Third Time's The Charm At The DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM Fall '19! (COMPLETE - 8/14)

Let The Rain Fall Down
YES! Cue the Hilary Duff! 🌦

This pic is just adorable!

You definitely made the most of a rainy day! Awesome that you got a FP for the character spot! I completely agree on that absolutely awful wait there. We never bother unless we have a FP or it's early/late with a 5 minute wait!
Speak on it đź‘Ź

The theater minor JUMPED OUT

It really is!!


YES! Cue the Hilary Duff! 🌦


This pic is just adorable!

Awww thank you!

You definitely made the most of a rainy day! Awesome that you got a FP for the character spot! I completely agree on that absolutely awful wait there. We never bother unless we have a FP or it's early/late with a 5 minute wait!

Yeah, it's just quite the big chunk of your day if you go in without that FP. Weird to think it's gone now, even the temporary location. Epcot is really becoming something else at the moment.
Cast Members Don't Need Rest AKA I Don't Need Rest
6/19 - 6/22/19: First Week Off-Training

We are now heading into regularly scheduled weeks where I no longer have as much time to spend in the parks so I'll be having a set of days in one single update. This is one of the first of very many. Enjoy!

June 19th, 2019

We were here! Day one post-training, no trainer, no nobody. I was on my own.


It really wasn't that bad but it definitely felt like that. The shift I had was a floorstock shift. I had primarily floorstock shifts. The way I was trained on them was that I would come in, clock in and get an assignment, but after getting an assignment on CDS, which is short for Cast Deployment System and the system in which most roles at Disney are given breaks and assignments and rotations throughout the day, I would have to check the stock board. CDS might not always have the correct assignment but the board always does.

On the board, you could be in any of these positions as regular floorstock: Once The Wall/Zone 1, Once Zone 2, Beverly Zone 1 (Pixar) or Beverly Zone 2 (Toy Story). There is also an outdoor stock position but that's a separate shift and costume as I have mentioned before and you cover all of stocking outside so you don't have an exact place.

Today I was gonna be in Beverly Zone 1. I generally was put in Beverly often whenever I stocked on Sunset which was... A LOT. It can be a weird stocking shift since you have two stock rooms rather than one like Once does. Not to mention, stocking also means you are responsible for collecting hangers as well as any package pick-up and anything the registers might need. Granted the floor is priority.

As I'm sure you've realized there are two zones in Beverly which means I had another stocker with me. His name was Pete. Pete was one of our older CMs. Probably the oldest CM I've ever worked with. I believe he was in his 80s and he told me he was from Syracuse, which was cool since I went to school in Saratoga Springs (they're both in a similar area of NY fyi). He was very friendly, but I definitely had to do double duty covering the entire store since he didn't exactly move that quickly or have the ability to do so.

I also got to talk with Nancy, one of the sweet ladies I met during training. Les was there too. It was fun having so many people that already supported you and wanted you to do well off training around already. Sunset already felt like a family I'd had forever, it was crazy.

Now that you have an idea of how floorstock works at Disney, I'll tell you that I did enjoy it at first. I like being occupied, kept moving and that was just what happened, especially because those smart stock phones weren't accurate so I was having to stock by memory essentially. It also was nice only being a mid so the minute my shift ended and the next person showed up and I briefed them on what I'd been doing so I don't leave them in the dark, I left.

It was an easy in, easy out. I headed off to costuming, got changed into street clothes and BAM! My phone vibrates.


I walk out of the costuming bathroom to see YES, a storm. A really wild one. Out of nowhere. Per Florida. I guess I wasn't gonna wait outside with that going on so I hung out in costuming for a bit to let it pass. Eventually, it slowed enough to a drizzle so I started my walk from Studios all the way to Epcot.

Unfortunately, I still got pretty wet. I even stopped inside of the Yacht Club to dry off a bit. The lifeguards were hanging out inside and were super energetic handing out stickers and such. I waited in there for a bit, trying to dry off not wanting to be soaked for Epcot, where I had nabbed a Frozen Ever After FP last minute.

The rain slowed even more and I continued all the way to Epcot. My bag was obviously still full with my costume and some other items so the security guard who checked it asked if I was working. I found it strange since most Epcot Cast Members wouldn't come in by way of the International Gateway, especially as a guest, but I didn't make a fuss I just politely said, "no" and continued on.

I immediately strutted off to Norway to go take a boat journey with the spirit of Norw-erm Olaf, Anna, Elsa and the rest.

Click to watch!

It's fun. I gotta admit. I do still miss Maelstrom though.

After I popped into Kringla to get some Schoolbread. Forever my favorite World Showcase snack. Well... that and the cute Norwegian boy who rang me up hehe

Once I ate that, I noticed I still had time to catch one of the Awesome Mix Live shows so I went all the way to America to go see that.

Click to watch

There were some cast changes and I really enjoyed them, especially Starlord's new friend. Starlord was truly serving in so many ways.

I also got a full video of my favorite part of the show. It's also my favorite song to get on Mission: BREAKOUT! I'm predictable.

Click to watch!

After that, I headed out. Once I got back to Vista, I had some late night ramen that became a staple of my program (and now I'm suddenly craving it), talked with roommate, bought tickets for Toy Story 4 which was premiering in two days but they had the Springs premiere tomorrow and somehow I managed to find a seat. Bless. I still had another stock shift much like today's before, but I was gonna go all out for this premiere.

June 20th, 2019

Another day, another stocking shift, BUT...


I was so pumped and excited about it. I couldn't wait.

But of course, I had to put in the work.

I was changing out of my costume after work so I picked up my costume pieces for the day, changed and headed over to Sunset to clock in.

When I clocked in and went to check the Stock board, I immediately noticed they hadn't changed anything from the day before. I tried tracking down a coordinator and eventually found out that the stock coordinator had called out that day so they didn't have an assignment for me. They didn't have any assignments for any stockers. Luckily they figured it out and was put in Once Zone 2, which is the side of the store closest to the entrance to Sunset (aka the non Carthay side). It's definitely the bigger and busier side, especially since Zone 1 can have two stockers if they want someone solely on the Wall. The Wall by the way is the t-shirt wall and you basically get to just fold shirts for your shift.

The shift turned out to be pretty exhausting. The AC on that side of the store was broken so it was hot and I was wearing long sleeves and pants. Not to mention running back and forth like a crazy person. I was living for package pick-up since I had more of a reason to spend more than a few seconds in the stockroom. My friend Caitlin from training was also stocking that day so having her around was nice to have someone I really knew even though everyone was pretty nice.

The day went by pretty fast, especially since we had a stock meeting so that snagged some minutes to chill. When I clocked out, Caitlin clocked out with me so we both walked back to costuming together.

Caitlin was going straight home while I had my TS4 plans so I got changed, returned my costume and headed back into the park.

I was on a mission to go to Toy Story Land. When I got there, I immediately got in line for Bo Peep and Woody. They had only recently started meeting at this time so I had to get in on that fun. The attendant told me they were going on break and that the wait was around 45 minutes which was fine. I picked the latest show I could find so I had time.

Eventually I was meeting the love birds together for the first time and what ensued was one of the most hilarious and adorable meets ever.

Sooo to be honest, I really was only there to meet Bo. I just love strong female characters and she immediately took my hand when I went to meet them so I was gagged. I was talking about how amazing she was and how she didn't need a man and unfortunately it made Woody sad. I tried to make up for it but as a result I kinda just insulted him. Bo was living for me though. Totally a wild, but fun M&G and the photos are even more hysterical.

After meeting them, I decided I needed food so I went to Woody's Lunch Box for some totchos and ate them as I went out to catch the bus to Springs.

Apparently I noted about a cute baby at the bus stop so I thought I'd share that.

I didn't have any major bus issues since I gave myself plenty of time to make it to my showing. I managed to wander Springs a bit when I got there.

I picked up a Mango Dragonfruit Refresher from Starbucks and watched a few performing acts. I had to stop for Dre-C since I immediately was brought back to my first program seeing the hot guitarist.

Click to watch!


Kalinka was also out going off on her violin or cello or whatever. I caught "Call Me Maybe", "I Will Survive" and some other bops.

Click to watch!

Eventually, it was time to see Toy Story 4!

Click to watch!

I was by myself so not much happened besides the usual getting popcorn and such. I also ran into a friend from my first program, Isabelle. She was in the same showing but headed to another level, but we hugged and chatted for a second since she was getting in an elevator lol I didn't see her again during my program, but it was nice seeing someone like that.

It was time to see Toy Story 4. A film I came in with not great feelings about since I thought Toy Story 3 was the perfect ending to the franchise and likewise one of if not the best Pixar films of all-time.

My thoughts?

I really liked it. It still felt like an afterthought but it was fun and tugged at the heartstrings just right. I really hope we don't get another. We'd just be beating a dead horse at that point. Let the toys' fates be what they are.

I was feeling the need for some Ducky and Bunny plush so I decided to see if WoD was open and I could buy some but I was too late so I headed to the bus stop to catch a bus back to Vista.

I had just missed it when I got there and was waiting around a bit. I talked to some ICPs who were confused about EHH and HOH. For the record, EHH (Extra Hub Hours) are those shifts you pick up elsewhere on the hub or by trading or picking up on the shift trade pages. HOH or Heart of House is another position in merchandise and they work overnight restocking the stockrooms. I'll probably mention them a bit later on.

Eventually the bus came and I was back home at Vista soon enough. When I got back, I went on the hub to check out the Pandora and TSL cast member events someone had mentioned at work. Both lands were gonna be open either before or after park hours for CMs only for us to enjoy all the attractions with minimal waits. I OBVIOUSLY signed up for both and then passed out.

10 hour stocking shift tomorrow!

June 21st, 2019

I work up fairly early since I had quite the stocking shift ahead for me. I knew preemptively I would not be doing anything fun after these shifts. I would not have the energy.

I showed up to work in costume and immediately headed to Sunset when I got to Studios. I clocked in and found out I was put in Beverly ONCE AGAIN (I told you I was here a lot) where I was on the Pixar side which was pretty calm since IT WAS THE OFFICIAL TOY STORY 4 PREMIERE DAY and Beverly had all the exclusive premiere stuff. We had the Dooney & Bourkes as well as the Bo Peep costume, but not the Magic Bands that everyone wanted. Yeah, weird. Two of my co-workers, Angelica and Taylor got to wear the Bo Peep costume to merchantain. Super cool.

Miss Ada, the sweet grandma of Sunset who gave everyone hugs, was wearing a Bo Peep bow and saying "Hey howdy hey happy Toy Story day!" to every guest who walked in. An absolute angel.

I also apparently met one of the leaders of Galaxy's Edge merchandise on this day. I don't even remember this happening which is crazy. I'm now really wondering who it was that I met since I knew all the Galaxy Edge merch leaders since I WORKED THERE. Gosh, I should've put a name in my notes.

For the most part, it was a pretty normal day for me. I didn't close or do anything majorly new. They however did pull me off stock at the end of the night for the Fantasmic dump which is when Fantasmic empties out and guests overrun our store (it's why the Sunset stores stay open an hour after park close). That was fun since I'd never gotten any time on the register since training.

After that, I clocked out and went home. My house was empty so I chilled until Zach got home then I went to bed. 10 hours is no joke.

Thank goodness I had a closing shift the next day so I could rest it off.

June 22nd, 2019

When I woke up on this day, I had some time before my shift so I actually vacuumed our room and then cleaned the apartment. I liked being productive like that at this point.

Eventually I did leave for my shift started at 4:30, which also meant I'd actually be closing tonight! First time doing that.

I did go into the park beforehand because why not?

I first went over to go see Muppets since that always had no wait and my appreciation just grows with each viewing.

I had time after so I also watched the TS4 preview although I had already seen the movie. What else was I to do?

Before heading to work, I popped to the Toy Story Mania dump shop to get a Ducky plush like I had wanted the night before. I had a nice conversation with the cast members there about it, but I had to bounce since it was almost time to clock in.

I slipped backstage and back to Sunset in no time. I don't remember where I was stocking on this day, but it was a pretty easy night. I was actually commended by one of my coordinators for knowing what I was doing. Feels good to hear that. I also had a nice conversation with some guests, two grandparents who were looking for some toys for their grandsons. I think we ended up choosing some cool Cars cars for them. It was pretty rainy on this day and there was lightning too so Fantasmic got cancelled that night which made closing even easier although I soon realized I really wasn't really a closer that night.

It was on this day I also became good friends with Stefani. You'll see her pop up a bit more from time to time. She offered me a ride home on this night, which was so nice and I got to hang with her and Celia, an ICP on Sunset. It was feeling reassuring that these friendships were coming easy this time.

I had made it through my first work week and was off the next day. My Taurus self needed true rest before another day of shenanigans. Stick around.


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I love reading about your training & first days at work!

I am obsessed with Ada!!! She saved my hair day when we were in DHS in December 2018 and my hair tie broke--she hunted down rubber bands for me until she found some in the back and sent me on my way with several. The absolute sweetest!
I love reading about your training & first days at work!

Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!

I am obsessed with Ada!!! She saved my hair day when we were in DHS in December 2018 and my hair tie broke--she hunted down rubber bands for me until she found some in the back and sent me on my way with several. The absolute sweetest!

One of my favorite cast members ever. She is just as wonderful to her fellow cast members as she is to guests (believe it or not that can sometimes not be the case), which is a testament to how genuinely caring, kind and generous she is. I have so many more Ada stories to come. I'm so glad to hear you've met her before. She is a Godsend.

So fun to hear about your behind-the-scenes adventures! Thank you for sharing with us!

I'm glad you enjoyed them! I really want to be as open as I can be for those looking to be cast members in the future and potentially in the merchandise role since I think it is one of the best you can take on at Disney.
The Famed Purple Crayon
6/23/19: Yet Another Monorail Parks Day

I woke up and for some reason felt another day at the Magic Kingdom felt proper today. Every time I look at these notes I swear it was another time when I would visit MK so much. I believe I brought my DSLR with me on this day so that might've had something to do with it.

I had a quick little lunch before heading to the most magical kingdom of them all. On the way there, I made Fastpasses for the Jungle Cruise, Tinkerbell in Town Square Theater and Big Thunder.

My guess is I got there by way of the Contemporary and when I got to the park, the first thing I ended up doing was going straight to Liberty Square and I decided to visit Mary Poppins. People usually don't realize where she meets so it was a rather short wait.

She was practically perfect in every way. We even got to talking about having a tea party in the clouds. So wonderful.

After I met Mary, I headed on back to Main Street where I caught my favorite the Trolley Show in their summer gear which was the reason I brought my DSLR on this day.

Once I was finished watching the Trolley show, I decided to check out which rare characters were meeting in Town Square. I was really hoping for the Robin Hood characters, but it was Chicken Little so I thought why not? Although I haven't seen the movie I was sure I'd be back to catch the other rare characters they were sending out to the flag pole during the summer.

I don't remember much about the interaction. I just told them I was very excited to meet them and I believe we mentioned something about the sky falling. One thing that felt in theme. They were really cute and fun and I really love our photo together.

It was then time for my Fastpass at Jungle Cruise so I went over there to do that. The standby wasn't too long as is so FP went pretty quickly.

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

From what I remember, I hadn't had many good cruises on the Jungle Cruise before I left my first program but thank goodness for Skipper Landon. He was my Skipper on this cruise and he was HILARIOUS. He made a lot of really funny pop culture references that had me dying. I know one had to do with the Kardashians and another a meme. It was so refreshing. I gave him a cast compliment later.

After my week long cruise, I decided to grab a Dole Whip and head inside the Tiki Room for some more Adventureland fun.

Click to watch!

By the time I had done all that, it was almost time for FoF but I also was hungry. I first went to Friar's Nook thinking I could get my Pot Roast Mac N Cheese but found out on this day that the days of Mac N Cheese at the Nook were OVER. It was all tater tots now. I was so upset and I was pressed for time.

I went to Golden Oak Outpost instead and got... Chili Cheese WAFFLE Fries. Again I'm predictable, but they were good as all my chili cheese concoctions had been.

I rushed over to step-off by Splash to find a spot. Of course, right as I got there I was pushed off to the side by some CMs as they had a stretcher coming through heading over to Splash Mountain. They were there and gone and I managed to grab a spot in direct sunlight for the parade.

Luckily for me, while I waited and ate my food this put me in the perfect spot to get the FoF sign that Photopass would carry for photos. I had been really good about getting photos with these so I asked as soon as he came by.

Unluckily for me, the direct sunlight made it almost unbearable sitting there. The water I brought with me on the regular was not enough. We were truly hitting peak summer in FL.

Eventually, my plight with the heat was over and the parade began!

It was really fun as always but I was watching all those performers with such concern. I felt so bad for them. It really was THAT hot. Like I know in prior days they had had an abbreviated Festival just because they'd have performers passing out left and right. Even today, certain aspects of the parade were slightly modified. Mad props to them.

Once FoF had ended, it was time to go visit Tink in TST with my FP so I went thattaways.

I stopped by Sir Mickey's to get pixie dusted along the way.

It was when I finally found my way to meeting Tink that I realized this was my first time meting her since they cut Photopass and added what I will only describe as the Demon Box so that was weird having that. I watched the other families and guests meeting her and was just so not about it. It was for this reason I definitely made a point of giving my phone to the attendant.

We had a lot of fun fairy talk with Tink. I don't remember the topics but it was really fun. I brought my DSLR so of course I got my own separate pics of her, probably won't clog this with those like with the other characters. It was during that that she pulled out the iconic purple crayon and so I ended up asking for a photo with that and got one of my favorite photos ever.

It was such a fun time with her in her nook. I definitely left flying on pixie dust.

After Tink, I decided to sign Mickey's Celebration Book. I was there obviously so I needed to get my name down and I also wanted to see what those little birthday cards had in them. The cards were pretty cute, but were mostly just a checklist of all the special things they were doing for the celebration so it wasn't anything particularly cool.

I started to head out of the park after signing the book. I came across the Dapper Dans doing a set by the train station.

Click to watch!

Always cute. I turned around from them and saw Snow with little wait so I decided to go meet her.

It was a really awkward and quick meet. I wish I could explain it better but it meant I was in and out.

Truly time to leave now.

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When In Epcot, We Watch Movies From Around The World
6/23/19: Yet Another Monorail Parks Day

Once again I was back on that lovely monorail headed to Epcot. Because of my decision to leave when I did, I ended up cancelling that BTMRR FP I had made that morning. No plan to go back to catch that anymore.

When I got the station outside MK, I noticed that the express monorail was super backed up almost to the exit to MK so I hopped on the resort monorail which was essentially empty by comparison.

I had a whole cabin to myself at one point which meant...

Click to watch!

Just kidding.

Click to watch!


When I got to the TTC, I had just missed the monorail that arrived a little bit before I got there, but I caught the next one which wasn't too far behind so it wasn't too too much waiting.

At Epcot, I decided today would be the day that I would try and see as many of the World Showcase films as I could so that was the definitive plan for the day.

On finally entering the park, I went directly to Club Cool to get the Fanta Melon Frosty. I was really craving some refreshment like that.

First, some Millennium Celebration bops:

Click to watch!

Unfortunately by the time I got there, THERE WAS NONE LEFT. No Fanta at all. I was so upset. Of course, it wouldn't be there when I needed it most. Fanta was the equivalent of most men in my life at the moment. *ahem* Anyways, I got the Vegibeta and Sparberry instead. Didn't hit the spot like Fanta but at least they were there. Like a lot of other men in my life. *AHEM*

Moving on, I started my World Showcase trek on the Canada side to start my journey seeing O'Canada. Good thing I did this then as it would be closing down not too long after for the new Canada film that replaced it. I got there early enough that I happened to be there for their special trivia they did before and I GOT ONE RIGHT. I easily could've gotten two of them, but I got the one about Tim Horton's. The other was Justin Trudeau. I forget what the third was but I mean, I ended up with a voucher for a free sleeve of popcorn. WE LOVE FREE FOOD!!

Eventually it was time for a journey around Canada with Martin Short. In Circle-Vision.

Click to watch!

I really liked this one. Canada is the only country outside of the United States I've actually been to and I adore many Canadian celebrities so it just boded well with me. Also Martin Short is quite entertaining.

After O'Canada I headed on over to France to see Impressions de France. On the way there, I happened by the UK where I saw yet another stretcher being pulled through the area. No clue what was going on with people today. Drink water, friends, please.

I went right on in to Impressions de France after that, the only one of the original World Showcase films left at the moment (if you can catch it).

Click to watch!

First off, French boys need to stop being so friggin cute.

Second off, what a relaxing film. I loved the theater this one was in and the music that was played. I totally forgot how many wonderful French classical composers there were. They also played some pieces that were featured in Gaite Parisienne, a dance production I had taken part in during one of my last semesters at Skidmore. Brought back really great memories. I think O'Canada was still my favorite but I really enjoyed this one too.

Once I left France, I went straight to the American Adventure to see Awesome Mix Live and to get some photos on my DSLR.

It was a really fun show this time, even more-so than before. The main soloist was going hard for those high notes, it was really impressive. I also had some cast changes again. The crowd was also super hype. So great. I was really loving this show more and more with each viewing.

From there, I walked all the way to China to catch the last of the World Showcase films. I had already seen The American Adventure a long while ago and I don't really count it as one of the films since it's a bit more involved than that, but China was the last one I needed to see so I would technically complete my venture after today! If only I really had watched the Norway film when it was there.

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

I don't remember too too much about this film. The cast member there was adorable and had such a great energy. My dream is to visit Asia, especially to see the Disney Parks over there and the film just reminded me how much more there is to the country of China. Oh I want to go to Shanghai so bad.

With that, I had completed my trek! I saw all the World Showcase films. In terms of those three, I think O'Canada was still my favorite. It was the more modern of the three and the most fun. Also, my heritage and experiences are biased lol

I left World Showcase having finished that trek and went to the now opened Leave A Legacy area and got a photo of Ducky, who I had just realized I brought with me, for an introductory photo! You'll be seeing a lot more of him in the coming days.

After that quick photo sesh, I decided to go ride Spaceship Earth, my favorite.

It was a fun ride as always but there were so many broken cars on the track. I don't know what was going on. The attraction is just in desperate need of a refurb (and thank goodness one is coming its way even if it means I won't see it for a long long time).

From SE, I went over to Fountain View to grab myself a Strawberry Acai pick-me-up.

After that, I stopped in MouseGear and decided to go get the Figment pillow pet I had seen around. Upon inspection, I realized I didn't like it's set up. The ridges and wings just seemed to uncomfortable to sleep on so I ended up purchasing Angel instead.

Angel in hand, I decided it was time to leave and I popped backstage to catch the bus back to Vista once again. I listened to Taylor Swift the whole ride home.

When I got back, I chilled for a bit, caught up on the DIS and eventually fell asleep. I had another day off the next day and this one had quite a few plans in store for it so the rest was necessary.

See ya later for that!

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OMG! LOVE pole dancing on the monorail. And I thought I was the only one...LOL!

After I popped into Kringla to get some Schoolbread. Forever my favorite World Showcase snack. Well... that and the cute Norwegian boy who rang me up hehe
LOVE this and get it almost every time I visit Epcot.

when I got to the park, the first thing I ended up doing was going straight to Liberty Square and I decided to visit Mary Poppins. People usually don't realize where she meets so it was a rather short wait.
We just did this in March and I had no idea she was there until we literally stumbled upon her.
Wow the meet and greets! Awesome as always, some unusual characters. Golden Oak Outpost...a fave of yours for many years but what??? no chicken breast nuggets??:poop::scared1:. Poor parade performers...that sounded brutal. Did I miss the photo of Angel?? Looking forward to more 'Ducky'.

I don't mind lots of updates, in fact you could stretch this out until Disney is reopened and you are back to your dream job.
I'm still working from home as I have been for years, our medical providers are doing telehealth but I'm taking on some additional duties since many people actually in the office are on standby.

The little time I have not cooking, caring for those in the household and working ( a spare 3.5 minutes per day :rotfl:) I've been reading a few reports in that brief time.
Love seeing my alter-ego at the meet and greet, happy you like the purple crayon.:laughing:
These pictures were great! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed them. And :welcome:

OMG! LOVE pole dancing on the monorail. And I thought I was the only one...LOL!

Haha, I mean... how can you NOT?!

LOVE this and get it almost every time I visit Epcot.

It's so so good. I'm lowkey craving one right now.

We just did this in March and I had no idea she was there until we literally stumbled upon her.

She keeps on being moved around. She has been at the hub grass, the main street station and now where Tiana used to meet long long ago. They just keep her so very elusive.

Wow the meet and greets! Awesome as always, some unusual characters. Golden Oak Outpost...a fave of yours for many years but what??? no chicken breast nuggets??:poop::scared1:. Poor parade performers...that sounded brutal. Did I miss the photo of Angel?? Looking forward to more 'Ducky'.

I was really craving those chili cheese waffle fries. I am so sorry to you and high school Timmy.

I didn't take a photo of her. I believe I have one later in this report. Don't worry she'll pop up soon enough.

I don't mind lots of updates, in fact you could stretch this out until Disney is reopened and you are back to your dream job.
I'm still working from home as I have been for years, our medical providers are doing telehealth but I'm taking on some additional duties since many people actually in the office are on standby.

Honestly, that might be the plan. Granted once I start working again I might get even further behind so I am rush rush-rushiiiinnnnggg.

The little time I have not cooking, caring for those in the household and working ( a spare 3.5 minutes per day :rotfl:) I've been reading a few reports in that brief time.
Love seeing my alter-ego at the meet and greet, happy you like the purple crayon.:laughing:

I'm glad you can still keep yourselves occupied. It's very difficult for most of us.

Lol, we love Tink so so much. The perfect alter-ego hehe
Dreaming Of Beastly Kingdom On Nature Walks
6/24/19: Disney's Animal Kingdom & Toy Story Land Cast Event

As I mentioned before, today was a big day because IT WAS THE DAY OF THE TOY STORY LAND CAST EVENT!! Yup, late late tonight it would be me and a few of my closest cast member strangers enjoying the land for ourselves. I was SOOOO SIKED.

However, I had a whole day to do whatever until then so I decided today would be a good day to visit DAK and that is where we start our day.

At DAK, skipping the usual arrival mumbo jumbo and whatever, I apparently went straight to go meet Chip and Dale in their special Dino Bash outfits.

Usually I have good interactions with Chip and Dale but my brain kinda shut off with them and it was just awkward. They were just doing whatever while I just stood there not able to speak or motion or whatever. I know they really liked the shirt I was wearing and were mimicing all the Hercules poses they could, but I was just lost in it clearly. The character attendant just could not get good photos. But at least I can check meeting them in these cute outfits off the list in an equally cute outfit. I got a lot of compliments on my outfit choice for the day.

After Chip and Dale, I went right on over to Everest. Unfortunately it was down for the moment so instead I went over to the Maharajah Jungle Trek instead.

They unfortunately had the open portion with the bats closed off so I didn't get to do my favorite part but I'm really glad I spent some time in those nature trails. They are so lovely.

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Before returning to Everest, I decided to hit up the new Up bird show.

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Normally I'd give the energy here to actually call the Up show something more than it is but it was so dull and whacky. Way too childish. Not to mention, a woman passed out on me during this show. That was... exciting. Not a good memory there.

I returned to Everest and ended up riding it three times in a row. True old fashioned Timmy at it again with the Yeti. The best time was with the British woman who had no clue what she was getting into and was terrified. Really fun watching her freak out after the backwards portion.

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I decided after that to check out the Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail, formerly known as the Pangani Exploration Trail. My first time doing that one. I'm guessing it was pretty cool. I don't remember too too much besides the meerkats. We are truly Timon stans here in this here report.

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After that, it was time for some grub so I went to my former favorite Quick Service at DAK, the Flame Tree Barbecue. It's still one of my favorites but Satul'i definitely took its place.

I don't remember what I got on this day exactly, but it was definitely good and I got a lovely view from that seating area out there. Flame Tree definitely beats any other QS in terms of seating. It was also here that I managed to find a straggler of a FoP fastpass so I snatched that up so for once I didn't have to wait in line!

Once I was filled up, I hopped on over from there into the Discovery Trading Post to go get a mystery pin.

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I'd already lost some pins on my cast lanyard at work so I decided that I might as well just buy a new one to replace since they were dropping like flies and I'd only been there for so long. The cast member who rang me up was super pumped to see what I got, more than me who didn't care since I'd be trading it away anyways but I loved her enthusiasm.

From there, I made my way to Festival of the Lion King where I last minute got a spot in the giraffe section. My only note on this showing this time around was how funny Keume was, but that was it lol

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I had another fastpass that I apparently snagged today for Kali River Rapids so I had to do something before that. I mostly just wandered before grabbing a locker and then getting in line. FP however was super backed up like REALLY backed up. The standby was around 2 hours if I recall correctly. I think it was around 20 or 30 minutes for FP. Unfortunately, I got stuck behind some really annoying teens who just were driving me nuts. I even rode with them. So bothered.

As far as Kali the ride itself was concerned, it definitely is not what it used to feel like to me. So many effects missing or not working properly, don't like getting soaked, as I did. Thank goodness it was hot out and I dried off rather quickly as I made my way back over to Pandora.

On my way there, I started really noticing the Beastly Kingdom stuff. I really took some time to notice it. It's so cool how much remnants of what could've been still exist even with where it was supposed to be being taken over by a totally different property.

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In Pandora, I just hung out and relaxed. I needed a bit of a break and to spend more time in the sun to truly dry off. After I hung out there, I eventually went over to Creature Comforts to get some Strawberry Acai and then back over to use my Flight of Passage FP.

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The Flight of Passage FP system might be one of the best ones they have. You literally get right on the ride with it. I ended up at my usual number 8 and female Avatar once again. Other than that, I also watched a guy who had difficulty getting into the ride vehicle have difficulty getting out. Poor dude.

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I was cutting it close to my TSL event time so I booked it out of the park after my FP and caught a bus over to the BoardWalk to walk over to Studios for the event. Stay tuned for a particularly fun evening!

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How I Became Andy's Favorite Toy
6/24/19: Disney's Animal Kingdom & Toy Story Land Cast Event

It was definitely quite the journey going to TSL. It might've been in poor taste to go to DAK on this day rather than maybe have split it so I had been at DHS in the evening, but instead I was rushing. Breakneck speed to the bus stop to catch the bus to the BoardWalk then almost getting off at the Yacht & Beach Club instead.

I did make it to the BoardWalk with a decent amount of time to walk over to DHS.

On the way there, I caught the hula hoop girl doing her thing out on the Walk.

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I took a quick detour to the restroom where I happened to run into a guy who was talking to himself. Real weird. I was in and out of there really fast.

I then was able to just enjoy the energy of the night in general as I made my way to DHS.

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I got to the entrance of DHS to check in for the event at the perfect time. My event time was 10:30 to 10:45pm and I ended up there right at 10:30pm. Impeccable work on my part.

And look who was joining us this evening!

Ducky and I were so excited. Not just to ride some great attractions with no wait, but to also get some cool nighttime photos of Toy Story Land with very little people around.

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The layout of the event was that you could wander the land as much as you wanted to but you had one pass to ride Slinky Dog and another to ride Aliens Swirling Saucers. I really loved Slinky Dog so obviously I went there first.

Walking through the line at Slinky Dog, I ran into my friend Dana who had just been trained on the ride. We hadn't seen each other in a minute so it was pretty cool seeing her.

It was so much fun riding I decided to go back around since the wait was so short to see if I could do it again. Little did I know what a monster that would create in me...

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They ended up letting me ride it a total of 5 times. The cast loved me and I proudly proclaimed I was "Andy's favorite toy" while passing Dana and when I also saw some co-workers at the event. Yup, I'm truly a diva.

I decided after the fifth time I'd run over to ride Aliens Swirling Saucers where my friend Emilio was working. Emilio was actually originally supposed to be my roommate but some plans fell through. I honestly wish we had let that happen considering how things went with who I lived with, but what are you gonna do?


Aliens were way more stricter about how many times you could ride since the load process takes so long and so they didn't want to push that wait. I got super cute photos on this ride and had a really nice convo with the CM at load.

It wasn't super bad when I rode it but I could see the line near doubled when I got off so it was one I had no interest in doing again, whether they let me or not.

I still had time and checking the bus schedule, I thought why not fit in one more Slinky Dog run?

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For the record, still Andy's favorite and the cast over there just loved to see me.

After I got off my sixth run on Slinky Dog, I took a few quick photos around the land and then headed out.

It was about 11:45pm at this point. The time at which I finally caught the bus out of Studios was at 12:07am. I definitely had a long day and tomorrow it was back to work on a register shift. I hadn't been at a register in so so long it felt so I was super nervous, but excited to get a break from stocking. Time to get hyped for that (or sleep... depends on if you're the reader or reliving this situation lol).

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Both lands were gonna be open either before or after park hours for CMs only for us to enjoy all the attractions with minimal waits.
That is so cool that they do that for you guys!!
Fanta was the equivalent of most men in my life at the moment.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
during one of my last semesters at Skidmore
:eek: OMG! I spent every summer at Skidmore from 2012-2020! There's a summer dance program run by NY State that I went to as a student and then I worked at as a counselor (we lived in Wait, Wiecking, and McLellan). That's so crazy!
I'm really glad I spent some time in those nature trails. They are so lovely.
We really wanted to try the trails last time but didn't have time. I'm not the biggest nature person - but when the trails are concrete I am all in :rotfl2:
Not to mention, a woman passed out on me during this show
Oh no - first the ECV and now a woman passing out? That is not it!!
That is so cool that they do that for you guys!!

It was really fun, but sometimes in all honesty they can end up be not really that worth it. Especially for someone like me who figures out ways to do all the new and fun stuff.

Thank you for appreciating my niche sense of humor.

:eek: OMG! I spent every summer at Skidmore from 2012-2020! There's a summer dance program run by NY State that I went to as a student and then I worked at as a counselor (we lived in Wait, Wiecking, and McLellan). That's so crazy!

Omg, really? I wonder if you knew any of the dance professors I worked with or any dance majors that I knew. Not sure if they were ever involved with a summer program, maybe my tap instructor. She was the one I knew who spent a lot of time around Saratoga during the summer. I never lived in Wiecking or McLellan (thank God on the second one), but I did live in Wait my last semester living in the dorms. Jonsson Tower (or JoTo) is still my favorite, not sure if you ever went inside there. But wow, small world.

We really wanted to try the trails last time but didn't have time. I'm not the biggest nature person - but when the trails are concrete I am all in :rotfl2:

It depends on my mood for me and what kind of nature. I love DAK's nature, it's so comforting and relaxing to me and those nature trails are lovely. If you have time on a future trip, give them a shot.

Oh no - first the ECV and now a woman passing out? That is not it!!

I have worse stories. Much worse. Just you wait.
Let's Begin the Beguine!
6/25 - 6/30/19: Another Week on Sunset Boulevard

June 25th, 2019

It was back to work once again and today was gonna be my first register shift! It was also my first shift at Ranch/TOTS. In case I forgot or you need a refresher, Ranch/TOTS shift is a different costume which we call "Mud" for men and "Sunflower" for women. It covers all the outdoor areas of Sunset, which include Ranch pins and the cart across from Theater of the Stars. I was really excited to not be stocking inside nor be stocking period and just enjoying a register.

It was a pretty good shift. I spent most of my time at Ranch pins which is way more fun than the cart since you aren't alone. Being alone at the cart can be stressful. I got to work with a lot of coworkers I ended up working with quite a bit later on. One of my favorite coordinators was also around training another coordinator who turned out to be one of my new leaders. I got quite a few new leaders in my short time on Sunset.

The only crazy thing that happened was when we had a thunder situation which resulted in TOTS closing up early and both closers being at Ranch. It was a pretty smooth move, especially since it was only thunder and no rain which meant we didn't have to do much in terms of adjusting Ranch to be ready for the thunder.

The only negative of Ranch/TOTS is it can be really hot out there in the summer but that's Florida for ya. The other negative was I forgot my headphones on this day so I had quite the long bus ride home staring into the abyss. Luckily, it made it much easier for me to sleep since my Pandora event was the next morning and I had to get up super early to make that, not to mention having to go to work soon after. Wish me luck on that day!

June 26th, 2019

Following the amazingness that was the Toy Story Land event, I now was getting up bright-eyed and bushy tailed for the event at Pandora. Real early too since the bus to DAK took FOREVER. I miss when the route had DAK as the second stop not the last before going back to the apartment complexes. Luckily I almost loved Pandora more than TSL so it was gonna be worth it.

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Long story short, it really wasn't.

The Pandora event instead of being like TSL with having unlimited rides on each ride, you rode each once and had to leave. Part of it was that they had to get all of us out before the park opened, but also the nature of Flight of Passage where they didn't allow you to skip the endless pre-show. I was annoyed. I'd already been on FoP and NRJ enough at regular hours with similar conditions, it felt worthless.

A positive was that I ran into Matthew, a CP friend from when I worked at Disneyland in DCA Custodial who was doing his CP here as a Character Attendant. It was cool talking to him and his friend from Australia as we left Pandora.

As soon as I got back to Vista, I went right back to sleep. My shift wasn't until very late so I needed to catch up on the Zzs badly. Unfortunately, only so many Zzs to catch after an early action-packed morning.

I did manage to wake up prior to my shift so I stopped in Studios for some Walt Disney Presents, Muppets and Strawberry Acai. OH and Olaf too.

I was working my first Once Upon A Time register shift so I was back inside and actually having to be an official closer on this evening.

A lot more excitement this shift. I helped my ICP friend, Nam, with trivia since she wasn't very good at thinking up factoids to quiz guests on whereas I had a ton so I gave her one. She did need help so she was constantly coming up to the register to ask me about it, which I was more than happy to help with.

I was moved around a bit more, at different registers across the store as well as the Pandora accessories which was awkward and stressful since I wasn't too familiar with them. I never really got the chance to get familiar with them during my time on Sunset. Eric, another CP, and Stefani were there so they got my back, but we all were struggling.

I also had another good guest interaction where I got to talk about the DCP. They actually had no idea so they were quite entranced with what I had to say. Again, we love positives.

Closing was definitely a struggle. I was put on softlines, which is essentially sizing and organizing all the clothing items offered in the store minus the t-shirt wall. I kinda rushed it and just didn't really know what I was doing but I finished on time anyways. Alex, another CP, finished with me so we clocked out together and began to leave but we saw Eric was still sticking around to finish his task with the hangers which were A MESS. We wanted to stay to help but we'd already clocked out so we had to leave.

We did all re-meet up again at the bus since it didn't come until after Eric had been able to clock out so we all rode home together. It was a much more entertaining bus ride than the day before and I didn't need my headphones since Alex and Eric were more than willing to talk. I got home the latest ever after 1am so it was right to bed. I was back at it again the next day.

June 27th, 2019

Today was another 10 hour shift stocking. I didn't write much about it other than that it was not fun. I'm guessing I was back in Beverly. I also was a closer even though I wasn't there late enough to actually close but I was unfortunately put on three assignments that were quite the effort to finish. I mean, Beverly was still open when I left and they had to be finished yet they couldn't cause the store was still open. It made no sense. I was happy to be out of there on this day.

It didn't get much better on the bus since it was right after most locations closed so it was packed but I definitely shoved my way to a much needed seat. The next day was a shorter shift and boy did I need it.

June 28th, 2019

I was back to stocking once again and this was honestly a really nice shift. I was working with my friend from training, Morgan, so I felt way more at ease than normal. She also had already started picking up or trading for other locations and worked at Blizzard Beach, which she really liked. She said it's super quiet over there but everything has a security tag which made it annoying when having to ring people up. I wasn't sure if I wanted to work the water parks and seeing as they were slow I probably wouldn't like it, but this definitely gave me the drive to actually start looking to pick up elsewhere.

My shift was actually in Once Zone 1, which was easily my favorite spot after this shift. There was the cutest little princess running around the plush wall while I stocked it and so I got down on her level and got her to hug some plushes. She was so cute and just made my day. A reminder that I might actually want kids lol

There also was a baby named after Aurora that I came upon, I could've cried. Honestly, not opposed to naming my child that or Briar Rose.

My shift of course ended before closing and I went right home to comfort myself with Sprite, Ramen and my own company. I tried to trade for another TOTS shift since stocking was so back and forth, but to no avail. I fell asleep not long after. I was ready for it.

June 29th, 2019

I was once again back at floorstocking at Beverly again. Yay.

I originally was put at the t-shirt wall at Once, which I was loving, but was moved to the Pixar side of Beverly. It was so boring and just really dragged. Thank goodness it was another shorter shift so I didn't have to be there too too long.

I quickly changed out of my costume when my shift ended and bugged a ton of my co-workers including Alexis, Robbie, Sam, Blakely, boy Alex and many others. I don't know why I did it but it resulted in me starting to become really good friends with Robbie and Alexis at the time.

I then left Studios and walked to Epcot.

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When I got there, I went straight to Canada where I used my free popcorn voucher I won on my last day off from the trivia at O'Canada. The hankering was real.

I either waited in standby or nabbed a FP upon leaving Studios for Soarin' so I rode that in the front row which was lovely.

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I also had heard about the special Limited Edition Spaceship Earth pin that was released on this day so I went to go pick that up at Pin Central where I met the sweetest CM who was actually on EHH and wasn't at her home location. She thanked me for all the magic I made. Cue tears.


After I got the pin, I of course had to ride the aforementioned attraction.

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It was time to go home so I headed out, another day of this program under my belt.

June 30th, 2019

It was the end of my work week. FINALLY.

I had a later Ranch/TOTS shift on this day so I went to the park beforehand to kill time before I had to change and clock-in for work.

I got some more replacement pins for my lanyard, including a new LE pin, as well as finally got a photo with the Rainbow Mickey photo op they had for Pride month (with an accompanying Rainbow Self-Acceptance shirt nonetheless).

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I went by Star Tours and saw my roommate Lucas again.

It was about time for work, but I picked up a Mango Dragonfruit Lemonade refresher before heading backstage to change for work.

I also tried the Hamm cookie they had. It was very thick and a bit too sweet for my liking, I like a lighter shortbread style cookie than a full blown overly stuffed sugar cookie.

It was a cool day to be working since it was exactly a month out from Galaxy's Edge opening so they had a special cast gift as well as a photo op backstage. I had the time so I took full advantage of that. It also gives me the opportunity to show you in my third and final Sunset costume, the Ranch one.

I don't know why I'm holding the saber more like a baseball bat than anything.

The cast gift they had for us was a lightsaber themed pen that said Star Wars Galaxy's Edge on it. You didn't know which color saber you got until you turned it on. I believe there was a blue one, a red one then the one I got which was white which is the purified crystal. We also got a holographic promotional card that featured Savi's workshop. What a coinkydink hehe

I hung out in Take 5, the cast cafeteria behind sunset, with another co-worker of mine Miranda before clocking in.

It seemed like today would be a good day but not even a few minutes into my shift, that all went to the wind.

If you know summers at Disney, you KNOW about the insane amount of tour groups. They are everywhere and they are aggressive. I had dealt with them on minor levels but here I felt the brunt force.

I was put at the TOTS cart from the start of my shift and after bumping who was there before for their break, I suddenly got MOBBED by a huge group of girls who all needed water bottles. They had crowded around the cart and were literally shoving dollar bills in my face as I rang them up. The fact I didn't have a panic attack in the midst of all this and got through each transaction was beyond me. It was so scary. The two outdoor stockers, Caitlin and Elizabeth, both CPs saw this happening and I seriously yelled "Help me!" because it was SOOO overwhelming. I cannot even tell you. My coordinator even had to get involved because he could tell I could not handle this well on my own. Thanks to him and their help with restocking all the waters, I made it out in one piece. Heck I did even get yelled at because they were all headed to a FP and I wasn't going fast enough. My self-restraint was luckily in check with an impending panic attack but MY GOODNESS. Ridiculousness. Some people really need to learn some manners or realize I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE SELLING WATER BOTTLES. Awful way to start the shift but luckily that was the worst of it and it made that first half go by pretty fast.

I eventually got my break and when I went back, I was put at Ranch.

We were a bit understaffed today so I was there alone at one point and Chelsea, another coordinator, actually helped me since I was starting to get a line. I didn't really need it since the crowds kept me busy and I actually had fun. I even No-Strings'd a Powerline pin for this boy since it was his birthday and he was so friendly.

However, I had a major debacle with someone's Magic Band where it didn't go through and this woman ran off with $100+ worth of pins that she didn't pay for. It was very scary. I didn't know what to do. I told my coordinator Angelica and we had quite the time dealing with it. In the midst of that, a DVC cast member next door came over and said she was writing me a Four Keys card for how I was stepping out from behind the register to show guests my pins. Positives and negatives. Overall, a WILD day.

I never got to see a resolve to that debacle but I had to clock out. I walked to the bus with Jenny, one of my ICP friends, and came to find out she was leaving in only a few weeks from now. Kinda reminded me how quick my Disneyland CP went by with her only being there until the end of the next month.

When I got home, I had a quick snack at night and went right to bed. I was physically and mentally drained from the day I had and really needed to recharge. I had a day off but that was quite the shift. Rest was necessary. And lots of it.

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Kermit Was With Me Through All Of This, Why?
7/1/19: Cast Connection, Endgame Re-Release, etc.

It was time for another day off and I was now realizing I'd now been back at WDW for almost exactly a month. Man, how time flies!

I was taking today slowly. I woke up, got ready and headed to the Walgreens near housing to pick up a few things. After that, I decided today would be a good day to go to Cast Connection.

For those who don't know, Cast Connection is a special store for cast members and their family and friends. It is essentially another outlet for liquidation so items that were discontinued or were "damaged" in some way get sent there and are sold at a marked down price. They also have groceries there and a special cast members only area called Mickey's Treasures where the REALLY "damaged" is and those are super marked down. You'd be amazed what you'd find in there and how much you'd pay for it. It also has the adjoining Property Control which has furniture from around the resort that either got discontinued or was slightly damaged being sold for a marked down price. I never really got use out of that side but Cast Connection and Mickey's Treasures were the places to be.

I hadn't been here since I got to Florida so I preemptively knew I was gonna end up with a lot of goodies going there.

It unfortunately is quite the bus ride since it's the last stop on the K Route which covers all the All Star Resorts on top of a few others. It is a long ride, but worth it for CC. On the way there, I also bought tickets to see the re-release of Endgame. Ready to re-live the emotional trauma of that!

In the end, the damage (see what I did there) done was that I got a Kermit plush, Slinky Dog ears and a Star Wars phone case from Mickey's Treasures as well as a cool woven phone case with the Navi shaman on it. There was nothing really wrong with any of them Mickey's Treasures items. Kermit and Slinky just didn't look in the best shape, but nothing super noticeable. The Star Wars phone case packaging was trash but the case itself was in tip top shape. I was pretty satisfied with all the purchases I made.

I went back to housing to drop off all the new purchases, but decided to take Kermit with me as I went to Studios for a quick visit.

I first decided to go ride Star Tours where I ran into Lucas once again.

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After, I took some photos with Kermit outside MuppetVision because HOME and I had to stunt on DCP Kermit with that one lol

I was wearing my Captain America shirt around the park so everyone was calling me Cap. It was weird since I totally don't wear it because I vibe with him, but because... I want to be the Bucky to his Steve, ya know? Hehe

I also did Voyage of the Little Mermaid on this day because why not? It's a pretty meh show but it's a nice diversion. I was getting really annoyed this time cus this woman was on her phone THE ENTIRE SHOW. How rude and inconsiderate can you be to do that? UGH.

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When I got out of VotLM, I noticed that the sky was beginning to darken so I headed out and caught a bus to Springs.

On the way to Springs, it did end up downpouring but it was only passing so it never became an issue when I got there. Arriving there, I went immediately to Sephora to do some browsing and swatching and fighting off the retail workers who wanted to help me so so bad. No thanks, loves, I'm doing my own thing.

I wish I had made note of which palettes I swatched because I definitely liked that first one.

I also stopped by WoD just for the fun of it. There's so much to look at in there. I will always miss the old fun and charm of the old design, but the store the way it is is fine for just getting what I need since they have EVERYTHING there.

I was hungry by now so I went off in search of food. Originally, I was gonna go to Frontera Cocina and get something from their little side window, but I ended up going to Chicken Guy instead since it was a bit closer to my final destination.

This was my first time there and I was IN LOVE. Chicken Guy only very recently opened at Springs and WOW it is good. It is just a chicken finger place but the fingers are so good and the SAUCES even better. I got my usual of honey mustard but also the special sauce and ended up being really good. The chicken was perfectly made and clearly next level to most fast food chicken fingers/tenders. I'd definitely be returning there in the future.

While enjoying my Chicken Guy by the fountain, I saw an acappella group performing where I once again fell in love with one of the male singers. Typical.

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It was time for Endgame though!

If you don't remember, Endgame had been in theaters a month before and had been going strong but because it was so popular, they did a re-release where they added deleted scenes and such. I'd only saw it once in theaters and never saw it again because it took me literal days to get over it. (I basically grew up on the Marvel films starting all the way back with Iron Man so it was a VERY emotional experience. Not to mention, I saw it around my birthday. )

This was only one of two times then that I had seen Endgame and while I still loved it and was an emotional wreck, I didn't understand the point of the re-release. The extra scenes were really unnecessary and didn't add much for me. They were unnecessary. The Far From Home scene they added in to tie in to the next Marvel film which was already released at this point (I had a ticket for it the next day). It was an odd choice what they did, but ya know, anything to see Endgame again! (Memo to me to watch it during quarantine to actually feel something)

I immediately bounced from Springs and went home after the film. I did some more trip reporting when I got home and fell asleep because to follow up Endgame, I was obviously seeing my favorite super, Mr. Peter Parker and Spider-Man the next day. Stay tuned for a continuation of a MARVEL-ous "weekend".

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Thanks for the reminder that I really need to watch Far From Home... I own it, but haven't watched it yet. Ooops!
Kermit Strikes Back With Valuable Emotional Support
7/2/19: Far From Home and Evening at MK

Following up with some Endgame emotions, it was time to see the next Marvel film, Far From Home. And all those emotions.

I was up and out the door and to Disney Springs in no time. Apparently I like to cry. A lot.

Luckily I had Kermit with me for being my emotional support friend again.

I had never tried Sprinkles before so I was really craving that on this day so I went there first.

I ended up going with a Red Velvet Sprinkles Sandwich with Vanilla Ice Cream. It was hot so a cupcake would've definitely left me wanting a bit more. Granted, I also had the cutest boy with the prettiest Hazel eyes ring me up. He was so nice. I swear he complimented me on something. His name was Christian so if he's reading this, "Hi, you're cute. Let's talk."

Apologies now for my quarantine humor.

And shoutout to the woman who complimented me on my Incredicoaster shirt. Truly a lady of taste and I have not forgotten her.

Also, I should mention it was Wednesday which is my pay day so I was LIVING.

The Sprinkles Sandwich was lovely and had me hooked. We have now added Sprinkles stan to the usual list of things that I stan in this TR.

ANYWAYS, after I finished that, I still had time before the movie so I stopped in Uniqlo for a bit.

Of course, stopping in Uniqlo for me always meant I'd walk away with a huge dent in my checking, which is what happened. I ended up with three new shirts from there including the last Spider-Man shirt they had because I had to have something better than the Incredicoaster shirt (no shade to her, I miss her so so much).

I slowly made my way over after that Uniqlo splurge (a chronic case) to AMC, stopping in that little Marvel store where I almost ended up with the Mysterio funko they were selling. Stopped myself on that one, which I may or may not have regretted doing.

Anyways, time to see Far From Home!

Cutting to the chase, I really loved it. I mean, I can't actively hate anything Spider-Man, even The Amazing Spider-Man 2 or Spider-Man 3. He is the superhero of my heart forever and this was easily one of the best. Tom Holland is a precious little babe and I want to marry him.


As I'm sure you've realized, I want many many men out there to wife me up so get used to the thirst.

Thoroughly emotional-ized (a word?), I headed out to MK by way of the Contemporary bus. I did hang out in the resort a bit once I arrived. Then it was truly onward to MK!

The sky was looking grim, but luckily it held off on my walk. The security guard who checked my bag at MK was super nice and he commented on Kermit, telling me he had the original design for the Kermit plush which was pretty cool.

I bolted on through to MK after that and went straight to Fairytale Hall to go visit Tiana and Rapunzel.

I had a super fun time with them. They both commented on my Spider-Man shirt and Kermit. Rapunzel in particular was fond of Kermit, talking about how Eugene always mistook Pascal for a frog. Tiana more took notice of the Spidey shirt and spiders around the restaurant and how a Spider-Man would be in a restaurant. It was a good time and it started off my evening at MK pretty positively.

Once I left the Hall, I went over to Gaston's Tavern to get some LeFou's Brew. The CM who brewed it for me commented on my shirt and we talked about how much we both love Tom Holland. Again, MK was pretty lit.

Once I finished my brew, I went to Haunted Mansion where there was little wait so I did that. Unfortunately, the short wait did not prepare me for those who were reciting the Ghost Host spiel. Ugh.

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From there, I went to Storybook Circus and hung out in that charging station area that used to be the Chip and Dale meet-and-greet a long long time ago.

I decided then that I would ride Dumbo, which ended up being a good idea since there was no wait so I basically walked on and got a Dumbo to match my bb froggy, Kermit.

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I was starting to feel a hankering for some food so I mobile ordered from Pecos and headed in that direction. Along the way, I came across some MagicBands I wanted but put the self-restraint in place to not do that.

Before Pecos, I decided to go on Big Thunder which had a very short wait in standby and my timing would be perfect to see the HEA fireworks while I road. I also ran into Adi, one of the CPs I met at the housing event a few weeks prior. Poor thing was struggling to load, granted load there must be the absolute worst. Props to her for keeping up as best she could with that small area to guide people down and do it in a timely fashion.

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I had a lovely ride on that runaway railroad seeing the fireworks from it too! It was perfect. The only thing that could eclipse it would be either the Disneyland version with the fireworks going off there or the Matterhorn, but this sufficed.

Once I got off, I went straight to Pecos to get some grub. I had been simple and ordered Nachos which I loaded up at the toppings bar. The only way to do it to be completely honest.

After that, I considered getting the lantern photo that I had wanted on this night, but decided against it and went on to the Contemporary.

At the Contemporary, I hung out in the empty children's lounge to watch Toy Story 3. All the best warm fuzzies from that film.

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Once the bus was nearby I walked over to the pick-up area and went home. Ready to rest and get back to work the next day. It was officially time to work July 4th weekend once again!

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