The DDA Trouble Free Zone

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KristineN said:
I'd really like to make a set...but that may be out of my league.

I agree. I did several heads on each of our shirts too. It was time consuming, but not hard. Just make sure the bands are tight.

The t-shirts I made for our last trip have all a yellow stain on the back of the shirt, that matches exactly the shape of the design I ironed on the front of the shirt. I didn't noticed this until I washed them and I'm pretty sure there weren't there before washing. Did I do something wrong? Should I have put something in the middle of the shirt to prevent it from staining the back of the shirt? BTW, I used only white shirts because I couldn't get the dark transfer paper. Maybe this doesn't happen when you use colored shirts or at least it is not noticeable. Anyone else has had this problem?

Glynis said:
I used to LOVE going to the drive-in. Mom would have us all in our jammies, and she would make her world famous brownies, a HUGE sack of popcorn, and several thermos bottles of Kool-Aid and water. Then we'd all drive to the movies and enjoy a cheap family night out! It was great. It was usually a double feature with something more "grown-up" for the second feature. Us kids would usually fall asleep, and mom and dad could have a peaceful "date" for the second feature. Ahhh, good times. We've done it a couple of times with our kids, but it's getting harder and harder to stay up later for hubby and me. Guess we're fuddy duddies.
I didn't even know there were still any around. They had closed the ones where I grew up.
my3princes said:
Unfortunately, no reward dollars on transfers. That's the only catch. That is why I'm going to put it on Discover first so I can at least get the reward dollars there.


Can't you use the Disney card first. Transfer it to one card for a few months then transfer back to Disney? Just roll through them?
macntosh said:
Can't you use the Disney card first. Transfer it to one card for a few months then transfer back to Disney? Just roll through them?

Since it is a promotional rate I'm not sure how long the offer will last. That's a phone call I need to make.

Steamboat Marti said:
Ok kids - I've got to get back into bed. I have a killer headache since mid week and it is kicking my butt. I also have the shakes, so I need more rest I guess. Don't worry though - Skunka is the absolute best care taker!!! If they made a mold of a perfect husband, I'd vote for him!!

Marti, take care of yourself! You have a trip in just a few days that you have to be in top form for. Don't forget, you're celebrating for all of us January Birthdays!

Paul, I'm so glad you are there to take care of our Marti. She needs someone like you. How smart she was to marry you!
my3princes said:
I agree. I did several heads on each of our shirts too. It was time consuming, but not hard. Just make sure the bands are tight.



WOW!! Those look GREAT!!! :teeth: :teeth: I am so tempted to try it....but the some of the directions seem confusing. :sad:
my3princes said:
I agree. I did several heads on each of our shirts too. It was time consuming, but not hard. Just make sure the bands are tight.

Yep, I liked them so much I stole Deb's idea.
julia & nicks mom said:
Hello Chatty Girls!!!!

Last night we had movie night - Wedding Crashers and then this morning Julia and I had girls day out -

we started with her American Girl Fashion Show Audition - all they did was measure her to see if she is the right size and htey will let us know in two weeks - it has nothing to do with what they look like - just their sizing - so we will have to wait and see - you will all appreciate this =

as we left Julia said -

Mommy, when is the audition -

I told her that was the audition to which she responded -

"that wasn't a very good audition - they didn't even ask me to sing or dance!!" :rotfl:

here is her picture that we turned in for the show:


then we went to Don Pablos for lunch - YUMMY and then went shopping -

we are headed out for dinner but I wanted to pop in and say hi!!!

Hope you all are having a great day!!

She is a doll so here's hoping she's the right size :wizard:
tinker1bell said:
Strange turn of events. His Aunt and my Mom were very good friends and his family was in San Diego for a visit. When I got on the phone with her, I asked how old he was and when I heard his brother (Bob) was my age, I said I would take the older one. After watching Hayle Mills in "The Trouble With Angels", Yes :eek: ---we made out during the second one. I still cannot remember what the movie was.
His brother and some girl were in the back seat and we kept fogging up the windows so he would reach over and turn on the AC :rotfl: Two more dates after that and then they continued with their vacation.
About 4 weeks later he wrote me and professed his love. Then I wrote back saying I felt the very same. Three years of a lot of long distance correspondence and phone calls before we got married. If I totaled it all up, we were together various times for about six months. I was a military brat and he had joined to Navy to be close to me at one point before my family was transferred all the way to Key West.
In June it will be 37 years. I will have known him for 40 years. He is definately a keeper. :hug:
Great story :goodvibes
my3princes said:
I think that we have decided to buy into DVC. For 200 points at SSR it will cost $16,600 (thanks Skunka and Marti for the Friends 15% discount). We can finance through Disney for 9.95%. I checked out all our credit cards for any great promo offers. It turns out that we can do a balance transfer to our Disney Card at an interest rate of 3.99% for the life of the balance. It seems like a no brainer. I would initially charge it to Discover and get the 1% cash back (if we charge it directly on the Disney Card it would be the regular interest rate) then transfer the balance to the Disney Card. That would mean that we would need to stop using the Disney Visa as any payment would go to the lowest rate items and the rest would pile up. To remedy that as we always use the Disney Visa and pay it off monthly I decided to apply for one in my name as the first one was in Chris's. This sounds complicated and I'm wondering if there might be anything that I'm missing. Anyone see any drawbacks? 3.99% vs 9.75% is a big savings. I'll also take any advice on purchasing DVC. We have discussed it so much I think we've over thought it. Thanks to Skunka and Tammi for answering so many questions.

Great news! Congratulations!
babytrees said:
forget staying up our hardest part is finding a drive in that is running....they are becoming extinct!!

They really are! We have one about 30 minutes away that has 6 screens. They tune the sound into different radio stations, so you don't have to have the speaker in your car. It's really a fun thing to do in the summer. Hmmm. Think I'll have to remember this for the summer. Always looking for things to do as a family that aren't too cost prohibitive.
KristineN said:

WOW!! Those look GREAT!!! :teeth: :teeth: I am so tempted to try it....but the some of the directions seem confusing. :sad:
Kristine they do seem confsuing until you are actually doing it

then they all seem to make sense!!!

I am going to make some this week - I will take pictures every step of the way for you

and I have a link in my signature with good directions!!!
julia & nicks mom said:
Hello Chatty Girls!!!!

Last night we had movie night - Wedding Crashers and then this morning Julia and I had girls day out -

we started with her American Girl Fashion Show Audition - all they did was measure her to see if she is the right size and htey will let us know in two weeks - it has nothing to do with what they look like - just their sizing - so we will have to wait and see - you will all appreciate this =

as we left Julia said -

Mommy, when is the audition -

I told her that was the audition to which she responded -

"that wasn't a very good audition - they didn't even ask me to sing or dance!!" :rotfl:

here is her picture that we turned in for the show:


then we went to Don Pablos for lunch - YUMMY and then went shopping -

we are headed out for dinner but I wanted to pop in and say hi!!!

Hope you all are having a great day!!



Julia is a sweetheart !!
KristineN said:
Glynis..You are a saint! :teeth: I need to take a spin around the "hood" to see if I can find a neighbor who will do all of that for me!! :rotfl2:

This is their first time to DL EVER! They have never been to anything Disney. There are 5 kids ranging from 11 to 6. They are really sweet kids, and I just really want to make it a special thing for them. The kids don't know they are going, and won't until the day before. I couldn't keep a secret like that but my neighbor is bound and determined to do it. I think the autograph books will go over big with the 9 yr old, the twin 7 yr olds and the 6 yr old. I'm not so sure about the 11 yr old, but I'm making her one anyway. I figure if she decides she doesn't want to do it, she can just tuck the pages into her backpack.

I'll probably go ahead and do shirts. I know how much fun it was for the kids in our group. They got a TON of interaction because of them, and it was the most special trip we've had to date. Everyone should have a trip like that; especially for your first trip ever.
julia & nicks mom said:
Hello Chatty Girls!!!!

Last night we had movie night - Wedding Crashers and then this morning Julia and I had girls day out -

we started with her American Girl Fashion Show Audition - all they did was measure her to see if she is the right size and htey will let us know in two weeks - it has nothing to do with what they look like - just their sizing - so we will have to wait and see - you will all appreciate this =

as we left Julia said -

Mommy, when is the audition -

I told her that was the audition to which she responded -

"that wasn't a very good audition - they didn't even ask me to sing or dance!!" :rotfl:

here is her picture that we turned in for the show:


then we went to Don Pablos for lunch - YUMMY and then went shopping -

we are headed out for dinner but I wanted to pop in and say hi!!!

Hope you all are having a great day!!


If they don't choose Julia they are crazy! I tell you what, if she was the model, I'd have a hard time NOT buying anything she was selling. And that's the truth!
You guys are so sweet!! I think Julia is a cutie too!!! and she has the personality to go with it!!! I am such a lucky Mommy!!!!

Today we bought Steve (oops I mean Nick) an aircraft carrier at Target for 75% off - the two of them were in heavan playing with it - I knew this was why Steve wanted a boy - he just wants the toys to play with!!
monicatb said:
The t-shirts I made for our last trip have all a yellow stain on the back of the shirt, that matches exactly the shape of the design I ironed on the front of the shirt. I didn't noticed this until I washed them and I'm pretty sure there weren't there before washing. Did I do something wrong? Should I have put something in the middle of the shirt to prevent it from staining the back of the shirt? BTW, I used only white shirts because I couldn't get the dark transfer paper. Maybe this doesn't happen when you use colored shirts or at least it is not noticeable. Anyone else has had this problem?


Did you put something hard in between the back and front of the shirt before you ironed? Like a cutting board? I did 20 shirts all white and this didn't happen. The only thing I can think of is that you may have scorced the back while you were ironing if you didn't put something in the middle. If you did, I don't have any answers for you. Maybe someone else will.
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