The system does work in Emergencies!!


Mar 5, 2003
Hi my name is Carla and I have been an Army wife on Monday Oct 11 for 16 years. I have lost faith of recent times in my husband's COC but not the Army as a whole. My husband was deployed to Iraq in March. Seperation and times away are not new to our family. This last time though (to Iraq) has been especially harder as there has been little or no communication to the wives via the Family Readiness Group or Rear-Detachment NCOIC. We've had 3 FRG meetings and literally no info, if lucky we get an email a month and it contains nothing about what is happening, the mission or how the soldiers are holding up. Luckily enough my husband does have access to internet (pretty regualarly) and when the phone lines work we talk about 1X a week.

Monday, I received a message at home from the PLT leader, she said that my husband had been medicially evaced to Germany for Emergency Gallbladder surgery. Needless to say, I was worried. While my husband was in the Hospital in Iraq the Doctors did get him a mobile phone and he managed to call me and put my mind at ease. Later that day I got a call from the Rear Detachment NCOIC and he informed my my husband was in Germany for Gallbladder surgery. Keep in mind HE WAS STILL IN IRAQ in the hospital. The next day (Tuesday) at 9:30am I received a call from the Department of the Army saying my husband was listed as Serious condition, not Hostile and that unless his health was downgraded that I and one of my children would be authorized to go to Germany. (Of course I was hoping for his health to be downgraded). Later the same day, I got a call at 4:00 from the rear-D NCOIC (again) telling me that the info he had given me Monday was and that this time he was really in Germany. Well at the point I decided to email Landstuhl direct. At 2:30am (Wednesday) I received my phone call responding to my email with the info requested. The lady gave me the number direct to my husband's bed and told me that he arrived 15-20 minutes earlier in Germany. Thursday morning, I received my last call from DA saying that my hubby had his surgery and was taken off the serious listing and in recovery and that I would get further info direct from the hospital or the company my husband was assigned too. I have yet to get a call from anyone in the company or Family Readiness group yet (that is what the Department of the Army said would happen.) Keep in mind the two times the Rear D called he was wrong.
I have spoken to my husband he is on the mend, alot of discomfort bu the hospital and staff are treating him very well. They have given him clothes (brand new from Aafes $250 worth) 2 new sets of BDU's calling cards, and cash. They really know how to take care of these guys and IMO they deserve it. My faith is renewed!!! I really feel that the info from DA was great and the people were so helpful and sincere. I just wanted anyone out there reading this to keep in mind that you must ask questions. Don't be discouraged if you get scary news about your loved one, ask questions and get your answers, don't expect it to come to you.
Carla :Pinkbounc Army Wife
(((((hugs))))) to you and your family, please keep us posted about your situation and our prayers are with you.
Carla {{{:hug:}}} to you and your family,

Thanks for sharing your story. Being an Army wife or mom is a tough job! Our son's division has a web site it updates to keeps families somewhat informed, but understanderably cannot give many details. Other than that, support for family is nil. I agree, it is very difficult when you only hear something weekly, if lucky. I hope I am never in your situation, as I can imagine how the uncertainty must have felt and how worried you must have been about your DH. I'm sorry you got the run around and am so glad to hear your DH is on the mend. My prayers are with you and your family. Take care!

Keep the faith ^i^
:hug: Sandie
Hi Carla,
I missed your original post, I hope your husband has been released by now from Landsthul but if he is still here and needs anything please let me know.

Well finally my last update, Thanks for your kind words and notes. My hubby after 3 weeks was sent back to duty in Iraq. I of course hoped he would come home but he is recovering well and capable of going back. They have about 4 and a half months left of the year tour then he'll be home again. Thanks again for your interest!


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