The Running Thread - 2020

If I’m not training for a race I run every Tues, Thurs, and Sat to keep the habit and maintain my level of fitness.
When work hours changed a little over a year ago, my weekday runs moved to around 4:30 PM, so around Thanksgiving they get moved to the treadmill until daylight gets a bit longer.
Weekend runs are morning, the earlier the better. For one I am fresh and notice that I perform much better than after a day of work. I also find that an hour or two spent running alone as the sun comes up seems more enjoyable and less like training.
QOTD: What time of the day do you run and why?

During the week I usually am up by 4-4:30 to run. On weekends, as much as I'd like to be motivated to get up that early, it doesn't really happen. I usually run around 2pm on the weekends while my son is napping. I'm not sure what will happen when he drops the nap though. I'll have to reevaluate at that point, which likely isn't that far off.
ATTQOTD: No marathon weekend for this teacher (too close to the end of the semester/would require more consecutive personal days than my district allows) but it's making me even more excited for Princess next month! Looking forward to enjoying this weekend vicariously through all of you runners! Hope everyone has a great/safe weekend!
Hi all! New here, but not to RunDisney! Wanted to jump in before the year totally takes off!

ATTQOTD1: Health goal is to remain healthy and not get injured. Running my first full marathon and do it sub-4 hours in March and get a BQ time in September.
ATTQOTD2: Early morning always. My run team works out at 6am. Also, my work schedule can be unpredictable so I can't rely on evening availability and energy!
ATTQOD3: Sadly no marathon week for me, but I'll be there for Princess and Star Wars!
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ATTQOTD: Training time

99% morning. If I don't do it first thing, it seems not to happen. Sometimes in the winter, I'll do an easy run in the afternoon.

I'm going through this right now. I feel mentally (maybe a little physically) burned out. I had 2 decent races and I was down on myself after both of them.

I saw several news stories about people who were hit with really bad situations (I won't bring you to tears by sharing) and stayed positive and made the best of it. It made me feel small for the carp I was complaining about. So just be thankful that you can do it and that will generates some positive vibes.

I'm also trying to mix things up. I've been following one plan or another (or the same plan over and over again) for 4 years or so. I watch my pace like a hawk, even on easy runs, and make sure and get my 40 hours (I mean miles) in. I basically turned running into a job.

Starting today, I'm trying to make running fun again. I turned off my auto-lap and am running every run blind. I'm trying to run like a dog, tongue hanging out, sniffing the air, zig-zagging back and forth, and not worrying about pace or distance, just happy that I'm running. To maintain some discipline, I'm setting a time goal, like run for 40 minutes, but no distance. I have the luxury of not running a marathon in a week. Obviously, this doesn't work for marathon training.

We all go through it and you can get the best of it or let it get the best of you.

I get caught up in my times and stuff too because I like to see progress. But just last night I was stressing because it was such a hard run. One of those that felt like I was carrying lead weights on my ankles. I said to myself, "You are running, who cares how fast you're going. All you wanted for 2 years was to run consistently, now you are so stop stressing". I felt my body relax immediately. Some times its all about perspective!
Congrats on the almost-but-not-quite-yet promotion! And did you say 7 kids? o_O I can not even......

Thanks. Still waiting to hear. No idea what takes so long. Yep, 7 kids. 4 biological and 3 step. Ages, 15, 13, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7. 6 girls and 1 boy. I run to maintain sanity!

QOTD: Which of you lucky folks are heading to WDW for marathon weekend and what races are you running?

ATTQOTD: No Marathon weekend for me this year and I have a serious case FOMO. Yall have fun and dont forget to go on the Carousel of Progress for me!

No marathon for me this year. I have my kids on marathon weekend until 2023 I believe so I don't see myself back at Disney before that. And given this new club they are starting, I may not.
Has anyone seen this? The possibility of buying a better corral now? Seriously? I hate this so much! No offense to those that disagree. I just picture those people that sign up knowing they will get swept now spending more money to buy a better corral to possibly avoid getting swept. This will open these people up for challenge medals now, and it can only clog up the course more if the slower people are blocking the faster runners.
QOTD: Which of you lucky folks are heading to WDW for marathon weekend and what races are you running?

Dopey with the Goof Troop Roving Road Party (TM)
No Marathon Weekend for me. But I am still in the group chat, so I will live vicariously while y'all get pictures with Seven Chipmunks and then DATW.

Didn’t someone say the full is open again? ;)
QOTD: Which of you lucky folks are heading to WDW for marathon weekend and what races are you running?
Not me!

I did the half last year and loved it. After trying to run in Orlando last week, I am happy skip it this year.
Says the person who almost signed up for Princess yesterday.
And instead convinced the fam we were going to W&D.
And still wants to obtain the princess bib.

Question: How do you all determine how much improvement is reasonable? I feel like there is a rule of thumb on how much mileage to add a week so you can calculate backwards to determine how long it will take to get to a distance, but I am unaware of any analogous speed calculation. I can imagine that taking a minute off a time is easier for slower speeds, is there a percentage improvement one could expect? Is this all just silly?


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