The Wazowski Report ! HalloweenTime TR Day 1 DONE & Day 2 Started !! Added 12/26!

I love the one-person pics of your family members holding Mickey... too cute!

You guys pose so funny.. looks like a ton of fun. :goodvibes
Jasmine, I'm bumping this because I have a question! Where did you and Kaycee get these scarfs at? I want a pink/black one! I've seen the red/black one like yours at Forever21....

Oh geez SORRY Courtney, I didn't check until today on this. I got mine online on ebay. They're called Shemagh scarves. I think Kaycee got hers at Forever21 a while back.

I have a pink & black one ;) I use it a lot !1
Woo! I want one! I've been looking for them for awhile and I saw a red/black one at Forever 21. Man, you can't go wrong with ebay, huh?

Thank you!! :)
Hey Guys !!!

I figure I would just use this thread for all my TRs include my PTRs. I am planning another trip on the last weekend before they take the decorations down for Christmas (somewhere between the 2nd and the 6th; I'm not exactly sure yet !)

I'm just going to post some pictures and info of our last trip this last January for reference for this one coming up! I am finding that I like doing TRs and I am too antsy to wait for another one to pass to post some stuff. So here we go !

I really want to go again during the holiday decor because I really do believe there is this whole different type of magic that goes on when being at DLR during the festivities. When we went this past time in January it was to enjoy DLR as a family and to celebrate my cousin disneyL0VE's birthday :).

On our past trip the group was comprised of our DIS regulars: me, Shyboy72, TheAXIOM, and disneyL0VE. We also had my parents and my other cousin who is a Disney addict as well. (For the record, almost everyone on my father's side are Disney addicts; we were spoon fed on Disney magic and thats probably why we do things 300% !!) We went on the last weekend that the decor was up (Friday January 4th - Sunday January 6th) for our January trip. My parents, Shyboy72, and I had NEVER seen the holiday decor before and were excited to check it out because we are Christmas LOVERS. We put our decorations up in our house the day after Thanksgiving and most of the time buy our tree on the same day. This has proven to be a mistake year after year because our tree starts feeling like it could slice you up into pieces by touching it by mid December.

To begin with, before going on the trip I wanted to make it special by making shirts (which is the image in my siggie). This turned out to be an accidental success because the white paint my cousin and I were using to paint the shirts was stale and washed off in the washer. What was left ended up looking vintage. Thank god it didn’t completely clean off. What was pretty funny about our trip in October was my dad wore that shirt on our last day and someone asked where they could buy it, and my dad bragged and said I did it :) He’s so funny! Also, when preparing for our trip, I wanted to make hoodie blankets (my mom’s idea ;) ) So I bought Disney fabric and fleece and sewed away ! I ended up giving those away for Christmas for the people who were going on the trip. disneyL0VE made hers and her brothers! We used them on Saturday night when we watched the Christmas fireworks :)

This is a close up of the shirt from our trip (TheAXIOM w/ Princess Jasmine at Goofy's Kitchen)

If you look, it could be viewed as a skull and crossbones, but its really mickey floating down with a parachute. I have to be honest and say that I 'stole' the idea from a Disney Couture cashmere sweater that I would NEVER pay for because hundreds of dollars on a sweater is ridiculous to me!

This is us with our blankets !!


Starting from the left, my fiancee's (Shyboy72) is the red one which is Lightning McQueen Fabric. The next is my cousin's, which was Dory & Nemo fabric. The next is my mom's which is Mickey fabric lined with yellow fleece and my dads was the same but lined with red fleece. The next is TheAXIOM with a vintage Mickey pattern. Then of course disneyL0VE with a tan Mater. Lastly me with pink fabric with a vintage Mickey pattern on it.

Working on these built up my anticipation of going on our trip !!! It was a lot of fun too :)

Okay, so now on to our first day at DLR. Shyboy72, my cousin, my parents and I flew together to SNA on friday morning. We took the same flight we took this past October and got to Desert Inn & Suites at around 8:30. We met disneyL0VE & TheAXIOM at the hotel because they flew the day before and their dad dropped them off at the hotel. We put our luggage into the locker at Dessert Inn & Suites and went DIRECTLY to the turnstiles at DL. After taking a few pictures, we went straight for Adventureland.




We went on Indie, POTC, HM, Splash, and BTMRR all before lunch. We pretty much walked on EVERYTHING. It was amazing. I made PS at Cafe Orleans and we LOVED it. I had ratatouille (which I LOOOVE because now I make it at home). We then rested and got settled in to our 2 room suite until late afternoon. We rested a lot on our trip because the park was NOT packed a all.





more to come ... ;)

OH yah, sorry about the picture quality this is my pre-Nikon days !
Wonderful shirts! I had always thought they were skull and crossbones when I looked at your siggie.
Wonderful shirts! I had always thought they were skull and crossbones when I looked at your siggie.

Thank you :)

I know, thats what everyone thinks ! We must seem like dark people just by looking at the siggie :laughing:
Thank you :)

I know, thats what everyone thinks ! We must seem like dark people just by looking at the siggie :laughing:

Oh I hadn't even noticed that they were the same shirts! the images of vases but also face profiles...

I like the shirts, and I love the hoodie blankets! How'd you do that?
Oh I hadn't even noticed that they were the same shirts! the images of vases but also face profiles...

I like the shirts, and I love the hoodie blankets! How'd you do that?

Thank you :)

I took the disney fabric and lined them with fleece. I left the top section open so I could attach the hood. I made a D shape of the fabric to make the hood and sewed two separate D shapes along the curve and flipped them inside out. Thats how I did the hood :)

My mom said 'why don't you put hoods on the blankets?' and I thought about it and said ' YESSS. Thats a great idea!'

I ended up looking at tutorials online on how to make hoods to help me ;)
Jasmine! Woo for more pictures! I love the hoodie blankets too! I showed my Mom and she said for me to go pick out my fabric and she'd sew Jesus and me one, well two.
Wooo Hoo !!!

After we rested and ate dinner we headed straight to DCA. We were constantly checking the weather on disneyL0VE's phone because it said there was a slight chance of rain that night. 'Slight' was an understatement. By my mom's suggestion we went and bought some ponchos at the gift shop in the hotel and headed out. It already started raining by the time we got across Harbor. It was fine with us though because it meant LESS people.



We were SOO happy to get on the front row of this ride :)

After, we went to DL. I had never seen the castle all lit up and I was in awe. My jaw dropped and my heart swelled with happiness. It was PURE magic.



We got on all the rides in Adventureland, New Orleans Square, and Tomorrowland. Did I mention it was walk on the whole time? WOO !!
Wooo Hoo !!!
After, we went to DL. I had never seen the castle all lit up and I was in awe. My jaw dropped and my heart swelled with happiness. It was PURE magic.



We got on all the rides in Adventureland, New Orleans Square, and Tomorrowland. Did I mention it was walk on the whole time? WOO !!
GORGEOUS! Thanks for sharing.
Jasmine, at least you guys are a fun bunch of people who don't mind posing in ponchos in wet weather! (Even though I think you guys all look cute!) When we went last year in late September, it poured rain on us, and I TRIED - Lord knows I tried - to keep a good attitude and I wanted to snap pictures of all of us in our ridiculous ponchos (ours really looked bad on us). My friends REFUSED to play along. It's like, why are you holding on to vanity at this stage of the game? We just got caught in a monsoon and we are soaking wet. We ALL look terrible. Let's have a laugh and take some pictures. But they would not do it. I am ALL about taking goofy pictures - I always have been. Not my friends - they used to when we were younger, but now I guess they think they are too 'mature' for such nonsense! And, they wouldn't move when it was pouring really heavily, either. They just sat down on a bench and planted themselves until the rain lightened up a bit. That is why I TRY to avoid rainy days now, if I know I am going to be with friends. We won't get anything done and we won't be able to take pictures! Grrrr.....:mad: :mad:
Day 2 !

The theme for today was 'showin' offffff !'

We started with a classic shot !

After we headed straight for Tomorrowland because my parents didn't get to enjoy.



I don't really remember all of the details of that day, but I do know that in the afternoon we watched Aladdin. Its always a hit with our family because we believe there is a lot of magic to that musical :)


We were imitating the girls dressed up like camels at the musical haha !




We had PS for Goofy's Kitchen for disneyL0VE's birthday ! It was a blast :)


I love my cousin's face in this picture ! It cracks me up EVERY time !


I ordered the birthday bucket for her birthday, and she loved it :)

We had to head out fast and deck it for DL to see the fireworks. It was our last night to be able to see them and I was really excited about this because we got to show off the blankets ! People at Goofy's Kitchen even asked where they could buy some ! I was so proud ;)




We got on Main St. about 5 minutes before the fireworks. We stood between the Emporium and the Clothiers. It was amazing. The icing on the cake was the snow right after the fireworks. Al the kids on Main Street were laughing and smiling and all the couples were holding each other and kissing. I could feel so much love on Main Street. Its almost as if nothing else existed in the whole world.

We spent the rest of the night in Adventureland and New Orleans Square :)
Jasmine, at least you guys are a fun bunch of people who don't mind posing in ponchos in wet weather! (Even though I think you guys all look cute!) When we went last year in late September, it poured rain on us, and I TRIED - Lord knows I tried - to keep a good attitude and I wanted to snap pictures of all of us in our ridiculous ponchos (ours really looked bad on us). My friends REFUSED to play along. It's like, why are you holding on to vanity at this stage of the game? We just got caught in a monsoon and we are soaking wet. We ALL look terrible. Let's have a laugh and take some pictures. But they would not do it. I am ALL about taking goofy pictures - I always have been. Not my friends - they used to when we were oyunger, but now I guess they think they are too 'mature' for such nonsense! And, they wouldn't move when it was pouring really heavily, either. They just sat down on a bench and planted themselves until the rain lightened up a bit. That is why I TRY to avoid rainy days now, if I know I am going to be with friends. We won't get anything done and we won't be able to take pictures! Grrrr.....:mad: :mad:

Aww !! That is too bad :(

I guess you're just gonna have to meet up with us because (proof by all the goofy shots) we loooove to cheese it up for the camera no matter what the situation !!!

I think it helps that we are college age right now haha !!

The rain really was a damper though ! We had to wash all our clothes when we got back to the hotel. We also had to dry our shoes because most of us only brought one pair. It was crazzzzy ! I've never been through so much rain at DLR in my whole life ! If you look closely at the picture of us on Main Street, my jacket is DRENCHED !
Nice! "Walk on..." Music to my ears! I'm going to have to get me one of those blankcoats. ;)

I have one of those blankets that are half blanket half protected stuff so that if you lay it on wet grass it doesn't get wet through the blanket.. it's really great because the protected part also protects from wind like the best windbreaker ever. I use it at soccer games and I live in cold, wet country so it's perfect! It's thick and it folds into an over the shoulder tote. :yay:

Hey, did you notice that guy in the back middle (on the left but in the middle) of the ToT ride? He looks like the same guy that's with you in the back of SM :confused3 at least the shirt looks the same. Is he with you or is he stalking?? :scared1:
Nice! "Walk on..." Music to my ears! I'm going to have to get me one of those blankcoats. ;)

I have one of those blankets that are half blanket half protected stuff so that if you lay it on wet grass it doesn't get wet through the blanket.. it's really great because the protected part also protects from wind like the best windbreaker ever. I use it at soccer games and I live in cold, wet country so it's perfect! It's thick and it folds into an over the shoulder tote. :yay:

Hey, did you notice that guy in the back middle (on the left but in the middle) of the ToT ride? He looks like the same guy that's with you in the back of SM :confused3 at least the shirt looks the same. Is he with you or is he stalking?? :scared1:

Thanks :) That probably would have been perfect for the night it rained ! I know what you mean about those blankets. They really are a life saver.

I didn't notice him until you pointed him out !! How creeeeeepy :scared1:

HAHA !!! He's TOTALLY not with our group, that is too weird!
Aww !! That is too bad :(

I guess you're just gonna have to meet up with us because (proof by all the goofy shots) we loooove to cheese it up for the camera no matter what the situation !!!

I think it helps that we are college age right now haha !!

The rain really was a damper though ! We had to wash all our clothes when we got back to the hotel. We also had to dry our shoes because most of us only brought one pair. It was crazzzzy ! I've never been through so much rain at DLR in my whole life ! If you look closely at the picture of us on Main Street, my jacket is DRENCHED !

At some point, I most definitely AM going to have to meet up with you and Kaycee and the gang! You all look like you're a lot of fun!

I think certain people I know tend to behave like, 'Okay, now we are a certain age so we have to act super-mature.' Well, that is true in some situations, but at DLR, everyone should let out their inner child and just PLAY!:) I have to admit that one of the very important reasons I thought trying PhotoPass would be good this past trip is because I knew that they have the guests pose in silly ways and do goofy stuff. Now, if I tried to get my friends to look silly in pictures, they would have done it once upon a time, but today they would throw me over the railing in Paradise Pier! However, when an 'official-looking' PP photographer asks them to pose, they oblige!! I knew they would! They also seem to be inclined to pose more often when the PP people are in charge. If I wanted them to stop every few minutes and pose, I would get resistance now, but they keep quiet when it is a PP person. And the more PP pictures we took, the more they warmed up to the idea and seemed to like it. So, even though I don't think a lot of the PP pictures are necessarily that much better in quality and composition than what the 'average' person could take, if it can help loosen my formerly-fun friends up and make them do silly things on camera, then I will use PP every time!;) Plus, if they only let me take a handful of pictures, then we would end up with a bunch of so-so shots where no one looked great. With PP, if you have them take a lot of pictures, inevitably some of them will come out good!

I agree about the rain. I know a lot of people on DISboards love DLR in the rain, but if you only have a limited, short trip (like the one your family just took in October or the one we took in October), rain can really mess up the plans and make people cranky - especially if it is heavy rain! I still wanted to make the best of it last year and take wacky photos of us with soaking wet hair, but just in terms of getting anything done, it was a pain. My glasses were getting streaked with raindrops and I couldn't see. I was reluctant to take out the camera because I didn't want to get it wet. My pants were soaked. And when it stopped raining momentarily, some of the rides we went on - like Pooh and something else I am forgetting - had big puddles of water in the seats that we had to plop right down on! Yuck! I don't like really bad heat (and I don't envy anyone going to DLR in a couple of days, when it is supposed to be in the UPPER '90s:scared1: ), but really heavy rain has its own set of problems if I am only in the parks for a couple of days!
Ohhh I totally forgot to post this from the previous day :
I love TheAXIOM's face ! It always makes me laugh.

Last Day !

We did not get to enjoy Fantasyland at all and figured that would be the best thing to go to in the morning right away ! Unfortunately the WHOLE weekend my dad had food poisoning and we had to be near bathrooms the whole time. Luckily I know where all of them are in the park so all I had to do was direct him to them. This morning my dad stayed back at the hotel so we could have a good time. Before heading directly to Fantasyland we got some coffee/hot chocolate and took some pictures :)






We went on all the rides in Fantasyland and headed straight to DCA to get some rides in before leaving.





We went on the Tower of Terror and California Screamin’ before going back to the hotel since we needed to check out, do our last minute shopping at DTD, and meet up with TheAXIOM and disneyL0VE’s dad so they could get picked up before heading to the airport. While we were there we did run into a couple of characters :)





We unfortunately only got to see the fireworks & fantasmic in terms of shows. Other than that, we went on rides and had a blast together.

Our next trip is in 38 days and I cannot wait !


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