Good Ol Gal said:
They're not going into the house until the show is Live on Thursday.

Julie will announce the HG that are allowed to enter live on tv, and they will go in as we watch!

They've never gone in "live" before. They've always gone in a few days ahead of time. BB needs time to get the footage for TV.

Was there an anouncement made that this time they would go in live?
Kimberle said:
They've never gone in "live" before. They've always gone in a few days ahead of time. BB needs time to get the footage for TV.

Was there an anouncement made that this time they would go in live?
welll I thought there was!

Hmm, maybe I'm losing my mind?? :rotfl:
Let's start guessing who will be the top 6...

I say,

1. Kaysar
2. Dr Will
3. Janelle
4. James
5. Alison
6. Lisa or Danielle...

Anyone else want to venture a guess?

P.S. Air quotes are so IN???? NOT!!! :lmao:
Here's a shout out to my girl JANELLE! The highlight of the season was Maggie's face after she told Rachel she was so beautiful then told Maggie she was such a you-know-what. And Howie's whole BUSTO thing was hilarious, too. So I voted for them, as well as Marcellas and Dr. Will, since y'all loved him so much and I only started watching in Seasion 5.
Kaysar will definitely be number one, and the rest of them (in no order) will be Janelle, Dr. Will, Marcellas, Allison, Howie.
Not necessarily who I WANT to be the top 6, but who I think will....

1. Kaysar
2. Janelle
3. Marcellas
4. Dr. Will
5. Danielle
6. Actually I have no idea about the final girl.......maybe Lisa?
Miranda Danda said:
AM I the only one who likes Diane? :sad2:

No way! I liked Diane! I really hope she's on, but not getting my hopes up for any of my favs, just so I'm not terribly disappointed :rolleyes:
LadyDulcinea1 said:
No way! I liked Diane! I really hope she's on, but not getting my hopes up for any of my favs, just so I'm not terribly disappointed :rolleyes:

AIn't that the truth!!! I have a feeling that the CBSers are up to somethign fishy. :ssst:
What did they say the theme was this year. The house has those big flames in the living room. Do you remember the first house they were in. They bearly had a kitchen and no washer/dryer, they washed there clothes by hand and hung them to dry.
I guess:

Not who I want though!!

I want:
Dr Will
Ok, well here's who I WANT the 6 fan picks to be ;)

1. Marcellas
2. Dr. Will
3. Bunky or George
4. Nakomis
5. Danielle
6. Dana

I don't really know who I want to go in!

I have more guys than girls on my list :rolleyes1

James, Jase, Kaysar, Dr. Will, Marsella, I would like Howie, but I don't want a full repeat of last season.
Stephieann said:
trying to get live feeds ready.. anyone else?

:happytv: nope I just read reports from other live feed viewers :teeth:

Only TWO more days to go!!!! :banana: :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana: :cool1:

edit to add: I just checked out Morty's site and it looks like the fish are gone this year. Instead the live feed viewers are getting pictures of flames. :confused3 Here the link to the pics: http://tvfanforums.net/index.php?showtopic=13568


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