The Running Thread - 2019

Questions. I thought I was ready for warmer weather earlier in the week when it was in the 30s in Houston, but this morning it was 70 at 4, so I want the happy medium of 50 or so!

DST - since I run so early, the change is good for doing things in evening like yard work or going for a walk....

Star Wars - I love Star Wars (saw the original on opening night waaaay back when) and really want to visit Galaxy's Edge as soon as I can, but don't have plans to visit anytime soon.
attqotd: I’m on the wagon until MW 2020. I guess I should tell the winemaker at some point before the event tonight.
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Fun Friday QOTD: I believe yesterday the Boston Brewing company announced a beer called the 26.2 Brew. Here is a LINK to the story. The question is who is interested in trying one out? If you find them and try it out, please let us know what you think!
ATTQOTD: Great! That is all this thread needs...another excuse to drink alcohol!!

Just Kidding. This looks very cool and I will definitely try some if I find it anywhere!!
I would be interested in trying the beer but wouldn't want to buy a 6 pack or anything before I knew whether I actually liked it.

@LSUlakes I switched from the RnR DC half to the 5k. I started feeling a little bit of swelling in my foot after marathon weekend and wanted to avoid tendinitis (like I had last year) so I decided I didn't want to jump back into training so soon. But it should be a decent day for those doing the half and the full tomorrow :) A little cold for the 5k but I'm still looking forward to it. Cloudy but no rain and not much wind, starting in the low 30s but ending in the 40s.
ATTQOTD: I really wanna try that beer, especially now that I have ran 26.2 miles. ;) I heard the OC Marathon in California is giving it out at the end of the race for free. It gives me hope that the Long Beach Marathon in the fall that I am planning to do will, too. But until then if I see it I will grab it. (And drink it after Lent is over.......)
ATTQOTD: I have actually had a verison of this beer. They used to only serve it at select bars for marathon weekend. Last year we had it after spectating the marathon and I will be honest, it was very disappointing. There was nothing unique about it and it tasted kind of like a bud light(not that there is anything wrong with bud light). I know they said they changed the flavor somewhat for the national distribution. I won’t go out of my way to get it, but I’ll try it if offered. And I do like Most Sam Adams beer, this was just meh. On the other hand if you ever get the chance to drink the Red brick ale, highly recommend.
Everything is wrong with bud light, IMO, lol. :P
99.9% of the time, I agree wholeheartedly! However, it turns out that at mile 25ish of the WDW Marathon, on an extremely (for the season) hot day, when my gut has been angry since mile 16, a Bud Light is the most amazing, life-improving thing around. I have no explanation; I only know it to be true. Look away - I'm hideous! :rotfl:
ATTQOTD: I had the Sam 26.2 after the Charleston half last year and it was yummmmmmy. Will definitely be trying it to see if I still think it was good and what was changed.
Looking for some advice from you running experts!

I’m committing myself to the 2020 WDW marathon and I’m shopping around for the right training program. Does anyone have any suggestions for marathon training programs I should look into? Ideally I’d love to be able to download an app on my phone to keep track of the daily workouts.

ATTQOTD: We have an awesome beer store in my (college) town, I wonder if they will have it. I might have to look for this next time I am in there.
@Ellie_ There's a lot of options for different plans out there and the best thing is really to look at the options and see what fits your schedule and lifestyle the best. For example, Galloway has you running only three times per week but then you have to do longer long runs. Hal Higdon has your running more times during the week but the long runs don't go as high.

Then the other option a lot of people on this board have taken is a custom training plan from Dopey Badger. He will ask you a lot of questions about your current running, fitness, schedule, etc. and create a very specific plan tailored to you and your goals.

My experience is I tried a general plan (Hal Higdon) the first time I tried the marathon, ended up over trained by race day and dealing with knee pain, and was swept at mile 20. The second time I went with a custom plan from Dopey Badger and was able to finish the marathon. So the custom plan is definitely going to be my choice going forward.


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