The Trip where Disney Lost a Bit of Magic: Day 4 - Sunday 14th December 2008


Totally in love with Lisa_C
Jun 13, 2008
The Trip where Disney Lost a Bit of Magic

11th-14th December 2008

Day 4 - Sunday 14th December 2008

Our last day in the Magic. Well last night was an awfull nights sleep, Uncle Matty was up half the night being violently sick and having the bed in the lounge we were in direct running area for him!! Luckily Kacee managed to sleep through it all but the sound of Matty being sick made Ellie sick too! We managed to drag Nanny and Dandad out of bed for the EMH today but Uncle Matty stayed behind to sleep. EMH was dead again today so we again managed to fly through our usual morning rides! It was really nice to be able to ride some of my favorate childhood rides with my Daddy now that I am older and able to sppreciate them more. Unfortunatly at 10am Nanny and Dandad had to leave to collect Uncle Matty and check out of the DCR for us, they were to head off home as well as Uncle Matty was still unwell. Unfortunatly this kinda made the end of the holiday fizzle out rather than being the exciting end that we had all hoped for. Nevertheless we were determined to do the Whinnie the Pooh show that we had been unable to do on Saturday due to sheer volumes of people so at 10:05am we were in the queue for the 10:30 show! This show was lovely for Kacee, he loved every second of it and at the end I had to struggle to keep him from running onto the stage! After this we came out to a packed out Fantasyland with queues of 70 mins for Dumbo, 90 for IASW and a queue for Peter Pan that seemed to go on for ever (the screen here didn't work the entire weekend) We wandered round to POTC and saw the sign that said it was 5 mins, needless to say we didn't beleive it but thought we would try and it was a walk-on!! Despite every ride having massive queues POTC was a walk-on and we were allowed to stay on for a second time! After this it was off for lunch at the Mexican opposite BTM (forgotten the name). After lunch we decided to wander round to see what the queue for Santa was like and we bumped into Mickey Mouse, just as Kacee was getting close to him and Mickey was bent down for a cuddle a middle aged woman who can only be described as a trogladite (the sort of person that you see on the Jeremy Kyle Show) barged Kacee to the floor and stood next to Mickey triumphantly, the CM then lead Mickey away from the woman who was demanding an autograph from Mickey and over to Kacee. All you could hear was this moron saying "Well I ave to push innit or I aint gonna get nowhere" Well I almost ahd to walk off at this stage as I would have been barred for life from DLRP if I could have said and done what I wanted to! Kacee (who was sat on the floor sobbing) got picked up by Mickey Mouse, cuddled and then danced with before having a picture and kissing him. Off we went to see Santa where Ellie queued while Kacee and I saw Woody and then looked round at the "Nowman" (snowman) before it was our turn to see Santa. Santa was amazing with Kacee and my heart melted when kacee stood and said "Bye Santa" and blew him a kiss. We decided that as this was such a massive high we should leave the park and then head out to the Village to do some last minute shopping beforee home time.

The journey home was very uneventfull and we managed to get the 8pm ferry instead of the 10pm ferry. Back to our freezing cold house at 10:30 our time and fast asleep by 11:35 (after posting on here obviously)!
grrrr i cannot believe that!

i would be mad too and my boys are older,12 and 6

but yours is just a baby! :mad:
was the winnie show good ?

we saw Mickeys Winter Wonderland show but not the Winnie one

poor matty :(

a middle aged woman who can only be described as a trogladite (the sort of person that you see on the Jeremy Kyle Show)

I love the name!!

I'm like you, if that happened to Kyra i would of ended up with a lifetime ban.

Hope Kacee is ok :hug:
Sorry to hear about Kacee. Unfortunatley it only takes one person to spoil for everyone.

Hope Matt recovered from his illness.
Poor Kacee did very well holding yourself back, shows what a gentleman you are. I on the otherhand might have got a ban.

Hopefully Kacee will remember being picked up by the Mouse himself and not that trogladite
This is EXACTLY why I HATE DLP and will NEVER go back there even though we live in north london and going for a day or two is very "do able".

I just hate the way the meet and greets are NOT organised and I hate the way that some of the people behave. I've had my kids pushed out of the way too and I've had my yougest crying his eyes out (when he was younger) asking "why does Mickey love me anymore ?? " I will not put my family thorugh that again, I'd rather wait a few years and save to go to WDW
This is EXACTLY why I HATE DLP and will NEVER go back there even though we live in north london and going for a day or two is very "do able".

I just hate the way the meet and greets are NOT organised and I hate the way that some of the people behave. I've had my kids pushed out of the way too and I've had my yougest crying his eyes out (when he was younger) asking "why does Mickey love me anymore ?? " I will not put my family thorugh that again, I'd rather wait a few years and save to go to WDW

Funny, I don't care if I ever go to WDW again because of the lack of maintenance, the poor service, and worst versions of all the attractions.
Indeed the variety in humanity is the spice of life. If we all liked the same places, they would be very crowded! :hippie:
I still can't believe what that woman did !!!:mad: :mad: You did very well though not to react. Poor Kacee:hug: but glad the CM led Mickey away from her.

Hmm I wonder whether EMH will be as dead this Sunday. I don't think so!! lol.


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