The "Why I didn't speak to my sister for a week" trip report *** Now Complete :)

This is such a fun report. Your English is terrific, if you hadn't mentioned Paris I would have assumed it was your native language. I'm a little jealous that you live in Paris. What a beautiful city!
"Jon Bon Jovi kind of helped,too.

Same here. And even if you're tired - who cares ? There'll be time to sleep when you're not at Disney anymore."

In the immortal words of JBJ -- SLEEP WHEN I'M DEAD! :rotfl:
OMG!!!! This is the first trip report I told my DH about!!! We can't believe what your sis put you through!!!!

I can't wait to read least you are coming back for a "make up" trip!!!
FOR REAL, my sister would have missed a lot because I ain't waitin' oh her like that! You my dear are a great sis!!
Marina! I'm so glad I found this today! When you first got home and said you weren't sure if you could write about it, I was really disapointed. Ok, and a little curious about what happened.

Oh my Heck! You must be aplying for sainthood!:worship:

I can not imagine how you kept from strangling someone. I took my mother in law to disneyland a few years ago........that aint ever happening again.

I loved the "butt room" comment on PoC!:lmao:
Oh, wow. I would have been seriously ticked at missing Ohana's! :mad: I understand that some people don't move as quickly as others, but I would have lost my patience with that one. And poor Alex was so excited to try the place. Does she get frustrated with your sister, too, or is she pretty patient?
"Grumpy's an English teacher, and we went to England several times a year ever since I was an infant"

Hi! I'm an English teacher too (far easier career choice for the American;) ), and I just have to say that I hope my daughter grows up to be such a great writer! Grumpy must be so proud! I see the Great Disney Novel in your future... A murder mystery perhaps...a sister suddenly goes missing on Stitch's Great Escape... :rotfl:

I'll be taking a group of students to London and then Paris in March. We'll not have a large pole with a flag and shan't do any chanting, I promise. That said, I better get back to my French lessons. I hope to be able to ask for the best crepe cafe by the time we arrive.
oh no cant belive you missed your adr at Ohanas thats such a shame x
We found a word to describe Jessi : le boulet. But we don't know how to say that in English. (Do you ??? It's that ball thing they attached to prisoners.) So for once, we're talking French. And people are looking at us funny.

Hi there, usually a lurker here, but I think the English slang you're looking for is "dead weight". Someone mentioned "ball and chain" earlier which is sort of the same, but means more of a wife/husband tying you down.

I miss France. :) Enjoying your trip report.
I can't believe you missed Ohana bc you had to wait in line so long. I would have gone crazy!!
I am really enjoying your story. I also had to deal with le boulet people last week when we were there. I like to walk fast and get where I'm going. Unfortunately my dead weight was my 5 year old son so I couldn't get mad.

Please, please, please tell me you didn't miss your dinner. I would have complained about the line also. You were really only five minutes late.
Please tell me you didn't miss your ADR!!!! After all, you were waiting in line for awhile right? Either way, I hope you read your sister the riot act!!!! And hopefully not talking to her for a week means that you and Grumpy left them in the dust and did Disney YOUR way the rest of the week! I'm so fired up just reading this!!! I totally understand how you "needed" to write this to vent and get it out of your system. Your sister is so ungrateful when she should be on her hands and knees every day kissing your feet for giving her this great opportunity!!! :worship:

With my sister and me, it is her dragging me. But really, we are there about 2 hours early. :rolleyes:
That soooo stinks if you missed your ADRs at Ohana's.

I've heard of that happening to people though - you're standing in line waiting, and your ADR time comes and goes. I agree, they should have two separate lines: one for those of us smart enough to make ADRs; and another one for everybody else!
You should have told them you were waiting in line for over half an hour and it's not your fault it took them so long.They should have helped you better. Shame on them!...........and your sister.:rotfl:


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