The official SINGLES SEEKING SINGLES dating thread- PROFILES ONLY!!!

First Name: Joshua

Location: DFW, TX

Age: 33

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Brown, brown

Body Type: Athletic (more or less)

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: My background is broadcast television, though I'm training to (hopefully) become a firefighter.

Do you have any kids: Nope. Someday mayhap.

Do you have any pets: I do not, but I am an animal lover.

Favorite activities: Reading books, musical theater, eating sandwiches, playing games, running/weight training, going to the zoo, movies, eating sandwiches, backpacking, mountain biking, baseball, cooking, Disney Worlding, eating sandwiches.

Favorite movie(s): Star Wars, Glory, E.T., Moulin Rouge, Master and Commander, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Gattaca, Captains Courageous, The Lord of the Rings, Alien(s), The Terminator(2), The Fly, Pinocchio, The Little Mermaid

Favorite color: Green

Favorite Disney character(s): Donald Duck, Chip n' Dale, Gaston

A little bit about yourself: I am terrible at answering stock questions with stock answers. I do have beautiful, thick hair; if you're into that. Also, I enjoy eating sandwiches.

A little bit about your ideal match: Like most people, I enjoy spending time with someone who is funny, charming, and shares similar passions. Eating sandwiches is not a must.


First name: Megan

Location: Louisiana

Age: 26

Sex: F

Hair/Eye color: Brown, blue

Body type: Average-curvy

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Museum Curator

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Yes, 1 kitten, Indy (short for Indiana Jones)

Favorite Activities: reading, movies, music, travel, musicals and plays, cooking & baking, spending time with friends and family, visit museums

Favorite movie: Can't decide just one...I could practically rent out my movies, I have so many! Beauty & the Beast was my first film in theaters. I adore Johnny Depp & try to see all his movies.

Favorite color: blue, green

Favorite Disney Character(s): Belle, Alice, Aurora, & Figment

A little bit about yourself: I'm an art historian & egyptologist. Born and raised in Arkansas. I am a christian (church of christ), and my faith is very important to me. I love to travel and explore, visit cultural sites and museums, and try new foods and experiences. I love to laugh and am a very sarcastic person. I don't really drink and def. don't party. No smoking or drugs. I've been to Disney 4 times, would love to go more, but I have to allocate funds to other travel too :) I only care about major league baseball. St. Louis Cardinals all the way!

A little about your ideal match: Kind, funny, clean-cut christian man with whom I can travel, watch movies and tv, be silly, and talk about anything from dumb movies to crucial topics like which Disney movie or WDW ride is best :) . No smoking or drugs.
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Hi everyone! This is my first time doing anything like this so I'm a little nervous. :)
First Name: Danielle

Location: Minnesota

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Dark Ash blonde/ blue-gray eyes

Body Type: Curvy but trying to get into shape


Occupation: I work in retail

Do you have any kids: No, but someday.

Do you have any pets: Prince Eric's dog. :) I have two old English sheepdogs and as much as I wanted to name one of them Max, my family vetoed that for Mason and Milo. At least Milo is a Disney name.

Favorite activities: I like reading, drawing, crafting and watching movies. I'm starting to get into Disney cosplaying which is a lot of fun. I'm also really interested in historical reenactments although I haven't gone to one yet.

Favorite movie: Cinderella, The Little Mermaid. Pretty much if it's Disney I will like it. As for Non Disney Movies, I love movies like Pride and Prejudice and The Princess Bride.

Favorite color(s): Lilac and sky blue.

Favorite Disney character(s):Cinderella, Ariel, Quasimodo, Goofy, Snow White, Minnie Mouse, Sally Finklestein

A little bit about yourself: A kid at heart, I still love to play dress up with costumes. I'm starting to get into Disney cosplay which is a lot of fun, so far I have costumes for Cinderella, Ariel, Sally and Tinkerbell. I get decked out for Halloween and the renaissance festival every year. I'm known at my job as their Disney princess. I love Disney with all my heart and it will continue to be a huge part of my life. I'm pretty creative and I love to craft and make things. I'd describe myself as shy until I get to know you and once I do, you'll see my goofy side. I'm a really big dreamer.

A little bit about your ideal match: I've always wanted to meet someone who loves Disney as much as I do. When I think of what I want in a relationship I really like someone who likes to laugh and have fun who isn't afraid to get a little silly sometimes. Someone who values honesty and is around my age. Plus, if you wouldn't mind dressing up with me for cosplay that would be really fun especially for Disney characters.
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First Name: Ryan

Location: Carrollton, GA

Age: 26

Sex: M

Hair/Eye Color: Reddish brown/ Blue

Body Type: between slim, average, and athletic

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Software Engineer

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: No

Favorite movie: Frozen

Favorite color(s): Blue, dark red, dark green

Favorite Disney character(s): Elsa, Ariel, Belle, Captain Jack

A little bit about yourself:
Never married.
I have a computer science degree and I'm currently working as a software engineer.
I play the trumpet at my church and I'm coming along pretty well on the guitar.
I like pretty much all types of music, but I don't like much rap.
I like to go camping, fishing, rock-climbing, and to the theater.
My faith and my family are very important to me.
I like sports. Soccer is my favorite. I played baseball for several years then switched to band.
My faith is very important to me.

Things I like to do:

Making things (just finished building a sailboat).
Playing the trumpet (working on the guitar).
Making my family laugh.
Anything Disney!

The first things people usually notice about me :

I guess from a distance, people notice that I am kind of tall and I have auburn/ginger hair. I am a bit soft spoken. I've been told I have a good sense of humor (usually one liners lol).

Anything else just ask =)

Pic is from 2014 but I like it :)

First Name: Steven

Location: Tampa, Florida

Age: 30

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Blue/Green

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Entrepreneur

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: 1 cat

Favorite activities: Photography, traveling, Disney World , riding bike.. exploring.

Favorite movie: Back to the future.

Favorite color(s): Blue and Black

Favorite Disney character(s): Gaston

A little bit about yourself: I love to travel and explore new areas. Disney World is one of my favorite things ever..although I do enjoy Universal Orlando as well. I love photography and have done it professionally in the past. I enjoy planning Disney trips and have been 30+ times. ( I lose count) I live about 1.5 hours away from Disney. I really enjoy learning about how Disney works behind the scenes and all the secret stuff. 4 parks in 1 day is fun if you can keep up!

A little bit about your ideal match: I like shorter girls being I'm only 5'5 but anywhere around 5'5 is cool too. Of course someone that loves Disney as well would be required. Someone that is very interested in the behind the scenes at Disney and how everything works.

First Name: Donald

Location: Milford, MA (Near-ish to Boston, kinda...:))

Age: 36

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Brown hair/hazel eyes

Body Type: Skinny

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Government

Do you have any kids: No, would like to someday

Do you have any pets: Nope

Favorite activities: Vacationing, esp Disney, cruising and Europe, museums/art, the beach, running

Favorite movie: Just watched Tomorrowland and really liked it, but my all time favorites are the 1960 Ocean's 11 and The Zero Effect

Favorite color(s): Blue (I play Ingress, it's a long story...)

Favorite Disney character(s): Sorcerer Mickey and Goofy

A little bit about yourself: I'm an easy going person. I love to vacation, to explore new areas, enjoy shopping, going to the movies and music. I really want to move to SoCal or Florida soon! I hate the cold here in Massachusetts!

A little bit about your ideal match: Disney lover (obviously!), not too much older or younger then me, and of a similar body type.

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Is tomorrowland worth watching? I have been debating watching it... ah Boston Accent! My friend lives there .. So you have a disney trip planned soon?
OK, you got me. Let's try this thing.

First Name: Scott

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Age: 44

Sex: M

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Blue

Body Type: Athletic

Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Occupation: Software Engineer at Facebook

Do you have any kids: No (but plan to!)

Do you have any pets: No (but plant to!)

Favorite activities: Running, visiting Disney parks, running at Disney parks! Music production, eating

Favorite movie: It's a Wonderful Life

Favorite color(s): Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Stitch, Goofy, Wall*E, Anna (Frozen), Tramp, Mickey, Dory, and about 1000 more

A little bit about yourself: Been going to Walt Disney World since I was a kid -- somewhere along the way I realized it's even more amazing as an adult! I'm also a DVC member as of 2015 (woohoo!) so I've ensured plenty of Disney trips for the foreseeable future.

A little bit about your ideal match: FUNNY. A little Goofy. Kind. Laid-back. Fit -- a fellow runner would be amazing.

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OK, you got me. Let's try this thing.

First Name: Scott

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Age: 44

Sex: M

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Blue

Body Type: Athletic

Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Occupation: Software Engineer at Facebook

Do you have any kids: No (but plan to!)

Do you have any pets: No (but plant to!)

Favorite activities: Running, visiting Disney parks, running at Disney parks! Music production, eating

Favorite movie: It's a Wonderful Life

Favorite color(s): Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Stitch, Goofy, Wall*E, Anna (Frozen), Tramp, Mickey, Dory, and about 1000 more

A little bit about yourself: Been going to Walt Disney World since I was a kid -- somewhere along the way I realized it's even more amazing as an adult! I'm also a DVC member as of 2015 (woohoo!) so I've ensured plenty of Disney trips for the foreseeable future.

A little bit about your ideal match: FUNNY. A little Goofy. Kind. Laid-back. Fit -- a fellow runner would be amazing.

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Since all the cool kids are doing it....

First Name: Erica

Location: South Jersey

Age: 24

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Green

Body Type: Curvy

Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Occupation: Secretary

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Parents have 3 dogs but im not a huge animal lover

Favorite activities: Working out with my trainer then counteracting my progress by hitting up the bar lol Oh and traveling of course (Disney is #1!)

Favorite movie: pretty much any dumb comedy

Favorite color(s): green

Favorite Disney character(s): Belle

A little bit about yourself: Ive been in love with Disney since my first trip as a toddler and feel incomplete if I dont return to the motherland at least once a year haha

A little bit about your ideal match: Someone outgoing and goofy but also driven and passionate
Since all the cool kids are doing it....

First Name: Erica

Location: South Jersey

Age: 24

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Green

Body Type: Curvy

Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Occupation: Secretary

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Parents have 3 dogs but im not a huge animal lover

Favorite activities: Working out with my trainer then counteracting my progress by hitting up the bar lol Oh and traveling of course (Disney is #1!)

Favorite movie: pretty much any dumb comedy

Favorite color(s): green

Favorite Disney character(s): Belle

A little bit about yourself: Ive been in love with Disney since my first trip as a toddler and feel incomplete if I dont return to the motherland at least once a year haha

A little bit about your ideal match: Someone outgoing and goofy but also driven and passionate
Since all the cool kids are doing it....

First Name: Erica

Location: South Jersey

Age: 24

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Green

Body Type: Curvy

Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Occupation: Secretary

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Parents have 3 dogs but im not a huge animal lover

Favorite activities: Working out with my trainer then counteracting my progress by hitting up the bar lol Oh and traveling of course (Disney is #1!)

Favorite movie: pretty much any dumb comedy

Favorite color(s): green

Favorite Disney character(s): Belle

A little bit about yourself: Ive been in love with Disney since my first trip as a toddler and feel incomplete if I dont return to the motherland at least once a year haha

A little bit about your ideal match: Someone outgoing and goofy but also driven and passionate

Hey Erica and welcome! So where in South Jersey are you? Can't PM yet as you don't have 10 posts but would love to chat with you more! :)
Hi all! Single 46 yr old dad from Mass here. I havent been to the "World" in 3 years and would love to get back. My 13.9 year old starts High School next year and am not sure if his interest will still be there but I can assure you that mine is.
First Name: Courtney

Location: Baton Rouge, LA

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Hazel

Body Type: Average (Happy to say that after losing 80lbs over the last 4 years!)

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Finance/Credit Unions (Administrator)

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: A fat cat named Anakin

Favorite activities: Reading, crafts, cooking, planning my next trip to Disney World or Disneyland, spoiling my nieces and nephews, crushing stereotypes, defying what's expected of me - the usual.

Favorite movie: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Favorite color(s): Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Ariel

A little bit about yourself: I recently flew to Orlando on a Thursday, spent Friday at EPCOT and then flew back home on Saturday just so I could say that I spent the entire day of my 30th birthday at the Food & Wine Festival (my first trip)! I have a 2015 Camaro, he's blue and his name is Steve Rogers (in true Steve Rogers fashion he managed to get himself scratched after one week - only he can pick a fight in a parking lot). I have 6 nieces and nephews and my goal is to eventually take them all to Disney World for their first visits (not at the sane time, dear LORD). I've got one down, 5 more to go!

A little bit about your ideal match: Fun fact! I am an equal opportunity employer! So I'd love to meet a guy or gal who shares some of my interests. Musts: open-mind, tolerance, humor.

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First Name: Josh

Location: Orlando, Fl(about to be, currently Jacksonville)

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Bald/Brown

Body Type: Chubby

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Collections

Do you have any kids: None that I know of

Do you have any pets: A black cat named Ghost

Favorite activities: Umm. Football! It's my life. Reading is great. Watching movies. Sleeping. Of course Disney. Any theme park really

Favorite movie: Star Wars Saga and Jurrasic Park

Favorite color(s): Teal

Favorite Disney character(s): Chip and Dale

A little bit about yourself: I've always been the funny guy. Im comfortable in a large group speaking or just with a few friends. I love any theme park and NFL football. Would LOVE to start traveling more

A little bit about your ideal match: She HAS to be outgoing. Doest need to be as outgoing as myself, but at least able to meet new people and not shy away! Loving theme parks and traveling is a must. Hopefully she is as comfortable in heels and a dress as she is in jeans and sneakers. Anything else is just icing on the cake; like is she loves football, or video games, or reading.


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First Name:Sami

Location: Wisconsin


Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Brown

Body Type: Quite Curvy

Occupation: I'm hoping to get a full time teaching job soon but right now I'm a substitute teacher.

Do you have any kids: Nope but I think I'd like to someday

Do you have any pets: Nope but I really like dogs and kind of like cats depending on the cat.

Favorite activities: Theatre, Watching Movies, I do play a few video games mostly casual ones, Reading, Writing

Favorite movie: I have a lot but I always say your favorite movie is the one you watch when your having the worst day ever so it comes down to I usually go to any of the Disney classics that came out when I was a kid, or Newsies.

Favorite color(s): Pink is my favorite but I also like green, yellow, red and white and recently I've started to really like blue too.

Favorite Disney character(s): Belle and Ariel but I also love Mickey!

A little bit about yourself:I'm kind of quiet and generally prefer to have a quiet night in but don't think I'll never want to go out for a night!! I love to laugh I'm a relatively easy going person although I do have my moments. :P I'm a total kid at heart.

A little bit about your ideal match: I'm looking for someone who can make me laugh, it's one of the things I love to do. I would also like someone who is patient, understanding and of course loves Disney! If your willing to go with me to the theatre often that's a major plus!!
Ok single guys and girls I want to help you out so planning this get together in 2016 at a suite and your welcomed to come just Pm me for the info.
Think its time for an update,

First Name: Mike

Location: Chicago , IL

Age: 23, 24 on 2/5

Sex: M

Hair/Eye Color:Blonde, with Blue Eyes

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: White /Caucasian

Occupation: Retail

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: not any more

Favorite activities: Traveling, Site seeing, paintball,

Favorite movie: Die Hard 1

Favorite color(s): Red,Blue,Purple

Favorite Disney character(s): Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse

A little bit about yourself: I am a decently open person, by that I mean if there is a question someone were to ask about me I rather have them ask me than trying to figure it out on their own. Been traveling to WDW for about 6 years now , kinda active during the warm months ,I try to be during the winter but playing paintball when it is 32 degrees out kinda kicks the wind out of you fast lol. If there something I would like to do more though it would be rock climbing , and metal working, odd combo but i enjoy working with my hands as well as the endurance of having to climb a 40 foot wall.

A little bit about your ideal match: Honestly someone who likes to be active but then at the same times likes to have those days where we would la around and enjoy each other company, looks do not really bug me, one feature if I can pick is that they are short compared to me , even though mostly everyone is , as I am 6'5.

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