"There's Nothing To Do At Disney World!" Jan '17 Weekend TR **05/19 X2**

Ooooh yeah they are. Several hundreds an hour, and I think it's a minimum of six hours, something like that. It's probably better not to think of exact amounts too much

Until someone hands you a bill and you thought it was $4.50/hour.

Probably whatever I would say if she ever beat me at TSM. Which would be colorful. We've both got a pretty competitive strike, her more so than me even :P


Just kidding, I can't even keep up with my own life. I get you :faint:

Phew! Off the hook!
More Talking

Guess what guys! I have an update coming!


But before I go ahead and post that, I've got a couple of things to share.

Firstly, here is part 2 of our vlog!


Only three weeks left until vacation! At this time, in 21 days, we'll be all packed up and watching the very last movie of our countdown!

This month is already dragging by so, so much.

But in the meantime, I hope you enjoy the video, and this next update!
Day 2, Part 2 - "Look At All These Noodles!"

We checked in for our meal and headed upstairs, as we'd been running a tad late, and the hostess told us we should be ready to go in at any moment.

We joined three other couples at the table, though we didn't do a whole lot of bonding, cause you know, social awkwardness. We mostly kept to ourselves.


We did have a really awesome chef. He was really entertaining, and as Amber pointed out, very up to date with his memes. He did the whole 'salt bae' bit, and he was just overall really fun to watch.


We were not as impressed by one of our table neighbors. Amber was especially appaled as she watched him hand over a plate full to the brim of noodles to the waitress as she came around to clear the table.

Amber takes her Teppan Edo noodles very seriously. Veeery seriously.

She talks about it to this day.

We did get a really nice little surprise at the end of the meal, as our waitress brought along these super cute little paper cranes.


This was a first at Teppan, so we were pretty excited about it.

Before too long, the meal was over and we made our way out of the restaurant.

We took a quick snap of this really neat art on the ground. They had a few different pieces like these all over the park for the Festival of the Arts.


They also had really cool easels with drawings by character meet spots, and we got a shot of this one by Belle's meeting area.


I really do like how they found these original little ways of sprucing up the place for the Festival, although it wasn't anywhere near the scale of Flower and Garden or Food and Wine.

As required by tradition, we were on our way to France.


Because a best way to end a meal at Teppan Edo, is to end it at the Patisserie Boulangerie.


And there, we encountered the longest line we've ever seen at the bakery.


I guess we usually don't go at times who are quite as popular.

We did manage to get our treats in a somewhat timely fashion, and we brought them over toward the small dining room area. We just set them on the high counter, since we figured we'd be done eating them in no time, and we were unlikely to find seating anyway.


I got the chocolate eclair, which was so delicious as usual, and Amber got the chocolate tart, which she also very much enjoyed.

We quickly passed through the stores on our way out once we were done, because we pretty much never do.



The 'serveur amusant' was out performing in a way that generates a lot of anxiety for me, because like, I know he knows what he's doing and he does it dozens of times a week, but still, what are the odds of neck breakage if something went wrong?


Although I suppose one of the things he has to know how to do is how to fall without dying if ever he did fall.

We did take the opportunity to get a few more photopass pictures, because you know, it's always nice to have pictures that feature the two of us in them.




And let's not forget the magic shots.


Our next course of action was to head back to Future World, so we walked through the UK again.


We did make a pit stop in Canada.



And headed into the store.


So that we could get one of these!


Canada is celebrating its 150th birthday this year, and as such, they have these special buttons available in the Canada pavillion. You can get them by answering a few trivia questions about Canada, or if you're Canadian they'll just give it to you.

So with that done, we continued on our way out of the World Showcase.



We took the walkway right past Canada, and had to get a picture of this slight eyesore.


We wondered for a moment what exactly was happening there, but before too long we realized they were prepping for Flower and Garden.


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Oh man-I wish I could get one of those Canadian buttons! Even though I live in LA, my family are all dual citizens and my mom and I both went to McGill! But we're not going until September and they stop giving out the buttons on July 1!
Nice job with the vlog - and the "serious" dinosaurs;)

Sounds like a good dinner and nice evening in France as well - very nice photo pass pictures

Never heard about those Canadian buttons - very cool!
Loved your vlog part 2 :D

We joined three other couples at the table, though we didn't do a whole lot of bonding, cause you know, social awkwardness. We mostly kept to ourselves.

This was also our experience at Teppan Edo. But soo yum!

I got the chocolate eclair, which was so delicious as usual, and Amber got the chocolate tart, which she also very much enjoyed.

More yum! :lovestruc

The 'serveur amusant' was out performing in a way that generates a lot of anxiety for me, because like, I know he knows what he's doing and he does it dozens of times a week, but still, what are the odds of neck breakage if something went wrong?

Me too. I mean, he's amazing. But it absolutely stresses me out.
Okay, all caught up! I got behind because of real life and being subscribed to too many TRs.

Yes, the time is dragging, isn't it? I'm waiting on the school year to end and then, a week later, our. Disney trip. 28 days!

I subscribed to your YouTube channel...I'm a huge fan of Disney vlogs, but I'll have to watch later.

Looking forward to more!
Only three weeks left until vacation! At this time, in 21 days, we'll be all packed up and watching the very last movie of our countdown!

Woot! Getting closer!

This month is already dragging by so, so much.

Any non-Disney month drags...

the hostess told us we should be ready to go in at any moment.

I pictured this:

We joined three other couples at the table, though we didn't do a whole lot of bonding, cause you know, social awkwardness. We mostly kept to ourselves.

Get that. I've only eaten there once, and there was a nice family sitting with us, but.... yeah... not much interaction with them.

as Amber pointed out, very up to date with his memes. He did the whole 'salt bae' bit,

Hmmm... don't know that one?

We were not as impressed by one of our table neighbors. Amber was especially appaled as she watched him hand over a plate full to the brim of noodles to the waitress as she came around to clear the table.

Amber takes her Teppan Edo noodles very seriously. Veeery seriously.

She talks about it to this day.


We did get a really nice little surprise at the end of the meal, as our waitress brought along these super cute little paper cranes.


They also had really cool easels with drawings by character meet spots,

Love that.

Because a best way to end a meal at Teppan Edo, is to end it at the Patisserie Boulangerie.

::yes:: Makes total sense.

And there, we encountered the longest line we've ever seen at the bakery.

Whoops! Maybe you weren't the only ones thinking that.

I got the chocolate eclair, which was so delicious as usual, and Amber got the chocolate tart, which she also very much enjoyed.

Both look good!

We quickly passed through the stores on our way out once we were done, because we pretty much never do.

Hmmm... I stared at that photo for quite a while. I don't recall going in there!

The 'serveur amusant' was out performing in a way that generates a lot of anxiety for me, because like, I know he knows what he's doing and he does it dozens of times a week, but still, what are the odds of neck breakage if something went wrong?

I feel the same way. I watch and laugh and clap and..... wait.... what if he falls???

Although I suppose one of the things he has to know how to do is how to fall without dying if ever he did fall.

That's what the last guy thought!

Cute pic!

But I think I like this one better. :)

I didn't know they did Chip!

So that we could get one of these!


Oh! I didn't even think that they'd celebrate that in Epcot. But of course they would!

You can get them by answering a few trivia questions about Canada, or if you're Canadian they'll just give it to you.

Do you have to prove it? With ID or something? Or did you just tell them where you lived?
Or did you answer the trivia questions?
(And what would they be? How many Torontonians does it take to change a lightbulb?)

We wondered for a moment what exactly was happening there, but before too long we realized they were prepping for Flower and Garden.

Ah! Okay... forgiven.
Oh man-I wish I could get one of those Canadian buttons! Even though I live in LA, my family are all dual citizens and my mom and I both went to McGill! But we're not going until September and they stop giving out the buttons on July 1!

That's cool! I wish I could be a dual citizen. We talk about it sometimes, since Amber is American so we could decide to apply for me to get residency, but with the current state of things... yeah, we're gonna wait it out.[/font]

Nice job with the vlog - and the "serious" dinosaurs;)

Super serious!

Never heard about those Canadian buttons - very cool!

I can't remember exactly when they started handing them out, but I was glad we had a chance of snag a couple!

Loved your vlog part 2 :D

Thank you!

This was also our experience at Teppan Edo. But soo yum!

I feel like it's a bit of a tricky place, because even if you're extroverted, there's no saying the people you're sitting with will be. We did once have a bit of a chat with some people sitting with us, but it's fairly rare. It must be even more fun when you take up the whole table.

Me too. I mean, he's amazing. But it absolutely stresses me out.

I also get the same way with the fire handler during FotLK. It amazes me, but I'm like, someday he could end up with a 3rd degree burn. I do not want to witness that. Actually, I'm just thinking of the people who witnessed Dopey slip off the upper deck to the lower deck on the river boat during Fantasmic last year. I would have been traumatised.

Okay, all caught up! I got behind because of real life and being subscribed to too many TRs.

I get you! I'm terrible at keeping up with anything. As it is, I can hardly keep up with my own TRs. It's a bit easier when it's quiet at work, cause then I can multitask (I mean, if there's no calls coming in I don't really have anything to do anyhow) but it hasn't really been quiet in several months.

Yes, the time is dragging, isn't it? I'm waiting on the school year to end and then, a week later, our. Disney trip. 28 days!

Ugh it's terrible. Every day seems like it's gonna take forever. Although then it actually ends up going at a pretty decent pace, and it's evening before you know it. But in the morning it feels like the end of the work day is ages away.

I subscribed to your YouTube channel...I'm a huge fan of Disney vlogs, but I'll have to watch later.

Aww thanks! Hopefully you enjoy them :)

Perfect timing, reading about Teppan Edo lol. I had hibachi last night and we had a very in depth conversation about how spoiled we are that we get to go to Teppan Edo. I'd be just as mad about the noodles as Amber.

We've actually never really tried a hibachi outside of Disney. The only time we did was actually in Mexico, when we were in an All-Inclusive, and one of the a la carte options was the Japanese Hibachi restaurant. It was pretty good, but it was no Teppan Edo.

This is why we have never gotten anything in here. Overtime we have gone in here, this is what I have seen!

It's the other way for us! I mean, we've never seen it dead, but it's usually a very doable line, no worse than what we'd see at Sweet Spells or the Confectionary. Or Starbucks :P But we love their pastries so we powered through!
Woot! Getting closer!


Any non-Disney month drags...

That's very true, but somehow, the closer you are to Disney, the more they drag

Get that. I've only eaten there once, and there was a nice family sitting with us, but.... yeah... not much interaction with them.

I guess it's a pretty common thing. I remember the very first time we ate there, we were sitting basically at the 'kids' table'. There was a family of 14 people, so eight were at one table, and the other six at ours, which consisted of five kids and the one poor lady who'd been saddled with the youths.

Hmmm... don't know that one?

Introducing, Salt Bae


His salting technique basically became a meme :P

::yes:: Makes total sense.

We've got this whole Disney thing down ;)

Whoops! Maybe you weren't the only ones thinking that.

I mean, I can't really blame all those people. Although, I guess I can blame them for their timing.

Hmmm... I stared at that photo for quite a while. I don't recall going in there!

I'm pretty sure we didn't even actually go in there, and just took a picture in passing :P

I feel the same way. I watch and laugh and clap and..... wait.... what if he falls???

That would make for a completely different kind of Disney memory.

Oh! I didn't even think that they'd celebrate that in Epcot. But of course they would!

Yep, gotta celebrate the good old implementation of the constitution and stuff. Or whatever it is happened 150 years ago. Quebec school system is pretty bad with Canadian history. Probably doesn't help that my teacher was extremely separatist.

Do you have to prove it? With ID or something? Or did you just tell them where you lived?

Or did you answer the trivia questions?

(And what would they be? How many Torontonians does it take to change a lightbulb?)

They actually started asking the trivia questions, and the first one was, who is the Prime Minister, so we were like, well, obvs we know that since we live there, and she was like, oh if you're Canadian then you don't have to answer the trivia, here you go.

Although Amber still wanted to answer them. Still gotta prove herself I guess :P

(I actually looked that up just for kicks, and the answer I got is "Fifty one to do it and the other forty-nine to proclaim it's the greatest event in the history of creation")
Day 2, Part 3 - "This Is Baemax!"

Our first course of action, as we returned to Future World, was to head to the Character Spot so that we could use our FastPasses!


The room we headed into was the opposite from what we usually do, so that was a bit trippy.

Nonetheless, we were both very excited to go and meet the big cheese himself.



He noticed our Canada buttons and pointed it out to the character attendant, who asked what they were. We explained, and they mentioned that they hadn't seen them around before. I think they weren't the only ones, since from that point on, a lot of Cast Members tried to wish us a happy birthday when they spotted our buttons.


But hey, I mean, it is for Canada's birthday, so I guess they weren't too far off.

Next up was Goofy, and he was suuuuper enthusiastic.


Honestly, he all but pounced on us for hugs.


I think this has to have been one of the best meets we've ever had with Goofy. He was... well, goofy! Really energetic, very expressive. He was a lot of fun.


He was also rightfully distraught when he failed to see any pins of himself on our lanyards.


But we explained to him that we weren't wearing any because we weren't trading pins of him, we were keeping them! That satisfied him, and he was happy again.



Last but not least was Miss Minnie. She did one of the cutest things too, as we waited to meet her. She'd just returned from break, but before coming to see us, she headed over to the other side of the room to fawn over Mickey for a moment, and then exchange a quick kiss before heading back our way. It was adorable, I was pretty disappointed that we didn't catch it on video! Clearly, we still have to have some practice before we're skilled vloggers, catching all the great moments.


I'm always taken by how tiny Minnie is. As if she wasn't precious enough as it is.


All in all, we were very happy with our meet. We exited the building and made a beeline to go in right across, as we had another special character to meet.



The line for Baymax was about the same as we'd seen in August, maybe a tad longer, but we were more than happy to wait in it.

We waited behind a family that consisted of a mom, two daughters and one son. The dad and the other son were off doing a ride that the other ones didn't feel like doing, so she'd brought them to meet Baymax instead.

The littlest girl was, unfortunately, not having it. She had to be around six years old, and she was in a very cranky mood. Not exactly full blown tantrum, there was no loud screaming or crying, but you know, whining, walking away from her family to go sulk in a corner, throwing her autograph book to the ground, etc.

The mom explained to us that they'd gotten in rather late last night after a long travel day, so they were all a little tired and would likely be heading back to the resort for a nap after this, but the son really loved Baymax that was his treat after having to deal with the princess breakfast at Arkeshus.

This is where, however, the gem of our trip report title came out. After a bit of back and forth between mom and daughter, where she was whining about wanting to go to bed, being bored, and so on, she let out this beautiful sentence in the most whiny voice a child can muster: "There's nothing to do at Disney World!"

We were pretty amused. I mean, ultimately, for a misbehaving child, she was pretty well behaved. I'm sure most people have seen much worse. She was just definitely in need of a nap time. And maybe a reality check about how awesome Disney World is.

All in all though, we actually had a nice time chatting with the mom while waiting in line, and it made the time go by a bit faster.

About halfway through the wait, Amber excused herself to go to the bathroom and left the line. She took a bit longer than usual, so I was about to text her to ask if she'd gotten lost (or fallen in the toilet) when she returned... and handed me this.


I don't want to brag but... I'm pretty sure my wife's the best.

Baymax was just as excited as me when it was our turn to meet up, and I walked up to him holding baby Baymax.



He raised him up as far as his inflated arms would allow before dropping him back safely into my hands.




And of course, we had to give the big marshmallow a hug.

For all this is a meeting experience we always enjoy, and Baymax is adorable, I'm always super amused by the hug pictures.



Since he can't wrap his arms around people, it always just kinda looks like... "Human. Touching. Bad". But you know. Baymax is one smart robot. He knows that hugging makes him a better health care companion.

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Day 2, Part 4 - "I Want To Hold A Giant Paintbrush!"

Once we finished getting our meet on, we made our way over into the Land pavillion.



It was pretty crowded, so we were especially glad that we had our FastPass for Soarin'.



Our wait didn't end up being too bad, as it can sometimes get for the bigger rides even with a FastPass. I'm pretty sure we walked right up to the kiosk where they direct you to your proper gate.



Overall, I had the same feelings about the new version of Soarin' as I did the first time I saw it. It has unfortunately bumped this ride off of my favorites' list, which is sad. I do still love the sensation, the music is nice, the experience is fun. I just can't get past the CGI. There was a realness to Soarin' Over California that is lacking from Soarin' Around the World, at least for me.

But oh well, it's still an enjoyable ride. I just don't feel the need to do it quite as often.

Even though we'd had lunch not too long ago, and a dessert in France already, we decided to treat ourselves to a little snack because... well, it's hard to pass up Sunshine Seasons when it's *right there*.

We both went in with the intention of getting the strawberry shortcake, but only Amber ended up getting it. It was delicious, as usual. Remains a favorite for sure.


I decided to go a different route, because I'm always swayed by new offerings, which is a downfall really. I just always tell myself, this thing I really like will still be here next time, may as well give this seasonal offering a try.

So I did, and I got this black forest cupcake a try.



I mean, it wasn't bad, but it sure wasn't great.

The cake was okay. Not as moist as it could have been, but not too dry either.

The frosting though... good lord, so much heavy frosting.

I'm all about the huge amount of frosting Disney uses on their cupcakes, at least most of the time.

But this was cream cheese based. It was too sweet and too heavy for so much of it.

I don't think I ate half of it.

Lesson learned. In May, it'll be strawberry shortcake time all the way.

Once we were finished with our snack, we made our way back out, heading back toward the center of the park.



We took a couple of obligatory pictures, as usual, because we can be trusted with that.



And then, we ended up in MouseGear again.


We'd spent our time in there earlier that day searching for my sweatshirt, but we still wanted to browse a bit. We did end up doing a bit more spending, which included a couple of 2017 merchandise items, other various clothing items and a couple of pins.

We forced ourselves out of there once we'd spent enough (too much) money, and got a few PhotoPass shots, because I mean, everybody needs pictures in front of Spaceship Earth.



Trying to be fab.


They had this new cute magic shot with Figment for the Festival, but I do believe it has stuck around.


And of course, we're not ones to pass up frame pictures.


They did have these really cute settings for pictures during the Festival of the Arts, too.


This was more of a backdrop, but as you may have seen around, they also have several around the World Showcase that basically put you into the painting.

For the time being though, we were more than happy to try this one out.


Who doesn't like giant props?

We weren't too sure what to do at this point, since our plans were pretty easy going, but we decided to check out Test Track to see what the Single Rider line looked like. Before heading that way, I took a far away shot of the Imagination pavillion, because it is very photogenic.


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Love your Epcot updates! I'm such a fan of Baymax <3 (Or Baemax!) Unfortunate your cupcake was such a disappointment. :( And I love your giant prop photo!
Loved the story of how Minnie made her entrance - love when the characters do things like that

As a parent of Holden who have been in need of a nap I can feel for that family but does seem like it wasn't too bad and helps the (it at least reads like) the mom was aware of it which I think helps. Hopefully she did find later I her trip that there are, in fact, things to do at Walt Disney World ;)

Aw, love baby Baymax!

I don't want to brag but... I'm pretty sure my wife's the best.
I mean, at least top 3. I am pretty partial to my wife and you seem like a high quality one as well

Love all you photopass photos - Swiss me really nice shots!
One of my favorite things to do in Future World is going to the Character Spot!!! My friends and I skipped Baymax and went to Joy and Sadness. When we were in line, we had a little one in full blown temper tantrum. It was bad...thank goodness they were behind us and not in front of us. Joy and Sadness was probably one of my favorite character meets (other than Pooh and Tigger at MK).
Overall, I had the same feelings about the new version of Soarin' as I did the first time I saw it. It has unfortunately bumped this ride off of my favorites' list, which is sad. I do still love the sensation, the music is nice, the experience is fun. I just can't get past the CGI. There was a realness to Soarin' Over California that is lacking from Soarin' Around the World, at least for me.

But oh well, it's still an enjoyable ride. I just don't feel the need to do it quite as often.

I feel the exact same way! I loved loved loved Soarin over California, as it was such an innovative ride. And being a California native, it made me feel so special to see my home state! Now, it just feels like a CGI show. It's fine, and sure I'll go on it if I'm with someone who hasn't ever been on Soarin', but it's not a priority for me.


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