The Trip Is On!!! Trip report starts on pg. 39

That is a good rate for the PPH. That's the sort of rate I was expecting to see show up on the AP hotel calendar last year in October and the first part of December as it had in the past (but it never did).

But I think that you picked a good hotel to stay at for several reasons. Unless you just had a deep need to stay onsite again, I think the Ayre's will be absolutely fine. You'll probably love it.

Part of me wants to stay onsite for the obvious reasons. I mean where else can you be so deeply part of the experience? But, you know I think the Ayre's will be beautiful and relaxing. One of our best trips was when we stayed at the Hilton over by the baseball park which is the area I think the hotel is in. You are away from the hubbub and frankly it is quieter.
I just got to wondering. I wonder if the Monday that I am there if because it is President's day it will be considered part of the weekend? If so then will the FF stuff be going on? And if it is it will be during the Mardi Gras weekend!! I am so excited at the thought!! I so hope it is going on Monday. If so I do not care how busy the park is, I have to see it!!!
The entertainment schedule is up for your's the link:

Fantasmic is running on Monday the 21st!! :woohoo:

I know!! I am thrilled. I am going to call tomorrow to ask if FF is going to run on Monday too because of the holiday. I notice they aren't showing it right now but I know that doesn't mean it won't be shown. The reason that I think it might is because Fantasmic is showing it when it normally wouldn't. Does that make sense? Or is it just me?
Oh, you were looking for the Mardi Gras Family Fun stuff.....sorry....for some reason I saw F & was thinking you were hoping for Need new glasses.
Oh, you were looking for the Mardi Gras Family Fun stuff.....sorry....for some reason I saw F & was thinking you were hoping for Need new glasses.

Oh no!! It's all good. Yeah I so want to see the Mardi Gras Family Fun stuff. I need to see Mickey and Minnie dressed for Mardi Gras!!
Oh no!! It's all good. Yeah I so want to see the Mardi Gras Family Fun stuff. I need to see Mickey and Minnie dressed for Mardi Gras!!

The only thing I've seen on the dates are all Mondays :sad2: Maybe they'll rethink it since it's a holiday & they are running full hours!!
The only thing I've seen on the dates are all Mondays :sad2: Maybe they'll rethink it since it's a holiday & they are running full hours!!

That was my thought. I am going to call and ask. It never hurts to ask.
I knew I should start planning on this no planning trip because now I am planning. Argh. Darn this planning bug.
I got to thinking well there are other meals to plan and organize, where else do we want to eat? And I get the planning itch again. And well… just goes downhill from there dagnabit. We had discussed wanting to eat in DTD but this is one place where D and I are not compatible. She would like to eat at the House of Blues and I on the other hand would like to eat at Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen or Tortilla Jo’s as these are both place WBG would just balk at the menus. I am not sure why but although he loves Mexican food if I cook it, he doesn’t like to eat it in restaurants. It makes no sense but hey that is WBG.

So I was thinking Monday night we are really are going to want to eat in Disneyland, I am thinking that as the day goes on because it is a holiday the crowd will thin out. I am probably being Pollyanna on that, but hey a little bit of a Pollyanna attitude never hurt anyone. For those of you not familiar with Pollyanna may I suggest the book now. It is an old book, but the lead character is a great one. And like her I like to play the glad game, and right now although I feel like crud still, I am happy I have a laptop so I can be in a reclining position and be online. See how it works?

I have always wanted to eat at Rancho Del Zocalo, so that is high on my list. But, then I am happy with most places. Oh and in Fantasyland they redid the Village Haus, so it might be interesting to see the new menu. Especially that pastrami-cheese burger, talk about a protein and fat overload. Is it wrong that this sounds so good to me? I also am rather fond of Troubador Tavern in Fantasyland. I love their baked potatoes. And actually it is in such a fun location because you can watch the whole Princess Fantasy Faire, and pretend that you are just there for the food.

I think that I may visit the Princesses if Tiana is there when I am in the area. Can anyone tell me how to tell which Princesses are there or is it the luck of the draw? I know with the Fairies it is luck of the draw mostly so I kind of guess that is the way it is with the Princesses too. I am so tempted to get an autograph book and get as many autographs as I can. Silly I know. :smooth:
So funny about Family Fun days and Mardi Gras. I was just commenting on J's TR about that. Thanks to that I saw that they are doing Mardi Gras in NOS on the weekend we *might* be there! SO excited about that.

So funny, we never eat at Rancho! DH grabbed a plate once and took it to go, (the rest of us were getting chowder in NOS) ... he didn't know that you couldn't do that. So he's walking around NOS with a plate of Mexican food :sad2: :rotfl: I want to check out Troubador one of these days. And the Village Haus too since they revamped it. Their food used to always get dismal reviews and since it's in FL, always filled with grouchy parents and crying kids :rotfl: I want to see if it's changed :)

I'm pretty sure the PFF is luck of the draw. We haven't done that in years. I prefer Ariel's for princesses.
So funny about Family Fun days and Mardi Gras. I was just commenting on J's TR about that. Thanks to that I saw that they are doing Mardi Gras in NOS on the weekend we *might* be there! SO excited about that.

So funny, we never eat at Rancho! DH grabbed a plate once and took it to go, (the rest of us were getting chowder in NOS) ... he didn't know that you couldn't do that. So he's walking around NOS with a plate of Mexican food :sad2: :rotfl: I want to check out Troubador one of these days. And the Village Haus too since they revamped it. Their food used to always get dismal reviews and since it's in FL, always filled with grouchy parents and crying kids :rotfl: I want to see if it's changed :)

I'm pretty sure the PFF is luck of the draw. We haven't done that in years. I prefer Ariel's for princesses.

I am hoping that it is going on President's Day. They haven't listed it for that day but I am hoping that they are. And I understand having the Western Days where they are. They are theming it at the different lands I guess.

I didn't know you couldn't take food like that, that really sucks.
When last I left in the non-planning pre trip report we were going to go to lunch at the Bbq. We have left any ride plans to the fact we have a few must rides and one definite we don’t want to ride and that is ToT. Neither of us are really interested in it. Ironically we are laid back and want this to be a relaxing trip. I am so for that.

We had considered doing the Walk in Walt’s Footsteps tour but have since decided that it is a block of time that we just don’t want to use this way. I know that I would like to see Aladdin while we are there because I have never seen it but that remains to be seen.:confused3

Our next not plan is dinner on Tuesday the 22nd of February. We want to see WoC so we decided to do a dinner for it. We are going to eat at Wine Country Trattoria, now this not something I could do with WBG. He is a picky sort of eater, I am really looking forward to it. I didn’t see the WoC when I was there in June because it was the week it opened and I was so not going to deal with those crowds. Big excitement!!:cool1:

I don’t know that we are going to spend the whole day in DCA, because it is a Tuesday I know that it is actually a prime day to play in Disneyland. So I think we might do the earl part of the day there and go over to DCA in the late afternoon. Our dinner is at 6:30 so I figure that we can have dinner and not have much time to wait for WoC. We may play this by ear. Further on this later. :smooth:

I was playing online as I like to on the Disneyland website and the AP rates for the DLR hotels have gone down so plans maybe changing. More on this later. :smooth:

WoC is amazing! It's worth doing the dinner seating too (or whatever it is called). We had the best view in June doing the WCT dinner. In December we did the picnic lunch and although the picnic part was totally worth $15 (tons of food) the view for dinner was better.
WoC is amazing! It's worth doing the dinner seating too (or whatever it is called). We had the best view in June doing the WCT dinner. In December we did the picnic lunch and although the picnic part was totally worth $15 (tons of food) the view for dinner was better.

Thank you Jenny. And we thought that the menu better suited us. I am getting really excited, it is less than a month away.:cool1:
When I have a trip to Disneyland planned I tend to stalk the Disneyland website for any changes in hours and such. Especially when people start talking about things like Main Street being torn up. Thankfully it looks like that is not going to be a concern for us. So the next thing is to see who is playing at the House of Blues. I mean you never know who might be playing that you might want to see. We could get lucky right? No such luck. Nothing against Less Than Jake or Miranda Cosgrove but not our style of music you know? And I am thinking the place will filled with screaming teenagers when Less Than Jake plays, I can do that at home. :rolleyes1

I also noticed that the only day that there will be fireworks is Monday night, I hoping to see them. I cannot believe that out of six days last summer I did not take one day to watch the fireworks. :confused3 Well, I guess at the time it wasn’t important or maybe it is the fact that I didn’t feel like listening to anyone whine about having to wait in order to have a good spot. And quite honestly as busy as it was I wanted to take advantage of any chance there was to get on rides with less of a line.

But, the main thing that I saw was that the Billy’s don’t perform on Tuesday or Wednesday!! I was hoping to see them one of those days. Argh. Now I either have to hope that the park is not slambang busy or that we stay long enough on Thursday that I get to see them. If I don’t get to see them this trip I guess I will have to plan another trip real soon. Drat, that would be terrible. :rofl:

And I think I may call and see if I can get us into the Carnation Café for either breakfast or lunch on Tuesday. I am thinking lunch because I want to try the loaded potato soup. I have wanted to eat here for a long time. The one time I made reservations to eat there I ended up sick in the hotel room while my niece Stephanie took my kids over for lunch. I will be sure and update if we add this meal in.

I am on the fence about where we are staying. I love the thought of staying at the PPH but I also love the thought of the Ayre’s. Most of all I love the extra fun money it would give me if we stay at the Ayre’s. Well, I guess we won’t know until I make that decision because D left it up to me to decide. Gee thanks. :rofl: Who knows? I will just watch the prices until the beginning of February before I decide.

So stay tuned for the more exciting news in our next installment. :smooth:
Carnation Cafe being perfect for us since Trent so darn picky :thumbsup2

Who are the Billy's?

We have decided that when we got to Disney, we are doing it up and staying at one of the 3 Disney hotels since this will probably be a once in a lifetime trip to California for us :thumbsup2
This is the Billy's. I have been wanting a chance to sit down and enjoy the show. In June it was so busy there was standing room only. And because it was so busy it was hot in there.


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