The Running Thread - 2019

Could you ask your eye doctor for a sample of Air Optix Night/Day contact lenses? I wear contacts on a daily basis and I love these contacts. I only have to replace them once a month and can sleep in them without issue. I honestly forget they are there until I get past that month mark and then I can tell I have contacts in. I've worn them for many extremely active activities that make me sweat and swimming and such.

This is a good suggestion. I wear contacts and have the kind I can leave in and I often forget to change them every month. I haven't run in glasses for a long time, so I forget about the fogging lenses and other issues.
Who uses a Smart Wool Smartloft running skirt? Debating between the 120 and the 60; the concern with the 120 is the zipper staying closed at the top.

Tagging @PrincessMickey since you mentioned buying one.

Had purchased a different brand skirt from another vendor and was notified today that it is unavailable in black and I don’t want the fusica so looking at Smart Wool now.
Do you run with routine of time or place? How much mixing it up do you do? Do you find the unpredictability fun or unwelcome?

Why I am thinking of this/my answer:
I used to travel extensively for work and for fun, but cut back to only fun when my kids were born. Then I took up running. I do fine getting in my miles when I work and I run the same route M-F because I have a closed, hilly vehicle track I can use at lunch in winter and I have a reasonable route to run in the semi-dark before work. It requires very little creative thinking or planning. I often think I would like a different varied route, but I rarely pull it off. Now I am back to traveling for work and I find it really hard to get in the miles when not at home. When traveling for work I sleep oddly (this is necessary for work sometimes), and I am not always in a place with outdoor running or a treadmill.
I wonder if this is a common issue. I wonder how other cope with unpredictability.

When we are home for the weekend I have the same 3 routes I run out of love or convenience. I do a bit better with variation here because I have time, but I keep going back to the same routes.

I am currently running every other day. It works out schedule wise with the kids but it’s only because I can’t do back to back runs still that I stick to this schedule. Otherwise I wish I was doing 5 days a week. I have a couple of routes I run too. I like running the same routes because I like to see my progress over time as I see times improve. But I am not a prisoner to my routines. I like running when I’m on vacations and stuff as well and seeing other parts of the country on my runs.
Who uses a Smart Wool Smartloft running skirt? Debating between the 120 and the 60; the concern with the 120 is the zipper staying closed at the top.

Tagging @PrincessMickey since you mentioned buying one.

Had purchased a different brand skirt from another vendor and was notified today that it is unavailable in black and I don’t want the fusica so looking at Smart Wool now.
I bought both but haven’t had a test run yet. I returned the 120 without ever running in it. There isn’t give in the fabric (hence the zipper) and in the time I spent wearing it (picking up the house and doing laundry) I found it would ride up and bunch at my waist. I didn’t have a problem with the zipper (my concern based on the reviews) but I can see how this could be a problem. I did keep the 60. The front panels are the same windstop fabric but thinner batting than the 120. The sides are stretchy mesh similar to my non-fleece running tights. The 60 also has 2 hip pockets which I like in my shorts and tights. I am hoping to actually RUN in it tomorrow.
If I were looking for max warmth the 120 would do it. But, if I am running I generate enough heat I think the 60 will keep my backside toasty beyond temps my eyeballs will tolerate.
hi, all! Hope everyone is staying warm...

Sad to hear that so many folks had a disappointing Space Coast...I had a fabulous time. A friend came along to do her first half, and she ended up pacing me to a 20-minute PR :teeth: (I didn't think I could've shaved more time off this year's Baltimoron, let alone crush it by that much!). And then spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach/by the pool with margaritas. Glorious. And now my friend is obsessed and already looking at how many races she can sign up for...
(and to answer the most recent question...I usually go these solo since my sister's had to stop for health/school reasons; this was the first time I travelled with a friend. Although we're both pretty introverted, so we didn't chat too much during the race or anything.)

As to things in the last 20-ish pages:
- I've got Aftershokz titaniums, LOVE them. My ears are tiny, and most earbuds just hurt. Plus, being in a city, I feel safer getting the ambient noise in. The sound quality isn't always the greatest, at least at the low end, but with how they're structured, I'm not expecting high-end speaker sound.
- Itching in the cold: for as long as I can remember, my legs get SUPER itchy in the winter. I guess it's the temperature change/dry skin?
- Body glide/vaseline is the greatest thing. Managed to finish Space Coast with no blisters at all, a minor miracle...
- Eternally thankful for so many things: family/friends, health, my job, being able to do all of these fabulous experiences.
- Surprisingly got most of the holiday shopping in before Thanksgiving; nothing on Black Friday or anything, but did take advantage of a "12 days of savings" to sign up for 2020 B10 and Baltimoron, so that's all ready to go...and a few more on my list to get before prices increase at the end of the month...
I'm looking to buy a friend a pair of winter running shorts. Do any of you have pairs of running shorts that are pretty wind resistant?
quick question: did garmin resolve its connectivity issues? I haven't updated in over almost 1.5 months after hearing all the complaints!
My CW-X compression shorts are fairly wind resistant.

Also a big fan of CW-X (recommended by the quotee).

I previously only used them only in the winter, but started using them year round. I have 2 versions: the 'full' compression version and the ones with ventilation panels in the front. Also good for yoga class. Not so good for grocery shopping after yoga class.
My CW-X compression shorts are fairly wind resistant.
Also a big fan of CW-X (recommended by the quotee).

I previously only used them only in the winter, but started using them year round. I have 2 versions: the 'full' compression version and the ones with ventilation panels in the front. Also good for yoga class. Not so good for grocery shopping after yoga class.

I’ll add a 3rd endorsement for CW-X compression wear. I primarily wear their Stabilyx line. The ventilated shorts do a good job cooling during the warmer months, all things considered. For the cooler times, I wear either the regular (non-ventilated) shorts, 3/4 tights or full tights, depending on the temperature. They all do a good job blocking wind and chilly air.
quick question: did garmin resolve its connectivity issues? I haven't updated in over almost 1.5 months after hearing all the complaints!
I just had that one issue, a month ago, the file never did sync so that run is lost. Other than that, it's been fine ever since.
Guess who is going to Chicago 2020!!!!!!!!
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I just started a Chicago marathon 2020 thread. I will add your name to the list of participants. If anyone else has made it in, please let me know here or on the thread :)

Fingers crossed for everyone in the lottery. They pick batches throughout the day so don't lose heart if you have not heard yet.


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