The Wazowski Report ! HalloweenTime TR Day 1 DONE & Day 2 Started !! Added 12/26!

Now, one of the things I said to my kids on the way home was how much I think they missed the boat not having Bill and Fleur. That was a great part of the book.

They for sure will be in DH - they have already filmed the Shell Cottage footage, so we at least know that. It's just a question of will the big event at the start be a wedding or a funeral? I honestly don't like Fleur (especially how they protrayed her in GOF) so I didn't mind that they left it out although it would be nice to see Bill and Charlie, the missing Weasleys. And Percy will be back for DH as well!
Its funny that the both of you say what you missed out on because mine is a little different. I wanted there to be more of a fight in the castle when the Death Eaters show up because there was more in the book! When I watched the movie I was like "they're just walking out?"

OH & I was soo upset that Firenze wasn't even in it.

OH OH OH & YES, I agree about the funeral. They really needed the funeral in the movie. When I read the book I cried. It really need to be in there, but oh well. The movie was done. What can we do ?

Yeah, that was weird too. Otherwise why even get them inside if the first place, right? Also how Dumbledore didn't freeze Harry at the Astronomy tower. He was just expected to stand there and do nothing? Then again it showed his trust that S was still on their side and emphasized the betrayal I guess. But it was still wierd. I would not have just stood there.
Oh NO WAY?!? I'm doing day TWO of the big 4th of July TR!! WOO!


Okay, so we're all pretty tired, but we're up and ready to go in the morning because who wouldn't be ready for more DLR!?!


Patrick & I left a little bit early because we wanted to make sure that we were there when the ticket booths open so we can get his blackout ticket. For some odd reason the computer was running kind of slow. We both didn't mind because the rest of them didn't make it to the bag check yet and we were joking around anyway. The CM was super nice and said she would give us vouchers for the park because we had to wait an extra 10 minutes for everything to go through. SWEEET. So she gave us two ride vouchers up to 4 people for any ride/attraction except TSMM. COOL. We'll use it later!

We all entered the park and went to the right (for some reason we always go that way, IDK why). We went to Adventureland and went to Indie since we didn't get on it yesterday. 15 minutes?!!? YES.








After that we went on Jungle Cruise (walk on !)




After that, we walked to NOS and went on HM. Walk on, AGAIN! Sweeet. This time I road with Brenda and as soon as the doom buggy was heading its way towards the man in his suit of armor a CM came over and scared us ! AAAHHHH!!! We both screamed like girls. I was SOO scared HAHA. I think they saw us and knew we'd freak out. For the record, I scare VERY easily and I scream very easily as well. So whenever anyone wants to go to a scary movie, they invite me and sit next to me because I make it more intense.

Afterward, we figured, hey we should just get on Splash right now. We'll dry off throughout the day. So we did!





Unfortunately no ride shot because we gave our bags to Eric's mom so it wouldn't get wet. That was walk on as well! Goodness sake, where is everyone?

Afterward we went on Winnie the Pooh (which is slowly becoming one of my favorite rides!)


Then we went into Pooh's Corner (OF COURSE). Today I got tiger butter!

Its so good, its EPIC. HAHA.


Then we headed back to NOS and went to the Train Station. When we were there last, these were not in bloom, but look how beautiful they are!





We went straight to Tomorrowland because we wanted to hit Space Mountain before the crowds started coming in.


20 minutes?!?! SWEEEET!



Here's a pic of the voucher !









Afterward, we went to Buzz and this time Alex wanted to ride with me ! Usually I pair up with one of the boys and see who wants to try and beat me because I usually dominate HAHA! So, this time I spent a bulk of the ride showing Alex the places she should hit for and asking her if she was having fun so I wasn't on my "A" game, so the guys didn't take my score too seriously!






So then afterward, we decided to get out of DL and head over to DCA so we can see if we can make it to the Aladdin show at 11:45 (I think thats what time its at). So we went to the Tomorrowland Train Station and saw these beautiful peppers!


Aren't they beautiful? I didn't realize they grow up that way. So nice!

On the way there we saw Aurora !



Then we went to wait to see the show!



Oh goodness, the girls loved it! All of them had never seen it before, so it was a total treat when they did.

Then we headed towards Condor Flats and got FPs for Soarin', because we really wanted Eric's mom to see it. After we got those, we headed over to GCH to eat at White Water Snacks (for the first time EEEEK!!!)

Woo hoo! More trip report! I was literally just about to take a nap - the heat over here is getting to me, and it is humid on top of it - but I checked my e-mail alerts and saw you had posted another installment of the TR so I had to log on here before I snooze! Your pictures are getting me anxious to get to DLR in 2 days - even just for a short time. It's weird because now I feel like I can't possibly imagine being at DLR when it is not SOME kind of holiday season, but I have to remind myself that the DL I grew up with was the summertime DL and I had fun then too!

Anyway, I am anxious to hear the Jasmine rundown of White Water Snacks. Everyone says it's so good, and I have toyed with trying it eventually, so I am curious to know what you thought of it and what you ordered.

Oh - and I love the pictures of the plants/flowers/peppers. Gotta love those edible plants in TL! There are always ones I didn't know existed that pop up out of nowhere.
... continued

I didn't even know what to expect when I got there, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how cozy and cool it is in there. We were all kind of tired, so it was really nice just to be able to chill out and eat.


I got the French Dip and Patrick got a Chili Dog. I didn't get a pic of everyone's food because I was pretty tired. We got a couple of order of the nachos (DELICOUS), Eric got the chicken sandwich with avocado in it (MMM), and I think the girls also got burgers (only 2 of them).







Then afterward, we headed back to DCA and it was perfect because the time for our FPs were up! Yay we went on Soarin'! Eric's mom liked the scenery but it was freaking her out the whole time because she felt like she was falling. I sat with Alex, and she liked everything except the fireworks in the end.

Then we decided we'd go over to the Animation Building and do another drawing, but on the way there, we saw Stitch (Eric's fave, but I think he's a scary short weirdo).




When he saw Patrick, he was in the mood to dance. I'm guessing he knew what Patrick's shirt was about because its a dance crew shirt.








In the Animation Academy we learned how to draw Winnie the Pooh. I had already drawn Pooh with Kaycee on our LA trip, but I'm always down to drawing characters. After that we went to ToT.



While we were on the ride, the rest waited at the exit and saw Elastigirl/Mrs. Incredible!



Eric's mom was getting a little tired by then and so was Eric, so everyone else went back to the hotel except Patrick & I. Brenda, Yesenia, and Abby said they were just going to get changed and freshen up real quick and meet us back at the parks.

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... continued

So Patrick & I decided to go over to the Animation Building again. This time we waited to see what was next for drawing (Minnie!!). So we walked over to the Sorceror's Workshop to have some fun before the next drawing session.

He totally shoved himself into the picture last minute! HAHA.

Then we drew Minnie, and then sat for about 15 minutes, sang with the music and watched the big screen (oh did I mention we're kind of singers?)

Then we left and decided to go on Monster's. This time we paid attention to a bunch of the small things in the ride (like the fact that almost ALL the sushi in HarryHausen's is eyeballs!


Then on the way out we noticed CMs walking with boards and mic's and noticed them heading towards the stage. It was Drawn to Magic!! We wanted to watch Pixar's Play Parade, but noticed we still had a little time, so we sat and watched the show. We're never over there, so we didn't even know what to expect. It was SO cute. It was about 15 minutes and they were singing and talking. Goodness sake could they sing. Both Patrick & I loved it. We kept talking about how we'd love to be performers at DLR (we both did plays, musicals, and choir). The guy in the hat riffed SOOO well. I got chills.
Then towards the end of the show, the characters they showed off, came on stage!!






There was only about 20 people in the crowd. How could people not want to see this! Now I want to go watch AGAIN!!!

Okay, so now I have to go get ready for work. So I'll have to finish up later.

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More pictures!! I really like the one of Patrick and Stitch. Super neat. And his chili dog looks delish! I always want to go to WWS and we always forget.

So, I haven't read any of the HP books, but by seeing HBP, I could tell so much was missing. I was like, what the heck? How are those Death Eaters just going to walk out and nobody is going to go kick their butts? What about Snape being the Half Blood Prince? I need MORE INFO! So because of that, I will be reading all 7 books and will be totally up to date by the time Deathly Hallows comes out. YES! I still need to finish the dang Twilight books too. Oy.
So I saw HBP yesterday. I've decided that I wasn't mad at the changes, it didn't make me too upset, but it did make me feel really uncomfortable. Like when something was added, it just felt really weird watching. The girl in the beginning for example...whatt? So unnecessary. :confused: Overall I thought it was really funny and it was nice that this was more of a comic relief movie since the next two are probably going to be quite a bit darker.
Courtney, I will add more I promise! :) Oh, and YES they left out a huge amount of the book out of the film, but I was kind of already expecting it so I wasn't too ridiculously disappointed.

Meredith, I didn't like that either (the girl at the subway station), but I did like how Dumbledore showed up by the magic advertisement ;) Overall though, I didn't like that they left out Firenze, the Death Eaters fighting in the castle, and NO FUNERAL FOR DUMBLEDORE?? Seriously? I did enjoy the whole situation with Ron and being under the spell of love potions and Harry drinking the liquid luck. Too funny!!
I'm finally gonna add more!!!

... continued

After Drawn to Magic finished, the characters came down from the stage and gave everyone a meet and greet opportunity! BONUS!! People don’t know about this and I think it would be really beneficial for people to do because I NEVER see Mickey in his sorcerer’s outfit around the park except for F! So I was pretty stoked about that! Then we called the girls to see where they were because we were supposed to meet up with them & they wanted to get henna tattoos and thought their mom would get angry about it, so they wanted to get it done while she was resting HAHA.







They were showing them off to me while we sat across from Sunshine Plaza and I was laughing at them because I have a real tattoo and the henna stuff means nothing to me now haha.

Totally off subject, but here's what my tattoo looks like (and a couple of pics of the experience):




Since my tattoo is so big and there's were around the same spot, I was totally making fun of them for making a big thing out of them haha. We sat there for about 30 minutes before the parade started. The ground was pretty hot so we were a little bit sweaty. Luckily we got a spot in the shade though, so thats pretty cool.

Then the parade started and I went photo CRAZY. OMG, I LOOOOOVED the parade. I'm a BIG Pixar Fan and was going completely crazy when they started coming out!


And based on my sn here, you'll probably guess that I'm a big Monster's Inc. fan !





I LOVE the costumes for the dancers for Monster's, especially the girl on the far right with the scaley dress!!

This dancer was in front of me, but I LOVED her. She was so fun and went full on out!!




Then my best friend!!!

I LOOOVE this picture !! Look at him being so cool !

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Your tattoo is beautiful. I have two myself. I would have got a kick out of how much of a kick they got out of the henna ones.
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I cannot express how much I enjoyed this whole parade, look at their scooters!?!?!!!



Elastigirl or Mrs. Incredible was TOTALLY shaking her hips the whole time!!! HAHA.

I like the "POW!" on the back of their costumes!




I liked these guys because they were so funny with their mustaches! Oh & they were totally getting down to the music!


I like this picture! He's totally getting down with his spoon!







All us girls LOVED these costumes of the Jellyfish girls! SOOO cute! I was getting so many ideas for Halloween costumes!









These guys were swinging with their arms holding on to a band and they were so tall! It was crazy!

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Then Slim showed up and I was sooo excited! His costume is SOOO cool!

I thought it was so cute that the CM in the bug costume was playing with the ball with him! SO cooool !



The girl's in the Buzz costumes are so cool!!



Mr. Potato Head was so short and funny looking when he walked!

Look at the guy swinging on that bar! CRAZY!! Oh & Hamm looks so cute!



How cute is slinkie!

And lastly, Mater!

Then we met up with Eric, his mom, and Alex by Taste Pilot's Grill and they had Jamba Juice on them. We totally drank some! We headed out of DCA and went to DL!

We walked all the way to IASW because Alex really wanted to go on it again!


Then we went to Fantasyland and went on Pinnochio and Snow White. That ride SOO freaks me out. I was sitting in the front by myself and Patrick & Abby were in the back laughing at how I kept sliding from right to left depending on where the evil queen was. She's soooo scary!

While we were on that, Eric went on the carousel with Alex!


Then Patrick really wanted to take a picture of him trying to get the sword out of the stone and I have to admit, this is the most creative one I've ever seen haha!




Then we went around to Frontierland and went on BTMRR! No LINE!!





More to come, I have to get ready for work!!!

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Meredith, I didn't like that either (the girl at the subway station), but I did like how Dumbledore showed up by the magic advertisement ;) Overall though, I didn't like that they left out Firenze, the Death Eaters fighting in the castle, and NO FUNERAL FOR DUMBLEDORE?? Seriously? I did enjoy the whole situation with Ron and being under the spell of love potions and Harry drinking the liquid luck. Too funny!!

I never knew Harry could be so funny! I loooved it! "Well then by all means professor, come with me!" And I've always loved run. Gotta say, Draco Malfoy was really good in this movie. Very emotional.
I love all the colors in the Pixar parade. They are so vibrant and beautiful.
Your tattoo is beautiful. I have two myself. I would have got a kick out of how much of a kick they got out of the henna ones.

Thanks Michele :) It was too funny, really!!

I never knew Harry could be so funny! I loooved it! "Well then by all means professor, come with me!" And I've always loved run. Gotta say, Draco Malfoy was really good in this movie. Very emotional.

Oh I knowww!! I like it when the professor says "Harry?!" and he looks back at him and says "professor!" Oh gosh, I was cracking up! Malfoy was very good! I was really happy that they showed him truly confused and scared to do what he had to.

I love all the colors in the Pixar parade. They are so vibrant and beautiful.

I love the colors too, I was so excited to see all the bright costumes and floats :) Really great!
... continued

After that we saw a BUNCH of people sitting to watch F! already and it we had over an hour before it started! Geez! So we sat down and took turns again getting food and such. I ended up getting food over at the French Market (it was way to expensive for what I got, but I was getting tired of fried foods, so I needed something substantial in my stomach).


Before the food though, Eric, Patrick, and I went on HM. We all decided we'd get on our own doom buggies and I knew for sure one of the CMs was going to scare the crap out of me, so I stayed on the right side of the doom buggie staring at the left corner until I reached the endless hall. Right when I started to get comfortable, a CM came up to the buggie, shook it and gave an evil laugh. I screamed as loud as I could but by then I pretty much lost my voice so I sounded like a hoarse chain smoker yelling "SERIOUSLY?!?! AGAIN!!! GAHHH!!!" It was pretty funny! I swear, they were targeting me ALL weekend!

Everyone else got various things and as soon as they were done, Patrick swooped in on anyone else's leftovers and scarfed them down HAHA. Goodness sake that guy is a hoover when we're at DLR! Eric's family got a million glowsticks in a food trade their dad did for a guy that owns a diddams, so we brought 200 sticks fr the whole weekend. We used 100 on this night. People were SOO jealous haha !!

We were waiting around and making necklaces and such, then ended up giving some away to kids that were around us.







F! is always great ! Everyone except Eric, Patrick, Abby & I haven't seen it, so they really enjoyed it! Before it started the NOS band was on a float going from side to side on the Rivers of America playing music for about 15 minutes. They were so good! They had mics set up on the raft, so it played on the speakers for everyone to hear! It was a little sad that Maleficent didn't turn into the dragon, but it was alright! No biggie. Flotsam & Jestam were cool and it was just so good overall.

Then afterward, we were going to try to make it over to Fantasyland because Alex wanted to go on the teacups (again), but the fireworks were going to start and since Alex is really afraid of the fireworks, we had to duck out in a store (we went to Bat en Rouge). She was pretty much crying most of the time because you can really hear them anywhere in NOS, but we did our best. Then when we heard the finale I made sure we RAN to the train station because EVERYONE was going to try to get on it after the fireworks.

We totally made it! We got off at Toontown and went straight for the teacups.






Then afterward, we went to Autopia and the wait wasn't that long (about 20 min)! We just wanted to go on Autopia at night because its pretty nice at night.





After that we went on Buzz again!! No wait !




Then we went over to Pixie Hollow to wait for the water show we heard about (it was sooo beautiful !)

This is pond without the show:

This was during with all the colors!




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You know I just love your pictures. They are always so fun.


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