The Haunted What's on Your Mind Thread and the Search for the 1,000th Happy Haunt

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I always love watching the Glee finale of Season 1. New Directions' performance of the Journey Melody is so powerful, energized and just... Fantastic! I mean I'm still surprised they didn't win.

So true! :rotfl:
Vocal Adrenaline does a good rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody but the Journey Melody was still awesome!
I imagine Rapunzel is a vegetarian. I doubt Mother Gothel was out raising cows and pigs to slaughter.
This is the funniest story I have ever heard.

When my dad was stationed in Germany for the army, him and his troop (or whatever it is. I suck at military terms.) were doing an exercise where they had to pretend to shoot people. So, part way into the exercise, something came behind my dad, thinking it was one of his buddies, he hit them with the butt of the rifle thingy he had. It wasn't one of his buddies though. It was a wild boar.

So, this boar chases him up a tree that has no branches on it (he has no idea how he ever got up there XD) and preceded to radio the person in charge of the exercise telling him what happened. The person in charge told my dad to climb out of the tree and pet it to calm it down. This is a wild boar. And it's angry. Petting it won't solve anything.

The person in charge of the exercise decided after a while to send a helicopter out to pick my dad up. When the helicopter landed, it landed in the middle of a field of more wild boars. So my dad had to run past all of these wild boars to get into the helicopter and managed to make it out alive XD

Afterwards, he didn't get in any trouble, but everyone made fun of him for quite a while.
i love the title of this thread.. very creative.. plus you just gotta love the haunted mansion its a classic :)

hmm in case any of you wanted to know... disney is making a new haunted mansion movie :goodvibes
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