The Running Thread -- 2022

Has anyone experienced a spike in HR for a few days with their Garmin Forerunner 235? My last two runs have shown my HR being significantly higher than similar effort level runs in the past, and without the run feeling harder/more challenging. I'm wondering if a software update maybe adjusted something with how it is measuring?
I have experienced this in the past on other Garmins (I think last with my 935 a year or so ago after a software update).
Anyone ever dealt with posterior tibial tendonitis or tarsal tunnel syndrome? Did a 14 mile run on Sunday and felt really good afterward. Later on that evening, after vegging on the couch watching football, got up to go downstairs and had a pain near the inside ankle bone on my right foot. It is kind of down and to the rear of the bone. It actually hurt to put any pressure down on my foot. It felt like something was flamed up in there. Been doing some research and it sounds like it could either be posterior tibial tendonitis or tarsal tunnel syndrome. In reading about both it sounds like the resolution is calf stretching, some strengthening exercises using bands, and some ortho inserts.
YES this is the only kind of injury I have ever had. I ignored it until it became so painful I had to take a few weeks off of running, so don't do that.

All of what you said is correct. Along with that, I have stopped walking around the house barefoot and started wearing Oofos for arch support. The most effective stretch for me, when I start to notice it flaring up, is to point my foot and scrunch my toes down into the carpet. Clench that big toe like you are making a fist with your foot and use the floor to help. With your foot pointed. Basically stretching that ankle tendon on top of my foot as far as I can. I can also tell it's flaring up when my big toe wants to point up when I run. So stretch by pushing that toe down. If that makes sense.
ATTQOTD: I'm grateful for...

- Physical therapy. I had been doing my occasional runs with knee bands for years because of knee pain, and finally going to PT this spring almost completely resolved my issues. Yay!

- Online running communities. My friends are not interested in running, and the local run club is kind of overwhelming in the number of people who go, so the DISboards and similar groups have been awesome for asking questions and swapping tips.

- Being able to stay with my parents in Florida for the holidays. Running in the cold was definitely a shock to my system, and even though it's still too humid in Orlando, I'm happy enough that I don't have to wear gloves when I'm running that I'll take it lol
Anyone ever dealt with posterior tibial tendonitis or tarsal tunnel syndrome? Did a 14 mile run on Sunday and felt really good afterward. Later on that evening, after vegging on the couch watching football, got up to go downstairs and had a pain near the inside ankle bone on my right foot. It is kind of down and to the rear of the bone. It actually hurt to put any pressure down on my foot. It felt like something was flamed up in there. Been doing some research and it sounds like it could either be posterior tibial tendonitis or tarsal tunnel syndrome. In reading about both it sounds like the resolution is calf stretching, some strengthening exercises using bands, and some ortho inserts.

I've had two ankle tendonitis injuries (but not sure of the medical terms of either).

August 2018
Screen Shot 2022-11-23 at 1.29.07 PM.png

Outside of the right ankle where the red arrow is above. Likely brought on by cambered roads. Sought PT advice because I had the Chicago M in October. Took 2 weeks off from running, gutted through the tail end of marathon training, and then did Chicago. I took 19 weeks off from running after Chicago because it was causing quite a few problems in daily life. I did indoor cycling instead. Wore an ankle brace for the majority of that time off. Then when I returned to running in the Spring of 2019 I wore soft sleeve ankle supports on both ankles when I would run. I continued to wear those for the next few years. Which eventually led to...

November 2020
Screen Shot 2022-11-23 at 1.32.20 PM.png

A second ankle tendonitis injury on the left ankle where the red arrow is above. Outside of the foot, near the top, and near the outside ankle bone. When it occurred I had just finished a really good run and was walking home when my ankle just suddenly felt on fire. No warning. Likely due to ankle hypomobility and calf hypomobolity brought on by wearing the soft sleeve ankle brace for an extended period of time (about 1.5 years). The brace weakened my ankles too much. I sought PT advice for this one as well, and went through constant appointments for over a 9 month period (every 14-21 days). It finally resolved in June/July/August 2021. So without taking any time off, the injury lingered for about a year.
Has anyone experienced a spike in HR for a few days with their Garmin Forerunner 235? My last two runs have shown my HR being significantly higher than similar effort level runs in the past, and without the run feeling harder/more challenging. I'm wondering if a software update maybe adjusted something with how it is measuring?
The 235 is very susceptible to cadence lock. It may be that the watch was locking onto your cadence rather than your actual HR and is recording that instead. When I ran with the 235, I found it necessary to ensure that the Watch was tight on my wrist and critical that I wait until I had a solid white heart icon (not flashing) indicating a solid lock onto HR before starting a run. Hope this helps!
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Likely due to ankle hypomobility and calf hypomobolity brought on by wearing the soft sleeve ankle brace for an extended period of time (about 1.5 years). The brace weakened my ankles too much. I sought PT advice for this one as well, and went through constant appointments for over a 9 month period (every 14-21 days). It finally resolved in June/July/August 2021. So without taking any time off, the injury lingered for about a year.
Yeah see these are on the outside ankle which is different from what I had and what I think @jrsharp21 was describing. One thing that is the same is that I tried wearing an ankle brace and I think I made mine worse that way too. Those calf muscles anterior and posterior on the lower leg need to be loosened up.
Has anyone experienced a spike in HR for a few days with their Garmin Forerunner 235? My last two runs have shown my HR being significantly higher than similar effort level runs in the past, and without the run feeling harder/more challenging. I'm wondering if a software update maybe adjusted something with how it is measuring?

I have a Fenix 5 and had a similar issue last week in that it said I set new HR records and max HR on an easy run. It was very cold out and so I chalked it up to that impacting the optical HR sensor, especially since I hadn't worn the watch as tight as normal. Have read that cold weather can impact the sensors, although usually shows slower HR not higher but it was all I think of and on the next day's run, everything was back to normal.
YES this is the only kind of injury I have ever had. I ignored it until it became so painful I had to take a few weeks off of running, so don't do that.

All of what you said is correct. Along with that, I have stopped walking around the house barefoot and started wearing Oofos for arch support. The most effective stretch for me, when I start to notice it flaring up, is to point my foot and scrunch my toes down into the carpet. Clench that big toe like you are making a fist with your foot and use the floor to help. With your foot pointed. Basically stretching that ankle tendon on top of my foot as far as I can. I can also tell it's flaring up when my big toe wants to point up when I run. So stretch by pushing that toe down. If that makes sense.
Thanks for the info. Going to try out those stretches. Did a 5 mile Turkey Trot today. felt it the first half and then it kind of went away as I warmed up. Actually set my 5k record today despite the painful ankle.
Thankfulness: Running Edition. What are you thankful for this year in regards to your running journey?

I feel very blessed for so many things this year, but here are some of the biggies. I am thankful for:

- The amazing professionals who have used their immense expertise to help me - my physical therapist and his assistant who have gotten me running pain-free, my running coach who has taught me so much about running and set me up with a successful training plan, my personal trainer who started me on my fitness journey so many years ago, and my mental mastery coach who continues to help me see my own strength and stay out of my own head. I would not be where I am today without each one of them.

- My support system, both online and in-person - I've been blessed to make so many great new friends through running. They have helped me through the very lows and are always ready celebrated the very highs. I know that it's been said before, but it is so true - runners are the best!

- My body and my health - At this time last year, I was just barely managing to get through my runs. Today, I am stronger, faster and can handle the distances. I've learned that if I listen to and take care of my body, it can do remarkable things.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Black Friday Deals?

it looks like brooks is further clearing out the previous model shoes. Ghost 14s dropped from to $90 as a "Black Friday" deal. And if you spend $130+ you get a free ultraspire handheld water bottle if you purchase directly from them. It appears the sale price is also available to vendors since FleetFeet has the same price (but less selection for colors.)

SPIbelts are 20% off
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Thankfulness: Running Edition. What are you thankful for this year in regards to your running journey?

Finally qualifying for Boston. I've also managed to remain mostly injury free and nothing that require a little more than some muscle work which as the age and miles pile on is more and more important.

Did everyone trot yesterday? I switched from the race I've done the past few years and won a pair of Brooks shoes in a raffle. I don't run in Brooks but a free pair of shoes is always nice.

Boston training starts Tuesday and I will need to find some routes in FL around Christmas since we decided to spend Christmas with the mouse. Well. really more Christmas with the Orlando area with a few days at the mouse.

Black Friday Deals?

it looks like brooks is further clearing out the previous model shoes. Ghost 14s dropped from to $90 as a "Black Friday" deal. And if you spend $130+ you get a free ultraspire handheld water bottle if you purchase directly from them. It appears the sale price is also available to vendors since FleetFeet has the same price (but less selection for colors.)

SPIbelts are 20% off

My email is full of Black Friday deals but I don't really need much. Any vendor I've purchased from in the past few years has something today. If anyone is looking for anything running specific from a vendor let me know and I'll post any codes or links they sent me.

I did switch gyms since the new one didn't have any enrollment fees today and we bought a year pass to our local science center to use with our son but no other shopping for me. I am all stocked up on goods, Christmas shopping for the kid is done, and we are using the above mentioned trip as my wife and my gift to each other.


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