"The Official 'True Blood' Vampire Thread" ...spoilers included.

YES!!!!!!! I adore the Southern Vampire Mystery books, on which it is based.

We were just going to add on Showtime, for Dexter. But now we have to get HBO too!
Ok, checked the link. NOT how I have always pictured Bill, but I think they got Sam just right.
YES!!!!!!! I adore the Southern Vampire Mystery books, on which it is based.

We were just going to add on Showtime, for Dexter. But now we have to get HBO too!

Southern Vampire Mystery books, eh? Might have to give it a go.:thumbsup2

I love Dexter. No Showtime. I just watched Season 1 on Netflix and awaiting season 2...:yay:
I'm on a mission to finish the rest of Charlaine Harris' books before September 7th. I only have 2 more to go and then I'll watch True Blood while waiting for the next Sookie Stackhouse book to come out.

The 2 best cast characters, IMO, are Jason and Lafayette. I always pictured Bill to be better looking and less creepy from the person they cast. I can't wait to see what Eric looks like when he's introduced!
Just found out about this tonight, will definitely give it a shot. I've never heard of the books though, I will have to check those out as well.

Dexter is one of my favorite shows, can't wait for the new season!
I think the Southern Vampire books have definite potential to make a good series. I also agree that I pictured Bill to be better looking. I can't wait to see what they do with Eric. I think he's the cat's meow (no offense to Bubba!)

Either way...TOTALLY counting down the days til Sept 7th! (but only because we arrive at Disney on the 6th!)
I've watched all of the shorts on HBO on Demand it looks very interesting. My DW is a huge vampire fan mostly into the Rice novels but she also love anything vampire such as Blade or even that dreadful show from a few years ago Forever Night. True Blood looks different enough to be watchable I am def looking forward to giving it a go.
I've watched all of the shorts on HBO on Demand it looks very interesting. My DW is a huge vampire fan mostly into the Rice novels but she also love anything vampire such as Blade or even that dreadful show from a few years ago Forever Night. True Blood looks different enough to be watchable I am def looking forward to giving it a go.

Only on Book 3 in the Rice novels.

As far as TV, don't forget Blade: The Series (now cancelled) and Blood Ties (cancelled :guilty: )....
There was another one that was on last season, "Moonlight" maybe? I didn't see that one. I am slipping.;)
Bumping this thread.

Is anyone going to watch tonight. I'm really excited. I have the strangest relationship with these books. While I was totally sucked in by the story and characters, I thought the first and second were very very poorly written. Many times I had to go back a paragraph or two to figure out what she was writing. However, I love the characters and am on the 6th book with the 7th waiting and 8th on hold at the library.

On to the show. I think Alan Ball is a genius and Six Feet Under was a master piece so I'd watch anything he does. I have very high hopes because of this alone. My favorite character so far is Eric (book 4 ladies, mmmm). Apparently he's not in it until the 4th episode. I'm really excited for this show and hope some of you are watching so we can talk about it.

Lets try to keep this thread spoiler free until an episode airs then we can talk freely. Is this ok? On you tube there are videos of the panel discussion at comic con and Allan Ball said that the first season follows the first book, so if you read them, you know what happens.
The vampire legends shows last night were very good. I have been very interested in the history of vampires, especially Vlad Drakula since I was in college.

I can't wait for 9:00! It's on again at 10:30 if you miss it at 9:00.
What did you guys think? I liked it, but since I read the books there are no real surprises. I'm not thrilled with Anna Paquin's casting. I saw Sookie as a really innocent looking very blue-eyed blond with a more curvy woman's body. I really like the guy playing Bill. The one big difference, if I'm correct, is Tara was not all that prominent in the first book, but I could be remembering that wrong.

And, I did watch all the backgroud stuff and vampire specials on HBO. I like it!
I really liked it though I don't like what they're doing with Tara's character. She never worked at Merlotte's. Did Lafayette ever work with Jason in the book? I don't think so. How tired would he be after working all day with the road crew and then working all night at Merlotte's? He wouldn't have time to be the colorful "Lafayette" of the books.

I liked the casting for all of the major characters so far, though Dawn never played such a big role either in the first book.

I loved the opening scene at the convenient store. That goth cashier talking like Bela Lugosi was great.

The best thing is the chemistry between Sookie and Bill.
Well, I liked the first show--I watched it On Demand this morning. It was pretty true to the book but I don't remember Tara being so argumentative. I seem to remember her being fairly wimpy.

I'm hoping the actor who plays Eric does a good job. I :love: Eric. He's not like I pictured at all -- the author always refers to him as a big man and I don't see that in the short preview clips.

All in all, I give it a thumbs up. If you haven't read the books, go get them immediately! I love those books. Pure fun escapism.
I haven't read the books, but I love vampire stuff! It sounds interesting.

Mind if I jump in here!!!!

I loved Six Feet Under and was so excited about seeing True Blood!

I did watch it last night and I loved it! I like that it is not your basic- vampire show- no vamps lurking in the shadows etc- they are right there living (or trying to) among everyone!

Has anyone ever watched Veronica Mars?? For some odd reason Sookie reminded me of her character- just wanting to go deeper and find out what the vampires are all about, no one stopping her- she does what she wants to.

I have a question for all of you- I could not figure this out- why was Jason, Sookie's brother, and Lafayette, in prison garb but then working at the bar?

I have had to miss something there!?

and RC Fan- ITA- for some reason I always skip over the vampire novels while looking for a good horror book at the store!:confused3 I don't know why?! It may be b/c I love to SEE the vampire, they are always so good looking...........:idea: I guess when I read one of the books I can alway imagine JD as the vampire-

OMG- I just talked myself into grabbing a book! I am going to the dentist today @ 10 am and he is right next door to Borders!!!:banana: - can anyone recommend a good vampire book to start me out with??

ETA- or should I say this- should I start out with Charlaine Harris?:rotfl2: Which book first???


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