The WOnDeRs - Go WOnDeRs - w/c 14th April


<font color=green>Beavers is a dangerous place to
Oct 23, 2005
Well Ladies and Gentleman the first week of the WONDERS has gone by and this week is all about our achievements whether is be weight loss,exercise or any change to your lifestyle that you are proud of. I am really looking forward to seeing how you all got on

In the first week The WONDERS have got 43 Disers onboard and more to come.

I will start things off – I have lost 2lbs this week which I am very happy about as I only have 6lbs to go :thumbsup2

I have also added some info below which may help some of you

Check out our household activity calorie chart below, which compares the calories burnt by different household activities with walking

Calories burnt in 1 hour*
Walking at a moderate pace – 287
Hoovering – 193.7
Dusting – 173
Painting, Inside Projects – 66
Gardening, Weeding – 287.8
Mopping Floors – 193.7
Car Washing - 234
Cleaning Windows -180.3
Walking up & down stairs, moderate -516.3

• Values are based on a 37yr old female, 5ft 5, weighing 168 lbs.Those who weigh more than this will burn more calories; those who weigh less will burn fewer calories.

Eating out
– for those who like to eat out this site may help you to pick the lower calorie option

If anyone would like any specific type of info please feel free to post or PM me and I can see if I can track it down for you.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: GO WOnDeRs :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I will add my results.....2lbs this week with 13 more to go.

Yesterday I drove accross the border and went grocery shopping. I picked up some of the products people have been talking about on the boards but they do not sell here in Canada. (Fibre one bars, Special K bars, Mrs Dash, etc)

I really had to be careful shopping because they seem to put high frutose corn syrup into everything there. Why is that needed in yogurt? Even some product that are sold in Canada have higher caloric content and different ingredients in the U.S.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend...
I have yet to step on the scale. Too intimidated.
I have yet to attend a WW meeting. Too busy/intimidated.
I've been eating right, and although not working out, I've been working hard, and all my muscles ache...this is a good thing.
I'll keep you updated.
been on the scale either. I have been somewhat conscience of what I eat but not counting....

On the upside I literally just "dug" out my WW books from their burial site in my hall closet.

Happy point counting!
The verdict is........6lbs!!!:woohoo: 42 more to go.

So glad you guys started this and thanks, Pete!

I really had to be careful shopping because they seem to put high frutose corn syrup into everything there. Why is that needed in yogurt? Even some product that are sold in Canada have higher caloric content and different ingredients in the U.S.

My theory is because you have government health care and they have a stake in keeping you healthy. Here in the US, the government talks about how we need to be healthy, but allow all the companies to put whatever is cheaper(trans fats, HFCS) into our food, even though it is killing us and making us fatter.
The verdict is........6lbs!!!:woohoo: 42 more to go.

Wow!! Great job!!!! :cool1:

I'm with the rest of you.. down 2 pounds from last weeks 165... still 20-25 pounds from goal. My immediate goal of 160 before Disney in 3 weeks might happen after all... I just have to keep eating healthy and working out:thumbsup2

Thanks for all the callorie estimates.. that really puts things into perspective.. even if we don't think we're getting exercise, even household chores give us some calorie burning workouts!:yay:
I lost 2 lbs this week. I did not get to go work out because I had 2 sick kiddos this weekend. My DH works weekends so I did not get to go to yoga Saturday. I see my trainer tonight so I am sure she will make up for it.

3 lbs!, 37 more to go!:yay:

I was hoping for more but I did not exercise much and had cake on Wednesday and ate Fig fries and a dole whip at the MK last night! I also was doing really well without diet coke until I found 6 cans of Cherry Zero (my fave) in the back of the pantry and guzzled them Friday and Saturday. Now that they are out of the house I'm safe! :rotfl:

Have a good week everyone! I am going on a road trip and am scared about staying on track!
I have 2 off 63 to go. I saw a neat way to track it in a siggy on ww board.

this is the amount off for the week---> 2.0/2.0 <------this is the total off.

So far in our wonders WLC I have actually kept a diary of what I ate all week which is a huge deal. I was able to walk 2 days despite being sick. I need to improve on my water intake. I am feeling pretty good overall. I also joined ww on Wednesday last week for the 10th time. LOL. It does work if you stick with it!

Yeah for the WOnDeRs!!!!
I was pretty bad this weekend. :rolleyes1 DH and I had such a lovely weekend together though! It's been a long time since we had a "date night" that I think I took advantage of well!

I am back on track for the week though. Just got back to the office from the store where I bought my week's worth of yogurts for my breakfast. I need to get bananas though...I love my breakfast!! It's filling and doesn't leave me feeling hungry an hour later. Must be the little bit of peanut butter that's in it.

I also bought some lean cuisines and some south beach diet wraps. And since I do the ordering for the office snacks (for our students, technically), I switched out sun chips, which didn't really go over very well anyway, with a baked lay's variety pack! And, for those afternoon 2pm cravings, I've got some of those 100 calorie packs of hostess cupcakes. Still not great for me, but so much better than my options here!

I also found an interesting workout DVD. I got it through netflix but plan to look for it elsewhere so that I can have a copy of it. It's a workout by the NYC Ballet company. According to the narrator, it's the workout/warmup that the dancers use. I popped it into the DVD player yesterday and tried some of the stuff. It's not that bad! Now, he does not really explain the ballet jargon, and it can be a little intimidating to follow at first, but it's pretty cool. I've never taken a ballet class in my life, but I used to be on dance teams in high school and college, so I have basic knowledge of some of the steps. My legs actually hurt today!! It looks like it's available on Amazon. Hopefully that link works. I can't access Amazon here at work for some unknown reason. I can read the text, but see no pictures...weird...anyway, the work out is pretty relaxing actually. They play classical music in the background and the narrator's voice is very calming. Almost like a yoga-like workout! Except with ballet plan to incorporate this workout into my routine a few times a week. It's an hour long workout (volume 1...haven't seen volume 2 yet).
Wow - we have lost 19 lbs so far - well done to everyone :cheer2: :cheer2:
4.5!!!!! :woohoo: Only 70.5 more to go. (It helps that I have been sick this week and it was hard to eat with all the sneezing and coughing going on.) I do have a new best friend - Fat Free Cool Whip!! :rotfl2: This week - exercising!!!!:Pinkbounc
I have yet to step on the scale. Too intimidated.
I have yet to attend a WW meeting. Too busy/intimidated.
I've been eating right, and although not working out, I've been working hard, and all my muscles ache...this is a good thing.
I'll keep you updated.

If you dont want to step on the scale -dont. If you feel you are making good changes you will notice it in how you feel and in your clothes. We are all here for you :hug:
I've decided that Monday just can not be my weigh-in day. I try to do really well during the week, but we do a lot of social things on the weekends, and it's just harder to always eat the best things. So, I think Fridays are going to be my weigh in day.

What was good in my week:
No pop
Worked out every week day
healthier snacks and better portions

Weekend bad:
Ate out, not healthy snacks.
I am starting my official weigh-in today so that I will know what I have lost and can post next week. But I still have a victory to report--

I really overcame a battle today. For the first time since I started this craziness :lmao: I really wanted to blow it off today. No real reason why--I feel fine, etc. I just wasn't into it...and I had a 60-minute run scheduled, which was DAUNTING, I tell ya. So I told myself that I at least had to get out there and do SOMETHING. I started bargaining with myself...I would see how I felt after 30 minutes, etc.

Well, I am back and I completed the WHOLE thing! The last 8 minutes were TOUGH (I turned a corner and was into the wind....ugh!), but I am really proud of myself for kicking my own tail out the door and putting one foot in front of the other.

Let's go, Wonders! We CAN do this and it IS worth it! :goodvibes
Wow -- Everyone is doing great!!!

As I already reported in the last thread, my weight loss for the week was 4-1/2 lbs (3 of which was carry-over from my DL trip and probably just due to extra salt intake, etc) . I still have 1-1/2 lbs to reach my original 50 lb goal -- but now want to lose another I guess my true goal is 11-1/2 lbs from this day forward.

Keep up the good work. :goodvibes
Hmm, sadly, I'm still the same, and have had to remain a lazy slob, sat at the computer, so I get my coursework finished. I kind of wish that playing the drums counted as exercise!

I was supposed to be going to Aquarobics tonight, but I don't have the confidence to go by myself, and my mum doesn't want to go now.

As usually I have a tendancy to nibble things throughout the day, can anyone recommend something good, and not quite so calorific as some of the stuff in my house (my mum keeps baking banana bread!) At the moment, I seem to be nibbling plain homemade pancakes (Wouldn't have thought they were that bad, just Eggs, Flour and milk:confused3).

The trick this week, is to try and eat healthily, since I'm off to Alton Towers on Wednesday until Saturday. But that means LOTS of walking around!
I had a wisdom tooth pulled last week and it took me harder than it had when the last one was done.
I chose not to WI because the icecream and apple sauce diet has wonky results. I am back to real food and planning.
I am going to keep a diary this week to...if I bite it I will write it.
Today is a new day with no mistakes in it.
I also want to get back to the pool and aquafit...I tried the bathing suit on last night.

Congrats to all the inspirational losers:cheer2:
OK, I'm dow 1.6 lbs. Not bad, considering my son was ill ALL week (his entire spring break) and I was up at night so much with him, I missed my regular work out time all but one day. Heck, I would be happy to progress like this every week. Wishful thinking, I know!

18.4 left.

I will add my results.....2lbs this week with 13 more to go.

Yesterday I drove accross the border and went grocery shopping. I picked up some of the products people have been talking about on the boards but they do not sell here in Canada. (Fibre one bars, Special K bars, Mrs Dash, etc)

I really had to be careful shopping because they seem to put high frutose corn syrup into everything there. Why is that needed in yogurt? Even some product that are sold in Canada have higher caloric content and different ingredients in the U.S.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend...

The high fructose corn sugar makes me so mad. My 3 year old son loves yogurt and I have to buy the expensive organic yogurt to not get HFCS. Ever most of the "light" yogurt has it in there.

Well, I am not weighing in this week, but I did go to the gym three times last week. I hope to try to make it four times this week.


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