a matter of time before it ended up in Canada.

We are in a restricted lifestyle for another few years. Until the "world" has had vaccines the variants will continue to develop and as we know see it only takes one traveller with one variant to infect a population who has no immunity to that variant.

Life is not going back to pre-pandemic way of living and we should just adjust our expectations and be thankful for what we can do and learn to live a new way (whatever that is going to mean going forward)

Absolutely no disrespect but it seems too early to me to adjust my expectations and to be thankful with what we can do , when currently we aren’t doing much more than simply existing . I work , pick up groceries , homeschool the kids , my household is struggling . We are thankful to be alive and healthy at this point but I find we are a lot less thankful than what we were two years ago. Or when we first moved back to Canada from the US .
The part I don't like is province blaming feds and feds blaming province. Get it together, work together and stop being posturing idiots. I don't think them all being wishy washy over who should get the next shots. Make a plan and follow it! We'll never get anywhere if we keep changing course.

OMG YES!! The partisan politics are going to drive me mad! Every single grouo is so focused on their own agenda - what happened to the common good? And oh, the relish they take over any tiny error.

I'm not one who believes our political leaders always have the common good at heart. There are selfish, greedy people everywhere and power exacerbates that.
BUT - there is a need for some form of leadership or we will never get anywhere.

Still, all this constantly attacking each other is ridiculous, a waste of energy and time, and completely confusing and distracting for the rest of us who just want to live our lives and don't want our fellow citizens to die.

I get it - it's the way our political system is designed to run. But man, can't we all just get along? I guess I should just be grateful we are not as partisan as our neighbors to the south?
Absolutely no disrespect but it seems too early to me to adjust my expectations and to be thankful with what we can do , when currently we aren’t doing much more than simply existing . I work , pick up groceries , homeschool the kids , my household is struggling . We are thankful to be alive and healthy at this point but I find we are a lot less thankful than what we were two years ago. Or when we first moved back to Canada from the US .
I'm not speaking of what we can do today but what we will be able to do once we have herd immunity in this country. We are not going back to pre-pandemic normal.

I agree, eat, sleep, homework, groceries is not existence. I was trying to stress that what people may have planned in their mind for what we can do 6 months or a year from now might not be what we want it to be because of the variants. Those things are unpredictable and throw is for a loop at each turn.

I seriously hope I am wrong. I was just trying to interject some reality into the conversation.
When this started, I knew we’d be looking at approximately two years of this. At the time, it caused a minor meltdown for me. I have a science background and history has shown how long a pandemic might run. I wanted to be overreacting at the time, but unfortunately I did not. We have a ways to go yet. It’s disheartening, but true. I agree with the poster who says shut down all borders. No in. No out. That’s how we should have begun with this back in March 2020.

Kinda like China did? It was a bold move - especially for a country that size. And they very quickly stamp out any infections that break through anyway (so obviously quarantining at borders isn't good enough - there must be a mechanism to quickly stamp out any new infection before it takes hold).

I do wonder if long term China will still be ahead though? What they have done has been draconian, but effective. But their vaccines don't work as well + their citizens don't trust it + they don't feel the need for it since there are few infections there. What happens when they open up their borders again?

I was looking yesterday at countries with low infection rates. Mostly islands who have strong border controls and effective contact tracing programs. Thoroughly impressed with places like Taiwan that are highly congested, dealt with some bad outbreaks here and there, and still managed so much better than most countries around the world. Of course, being an island helped considerably. is my bad for EXPECTING the government to have made different decisions that would have different outcome. Silly me for thinking that the leader of a G7 country would make sound decisions to protect his people.

I don't think we will ever reach heard immunity. At the rate that the variants are happening now...I hope that the vaccine can keep up and be effective to combat them for us to have a hope in he🏒🏒 of achieving herd immunity. Or else, it will be a race like it is with the flu shot....where they guess which strain of flu is going to be most active.

Yes, we are very lucky we are not living in an active war time, or area, but we are also not living and very carefree life either. we are simply existing at the moment. We work, and go home, get essentials...then home. We do go visit our dd and her family because I'm NOT missing out on seeing our grandbaby. She is only this special age once. It won't happen again. For us...that is the tipping point. So we include an extra 3 people into our little bubble...but that's it. We are very very very tired of it all.
Yes, we are very lucky we are not living in an active war time, or area, but we are also not living and very carefree life either. we are simply existing at the moment. We work, and go home, get essentials...then home. We do go visit our dd and her family because I'm NOT missing out on seeing our grandbaby. She is only this special age once. It won't happen again. For us...that is the tipping point. So we include an extra 3 people into our little bubble...but that's it. We are very very very tired of it all.

I hear ya - I am so so so longing for the days when this is all a memory. What a delight that you have been able to enjoy your grandbaby's first year. I would have expanded my bubble for that too 😍 is my bad for EXPECTING the government to have made different decisions that would have different outcome. Silly me for thinking that the leader of a G7 country would make sound decisions to protect his people.

What decisions do you think should have been made? Obviously even forcing international flights into only a few airports and requiring a hotel stay hasn't deterred people from ignoring rules. I don't blame the rules for that but rather the idiots who aren't following the rules. Canada closed flights for non-essential travel, people took liberties with what that meant. Sure a trip to Disney was essential... Land borders weren't as strict since we have such a large border with the US, at least that's what we are told. So all those snowbirds have their cars flown over the freaking border so they can drive back later. Even the people who get dropped off at the border and walk back. I can't blame the government for that. Can't deny a Canadian entry to their country, let alone ask why they were outside of it. That is entitlement at it's finest. Because of course there are loop holes in the rules that people will take advantage of. I guess it should have been made more clear. Or maybe people will always find ways to bend the rules when they want to.

Yup, the whole thing sucks. My kiddo and I are "trapped" at home all day and night, just the two of us. He refuses to even go for a walk because he's afraid at this point. I get it. I'd love to be able to go see my parents. But I know they have medical appointments and such, and I do not want to expand their group of contacts even if we are staying safe here. My sister and her family are a 5-minute walk from us and we haven't seen them since last fall. The difference I guess is I'm not blaming the government but rather the entitled people in the public who don't follow the rules because they found a way around them, even though they understood exactly what was meant. All those deniers and people refusing to do what was being asked, including people eligible for vaccines who are choosing not to get one. Sure the government could have imposed stronger punishments but I guess then we'd be comparing things to other countries with less freedoms than we have. And I'm sure there would be complaints about that too.
The irony of people refusing a vaccine while screeching about their rights and freedoms would almost be funny if it weren’t so selfish and ignorant. You know , I read a great article in the Washington Post this morning that was about Americans but could very easily apply to our country as well . The article was titled “We Should Stop Catering to the Vaccine Holdouts” I would only add that there are those who can’t be vaccinated that need protecting from those who can . The following passage really stood out to me ..

The resolutely anti-vaccination crowd will holler about their “freedom” being taken away. Nonsense. Schools already require an array of vaccinations for children. Public and private establishments can require shoes and shirts. Employers can require safety equipment be worn. The ornery holdouts won’t be mandated by the government to get shots, but they should not be able to enjoy the benefits, privileges and access that responsible citizens have earned by getting vaccinated.
There is no right to remain a breeding ground for dangerous coronavirus variants or a threat to the small number of people still susceptible to the virus despite their vaccinations (known as breakthrough infections). The country is approaching the point when it should stop catering to those bent on being a danger to themselves and others. We have all sacrificed too much for too long to indulge reckless conduct.
The irony of people refusing a vaccine while screeching about their rights and freedoms would almost be funny if it weren’t so selfish and ignorant. You know , I read a great article in the Washington Post this morning that was about Americans but could very easily apply to our country as well . The article was titled “We Should Stop Catering to the Vaccine Holdouts” I would only add that there are those who can’t be vaccinated that need protecting from those who can . The following passage really stood out to me ..

The resolutely anti-vaccination crowd will holler about their “freedom” being taken away. Nonsense. Schools already require an array of vaccinations for children. Public and private establishments can require shoes and shirts. Employers can require safety equipment be worn. The ornery holdouts won’t be mandated by the government to get shots, but they should not be able to enjoy the benefits, privileges and access that responsible citizens have earned by getting vaccinated.
There is no right to remain a breeding ground for dangerous coronavirus variants or a threat to the small number of people still susceptible to the virus despite their vaccinations (known as breakthrough infections). The country is approaching the point when it should stop catering to those bent on being a danger to themselves and others. We have all sacrificed too much for too long to indulge reckless conduct.

Can't like this enough.
I will rather guiltily confess that my family did have a little escape in February which is helping us make it through right now.
DON't feel guilty!!!!! I am super glad you were able to find a little bit of escape from all the all the other craziness you are living through. I'll be sending healing thoughts for all of you!

Editing because I'm in a snarky bad foul mood. Tired and exhausted!!!!!
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I agree with others. If you aren’t going to be vaccinated as soon as you are eligible, you have zero right to complain about restrictions and lockdowns.

And to clarify I’m not including people who can’t get one. Just this who choose not to.
7 day average in Ontario is down so hopefully May will be a much better month. I'm still concerned that many people are bending the rules as they see fit though. I was speaking with a colleague today that's having people over this weekend :oops:. We're playing by the rules and planning a WDW trip for summer 2022 to help lift our spirits.
I agree with others. If you aren’t going to be vaccinated as soon as you are eligible, you have zero right to complain about restrictions and lockdowns.

And to clarify I’m not including people who can’t get one. Just this who choose not to.

Reminds me of the story of the Little Red Hen.
On a positive note, I've been loving all the tweets about #GenXZeneca. I love that Canadians in their 40s have embraced AZ shots with so much excitement and good cheer.

Such a huge change from the usual social media vicious mudslinging.
Hopefully this is a step in the right direction to help us get out of this third wave.
Should have never sent the kiddos back to school. It's no coincidence that cases have risen since they have gone back.

look at the UK, we are opening up, Kids have been back at school for weeks and has had virtually no impact. We are steaming ahead with our vaccinations though. In a few weeks all indoor dining and pubs open and by June all remaining restrictions are meant to be gone. It’s even suggested today we will be able to ditch face masks by then. All down to vaccination. Finger’s crossed.

Bizarrely the US put the UK on a ‘Do not travel’ list the other day due to alleged high levels of Covid when we’ve now got one of the lowest in the world, one of the highest vaccination rates and the world’s best virus genetic sequencing. Go figure that one out!?
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