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Previews for the week of 08-Aug-2011
by Carol Banks Weber

**It’s very clear that Michael’s becoming the heir apparent to Sonny’s mob kingdom (just like Michael in The Godfather).
Watching Michael acting like Sonny with her on the island leaves a nasty taste in Abby’s mouth.
Sonny comes upon Kristina cavorting with Ethan.
Sonny goes on a rampage with Skye and Edward.

Jax and Shawn circle one another, full of hate and animosity.
PTSD paralyzes Shawn in his tracks as he helplessly watches Jax take off with Josslyn.
Sonny pursues Jax all the way to a private jet on the tarmac, hot revolver in hand.
Dante pursues Sonny, hot to stop his dad from plugging Jax.
Shawn stops Sonny from messing with Jax’s jet.
Dante reaches his destination and puts himself in between Sonny and Jax, suffering for it.
Sonny commits assault and battery on his own cop son Dante.
Carly puts herself in charge of beating Sonny to Jax and Josslyn before Sonny commits murder most foul on Jax.
On the way out of town with Josslyn, Jax runs into a bit of a stall.
Jax arrives at Robin’s with Josslyn, seeking asylum.
After getting an earful of a private phone convo between Robin and Matt, Sonny acts.
Sonny charges over to Robin and Patrick’s place, loaded for bear.
Carly’s only goal right now is retrieving her missing daughter, Josslyn. Tomorrow, she’ll be back to wrecking Jason’s good thing with Sam.
Carly drags Jason into a car chase after Jax.
Carly implores Jax to do the right thing by their girl.
Shawn uses every persuasive arsenal at his disposal to stand Jax down.
Carly and Shawn enjoy their full mutual appreciation in a nice scene together.
Elizabeth rouses from the car wreck, assessing things. She notices Siobhan out like a light.
Elizabeth next locates Jason, also out like a light, in his vehicle and Carly without a scratch.
Ambulances rush Jason to GH, alerting Monica to the dire situation.

Patrick and Robin get lovey-dovey when a page goes off for Patrick to speed it to GH’s head trauma department to work on Jason STAT.
Elsewhere, oblivious Sam dares to get girly about her wedding to Jason.
Monica reaches Sam with troubling news.
Sam rips Carly a new one.
One good thing came from Jason’s car wreck: Sam’s getting closer to his mom, Monica.
Sam tells Jason at his bedside that they’re getting married.
People worry about the outcome of the head surgery on Jason, since he’s been through this before.
Sam is poised to act on Jason’s behalf.
Siobhan must receive treatment at GH.
Elizabeth tries to find Lucky for Siobhan.
Sam hands Monica a photo of Jason’s son, Jake.

A heroin-like rush overcomes Lucky, rendering him helpless, weak, and frightened out of his mind. With this rush comes a series of L&L2 images from his past.
Lucky continues to trip out of his mind and back with Elizabeth.
Elizabeth provides a safe place to land for Lucky.
Elizabeth and Lucky walk down memory lane a bit, lingering on Jake.

The Jackal, P.I. notices fresh meat in another blonde, Lulu, pursuing her relentlessly like he’s got game.
Patrick mulls over a dark health forecast.
Robin faces overwhelming stress as GH’s chief of staff and the spouse of its resident hot head.
Robin and Patrick work hard to marry their marriage with work.
Matt finds Robin culpable and calls her on it.
Robin and Mac communicate on significant matters

Anthony puts his hit squad on the task of wasting Siobhan.
Before one of Anthony’s enforcers can pull the plug on Siobhan, Ethan walks in, ending that. Lucky makes himself known for Siobhan too.
Johnny receives the equivalent of pennies from heaven and a bolt from the blue, c/o dear old dad.

Alexis and Diane find themselves at Jake’s when a storm hits. They make the best of it, with booze and Coleman.
Mac enters Jake’s scene, as everybody inside is engaging in a fun, rollicking bit of amusement.

Next week: Sonny goes off and after Jax in Robin’s living room, it’s ugly… On official police business, Dante tells Sonny he’s not going to handle him with kid gloves anymore just ‘cause he’s family… Carly wipes her hands of Sonny… Carly expects a full report on Josslyn… Elizabeth and Siobhan talk about Lucky… Elizabeth is a silent, hidden witness to Lucky loving on Siobhan… Someone injects Siobhan with poison meant to off her… Mission accomplished: Siobhan dies the next week… Tracy and Skye throw down… Elizabeth has Matt run a test on a hot prescription bottle… Lulu and Dante have a love-making session… Maxie finds herself looking green at Jackal, P.I.’s affections towards another… Skye stumbles upon a familiar person, in a terrible way.
Gossip for the week of 08-Aug-2011
by Carol Banks Weber

Apparently Daytime Confidential and Soap Opera Digest mistakenly went ahead passing on news that proved false about Prospect Park picking up GH along with AMC and OLTL for an online deal. There is no such deal that includes GH. Yet.

Both Genie Francis (Laura) and Tamara Braun (?) return to GH soon to play out their roles. Braun’s role isn’t certain, and many are insisting it’s not to take Laura Wright’s (Carly) away at all. RavenBeauty spoke on these two rumors in her July 30th update and earlier on in her Facebook group. Braun may be the Lady in White, and it may be (based on many of our guesses and the juxtaposition of the Cassadine mention in RB’s spumors) related to more cloning experimentation on the part of Helena. RB: “A shocking secret emerges that will rattle all of Port Charles. Another treat courtesy of the Cassadines?”

Other RB spumors include: **the appearance of a “new Cassadine… darker with age… This story will bring things to a head, and tie into other major stories,” and a major veteran actor or actress will still exit by September. Here’s one for JaSam fans. “Jason and Sam fans are going to be furious, but there is a silver lining (it's all a dream). Jason and Sam will prevail.” If it’s JaSam as the EndGame, it’s L&L2 as well, according to RB. Before L&L2 can be together again, they must fight battles of a lifetime (Siobhan will be dead, so she’s not a factor) and of course the Cassadines play a big role. :crazy2:**

Read what RavenBeauty actually says in her July 30, 2011 update.

In an August 4, 2011 Silas Kain blog talk radio show (101:38) RavenBeauty confirmed – based on what she knows – GH will see its cancellation as scheduled and will go to Prospect Park (along with AMC and OLTL). TPTB did not announce GH’s cancellation when it announced Katie Couric’s new talk show (a few weeks ago) to debut September 2012 in GH’s time slot, because they didn’t want soap fans to hate Couric or taint her debut (like we did with the Chew and the Revolution). But it’s happening, RB said. “She’s their prized goose right now. So they’re being very very cautious about how they’re doing things and when they’re gonna announce things.”

People are hearing around the web that Y&R was given an order to cut short Genie Francis’s tenure as Genevieve so she may return to finish out GH as Laura. But Y&R claimed last week that they have big story for Genevieve.

**Siobhan will finally croak sometime between the weeks of August 15-22, 2011—due to an injection of the wrong drugs. But Erin Chambers may linger on in another, new character. ** :rolleyes:
As much as I dislike Sam, I was cheering her on today when she had that encounter with Carly. Go Sam! :woohoo:
Had to watch today's show thanks to you guys :goodvibes. Now that is the Sam I like! Why can't they have her like that more often?:confused3
Can anyone tell me the name of the song that was playing when Lucky was hallucinating and seeing Elizabeth. Is that Sarah McLachlan? It's so beautiful. Thanks!
Previews for the week of 15-Aug-2011
by Carol Banks Weber

**Jason tries to find out from Carly the status on Josslyn, but he’s wracked with a brain seizure.
A seizure grips Jason in its clutches, scaring those waiting for him to recover.
Sam wrings her hands over Jason’s tenuous grip on life.
Sam waits for the shoe to drop on Jason, in the form of another debilitating head seizure.
Patrick and Matt bring Robin in on their dispute as to the next move for Jason.
Robin shares her learned thoughts on Jason’s condition, the sticking point and possible outcome.

Sonny gets ugly real fast with Jax, as the two spar in Robin’s family room.
Robin steps in front of Jax just as Sonny pulls the trigger.
Dante closes the chains on bad boy Sonny.
Dante gets tough with Sonny, talking tough about no favoritism during the processing of a bust.
Jax tries to leave on a jet plane, but that jet plane goes down in flames.
Carly leans more and more on her dependable bodyguard friend, Shawn.
Carly reacts dramatically to news that the jet Jax fired up for his kidnapping escape met with a violent end.
Carly expects to be fully informed on her daughter Josslyn.
Carly goes to check in on Jason, but is met with a panicky, uptight Sam.
Sonny and Jax brandish their machismo in jail.
Carly lets Sonny have it by slugging him, but good.
Carly washes her hands of Sonny. He’s dead to her.

Elizabeth eases Lucky’s terrible drug trip, not leaving his side.
Siobhan summons Elizabeth inside her hospital room for a chat.
Siobhan and Elizabeth go over some important matters, like Lucky, his welfare, his drug case.
Elizabeth reports on what happened to land Siobhan in the hospital—again—when speaking with a now-coherent Lucky.
Lucky turns to God to deliver Siobhan from her current health crisis.
Lulu preoccupies herself with Lucky’s welfare.
Before one of Anthony’s enforcers can waste Siobhan, Ethan catches him.
Anthony’s in GH when Epiphany knocks him down a few pegs.
Elizabeth hands over a prescription bottle as evidence for Matt to do tests on.
Matt intervenes just as Anthony’s drug dealer tries to mess with Lucky.
Dante delights Lulu with a token of his affection on the occasion of her birthday: the keys to his heart (bachelor pad no more).
Dante asks Lulu to be his live-in love, and she loves it.
Lulu puts out for Dante. Happy birthday to her.
It needles Maxie how Jackal, P.I. is fawning all over Moonlight, aka Lulu.

Skye stumbles over a person who’s out like a light.
Skye makes sure Edward is resting nicely after he’s brought home from GH due to complaints about his heart.
Skye pointedly queries Tracy about her time in Gino Soleito’s mob. Wasn’t she married to the mob?
Skye and Tracy have a sparring match.

Abby feels ill at ease after some *****es gossip about her at a casino like
she’s a *****.
Diane and Coleman school Mac and Alexis on jazzing up their lives with a little sizzle.

Next week: Sam goes forward with the next procedure… Sonny goes to God, hat in hand, for yet the millionth time… Sonny and Carly take potshots at one another… Anthony pounces on a GH patient… Bye-bye Siobhan… Lucky receives a message from Siobhan, her last… Matt picks up a document that means everything… Skye protects a certain character with her life… Maxie tries to rouse Spinelli out of the Jackal, P.I. mode by bringing him to the place where Georgie was buried.
News for the week of 15-Aug-2011
by Carol Banks Weber

It doesn’t look like new head writer Garin Wolf intended for Jason to suffer a terrible car crash (brain hemorrhage) in order to restore him as a Quartermaine. Instead, Wolf has written a way for Jason to give everybody – from Sam and Monica, to Elizabeth, and Carly – what they want: a series of what-if dreams during the character’s recuperation from brain surgery. Each of his women will imagine different, self-serving scenarios (to air August 26 and 29) with Jason, if he comes out of this different. This suits portrayer Steve Burton a lot better than having to put on Jason Q’s reindeer sweater, serving tea to Monica, and smiling his *** off.

As for the state of GH, Burton shared his logic-based hope with TV Guide columnist Michael Logan (August 11th). Even though ABC Daytime hasn’t yet revealed GH’s fate, even after announcing Katie Couric’s new talk show in its time slot for September 2012, Burton saw this as merely a trial period for his soap to show its stuff, save itself and perhaps wind up on a timeslot of one of the two new reality shows chosen to replace AMC and OLTL. “There are so many variables. If Katie Couric's taking our slot, do we get the slot of one of these new reality shows if they don't work out? What's the likelihood of both of them being a hit? All we can do is focus on what we need to do to keep the ratings up and the budget down,” Burton mused. “We don't want ABC looking at us going, ‘Do we want GH or this Chew show?’ We want our numbers to be so good they can't even think about getting rid of us. … All we can do is focus on what we need to do to keep the ratings up and the budget down. We don't want ABC looking at us going, 'Do we want GH or this CHEW show?' We want our numbers to be so good they can't even think about getting rid of us.”

Steve Burton (Jason) would never do a reality-TV show of any sort, certainly not the one co-stars Kelly Monaco (Sam) and Kirsten Storms (Maxie) are in exclusively for E! (Dirty Soap premieres on September 25, 10 p.m. ET/PT). He has nothing against them and supports his co-stars’ venture, but for himself, it’s GH, business, and go home. If there are any extra, non-GH cameras on him, he said he gets testy, ala Sonny Corinthos.

Gossip for the week of 15-Aug-2011
by Carol Banks Weber

Interesting dish about select soap stars coming out with the promotion of Kelly Ripa’s (ex-Hayley, AMC)/Mark Consuelos’ (ex-Mateo, AMC) new Dirty Soap reality-TV series on E!– set to premiere on September 25, 10 p.m. ET/PT. Kelly Monaco (Sam), Kirsten Storms (Maxie; ex-Belle, DOOL), and Farah Fath (ex-Gigi, OLTL; ex-Mimi, DOOL) are three of the featured soap stars in this new docu-reality series. Monaco, according to the promos, just broke up with her longtime boyfriend Mike and is playing the field. There’s also talk about her troubled past. Then, there’s talk about Storms’ and Fath’s falling out. Storms is also suffering from a falling out with some relatives. Stay tuned… I’ve been hammering for a reality-TV soap series for years.

RavenBeauty on August 11th encouraged GH fans to do more than sit idly by as possibly their favorite soap goes by the wayside by September 2012. Here’s her message: “You are being lulled into a false sense of security, and by the time the announcement comes, it will be too late my friends. You should be getting your groups together now while there is still time to have your voices heard. You don't buy insurance after you have had an accident! I would encourage all of you to get on board with the coupon campaign that is currently in process as it is indeed gaining momentum and getting us the press we need to keep our voices loud and strong. This campaign is giving us some real accountability in trying to get cable companies to recognize the untapped potential here.”

In RavenBeauty’s August 11th GH Dish, a new, hot and young character by the name of Gina comes into town to shake things up. Gina’s dad is another mobster and she may take up with Michael, ending the excruciating pairing with Abby. Here a bit of what RB said about this: “… as I told you a few months back, Abby and Michael are being taken in a completely new direction. It’s over's done...” Looks like Gina’s the “spicier version of Kristina.” Is Gina code for Kirsten Alderson’s (Starr, OLTL) or Farah Fath’s (ex-Gigi, OLTL) new GH role?

According to RB, here are other spumors coming GH’s way: **Elizabeth and Dante dabble, but ultimately it’s Elizabeth for Lucky,:crazy2: Laura’s mentioned again, for a later date, “batted around as an olive branch once certain news hits over the coming months,” cast cuts “make way for old favorites (and new versions with familiar faces),” the Cassadines make a huge comeback in a “very sneaky way,” but the Quartermaines are prepared,” a mystery unravels involving the Cassadines and Skye, a “tearjerker” happens to a “beloved PC resident,” and the drug story will take over “until someone makes a VERY careless mistake. This one ends one war and begins another.” **
It would be nice to see Sonny actually go to jail for awhile (like atleast several months) and then come back. I think we need a break from him. He is sort of like Helena for me. I can only take her in small occasional doses.
Ok, I have to get this off my's been bugging me for *years*.

I love Laura Wright and I think she does a great job but I can not stand to watch her talk. It's like she over ennunciates her words or something...everytime she speaks I only focus on her mouth and not what she is saying or what is going on in the scene :rolleyes:
Ok, I have to get this off my's been bugging me for *years*.

I love Laura Wright and I think she does a great job but I can not stand to watch her talk. It's like she over ennunciates her words or something...everytime she speaks I only focus on her mouth and not what she is saying or what is going on in the scene :rolleyes:

And here I thought I was the only one that felt that way. :lmao:

Count me in too! :rotfl:
News for the week of 01-Aug-2011
by Carol Banks Weber

New head writer Garin Wolf – who received praise and thanks from tweeting GH fans last week for his already outstanding July 26th debut – has been speaking in riddles to various press about his intention for the show

I sure hope they shake it up more!! I've been a GH fan since Laura lost her virginity!! (I was 14, and was so enthralled by the whole concept! :rotfl: )
I have to admit though, I'm getting tired of the car wrecks, I mean really, let's show some originality!!
Count me in with the LW mouth thing.. She is an amazing actress but you guys are right I do focus on that above all!
Anthony Z... what a devilish,comedic, twisted, mean, CrAzY villian!! Bruce Weitz is fabulous. Now I hate all of his evil doings... but he really is quite a issue for Port Charles residents. My favorite scenes are the ones he has with his son, John...aka Johnny. As much as I abhor the mob... I like Anthony and Johnny.

I have been enjoying all the history in the dialogue that has occurred in the past few weeks.

oh.. today as I was watching a dvr'd episode my husband walked in.. he saw Lucky.. and said.. Good Lord he needs to shave that mess! If they can put fake hair on everybody why can't they fill in his nasty beard?..... :lmao:
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