The Eating, Drinking, Snacking ...

Pepsi Max - my stomach is rumbling, though, so might have to eat something soon.
Eating - Peach and Passion Fruit yoghurt

Drinking - Diet Pepsi
Drinking: Water

Lunch: Chicken stir fry

Dinner/tea: Sandwich
Drinking - Diet Pepsi

Eating - mince pie
Drinking .. Cuppa tea :)

Snacking .. Chocolate Crimbo tree decoration

Dinner .. Asda Currypot meal - Chicken Tikka Masalla, plain rice, onion bahji and plain naan bread
dinner - chicken, cherry tomatoes, carrots and ryvita crisbread with green tea to drink.
Takeaway pizza.... My Mum's off out tonight for her Christmas do!

Bob xoxoxox


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