There is more to the story than you ever dreamed... Cinderella 2015

Just saw a 7:00 show with my sweetheart of 31 years.:flower3::cutie: Loved the movie. They fleshed out the basic story well and gave some heart and backstory. Lily James is adorable and sincere, Madden did much better than the trailers seemed to imply. I think a genius move was to include the anthropomorphic mice, but only have them squeak, not actually talk. I liked the rapport between the prince and his father, that was very touching. I think in years to come this will be THE Cinderella all others are compared to. Kenneth Branagh was the perfect pick to treat this with respect and creativity.

During the credits after everyone left and we were listening to the fine music including some of the original songs , we danced just a little. :):cloud9: Probably made the kid cleaning the theater roll his eyes at the two old people!:sad2:
Rotten Tomatoes now has 90 reviews; 77 Fresh and 13 rotten for a 86% Fresh rating. There are 27 Top Critics with 25 Fresh and 2 rotten for 93%! There will be many more reviews come in, but it is safe to say Cinderella is a critical success. Now to see how big a commercial success it will be. Flop is out of the question, but how big a hit? I think it might surprise. There were a number of people at the 7pm show today with not that many children. Lady's of all ages and one other gentlemen with 2 girls. At least I wasn't the only guy in the room. :)

Well done Mr. Branagh and everyone involved!!
Saw it tonight as well. I thought it was very well done, if nothing groundbreaking. It's actually unapologetically a fairy tale, without trying to find some twist or spin on the material. It's pretty straight-forward, though I am ashamed to say it's been so long since I have seen the animated version I can't say where they detoured. The gals playing the step-sisters were pretty great though, and Cate Blanchett as Lady Tremaine was just...I mean, I was thinking to Ella "there are knives in the kitchen...nobody would have to know!" Scathingly mean, that one. It was very well done.

Yellowstonetim, you're not the only one. I stayed through the credits as well, and there were two little girls in the front dancing to all the songs!

Frozen Fever was decent as well, if a bit on the peculiar side. MINOR SPOILER: It seems to focus on what can only be called "snow boogers." It does have a lot of tongue-in-cheek references to the movie though. It's a crowd-pleasure for sure.
Saw it tonight as well. I thought it was very well done, if nothing groundbreaking. It's actually unapologetically a fairy tale, without trying to find some twist or spin on the material. It's pretty straight-forward, though I am ashamed to say it's been so long since I have seen the animated version I can't say where they detoured. The gals playing the step-sisters were pretty great though, and Cate Blanchett as Lady Tremaine was just...I mean, I was thinking to Ella "there are knives in the kitchen...nobody would have to know!" Scathingly mean, that one. It was very well done.

Yellowstonetim, you're not the only one. I stayed through the credits as well, and there were two little girls in the front dancing to all the songs!

Frozen Fever was decent as well, if a bit on the peculiar side. MINOR SPOILER: It seems to focus on what can only be called "snow boogers." It does have a lot of tongue-in-cheek references to the movie though. It's a crowd-pleasure for sure.


I don't think the little snowmen were intended to be "snow boogers" as you call them. :) They just popped into existence as Olaf had as the result of her magic. They did not come from her nose, they popped into existence all around her or others when she sneezed. Boogers never crossed my mind, although, I could see how you might think that. :)
^ Yeah...I think it just looked like they came from her nose the first time she sneezed...couldn't shake it after that. Cute little buggers anyway!
I wanna go see it tonight, but I'm trying to decide if my 4 year old can sit through it?
But frozen fever would definitely have her attention, so maybe that'd be enough to convince her to watch the movie..:confused3
I wanna go see it tonight, but I'm trying to decide if my 4 year old can sit through it?
But frozen fever would definitely have her attention, so maybe that'd be enough to convince her to watch the movie..:confused3

It is almost an hour and 45 minutes long. But there are funny spots sprinkled throughout including cute interludes with the mice in several places. These may keep your 4 year old's interest. It depends on how much they might be engaged by the story. The pumpkin transformation scene and then the action scene as Cinderella races home and the carriage comes apart are fun and exciting. Frozen Fever was cute and they will definitely love that.
Here is a writer that makes a set of arguments why this Cinderella is the best Cinderella ever. I agree and could add more:

Cinderella': 5 Reasons Why It’s The Fairy Tale’s Best Movie Ever
1. Lily James is able to break out of the Cinderella mold
2. Lily James & Richard Madden’s chemistry
3. The spot-on performances of key characters
4. The beautiful, intricate set & costume design
5. True love conquers all

Friday brought in $23 million dollars for Cinderella! Original estimates for the weekend were $50 to $60 million. That has been raised to $60 to $65 and possibly higher. One prediction puts it at $74 million. We will see. Depends how many families get out today compared to last night.

It is now a confirmed huge hit and a critical success as well. More will follow about the weekend late Sunday.

Everyone go see it!
Well, it is now official... Cinderella is a huge hit. $70.1 Million domestic and $62.4 Million overseas, total $132.5 Million! It just bested Maleficent domestically and if things continue it may perform like Maleficent worldwide. We will need to wait and see. "NEW YORK — “Let It Go” may be Walt Disney’s anthem these days, but “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” might be the more accurate theme song for the Disney juggernaut." One website said.

Here is the Hollywood Reporter's article on the box office results:
"The fact that Cinderella appears to have bested Maleficent's $69.4 million domestic debut to nab one of the best showings ever for the month of March is all the more impressive considering its leading lady, Downton Abbey's Lily James, isn't a known quantity. Nor is Cinderella in 3D, as was Maleficent."

Here is a wonderful review from the Culver City Observer:
CINDERELLA. A new classic. A timeless treasure. A pantheon of visual delights plus the delights of romance, the passion and expression of love, the magic of the movies. Yes, if the shoe fits, wear it. The shoe definitely fits.
I saw it twice yesterday! I wasn't expecting to. I went with my DD's and loved it so much I had to take my mom to see it right away. I am a Disney fan but Cinderella isn't necessarily my favorite of the princesses and their stories. I was blown away. My girls and mom and I have been grinning from ear to ear and humming the movie's tunes for 24 hours now!!!

This version does justice and holds true to the original fairy tale. It is traditional and amazingly enough, that is sufficient and even refreshing! This version of Cinderella is whimsical, sublime, deeply touching and unapologetically magical! It is also big screen material. A TV will never do it justice.:love:

I don't think the little snowmen were intended to be "snow boogers" as you call them. :) They just popped into existence as Olaf had as the result of her magic. They did not come from her nose, they popped into existence all around her or others when she sneezed. Boogers never crossed my mind, although, I could see how you might think that. :)

I thought they were snow boogers as well.

Anyways....loved Cinderella. Lily James did a spectacular job!
I have been telling all my friends they have to see Cinderella! What a fantastic movie. My children are grown but I went with my 13 year old niece and I thought the messages were WOW! Perfect message for teens to hear. I won't spoil anything with details but my jaw dropped open in the scenes of the Prince finding Cinderella. I'm setting up plans to go with some girlfriends. This will be a movie I purchase on DVD. If you haven't gone to see it, GO!

The Frozen mini movie (whatever it was called) was cute too. That did keep the younger kids attention but I know the little ones behind me kept asking questions and I don't know how much they understood in the Cinderella movie. But the way the messages were laid out there is a message for everyone. I can't wait to see it again.
Loved the set design. LOVED it! I wish I could make my cluttered house look as elegant as the set designer did.

The dresses were great too. And the chemistry between C & K - awesome. Just awesome.

I only wish she'd used her 'real' name in the drawing room.

I liked how she drew out the look between herself and LTremaine. It's like you could see hamster wheel turning in Cate's mind, "What will she punish me with?" and then she doesn't, and it's such a shock that anyone would be so forgiving to her she can't stand anymore.

Very well done, and I'm so glad Ken B was directing - he's so very good at it.
Loved the set design. LOVED it! I wish I could make my cluttered house look as elegant as the set designer did.

The dresses were great too. And the chemistry between C & K - awesome. Just awesome.

I only wish she'd used her 'real' name in the drawing room.

I liked how she drew out the look between herself and LTremaine. It's like you could see hamster wheel turning in Cate's mind, "What will she punish me with?" and then she doesn't, and it's such a shock that anyone would be so forgiving to her she can't stand anymore.

Very well done, and I'm so glad Ken B was directing - he's so very good at it.

Kenny B (Not be confused with Kenny G) was the perfect choice. In fact everything fell together just right. The cast was great, the script perfect, and the whole film came together to be fantastic. From now on this version is THE Cinderella!

Yes, C & K had very good chemistry. I read that, because they both came from television, this was their first "big" movie, and the were both playing such iconic roles, that they bonded over this new experience and became friends, saying, "We'll get through this together!" You can see it if you watch press junkets and interviews, they seem to get along great.

The name Cinderella
I think the reason she didn't use her real name was to show, again, her strength. Like when the British sang insulting songs and called the patriots "Yankees" in early revolutionary New England, the patriots just owned the term. To this day hundreds of years later, Yankee is a proud term New Englanders embrace.

For her to call herself Cinderella is to own the name and take any power from Lady Tremaine and her daughters. It is also a true sign of where she came from; the truth of her humble position - she wasn't nobility. She conquered the name and made it her own. I think Cinderella will become a loved nickname in her family and the story will be passed down to her children's children.

I saw it a second time and saw so much more!! I absolutely love it.

I saw something I missed the first time: A number of people noted that when the old loyal farmhand came to tell her that her father died, she says to him, "Thank you, that must have been difficult." (Or something like that) This is a great example of her empathy, and kindness even in the midst of great pain. What I missed was that if you listen carefully. When the doctor & father are talking after they come from Cinderella's mother's room with the news that she is going to die, Cinderella's father says the exact same thing to the doctor! It shows that Cinderella learned her great empathy and kindness from her father and mother!

The moment Cinderella pauses while everyone waits to see what she will say to Lady Tremaine and she says, "I forgive you." What power. What a wonderful choice.
We just saw it. We give the movie 4 stars out of 5. Really visually beautiful, excellent acting and wonderful handling of the story. The diversity was refreshing and we all noticed it without it taking over the main message of the movie. My only complaint, as the mother of a tweenage girl, is the CGI waist in the ballgown. Very unrealistic and unnecessary - she's a beautiful young woman! Poor body image is such an issue with today's young girls - I was disappointed that Disney would take that route.

Frozen short - we adults (2 grown women who enjoyed the first movie) thought it was less than great. The song was horrible and it just wasn't that good in general. I dread to see all the sunflower birthday cakes and make it a perfect day birthday sing-a-longs to come from this. On the other hand, my DD12 and her friend both thought it was cute and they enjoyed it so I'm sure younger girls (the target audience) will love it.
We just saw it. We give the movie 4 stars out of 5. Really visually beautiful, excellent acting and wonderful handling of the story. The diversity was refreshing and we all noticed it without it taking over the main message of the movie. My only complaint, as the mother of a tweenage girl, is the CGI waist in the ballgown. Very unrealistic and unnecessary - she's a beautiful young woman! Poor body image is such an issue with today's young girls - I was disappointed that Disney would take that route.

Frozen short - we adults (2 grown women who enjoyed the first movie) thought it was less than great. The song was horrible and it just wasn't that good in general. I dread to see all the sunflower birthday cakes and make it a perfect day birthday sing-a-longs to come from this. On the other hand, my DD12 and her friend both thought it was cute and they enjoyed it so I'm sure younger girls (the target audience) will love it.

Cinderella's waist was definitely not CGI'd. Everyone involved stated so. It is the combination of Lily James naturally small waist, a corset, and the optical illusion of the dress shape (large shoulders and wide lower part. The poster also has lighting adding to the effect. That is exactly the intention of those dresses. It is the way they were done historically and it was part of the original. If you look closely, you can see that her waist isn't impossibly small. Note they did add the sisters getting into the corsets and made fun of the difficulty.

I thought Frozen Fever was fun and entertaining, but I also thought the song wasn't that great.
Frozen fever- lol snow boogers
I just kept thinking of Honest trailers statement - a confusing set of powers
How can making ice/snow allow her to put sunflowers in Anna's dress and hair?
But it was cute and I liked it.

Cinderella- was fantastic
Well cast. I didn't think the prince was cute but he was fine in the role. The king looked like the cartoon king to me. Cate was perfect! Liked all the cartoon touches- lucifer, bibity bobity boo. Great costumes. Loved it.
Love sing sweet nightingale but wished they worked in so this is love during the dance. Love that song.
Frozen Fever:
Trying too hard :\ I wanted to love it but I couldn't

Cinderella: AMAZING. So well done, although I wasn't too fond of the fairy godmother or how the footmen remained half-lizard.. It did remind me of the musical though.
Had me nearly cry multiple times and "have courage and be kind" really stuck. :) Magical and absolutely a visually gorgeous movie overall.
Whilst I thought that Frozen Fever was rather average, I adored Cinderella. The animated classic wasn't one of my favourites when I was younger and this left me hesitant to see this version. I'm so glad I went to see it in the end, I liked it much more than the animated version. I thought it was very well cast, Cate really touched a nerve whilst Lily was constantly heartwarming to watch. I can't wait for this to come out on DVD already!

I sure hope the live action remakes of BatB and Mulan will be of a similar standard. :)
Thought I would update news on Cinderella as things start to run down. Cindy held well as the weeks went by. It just recently opened in Japan and is going gangbusters there. This may put Cinderella over $500 Million since movies in Japan have long runs. Considering there was no big star and it was "standard" remake of a princess movie, $500 Gs is fantastic. It also helps that the movie was made for what today is considered a measly $95 Million which it made more than double domestically. ($190 Million in the US) Below is an excerpt and the link to an article that references Cinderella in Japan:

In more good news for Disney, Cinderella twirled into Japan with a No. 1 opening and the biggest first-day and weekend for a Western release of 2015. The $4.8M bow was 112% above the opening of Oz: The Great And Powerfuland 19% behind the start of Maleficent. In total, the live-action fairy tale added $9.4M in its 7th weekend of release, currently across 41 territories. The international total is $284.8M for a $474.6M global cume.


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