The Job of a Lifetime: My Spring 2015 DCP

I keep telling myself that I'll do an update every weekend. That way, any readers I have won't get too frustrated, and I'll have extra time since I won't have any classes or work.

Ha. As if.

College is tiring, people. Weekends are for sleeping, and, as the semester is drawing to a close, for catching up on homework. But thankfully, this week I finished my last paper! The last day of class in next Thursday, and the Friday after that we're driving home!

I try to tell myself that I can make it that long, but I'm exhausted. Yes, research papers are done, but I still have a test in my physical science class next week (I HATE PHYSICAL SCIENCE), and one of my history professors has decided to give us a take home essay on the last day of class. Yes. A take home essay assigned the last day of class, when our research paper is due, to occupy our time before the final, which features a comprehensive essay question.

Hopefully that kind of explains where my sanity has been the last few days/weeks/semester.

Honestly, the thought of Disney is keeping me going. The knowledge that the semester will be over and I'll be home in just over 2 weeks and that fact that I depart for WDW in just under 44 days.

And, the more time passes, the more I get to know my amazing roommates and the more I look forward to living with them for 6 1/2 months! I would post a picture from when I met one of them, but I probably should ask her permission before I post pictures of her on the internet. Also, it's a terrible picture of me, which I also prefer to avoid posting on the internet. ;)

Yesterday, 46 days before my program begins, I received the email containing my new hire paperwork! It really made everything feel real. Even though I got an acceptance email and received my postcard in the mail weeks ago, I still had this lingering fear that it was just one big cosmic joke. That I would arrive in Florida, where a cast member would give me a contemptuous look and tell me I hadn't really been accepted after all. :scared:

I'm still crossing my fingers that it doesn't happen.

But besides my paperwork, I finally found a buyer for my apartment contract, and schedule my check-out appointment yesterday. And on Monday I rented an apartment unit in my college town, so I'll have a place to dump all my stuff while I'm in Florida.

So, to sum up my week, everything feels very real now. Time is closing in and I'm feeling the crunch. Today I'll start studying for finals, and tomorrow is entirely dedicated to packing and getting ready to move.

Ugh, packing. I hate moving. Every time I have to do it I lament that I have so much stuff, but as soon as I get it moved I can barely find anything to get rid of. I like to have my memories with me.

Since my roommates and I are staying in a Disney resort the night before check-in, apparently we get magic bands! I'm sooooo excited. Last time I was in WDW was in 2010, before the magic band system was implemented, so I basically know nothing about it. I'm not positive whether we'll be able to use them as CPs, but even the concept of owning one is exciting!

I have now made 2/3 of the dining reservations I have planned, into early June. I'm slightly saddened by the fact that most of them will probably have to be canceled, since I imagine my work schedule will be crazy. Especially since I'll be working in one of those table service restaurants, I'll probably be working during most dining hours, so I will have to be creative.

But I'm just so excited. The idea of spending so much time in one of my favorite places in the world is exhilarating. I love the thought of just going to the Crystal Palace on a whim or heading over to EPCOT just to ride Soarin'. It's going to be perfect, however much I'll miss DL.

My family has a tentative trip scheduled after the spring semester ends, so hopefully my entire family will be able to visit me and my discounts.

Well, I've run out of interesting Disney things to say.

Week 19:
1. Crystal Palace Buffet. I love buffets, and I grew up with Winnie the Pooh characters. And this restaurant is beautiful.
2. Gelato in Italy. I adore ice cream. I have to restrain myself from eating it every day, but I've never had gelato.
3. Toffee Cake at Liberty Tree Tavern. Just looking at pictures of this dessert makes me swoon.

Week 20:
1. Strawberry Waffle at Trilo-Bites. I have a strawberry addiction. It's serious business. Every time I go grocery shopping I end up with like four pounds of strawberries. And they don't last very long.
2. Lemon Chicken at Restaurant Marrakesh. My family makes delicious lemon chicken, so while the Moroccan version is probably different, this restaurant looks so beautiful and fun!
3. Beignets at Tomorrowland Terrace. My family grew up eating the beignets from the Jazz Kitchen in DTD at Disneyland, so this is a very nostalgic addition for me.
4. Meat Lover's Pizza at Pizza Planet. I love meat, and pizza is pretty great. Plus I've never actually been to this restaurant, which is a travesty.

Bucket List:
21. Set a high score on Toy Story Midway Mania. While I'm darn good at Buzz Lightyear, somehow that skill doesn't transition well. That definitely needs to change.
22. Design my own t shirt. At that place in DTD. This one isn't well researched, but I definitely need a shirt to commemorate my DCP.
23. Take pictures of all my food. It has saddened me that in my food research there aren't a lot of pictures floating around. At least, not easily accessible ones.
24. Collect park maps. Once upon a time I wanted a fastpass from every ride that offered them, but sadly that isn't an option any more. Sad face.

That's all for now! I'm counting down the days until my adventure starts. And I seriously might combust from the waiting.

Love you all,
Congratulations on your upcoming DCP! just found your TR and I hope you continue it as a diary once you get settled in WDW. It is very interestng reading some DCP's stories. Plus, I have a 9 year old DD who very much wants to do the DCP when she is older so any info I get is great!

I am like you, would make a food fantasy list and prob not much of an alcohol one since I rarely drink. I hope you get to eat all your heart desires!

I also hope we have a ressie where you will be working while on your DCP as we will be there in February!
Even though my last update was less than a week ago, I figured it would be nice to post another one. I feel like I'm behind, somehow. Maybe because I leave for my program in 39 DAYS

So basically I can't keep myself away. I'm constantly thinking about it. Disney. The DCP. The magic of taking a semester off school. It's how I'm getting through this week, consumed with preparing for finals.

And honestly, I need the break. When I first started college, I had about three weeks in between when I quit my old job in California and when I started a new job in Utah. I had two weeks at Christmas break, but other than that it's been essentially non-stop.

At the end of the last spring semester, I finished my on-campus job on Friday afternoon, and started my summer job on Monday morning. This last summer, I worked 7 days a week, every week, except when I took three days off to attend my sister's wedding, which wasn't exactly a vacation. There was too much work involved. Then, I finished my summer job on a Saturday, and started my on-campus job again that Tuesday.

So I really, really need a break. I'll have an entire month at home before my DCP starts, and I'm so looking forward to it. I plan to do nothing but eat and watch movies and enjoy the company of my family.

I know that the DCP will be hard work, but I can't shake the feeling that it's just going to be an extended vacation for me. I believe in working hard, and for that reason I work as much as I can. It's productive, and I'm incredibly grateful that I haven't had to take out any student loans thus far. But it's also exhausting.

So the idea of doing the DCP, where I won't have to do any homework and I won't have any obligations other than a full-time job, is magical. I'm really glad that I applied for this particular semester, because I really, really need it. :laundy:

I just keep waiting and watching the days and hours slowly tick down. Thankfully, I love my roommates already, and I haven't even met one of them in person. They are so lively and upbeat and are as excited as I am. It also makes me really happy that we're sharing a hotel the night before check-in, because I'm afraid of being a real adult, and I think it will be nice to have that moral support behind me.

My thoughts are mostly consumed with a raging desire to know which restaurant I'll be placed in! There are so many that sound amazing, I can hardly even decide what my top choices are. I love the '50s Prime Time Café, just because the environment is so fun and sassy. But Hollywood Studios isn't as popular as other parks, so think I would also really enjoy the Crystal Palace.

Le Cellier is my favorite restaurant, but I can't work there, being an American. Or anywhere in the World Showcase, which makes me really sad. That's probably my favorite part of WDW.

But Ohana is my second favorite restaurant, so it would be super fun to work there too. I'm not even letting myself get my hopes up about places like Cinderella's Royal Table. Since I don't actually have restaurant experience, I keep telling myself that I'll be placed in one of the less popular resort restaurants, that way I won't be let down no matter what happens.

The closer the time gets, the more emails I get from Disney. I know it's silly, since I was accepted more than two months ago, but every time I see a message from Disney I have a little heart attack. But so far I've filled out some tax credit info and my new hire paperwork, and just today I got a reminder that DORMS info will be coming out approximately two weeks before my arrival date!

Currently I have three roommates, and we're looking at a 2 bedroom apartment in Patterson. None of us are partiers, and none of us drink, so we're looking for somewhere a little bit more subdued. The Commons would be nice just because of the laundry, but I hear they fill up quickly.

The only thing that worries me is the cost-4 person apartments are on the more expensive side, and each extra dollar is less dole whip that I can put in my mouth. But honestly, I can't really worry about it now. It doesn't help, and I still have finals to worry about.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Currently, lacking any actual Disney news to share, I'm just trying to relate how my life is going in preparation for my DCP. If you hate my life details, please, let me know. I'm a firm believer in constructive criticism, so if you want only strictly Disney stuff, go ahead and say so. It would certainly make my posts a lot shorter.

Week 21:
1. Rullekake at the Kringla Bakeri. This one is flexible, just because I had a hard time deciding which pastry sounded the most delicious.
2. Chicken Masala at Rose and Crown. This one I'm mainly just curious about.
3. Croque Monsieur at Les Halles. I'm really hoping this is similar to the Monte Cristo at Disneyland. Because I'm in love with that thing.

Week 22:
1. Starring Rolls Cupcake. One that I didn't try before.
2. Mole Poblano at San Angel. The mole chicken is my favorite thing at Rancho del Zocalo in DL, so I'm hoping this is comparable.
3. Treat from Karamell Kuche. I swear I change my mind every time I look through the options. Currently I'm leaning towards the Chocolate Caramel Cupcake, since cupcakes are such an iconic WDW experience.

Bucket List:
25. Collect Pressed pennies. As a child I had a large book filled with these. They're such cheap, fun souvenirs.
26. Buy a pair of ears. I'm leaning towards the sequined Minnie ears, just because they're more feminine. You know, gotta emphasize that femininity.
27. Get a shirt from each park. I love Disney shirts, so I feel like I need to properly commemorate my time there.
28. Go to the House of Blues. I've always wanted to go to the one in DTD in California, but I could never justify spending valuable park time. Someday, I'll go in, but I figure I can start with the one in Orlando.

Anyway, that's all for now! It feels like the waiting is finally starting to wind down, and I definitely want to finish this stuff before the actual program starts. That way, I'll have time to write about my actual DCP experience and not just my excitement that it's happening.

WDW has rides that are very similar to DL's Mark Twain Riverboat and DCA's Grizzly River Run, so you may not have to miss those, after all.

You made a good choice to do Whispering Canyon Café instead of Tony's Town Square.

Congratulations on your acceptance. Looking forward to reading about your adventure as it happens.
Congratulations, Kira! I'm so happy you were accepted and thanks for sharing your experiences here. It was really interesting to read about the different positions you could apply for and how you had to rank your interest, etc.

We live in Utah so it's fun hearing you talk a little bit about life at BYU. :) Can't wait to read more!
Following along on your "Adventure of a Lifetime"! I enjoy all the details:thumbsup2
It is my very great pleasure to announce that the semester is over and I am home for the holidays!

The stress of finals nearly did me in, but thankfully I made it through! Last Friday I took my last final then immediately jumped in the car with family and drove the ten hours home to California. Needless to say, it was a very long day, but now I'm exceptionally glad to be home.

My program officially begins in less than a month, and my roommate recently informed me that our luggage tags and magic bands are on the way! I'm pretty sure this is going to be the best year of my life- an entire month at home, then a straight six+ months at the Most Magical Place on Earth.

So the next month will be spent relaxing and thinking about Disney! Honestly, as tiring as this semester was, at least the business helped the time go faster. Now I have an entire month of just waiting! It might be impossible....

Since I'm home, and I have lots to do and plenty of family to spend time with, this will be a pretty short update. I mean, even shorter than a regular one. Without school, my life's just not that interesting.

Week 23:
1. Pork at Be Our Guest (Lunch). Obviously I have to eat both lunch and dinner at Be Our Guest. And I've heard rumors that they're adding a breakfast option!
2. Master's Cupcake. Duh.
3. Scallopini at Tutto Italia. I've never eaten in Italy, but scallopini is one of my favorite things at chain Italian restaurants.

Week 24:
1. Strawberry Shortcake at Sunshine Seasons. Strawberries are delicious and amazing, and should almost always be paired with cream.
2. Ribs at Yak and Yeti. I love ribs. And this restaurant just sounds so fun and festive, plus there are limited options in Animal Kingdom.

Bucket List:
29. VoluntEAR. I'm still not positive what this encompasses, but I want to do it.
30. Flower and Garden Festival. I've never been to EPCOT during the Food and Wine Festival, which is a constant disappointment to me. This will have to do for now.
31. Star Wars Weekends. I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan, but I can't deny that they are classics, so I'll have to check this out if I can.
32. Grocery Bingo. This is basically a placeholder for all the CP events. Even though there will be thousands of us, I really want to get to know as many CPs as possible, because very, very few people share my same passion for Disney, and I definitely want to be friends with those who do.

Anyway, that's all for now! I leave for Orlando in almost exactly 26 days! Ugh, the anticipation might kill me!

CONGRATULATIONS!! I look forward to following your posts...I did my CP almost 9 years ago and it was the best couple of months ever!
I just found your thread, congratulations on your acceptance!! I am excited to read about your experiences and especially excited to read/see pictures of all the food!
Congratulations!!! This make me so happy for you! I can't wait to follow along! I'm a senior in high school and LOVE Disney... the DCP is my dream, so I can't wait to hear all about your experience! For the record... Ohana. Is. Amazing.
Also, I'll be in Magic Kingdom on January 20thpixiedust:
So after you're there!
Can't wait to keep up with this and learn more about it:)
So excited for you! I'm a California girl and I LOVE Disneyland...but there is something magical about WDW too! I can't wait to read about your are almost there!
Oh my gosh! I am thrilled to be following this trip report!
As a middle aged mom of 2, I always wished I would have looked into the disney college program more seriously.

First of all, I think it was crazy brilliant and awesomely balsy of you to start this even before you were accepted! I love that!

This is going to be a great 6 months!

Oh and I personally would recommend this wonderful dreamy orangsical frozen non alcoholic drink. I have only found it at the pool bar at All Star Sports. It is pure heaven!
Congratulations! My DD20 also got accepted to the Wdw Spring Advantage. She got accepted to QSFB and checks in February 9th. She's so excited too! Especially since DD21 lives there and has worked at WDW since last July. She works at Belle's enchanted tales in the Magic Kingdom! Good luck! Can't wait to follow along
Congratulations! My DS20 was accepted to the WDW DCP Spring Advantage 2014 and worked as a Front Desk Cashier at the hotels. It has always been a life-long dream for him to work for Disney, too, and it was absolutely an experience of a lifetime for him. Best of luck to you! Enjoy the experience!
Sorry it's been so long since I updated this thing!

You would think that being at home with nothing of consequence to do would give me tons of time to work on this, but instead I've been greatly enjoying the concept of 0 obligations. It's amazing. I highly recommend it.

Since I last updated, my roommates and I got ours DORMS login info, and so we should be all linked to room together! Our top housing choice is a 2-bedroom 4-person in Patterson, and since we have the 2nd arrival date of 5, I think we have a pretty decent chance of getting it!

Also, my roommate who booked us a hotel for the night before check-in (POFQ! I'm super excited) also booked us the Magical Express and ordered our Magic Bands! And I received my Magic Band and luggage stuff in the mail from her today!

The last time I went to WDW was in 2010, before the Magic Band system. Therefore I really have no idea how everything works, especially because I don't have a park ticket to link to it. But supposedly I should eventually be able to link my CP main entrance pass to it, and hopefully I'll have someone smart to help me with that. :rotfl:

Also in the meantime, I celebrated my birthday, which sadly is just a few weeks too early to take place at WDW. Still, it feels lovely to finally break out of those teenage years. Now my sister can stop telling me off whenever I complain about all those teenagers and their antics. I'm secretly like sixty years old, in temperment.

As the time draws nearer, my anticipation is only mounting. Yeah, admittedly
I'm slightly nervous about moving across the country. And about managing to transport everything I need for the next sixth months. I'm flying Southwest, so at least I get two free suitcases. But two suitcases, for six months of living? There's no way. I can't pack lightly for a single night.

Obviously there's some stuff that I'll have to buy once I'm in Orlando, like a comforter and shampoo. I simply don't have the space/weight for frivolous stuff like that. But between Christmas presents and my unfortunate clothes addiction, my ability to limit myself to 100 pounds is seriously in question. My parents might have to mail me a box or something.

Some people on the Facebook pages have been mentioning that they're only packing like 2 pairs of jeans, which to me is insanity. I'm a very casual person. I live in jeans. Plus I'd prefer to avoid doing laundry every 2 days. But the next 10 days before I leave will be filled with organizing. It's going to be a nightmare. Packing is basically the bane of my existence already, and normally it's not for more than like a week at a time.

I'm DYING to know which restaurant I'll be placed at
! There are so many that sound amazing, and honestly very few that I think would be a sad location. My mom has an ongoing joke that I'm going to end up working at Shutters, the full-service location at the Caribbean Beach Resort. She just thinks it would be sad to be placed at a restaurant that isn't overly popular.

But really, I'll take anything. I just want to be there already! I've basically been waiting for a year and a half now, and the anticipation is the worst. I'm so jealous of the people whose programs start in only 4 days!

At this point, I'm kind of figuring that this next week and half will be crazy. So I figure I ought to finish my list of both my Food Plan and my Bucket List. To be completely honest, I'm thinking about some drastic changes to my food plan anyway. And the "week" numbering system is obviously crazy, because chances are none of that will really work out.

I've already got my special Disneyland journal ready to go, perfect for taking notes about my day and documenting all my special Disney experiences. It'll be with me just about constantly during my program, in all likelihood.

It's possible that I'll update this again before I leave, if I have something interesting to say. Oh! I saw Into the Woods yesterday, and I really liked it. I'm not sure if that's relevant, but it's Disney so I'm definitely going to count it.

Week 25:
1. Cheddar Cheese Soup at Le Cellier. I've heard amazing things.
2. Pot Roast at Liberty Tree Tavern. I love me some pot roast.
3.Croissant Jambon at Las Halles.

Week 26:
1. Chicken Alfredo at Wolfgang Puck. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I make really good alfredo sauce. It's like the only thing I cook. But I'm on an ongoing quest to find a restaurant with alfredo that's better than mine. It's been years, and I have yet to find a serious contender.
2. Brownie Creme Sandwich at Earl of Sandwich. Yum.
3. Cinnamon Glazed Pecans at Dino Diner. This is basically the best way to eat nuts.

Week 27:
1. Frasier at Chefs de France. I'm trying to eat at as many full service restaurants as I can, even if it's only for dessert.
2. Dole Whip. I'm honestly not sure why it's included on here, except for budgeting purposes. I will be eating so much dole whip while I'm there, it would probably disturb non-Disney people.
3. Pecan Pie at Boatwright's. This one is iffy. Like three years ago my family went on a cruise, where we ate the most delicious chocolate pecan pie in existence. Hopefully regular pecan pie is comparable, because this is mainly a comfort food addition.

Week 28:
1. All you can eat skillet at Whispering Canyon Cafe. Unlimited meat? Count me in.
2. Raspberry Vanilla Cake at Garden Grove Cafe. I love berries. I have a serious problem. Plus everything about this sounds delicious.
3. Chicken Tenders at AMC Fork and Theater. A simple meal, since it's really all about the movie anyway.

Bucket List:

33. Get some good, planned ride photos. It's a Disney tradition, after all.
34. Get a portrait painted. Probably a caricature like they do in New Orleans Square at Disneyland. Or whatever I can afford.
35. Go to the water parks. Because I've never been.
36. See a movie in DTD.
37. Do Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom. Honestly, I''m not positive what this entails, but it sounds fun.
38. Do as many cast members tours as possible.
39. Buy something extravagant. I'm normally really cheap, so I need to find a good splurge. Maybe a discounted Disney cruise...
40. Get resort merchandise. Especially for the ones I'm in love with, like AKL and the Polynesian.
41. Do archery at Fort Wilderness.
42. Buy a plant from Living with the Land. So I can have a living thing to remind me of my Disney adventures.
43. Buy something from every country in the World Showcase. Probably something cheap, for obvious reasons.
44. Take a nap in a park. It's always been my dream to fall asleep on the train around Disneyland. Yeah, I know I'm weird.
45. Be the rebel spy. Star Tours generally isn't my favorite ride, but I'll go on it as many times as it takes.

So that horrifyingly long list contains all my Disney goals for the coming months! I'm sure more will occur to me the longer I spend working for Disney. I'm so excited. The next 10 days can't go fast enough, as much as I love spending time at home.

Thanks for reading!

44. Take a nap in a park. It's always been my dream to fall asleep on the train around Disneyland. Yeah, I know I'm weird.

Actually, I have about fell asleep on the people mover. I think it's 16 or 18 min. long and when it's not busy? a lot of times they let you keep going and not get out. :cool1: It's one of my favorite rides and a wonderful way to take a break.

Good luck with the packing! 2 suitcases!!!! wow....
Actually, I have about fell asleep on the people mover. I think it's 16 or 18 min. long and when it's not busy? a lot of times they let you keep going and not get out. :cool1: It's one of my favorite rides and a wonderful way to take a break.

Good luck with the packing! 2 suitcases!!!! wow....

Yes! We always ride this numerous times in a row.. it's great for a nice break!


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