The September 2017 Post Hurricane Trip Report pics added

So management decided I am not going to dayshift for another 3 weeks.....ugh. They had to fire some people for poor attendance and have not hired enough replacements. Oh well, it is on the horizon and just behind it is our vacation in Disney. Will be packing this weekend, trailer scheduled for warranty work next week. All coming together.
So excited to add a SECOND September trip to this list! Hubby and I are already on the list for Labor Day and we finally nailed down dates for our entire family to be there from September 15-22. We have a full hook up and a cabin and 12 people coming. Adult kids and grandkids ages 15, 12, 9, 5, 2, and 8 months. At some point the planning starts feeling like a full fledged military invasion, but I know it will be worth it!
@Teamubr how tall is your milk can? My husband is currently in our front yard building my lamp and I'm looking for a milk can online. The tallest I'm finding is 13". (Sorry for copying you. But it looks so awesome!)
My can is 24 inches. The milk can... Well, maybe both. :-)

Same height as Tiggerdad's and S.AL5er's

Can't find any worth getting online as of now. Looks like I will use an umbrella base for now.
Thanks for the info!!
We saw a bunch of them at the Illinois State Fair last weekend. I found mine in a resale shop in Hannibal Mo. They had 2. The other one had the lid drilled and turned into an ash tray. Keep looking, it will probably be in the least expected place.

Don't worry Sleepy425, I have had no luck in finding one either. Someday.
Don't worry Sleepy425, I have had no luck in finding one either. Someday.
Looks like I have more time to find one. My husband didn't read the whole thread about making the lamp. He didn't run the saw backwards and broke the globe. Globe #2, for an extra $40, will arrive in a few days. :charac2:
We will be making our second trip to the Fort approx. Sept. 4th -15th. I was wondering if and when people start decorating for Halloween? Last year we were there in October (hubby broke leg, so had to change ressie from Sept.). Anyway, he thought the decorations were awesome and wants to bring our few with us this year to display _ ONLY IF, other people will be decorating, too.. Does anyone know when they start decorating?
My next dumb camping question. If I bring a window ac for the tent, and a dorm fridge, will I have enough power to run both? I don't want to stock the fridge then flip a breaker somehow and lose it.
We will be making our second trip to the Fort approx. Sept. 4th -15th. I was wondering if and when people start decorating for Halloween? Last year we were there in October (hubby broke leg, so had to change ressie from Sept.). Anyway, he thought the decorations were awesome and wants to bring our few with us this year to display _ ONLY IF, other people will be decorating, too.. Does anyone know when they start decorating?
Usually Halloween decorations go up right after Labor Day. I'd bring yours.
My next dumb camping question. If I bring a window ac for the tent, and a dorm fridge, will I have enough power to run both? I don't want to stock the fridge then flip a breaker somehow and lose it.
Yes, there is enough electricity to run those 2 things.
I got my email on Friday that the MagicBands have shipped and yesterday I discovered our Lowes has the Disney Christmas lights back. And because our local store is a "fulfillment" center, we get all the holiday stuff early.
These should come in handy decorating our site in less than 4 weeks.


Good day Dis Campers. I beseech your mercy as I have been woefully lacking in keeping in touch. Work and family situations have been crazy.
Now that I am reconnected with the "World" and hopefully the Fort, please keep the trip reports coming so that I may regain some sanity.
I've been slowly catching up on the threads and hope to be back on track soon.
I got my email on Friday that the MagicBands have shipped and yesterday I discovered our Lowes has the Disney Christmas lights back. And because our local store is a "fulfillment" center, we get all the holiday stuff early.
These should come in handy decorating our site in less than 4 weeks.

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How much for the wreath? I don't see it listed online yet.
I am happy for you getting dayshift now, PaHunter.

You were working the Ol' Tiggerdad Swing Shift prior (he is a former poster here, used to post some times, then he got reg'ler hours and got respectable).

I'm keeping my eye out at Lowe's, Home Depot, and Walmart for Halloween decore' for my October trip. Fall can't get here soon enough.

Bama Ed
Contrary to Bama Ed's speculation cited above Tiggerdad is alive and well he posted a few short minutes ago in Threads regarding Outside vendor golf carts and Disney preparations for the impending eclipse


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