The Sweetest Little Disneymoon Ever! *4/25 Update! - Rise and Dine!*

Part 9: Rise and Dine!

The next morning we woke up earlier than we had before, partly due to the fact that we just didn’t sleep well, but also because this was our last full day in The World so we planned an early breakfast; we wanted to take advantage of the whole day!

We dressed and, for one of the few times on our trip, headed through the GF grounds and made our way to the monorail! Like so many of you I am mildly obsessed with the monorail. I have the “Please stand clear of the doors” clip as my ring tone. True story.

The day was already warmer than any morning of the trip so far and it was getting warmer with every passing minute. I started to second guess the long sleeved shirt I had worn but, not having time to go back to the room and change, I figured that I would just go with it. We hopped on the monorail about 5 minutes later and made our way alllll the wayyyy arounnnddd the track until we arrived at The Poly; bring on the Kona Press, baby!

We checked in about 5 minutes early and the restaurant was packed, so we had to wait for a table to open up. While we waited I took some pictures of the resort in its holiday garb.

I just love the Polynesian, but I have a weird thing about tropical Christmases, in that I don’t prefer them, so I’d always prefer to stay at a resort like the Contemporary or GF during Christmas. However, I think the Poly would be perfect for fall, right around MNSSHP and the F&W Fest! Does anyone else have weird quirks about when they “can” stay at certain resorts? No? Just me? Ah well.

It wasn’t long before we were led to our table by a very frazzled looking waiter; we felt bad for him! It certainly looked and sounded chaotic that morning, but I tend to think it’s always like that, being as small and exposed as it is. I remember it feeling like that during our first visit there as well. He asked for our drink orders and we immediately requested a Kona Press, and I asked for a cup of Lillioki juice as well. As busy as it was the drinks came out quickly!

I wasn’t able to get a good shot of the juice, and you all know what it looks like anyway 

By the time he got back we both knew what we wanted and placed our order.

While we waited for our food we savored the coffee and talked about how we really should get a coffee press for home, but part of me likes that it’s a “special Disney thing.” You know what I mean?

Before we knew it our plates were brought to us!

DH’s breakfast – the Big Kahuna!

And mine! I’d been craving these Macadamia Pancakes for a year since I had them last. Mmmm. I adore these pancakes, and for some reason I think the sausage at Kona is the best I’ve ever had. I was craving some in a big way the other day, but my DH insisted that it wasn’t financially sound to fly to Disney for a 45 minute breakfast. Humbug.

The pancakes were good, although I swear there were way more nuts in them than usual and my jaw kind of got tired, it almost felt like I was just eating spoonful’s of macadamias. I decided I wanted to add a little something extra to give it a little more variety in each bite (warning, partially eaten food ahead.)

Ahhhhh, that’s the ticket! There are few foods in life that cannot be improved by strawberry compote. Am I right?

The remainder of our food was quickly inhaled and we decided to get a move on to the park! We thanked our waiter, left the tip, and headed back to the monorail. One stop at the Transportation stop, then onward to Epcot!

Apparently everyone had the same idea today because the monorail was absolutely packed, and there was already a good sized line formed at the bag check.

While we waited we made a call to Nana and the Twincesses at home. We chatted for a few minutes and then said our “see you soon’s” and “I love you’s” and we were through the gates!

At this point it was nearing 11 am; it was getting HOT, and my foot was killing me. I was hobbling like an old woman and I knew that there was no way I was going to get through the rest of the day like this. DH offered to rent a wheelchair, which I immediately rejected. No way! Instead we decided to look for a pair of crocs and a sleeveless shirt at Mousegears, but I wanted to make a stop first. There was a ride I’d been waiting to go on for as long as I could remember, and right now there was virtually no line.

Ahoy Spaceship Earth!

Our headshots weren’t great, so this is the only one you get ;)

I loved this ride SO much. It was so relaxing, and I love history so this was right up my alley. Plus, who doesn’t love a little Judi Dench in the morning? In the end our future was one of self-sustainability mixed with modern living. It was totally us :)

One check on my Disney bucket list and we were off to do some shopping!

We ran into the Joyful stage on the way and stopped to listen for a few minutes. Just awesome. That group can SING!

Finally at Mousegears I hemmed and hawed over the crocs. Do I get sandals? The enclosed ones? The Mary Jane style? In the end I picked a pair of thong toed pink sandals that were the most comfortable and supportive. My foot felt a little better so I hoped for the best. I also grabbed a flowy tank top and a new purse! Well, technically I guess it’s a hobo bag, but I had been looking for a bag like this the entire trip, so I didn’t hesitate!

Purchases made we decided to head towards The Land for some lessons on living and soaring! :)

Continued In Next Post


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