The Last Trip: An (Eastern) Fantasy Food Adventure-Bonus Feature, Pam & Her Mom Pt 2 Sept 17 the end

Well several of you chimed in on my poll that shorter updates were easier to read. I responded similarly to another TR writers query, so I concur. I started to count the number of photos already present in what I had written for the next update and I was already at three different posts, so I’ve cut it off at two, and I have enough pictures for three more posts for the next update!

Day 5

I slept well through the night, although I may have awakened around 3AM, as nature called, but I did go right back to sleep. I did notice that Fran was sounding a bit better, not coughing and her nasal passage had cleared up somewhat. I woke up again at 5:15 and checked the Navigator for Sunrise time. It was at 6:38AM. I considered sitting up and waiting, but changed my mind and went back to sleep.

It was 6:50 when I woke up. I rushed to the verandah and the sun was mostly up, and we were pulling into port. I grabbed my pool cover up and the camera and dashed out on the verandah. I made the right choice not to try for the Sunrise, it was on the other side of the ship. It would have been mostly visible to the Aft cabins.

So instead I took pictures of the port as we pulled in. Here we are approaching the island.

Looking back out to sea.

And looking right out front from our verandah.

We would be docking on the opposite side of the pier from the ship you can already see there.

I looked at all the giant houses here thinking they were huge mansions, when in actuality they were multi family properties. I also watched the cars go up and down that crazy road in the center, not realizing I would be riding on it just a few hours.

Once the ship had turned around, our cabin was on the side for the sun. A little too late to see it rise though.

Once we were docked, Fran started to wake up a little. She wanted to get out of the tour we had booked.

First a little background on that. Disney excursions are not at all disabled friendly. Most of them say that you will be denied access if you show up on a motorized scooter or power wheelchair. There was only one excursion that sounded doable for Fran and that was an island tour. Unfortunately it included and hour of “shopping” and while Fran likes shopping, she doesn’t like to do it without her scooter. Standing for an hour would be agony for her. The thing with booking through Disney is that if something goes wrong they won't leave you behind on the island, if you're on your own, well not so much!

I really wanted to get out and see the Island, I mean I’d never been to Tortola before and it sounded exotic. So we decided to try something we had never done. Book something ourselves with a private company.

A few months before the trip, I started researching cab companies, reading reviews and such, and found a couple who had good reputations and contacted them. Since the Disney excursion was 4-5 hours and that included an hour long stop, plus a few more, it seemed to me that 3 hours was a good amount of time to allot for an island tour. When I heard back from the cab companies, only one said they would let Fran put the scooter in the back of the car. They had a Ford Transit Connect which would be ample for both of us. So that decision was easy, the next was the timing. There was no way I wanted to risk being late back to the ship so we needed to be done in early afternoon. We also didn't want to start too early because you all know how we get up and just hop right out of bed. Well at least one of us has that ability. :rolleyes1 Our original plan was that we would have breakfast at Royal Palace and then head out to meet our tour guide. Since on Google maps it appeared to be a pretty good distance from the ship to the port, we decided we should leave ample time after breakfast to get off the ship. Knowing that breakfast was served from 8:00-9:30 and that we run on the late end of the spectrum, we figured that we could count on being done at breakfast by 10AM at the latest, so 11AM would be a good time to start the tour. That would put us boarding the ship just after 2PM well before the 5PM sail away, so that's what we set up.

Back to our first port day. Fran didn't want to take the tour since she hadn't felt well the night before. But I didn't want to ride on my own in a foreign place. I said I would, go out on the port, just pay them, say “thank you, but not today.” It was a good chunk of money, cash, as that was all they would take. Fran didn't like that idea, so she agreed to go. As I mentioned earlier, we had planned to have a sit down breakfast. The compromise for her going on the tour was that I would bring back breakfast from Cabanas. I got some cereal and fruit for me, with a little ham and cheese. I got Fran a couple croissants (plain and almond), a yogurt, and some bacon and sausage.

We barely finished half of this stuff. I chilled watching the end of Bedknobs and Broomsticks that I slept through the night before. I told her we had to be on our way off the ship by 10AM. But it was barely 9AM, so I told her she could sleep a little longer, I was going to go get coffee.

I took my coffee down to Deck 4 and watched the people disembarking. I also wanted to get an idea of how long the walk to the pier was going to be.

These poor suckers on the ship out there had to tender in.

Pictures inside the ship on the way back to the room.

I went back to the room to wake Fran up. We were supposed to meet our guide at 11AM. She sat up and felt dizzy. I let her sit for a while and soon the dizziness subsided. After she was dressed we started to get on our way. She made sure that I knew she was going on this tour under duress, and was only doing it “because she loved me.”

It took less time to get down the pier than we thought, so we had some time to explore the immediate port area. It was full of touristy shops, perhaps they were local merchants, but there wasn't much that interested us.

I took some pictures of the ship.

We walked around the shops for a little.

By this time it was 11AM and we headed back to where we were told to meet our guide.

[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

It took 15 minutes for our guide to show up and I was getting ancy. I should have not worried, they sent me an email, but since I wasn't connected to the Internet I didn't get it. We started our tour at 11:15, she helped me load the scooter in the back of the van, and we were on our way.

So before we actually get started, let me show you (to my best recollection) of our route around the island. We were docked at the Tortola Pier Park and we proceeded counter clockwise around the island.

We headed out of the security guarded parking area.

For those who haven’t been to a port city, the port area is often security protected, here we are leaving the safety of the immediate port area.

First she took us through the town.

I believe that the building in the center here was the hospital.

Evidently Pusser’s Rum was a big thing in the British Navy. From 1650 until 1970 every sailor in the British Navy received a daily ration of Rum. That was the highlight of the day for many. You can buy Pusser’s Rum online, as well as other related items, but I guess this is one of the last brick and mortar locations.

We traveled around some back streets. I was amazed at how little leeway these streets had.

This was one of the wider city streets that we encountered.

Up ahead on the left is a memorial. Not exactly sure what it was about, but I remember that our guide pointed it out and suggested that I take a picture of it. That one came out blurry, so here is our approach to it.

One of the excursions was to the Botannic Gardens. We’re not big garden types, so this really wasn’t of much interest to us.

We drove past the Police Station.

This was the original Sugar Cane processing center in the 19th century. It produced sugar all the way up until 1940 but it also produced other things such as cotton and lime juice. It now houses a museum (which might be interesting to see on another trip here.

We went out onto the “highway”, it was the only two lanes in each direction road that we drove on!

And pretty soon we were ascending that hill that I had watched from the ship.

We encountered “traffic jams” pretty often, there were lots of tour type buses and trucks taking the same trip.

I was amazed at the amount of random stuff people had out in their yards.

I didn’t even think that these were little makeshift bars, until later in the trip when we found one.

Now one thing I thought was really weird was that none of the structures ever seemed “finished”. They all had rebar sticking out of the tops, and when I asked our guide, she said that was in case anyone wanted to put another story on top. Bizzarre!

We climbed the hill (not sure if this could be classified as a mountain) and the drive turned onto Ridge Road, we had some stunning views of the ocean and surrounding islands. We are looking the opposite direction from the port at this point.

We continued along Ridge Road and the terrain also afforded us views of the side of the island where the port was located.

Here's a shot from another location, you can see the poor folks from the Carnival cruise ship having to tender into the port.

I'm going to wrap up this update here. Based on some of the early feedback it seems shorter updates are preferred. I know I do, and we've got lots left to go in our tour. I don't think we've even been gone for an hour.

Next update will wrap up the rest of the tour.

And Thanks! @Steppesister for squeezing in a comment on the bottom of the previous page so I got the top spot on this one!
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Oh, fiiiine. I do something right and slip in comment #20 and someone else gets the credit. I see how it is now.
Oh, fiiiine. I do something right and slip in comment #20 and someone else gets the credit. I see how it is now.

Fixed! :teeth: Your comment wasn't even there when I started pasting my update into the browser! And honestly I had mis-counted. I would have posted one at the bottom of page 14 and one at the top of page 15, if you hadn't snuck in! I thought pkondz had taken the last post.
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You guys have been working hard!

Yeah, but I'm ready to be done with it! Just donate everything!

Did the glass come with it?
I would've paid $11.35.

The glass did not come with it and actually the glass would be worth a lot more than $1.35. It was a plastic wine glass from early on at DCA, back when the wine they sold at the Golden Vine Winery came with logo glasses. Probably most people just tossed them, I saved mine and have a few. That's the only one I can find right now, but within a year they switched to generic plastic wine glasses.

Isn't that called "aged"?

Not with cheap liqueurs. :crazy2:

Ugh... but sounds like your contractor has a plan.

Actually it was my plan. :teeth: He was able to take care of it yesterday.

$$'s is good. You guys are selling machines!

It definitely keeps us busy!

Well OK, but if you want to do it, you'll need a smartphone! It's tedious, but for now it's the only time I get to work on it (unless Fran is still asleep, like right now). I write my notes in Google documents and can access that from my computer and my phone. I upload the photos to photobucket from my computer at home, and use their app on my phone to paste the links for the pictures into the Google document. I can type more descriptive prose on my phone as well, and I do this waiting at the doctor's office, or other mundane places (like the apartment while waiting for folks to come for a viewing).

I haven't actually posted an update from the phone. I find a time when Fran is out of the room when I am all caught up on replies, and then I copy and paste from the Google doc into the DIS browser. Not ideal, but until we get more caught up, Fran frowns on me working on trip reports, so I have to do it on the sly.

I prefer two smaller ones I think. Makes the TR longer. Means I get to enjoy it longer.

I'm glad you feel that way because that's what I went with! :teeth:


I AM reading... but busy with my birthday weekend celebrations. Clean, clean, cook. Repeat...

Your wish is my command!


Happy Birhtday! Yours is the same day as Fran's!
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Glad you guys did the tour and didn't cancel it!

I wish my work would give out a daily ration of rum!
Glad you guys did the tour and didn't cancel it!

I wish my work would give out a daily ration of rum!

Yeah, me too. I would have hated to give away $300, but even worse, I did't want to miss out on the island.

I can't figure out how to write off Rum for our rental business unless we served it at showings of apartments which would be a bad idea. I'd never get rid of bad tenants!
Catching up!! I also love the shorter updates but yes, do what works best for you.
We did a similar tour in Tortola( we did a boat tour and then a bus tour) certainly some tight turns!!! Narrow roads, eep. But some gorgeous views!!
Well several of you chimed in on my poll that shorter updates were easier to read. I responded similarly to another TR writers query,


I started to count the number of photos already present in what I had written for the next update and I was already at three different posts, so I’ve cut it off at two, and I have enough pictures for three more posts for the next update!

This would never happen back in the days of film.

I may have awakened around 3AM, as nature called, but I did go right back to sleep.

It was an owl right? That's the nature you heard calling?

I did notice that Fran was sounding a bit better, not coughing and her nasal passage had cleared up somewhat.


I woke up again at 5:15 and checked the Navigator for Sunrise time.

Didn't know that was on there.

It was 6:50 when I woke up. I rushed to the verandah and the sun was mostly up,

I simply do not understand why Disney doesn't make this more convenient.
I suspect if sunrise was done later in the day, more people would be able to enjoy it.


I made the right choice not to try for the Sunrise, it was on the other side of the ship.

And that's another thing! Why so exclusive? Have two sunrises. One for each side of the ship!

Make it four. One for early risers and one for late risers.
How hard could it be?

We would be docking on the opposite side of the pier from the ship you can already see there.

They should just move. Maybe you guys want that side!

I looked at all the giant houses here thinking they were huge mansions, when in actuality they were multi family properties.

How did you find that out? Your tour, I presume?

Once the ship had turned around, our cabin was on the side for the sun. A little too late to see it rise though.

Fail, Disney!

Once we were docked, Fran started to wake up a little. She wanted to get out of the tour we had booked.

Not surprising considering how she felt.

First a little background on that. Disney excursions are not at all disabled friendly. Most of them say that you will be denied access if you show up on a motorized scooter or power wheelchair.

Really! That actually surprises me quite a bit.

Unfortunately it included and hour of “shopping” and while Fran likes shopping, she doesn’t like to do it without her scooter.

I get that.

Since the Disney excursion was 4-5 hours and that included an hour long stop, plus a few more, it seemed to me that 3 hours was a good amount of time to allot for an island tour.

Sounds like a pretty good plan.

had a Ford Transit Connect which would be ample for both of us.

Had to Google.

We also didn't want to start too early because you all know how we get up and just hop right out of bed. Well at least one of us has that ability. :rolleyes1

Way to go Fran!!

I said I would, go out on the port, just pay them, say “thank you, but not today.” It was a good chunk of money, cash, as that was all they would take. Fran didn't like that idea, so she agreed to go.

:laughing: So now you know how to get her to do these things!

The compromise for her going on the tour was that I would bring back breakfast from Cabanas.

That's a pretty easy compromise.... considering the return on the investment.

We barely finished half of this stuff. I chilled watching the end of Bedknobs and Broomsticks that I slept through the night before.

And? How has it held up over the years?

I also wanted to get an idea of how long the walk to the pier was going to be.

How long did it a-pier to be?

These poor suckers on the ship out there had to tender in.

Nyah! Nyah!

That looks narrow. Camera perspective? Or? Can two scooters fit side by side?

After she was dressed we started to get on our way. She made sure that I knew she was going on this tour under duress, and was only doing it “because she loved me.”

No mention of the cash outlay? I'd take it.

Nice detail.

:laughing: At first I didn't even see you! Just a tad breezy was it?

It took 15 minutes for our guide to show up and I was getting ancy. I should have not worried, they sent me an email, but since I wasn't connected to the Internet I didn't get it.

I would've been antsy too.

Looks pretty good!

Evidently Pusser’s Rum was a big thing in the British Navy. From 1650 until 1970 every sailor in the British Navy received a daily ration of Rum.

I'm not positive... but I think I've heard about that before.

We traveled around some back streets. I was amazed at how little leeway these streets had.

When I saw those photos, I immediately thought "British colonial rule."

Up ahead on the left is a memorial. Not exactly sure what it was about, but I remember that our guide pointed it out and suggested that I take a picture of it.

:laughing: She probably made something up!

This was the original Sugar Cane processing center in the 19th century. It produced sugar all the way up until 1940 but it also produced other things such as cotton and lime juice. It now houses a museum (which might be interesting to see on another trip here.


I was amazed at the amount of random stuff people had out in their yards.

Perfect set up! Grab a steak out of the fridge and toss it on the BBQ.

Now one thing I thought was really weird was that none of the structures ever seemed “finished”. They all had rebar sticking out of the tops, and when I asked our guide, she said that was in case anyone wanted to put another story on top. Bizzarre!

Future planning for an unlikely future.

We climbed the hill (not sure if this could be classified as a mountain) and the drive turned onto Ridge Road, we had some stunning views of the ocean and surrounding islands. We are looking the opposite direction from the port at this point.

Beautiful shots!

Looks so lush!

I don't think we've even been gone for an hour.

What? I thought this was weeks ago! Huh.

And Thanks! @Steppesister for squeezing in a comment on the bottom of the previous page so I got the top spot on this one!

Hey! Look at @Steppesister . Making up for past sins.

Oh, fiiiine. I do something right and slip in comment #20 and someone else gets the credit. I see how it is now.

Fixed! :teeth: Your comment wasn't even there when I started pasting my update into the browser! And honestly I had mis-counted. I would have posted one at the bottom of page 14 and one at the top of page 15, if you hadn't snuck in! I thought pkondz had taken the last post.

:lmao: I got the credit????

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Yeah, but I'm ready to be done with it! Just donate everything!

Or leave it out with a sign. "Please do not steal. Very valuable!"

The glass did not come with it and actually the glass would be worth a lot more than $1.35. It was a plastic wine glass from early on at DCA, back when the wine they sold at the Golden Vine Winery came with logo glasses. Probably most people just tossed them, I saved mine and have a few. That's the only one I can find right now, but within a year they switched to generic plastic wine glasses.

Huh! So what would you sell it for?

Not with cheap liqueurs. :crazy2:

So more "aged and decrepit".

Actually it was my plan. :teeth: He was able to take care of it yesterday.


Well OK, but if you want to do it, you'll need a smartphone! It's tedious, but for now it's the only time I get to work on it (unless Fran is still asleep, like right now). I write my notes in Google documents and can access that from my computer and my phone. I upload the photos to photobucket from my computer at home, and use their app on my phone to paste the links for the pictures into the Google document. I can type more descriptive prose on my phone as well, and I do this waiting at the doctor's office, or other mundane places (like the apartment while waiting for folks to come for a viewing).

I haven't actually posted an update from the phone. I find a time when Fran is out of the room when I am all caught up on replies, and then I copy and paste from the Google doc into the DIS browser. Not ideal, but until we get more caught up, Fran frowns on me working on trip reports, so I have to do it on the sly.

I've never used Google docs before. Is that an app, too? Might have to look into this.

I'm glad you feel that way because that's what I went with! :teeth:

Do as I say, don't do as I do.
Happy Birthday to Fran!

(I guess it is around now if Liesa posts about hers and it is the same day?)
I love love love the pictures of the ship from up high!

Hopefully Fran was happy she joined you for the tour. Glad you still went.

Also glad you didn't stay awake for the sunrise, that would have been disappointing.

Your progress with the moving is great! Any bit is better than no bit. The old alcohol sounds like it needs to go down the drain. Is that allowed?
Nice pics coming into Port. I have seen that a lot of ships are going to Tortola now.

Glad you were able to get Fran to go on the excursion with you.

Beautiful pictures of the water and the port from the hill (Mountain?)

I have heard that people on some of those islands just add another floor to the house to add more space for larger families because there is limited space to build. A lot of houses end up almost like apartment buildings.

Looking forward to more :sunny:
When I noticed that my P&S camera was not in my pocket.


Might I have yet another chance to rib and tease?

Turns out it was on the bed in the room,


When I got back to the room, I found Fran worshipping a god no one wants to honor. When she was done, I immediately started her on the Antibiotic regimen (that I always pack on trips after the Mississippi river fiasco) as well as an extra strength Mucinex, her breathing sounded very labored and I was afraid that she might aspirate and it would turn into pneumonia. Spoiler alert: She did not.

Just, no. Never, ever fun. For anyone.

I'm struggling to keep afloat.

I'm in a deep doo right now in the keeping up dept.

some of the bottles look 30-40 years old! :crazy2:

So.... aged?

The refrigerator is ¾ inch too tall for the space. There is about ½ and inch extra that can be trimmed from the cabinets, so our contractor has a dilemma to solve as we paid such a good price at a discount location, we can’t take it back. He said he would take care of it.

A few months before the trip, I started researching cab companies, reading reviews and such, and found a couple who had good reputations and contacted them. Since the Disney excursion was 4-5 hours and that included an hour long stop, plus a few more, it seemed to me that 3 hours was a good amount of time to allot for an island tour. When I heard back from the cab companies, only one said they would let Fran put the scooter in the back of the car. They had a Ford Transit Connect which would be ample for both of us. So that decision was easy, the next was the timing. There was no way I wanted to risk being late back to the ship so we needed to be done in early afternoon. We also didn't want to start too early because you all know how we get up and just hop right out of bed. Well at least one of us has that ability. :rolleyes1 Our original plan was that we would have breakfast at Royal Palace and then head out to meet our tour guide. Since on Google maps it appeared to be a pretty good distance from the ship to the port, we decided we should leave ample time after breakfast to get off the ship. Knowing that breakfast was served from 8:00-9:30 and that we run on the late end of the spectrum, we figured that we could count on being done at breakfast by 10AM at the latest, so 11AM would be a good time to start the tour. That would put us boarding the ship just after 2PM well before the 5PM sail away, so that's what we set up.

I"m glad you could book this and it all worked out for you! You (so far) have some really nice shots of the local flavor and vistas. :)

She made sure that I knew she was going on this tour under duress, and was only doing it “because she loved me.”

OY! Just what you wanted to hear.

From 1650 until 1970 every sailor in the British Navy received a daily ration of Rum. That was the highlight of the day for many.

There is a very good book written about this and the nutmeg trade called Nathaniel's Nutmeg that I'd highly recommend if this naval history is interesting to you.

Now one thing I thought was really weird was that none of the structures ever seemed “finished”. They all had rebar sticking out of the tops, and when I asked our guide, she said that was in case anyone wanted to put another story on top. Bizzarre!

They did that a lot in Ecuador too. They also embedded glass shards into the cement home walls to for security.

And Thanks! @Steppesister for squeezing in a comment on the bottom of the previous page so I got the top spot on this one!

My pleasure. LOL! Totally meant to do that.

(That was only a fluke, the truth be known. I was not in any way counting or paying attention.)
nice that you were able to experience your own tour. The flying dumbo is a neat detail on the ship. Hope you both enjoyed your recent b-day celebrations.
Glad that you were able to do the tour during that day. Your island pictures look so nice and it was well worth it.
When we did the Island tour May '16, they told us the houses look "unfinished" because they didn't want to pay taxes on them. Our guide said if a house is "finished", then they have to pay taxes, but if its not finished, then no taxes. Interesting, if true.


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